Amazon EC2 Instance Unable to stop/terminate Default-Environment Instance - amazon-web-services

I am experimenting with Amazon EC2.
When I signup to EC2 and launched the console - I got a Default Instance already running.
I terminated the Default Instance and Launched Another instance - Windows 2008 with .net and SQL.
Now the issue is - I have 2 Instances running.
Unable to stop or Terminate the Defaul-Environment Instance.
I have setup the complete environment in the other instance - if I terminate that, all the setting will be lost.
I am afraid since 2 instances are running - I will be out of the free tier usage in 15 days only - and they will start charging.
Kindly advise.

If you don't want to lose your environment you can create an Image (AMI) for the instance where you have all your environment. Like this:
Later, you can launch a new instance with the Image that you created. That instance will be an exact copy of the one that you create the Image (AMI) from.
The free tier only applies to a single instance, so if you have two instances running you will get charged for the second instance anyways.


Does creating an AMI on AWS require the reboot of the original machine?

When creating an AMI image from an existing EC2 instance, does it require the restart of the existing instance?
I make a copy of the instance, and subsequently the server went down because it turned off a process monitor which led to downtime, but I can't remember if it was because I rebooted the system (I can't remember if I rebooted it), or if it was because I made a copy of the image.
There's option to enable No reboot during create AMI
When creating an AMI image from an existing EC2 instance, does it require the restart of the existing instance
to answer this yes, when ami is being created aws the instance for ensuring data integrity.
doc says this "Amazon EC2 powers down the instance before creating the AMI to ensure that everything on the instance is stopped and in a consistent state during the creation process."
you can override this behaviour by enabling no reboot while creating ami.
No reboot – This option is not selected by default. Amazon EC2 shuts down the instance, takes snapshots of any attached volumes, creates and registers the AMI, and then reboots the instance. Select No reboot to avoid having your instance shut down.
refer 6 point of this
also whenever you are unsure about anything just follow the docs of that service, it will be define in one way or the another.

EC2 can't retrieve the platform because the AMI was either deleted or made private

I have 4 existing AWS EC2 instances that have been running well.
I changed the instance type on all of them at the same time and following the same process.
I went from t3.small to t3.large as well as the EBS type, going from gp2 to gp3.
It worked for 3 instances but 1 is now having this error:
EC2 can't retrieve the platform because the AMI was either deleted or made private.
I cannot SSH anymore with this instance nor "Connect" to it via the AWS Console, but it's still running well.
I tried reverting to t3.small, and launch the AWSSupport-TroubleshootSSH automation script, but none worked.
Any clues on how to fix this besides launching a new instance? Thank you!

An unknown AWS EC2 instance running which recreates even after termination

I am running amazon AWS ECS container which creates one single instance of EC2. I made sure that it is 1 instance when I created ECS.
My issue is that I have another instance running in EC2 and amazon has sent me an email that I am using double of the free quota and will be charged.
But I am not sure why this second EC2 instance is coming from.
I have terminated it many times but it is recreated. When I terminate it, this is the prompt i receive which advises me that it is created from EBS but there is no app in EBS
On an EBS-backed instance, the default action is for the root EBS volume to be deleted when the instance is terminated.
Storage on any local drives will be lost.
This name of the instance is.
ECS Instance - amazon-ecs-cli-setup-ecs-cricketscorer
Please help.
check if you have any Auto Scaling Groups that you do not recognize. It is most probably being created because of it. If not, change your account password and deactivate/delete your existing AccessKeys.

How to safely upgrade ec2 instance type in amazon web services? m4.large to m4.xlarge?

We have created an instance (m4.large) where we installed Windows Server 2012 r2. It is currently used as a terminal server for SAP business one software with license Remote Desktop Service per device (CAL). We made a mistake in choosing the instance type for it is recommended to use m4.xlarge for terminal servers. We would like to upgrade our instance type to resolve memory requirement issue.
We are new to AWS and would like to seek advise on what would be our best approach. Is it safe to directly upgrade the instance? We have no concerns of downtime for now.
We are also considering in making a snapshot first then launch it on an new and upgraded instance. We would like to ask if RDS licenses will also be migrated?
Thanks you for your kind replies.
You can change instance type anytime, but the instance must be stopped. If you are not concerned with some minutes of downtime just stop the instance, change the instance type and start the instance. Taking a snapshot as a backup before and frequently is a good precaution.
This change will have no impact on RDS, as that is a separate service.
One way would be simply to stop instance and upgrade it.
When you stop an instance, the data on any instance store volumes is
erased. Therefore, if you have any data on instance store volumes that
you want to keep, be sure to back it up to persistent storage.
Any Amazon EBS volumes remain attached to the instance, and their data
Any data stored in the RAM of the host computer or the instance store
volumes of the host computer is gone.
Another Way if you want minimal Downtime is you can create an AMI of it and Spin up new instance with Instance type and size what ever you desire and assign the domain or Elastic IP of current instance to new one and terminate old instance.
Also Regarding The RDS Licensing Please Mention what you mean by upgrading , but there will an outage when you apply for instance upgrade or License is Modified.
Also Upgrading EC2 Instance has no affect on Existing RDS as both are different services.
For Reference on Ms SQL DB , Please read these AWS Documentation:
Modifying a DB Instance Running the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine
Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon RDS
As m4.large is EBS backed instance. so the loss of data is not a concern in the above question. Just select->right click-> stop the instance and change the instance type to m4.xlarge by right click->instance settings->instance type.
Also for your second question RDS is a separate service, so it won't get affected.

What data will be lost if aws t1.micro instance is rebooted?

I currently have a t1.micro (free) instance running in aws, with Windows 2008 R2. I was taking a trial, getting a grasp of how to work with amazon aws service with this instance.
Now, I want to migrate it to a higher config instance say m1.large.
While I was trying to create AMI of the instance, it said that the instance is going to be rebooted, What data will I loose if the instance is rebooted ? Will the applications installed (MySql, Crystal Reports and some other apps) be deleted ?
How to migrate it without loosing any data.
If you have a standard t1.micro with a 8 GB root volume, nothing should be lost. You would only loose data if you use Instance Storage, but you are probably not using it, unless you added it yourself.
If you really don't want to take any risk, you can select the "No Reboot" option when creating an AMI. Then try launching a new, larger instance from that AMI (while leaving the other instance running) and see for yourself.