An unknown AWS EC2 instance running which recreates even after termination - amazon-web-services

I am running amazon AWS ECS container which creates one single instance of EC2. I made sure that it is 1 instance when I created ECS.
My issue is that I have another instance running in EC2 and amazon has sent me an email that I am using double of the free quota and will be charged.
But I am not sure why this second EC2 instance is coming from.
I have terminated it many times but it is recreated. When I terminate it, this is the prompt i receive which advises me that it is created from EBS but there is no app in EBS
On an EBS-backed instance, the default action is for the root EBS volume to be deleted when the instance is terminated.
Storage on any local drives will be lost.
This name of the instance is.
ECS Instance - amazon-ecs-cli-setup-ecs-cricketscorer
Please help.

check if you have any Auto Scaling Groups that you do not recognize. It is most probably being created because of it. If not, change your account password and deactivate/delete your existing AccessKeys.


Does creating an AMI on AWS require the reboot of the original machine?

When creating an AMI image from an existing EC2 instance, does it require the restart of the existing instance?
I make a copy of the instance, and subsequently the server went down because it turned off a process monitor which led to downtime, but I can't remember if it was because I rebooted the system (I can't remember if I rebooted it), or if it was because I made a copy of the image.
There's option to enable No reboot during create AMI
When creating an AMI image from an existing EC2 instance, does it require the restart of the existing instance
to answer this yes, when ami is being created aws the instance for ensuring data integrity.
doc says this "Amazon EC2 powers down the instance before creating the AMI to ensure that everything on the instance is stopped and in a consistent state during the creation process."
you can override this behaviour by enabling no reboot while creating ami.
No reboot – This option is not selected by default. Amazon EC2 shuts down the instance, takes snapshots of any attached volumes, creates and registers the AMI, and then reboots the instance. Select No reboot to avoid having your instance shut down.
refer 6 point of this
also whenever you are unsure about anything just follow the docs of that service, it will be define in one way or the another.

AWS EC2 rettirement

I got the mail from Amazon regarding my EC2 as follows:
EC2 has detected degradation of the underlying hardware hosting your Amazon EC2 instance (instance-ID: xxxxxxxx) associated with your AWS account (AWS Account ID: xxxxxx) in the ap-south-1 region. Due to this degradation your instance could already be unreachable. We will stop your instance after 2020-12-29 22:00:00 UTC. Please take appropriate action before this time.
The affected instances are listed below:
So what would I do now to keep my data safe ?
AWS provides guides on what to do when an instance is about to be retired:
What do I need to know when my Amazon EC2 instance is scheduled for retirement?
The easiest way would be to stop/start the instance:
You are required to stop and then start the instance at your preferred time before the instance retirement date. Stopping and starting the instance moves the instance to another healthy host.
However, exact details depend on your instance type (e.g. EBS based or instance store based), thus please read the guide in the link provided to understand your options which are mostly determined on your actual EC2 instance setup.

Is it possible to trigger instance termination on AWS if an EBS volume gets detached?

I have a stateful cluster deployed on AWS in which instances attach to an already existing EBS volume on startup and this volume would later be mounted to the Docker container running on the instance. If I forcefully detach this volume, the instance as well as the Docker container continue to be functional. To attach to the same volume, the instance has to be terminated and the new instance launched by the autoscaling group would attach to the detached volume through the userdata script.
Is there a way to automatically detect volume detachments and trigger an attachment? Or is it possible to automatically kill the instance if its EBS volume is forcefully detached?
I dont know of any automatic way to achieve this out-of-the-box. Best i can offer are a few ideas to investigate.
Run a cron script on your docker hosts that checks if the path is still accessible every X minutes. If path is not accessible, and if instances are set to terminate on shutdown just call shutdown -h to kill it. Or use the AWS CLI from your docker hosts to request the current instance is killed. A script can get the current instances InstanceId at runtime from the instance MetaData via curl, and you will need an IAM Policy and assign it to an IAM role for the instance to gain permission to terminate an instance.
Basically same thing, but do it from another server, or a Lambda function on a schedule that queries the API to get a list of instances / volumes(based on tag etc), and then checks the attachment status and terminate an instance if necessary.
Depending on your use case, you could maybe use cloudwatch to monitor the EBS metrics for the volume. could you detect a failure based on this for your use case then execute a lambda to actually inspect the instance and terminate it?

Amazon ECS How to login to the EC2 service it is associated?

After I initiated an Amazon ECS following their tutorial (But I don't recall there is one step that asks me for the key-pair information.)
After I set it up, I found that there is an extra EC2 in my EC2 instance list that starts to charge me money. I wonder what that EC2 is doing.
Is it the EC2 that is associated with ECS that I can start to build my own server on?
If so, how can I log into it? (There is no key-pair information for me to log in. It says I need to log in via valid username-password pair, but I don't even know my username.)
If not, how can I kill it? (Directly terminating it in EC2 service is not helping since it seems ECS will just start another one)
The username will be ec2-user. ECS creates a launch configuration in which you can set key pair
ECS creates an autoscaling group you can find it under ec2/autoscaling/home you can edit this group and set min and desired to 0 this will shut down the instance automatically.

Amazon EC2 Instance Unable to stop/terminate Default-Environment Instance

I am experimenting with Amazon EC2.
When I signup to EC2 and launched the console - I got a Default Instance already running.
I terminated the Default Instance and Launched Another instance - Windows 2008 with .net and SQL.
Now the issue is - I have 2 Instances running.
Unable to stop or Terminate the Defaul-Environment Instance.
I have setup the complete environment in the other instance - if I terminate that, all the setting will be lost.
I am afraid since 2 instances are running - I will be out of the free tier usage in 15 days only - and they will start charging.
Kindly advise.
If you don't want to lose your environment you can create an Image (AMI) for the instance where you have all your environment. Like this:
Later, you can launch a new instance with the Image that you created. That instance will be an exact copy of the one that you create the Image (AMI) from.
The free tier only applies to a single instance, so if you have two instances running you will get charged for the second instance anyways.