Start Recording for Microsoft Coded UI Test 2017 is not selectable - visual-studio-2017

I am just begining to learn about Coded UI test. Since it is still 2017, I figure Visual Studio 2017 is the best version I can try. Having a Visual Studio Enterprise license I decided to try it out. Turns out I have it installed even. Great. There are lots of tutorials that all seem to start the same way:
Start a new coded UI test builder project in Visual Studio.
generate coded ui test using test builder.
When the test builder pops up, most of the buttons on the tool including the record button are not selectable. There must be a configuration issue or a problem with my proceedure. What could be going wrong?

It is possible that there are other answers to this question, but one resolution to the issue seems to be that I origionally launched the project by selecting Coded UI test project from the installed node of the tree view for launching a project... When I launched a new project from the C# language sub node, then it worked. This seems like a bug to me. Now when I try to repeat launching a new project from the installed node nothing happens.
So now that I select the selectable recording button it tells me to restart the computer. Thats fine... OK: it appears to be working.


ReSharper In An Unreal Engine Project Giving Wrong Errors

I know about this question. However, I tried every single answer and none of them worked.
I just created a new Unreal Engine Project, and enabled ReSharper. When I created a new Actor class, it's showing errors with red squiggly lines, even though I can run it just fine. Why is this happening? I disabled code analysis squiggles, like the documentation said.
I finally found the answer. You have to go to the Unreal Editor, and click File | Refresh Visual Studio Project. Then when you open Visual Studio it won't show the errors.

Missing Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64

I installed Visual Studio 2017 recently. Today, when I tried to create a new C++ Win32 Console Application project, it shows me the New Project wizard again and again. It also displays the following error.
Project 'ConsoleApplication8' could not be loaded because it's missing install components. To fix this launch Visual Studio setup with the following selections:
I don't know whether this is a pre-existing problem when I installed Visual Studio , because this is the first time that I attempted to create a C++ console app.
I wanted to reinstall Visual Studio, but unfortunately my DVD is broken. So I need to find another solution.
I've finally resolve problem. thanks Ken White to ensure me.
I ran Setup then click modify and select following mentioned Items. Then I just wait a few minutes.

"Manage Client-Side Libraries" menu not appearing

I'm trying to use the new Library Manager (LibMan) feature in Visual Studio 2017 (I'm using Version 15.7.1) but it is not appearing on either the project context menu or the Project menu.
I have tried various web projects but I can't see it for any of them. The only project type I haven't tried is ASP.NET Core 2.1 (I don't have the preview installed) but I can't find any docs that say it only works with ASP.NET Core 2.1
Here is a screenshot to prove it's not there:
had the same issue. I found the answer two it on another site, but for the life of me cannot find it for reference right now. The easiest thing to do is to build it yourself and install it. Works perfectly fine, I did it and now have the Manage Client Side libraries showing up.
Clone / download the Library Manager from GitHub. (
Build it in Visual Studio 2017
Run the .Vsix installer
Begin to use the Manage Client Side Libraries from the context menu or project menu.
Hope this helps.
For me, in VS 2022 the context menu option appears but the dialog doesn't show. I found out that instead of right-clicking on project item i have to right-click on wwwroot item and then the dialog is shown
Even though Visual Studio Community 15.7.5 references the "Library Manager" it looks like it is still in Preview and to be released with VS 15.8.
If you would like to use the Library Manager now it is fairly easy but there are a few work arounds right now to get it to install, probably a reason it is still in Preview.
Clone or Download the source code
Note: This requires the Visual Studio extension development Workload to be installed (Tools -> Get Tools and Features under "Other Toolsets").
According to this issue on GitHub it will not install, before compiling the Extension open the project file for the LibraryManager.Vsix project
and update (line #30)
After 15.8 comes out this needs to be reset back to true to be able to install it.
Open the LibraryManager.sln and make sure to change the Configuration to Release and Build the Solution.
This will create a .vsix install file:
Open Microsoft.Web.LibraryManager.vsix to launch the Visual Studio Installer.
Then you will have the Add->Client Side Library in your Context Menu.

Visual Studio 2013, unable to create Win32 Console Application

I tried repairing the installation and reinstalling everything from scratch but nothing seems to fix this problem. This problem also exists when I try to create a Win32 Application in Visual C++ as well as Visual Studio 2013.
Clicking finish and cancel seem to do nothing while the only button that works is the red X on the top right hand corner.
I have heard good things about this IDE but I can't seem to create a new project. Please help!

My ReSharper Gutter Icons for Unit Tests aren't showing

I've installed ReSharper 4.1 and Gallio 3.0.5, but I don't get the gutter icons for unit tests. The tests seem to run fine in the Test Explorer, but I don't have icons next to the tests in code. What could be causing this? I previously had the MbUnit 2.4 ReSharper plugin installed, but it should be uninstalled now.
I did this to get them to show up again. Maybe it was an overkill.
Uninstall ReSharper
Uninstall Gallio
Delete %appdata%\JetBrains folder
Install ReSharper
Start Visual Studio
Close Visual Studio
Install Gallio
Start Visual Studio
I think the key was deleting the %appdata%\JetBrains folder, because there could have been some old plugin files in there.
Another really late answer here, but if you don't have Resharper Code Analysis enabled then the gutter icons won't show up. Had to help a teammate figure this out yesterday.
Maybe a bit long ago, but if someone stumbles on this question...
I had the same problem with Resharper 2016.2
Resharper -> Options -> Code Inspection -> Settings
In my case the project containing the unit test was listed in the "Files and folders" list under "Elements to skipp". After I had removed the project, the icon appeared again.
using Visual Studio 2017, fixed mine using the Code Analysis icon in the upper right corner of the code window missing the gutter test icons.
The analysis was suspended because of the large test file. Had to hit resume twice, then icons finally reappeared.
I've had this issue a number of times when doing clean installs. Sometimes the gallio-resharper plugin installs perfectly, sometimes it does not. I tried the steps above to no avail.
I found this link:
And did the following
Created a Plugins folder in "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\ReSharper\v5.1\Bin\"
Copied the resharper plugin files from\bin\ReSharper into this folder
Suspended and resumed resharper in Visual Studio 10 by using the button in Tools|Options|Resharper
After this, the plugin got enabled.
I am running W7x64 professional.
Hope this can be of help to other people as well. :-)
Suspend and Resume Resharper may work. It was working for me.
Try the following steps, they worked for me,
Open the Resharper installer
check if any item is asking for repare, if yes then click on install.
Now open visual studio and go to resharper option
if the first option is "why dot cover is diabled", click on it.
and enable the dot cover by either taking the free trial or logging in with your resharper id.
It will take few seconds to refresh
You will get back those icons for running or debugging unit test.