Save AWS Cognito Users in DynamoDB - amazon-web-services

I recently started experimenting with AWS AppSync but I had some questions around AWS Cognito.
I would like for users to be able to authenticate with Facebook but I need their profile picture, name and email as data for my public user profiles in my app. So far, I noticed Cognito integrates with Facebook Auth but it does not allow access to the user information and this info does not get saved in a DynamoDB table.
My question is, how can I create a new User in DynamoDB when Cognito receives a new sign in, or return an existing user/id when the user already exists in the db.

I was trying to achieve the same a few weeks ago.
After reading the docs for hours, I realised that Cognito may not help us in regards to the data that comes back from FB or how to save it.
I ended up doing the following:
(1) Using FB-SDK, pulled in the user data.
(2) Invoked a Lambda function that saved this data (like FB_id,etc) to DynamoDB.
(3) If user logged in again, their FB_id (or email) was used to check against DynamoDB entries to retrieve their data.
If Cognito is able to help us and I missed it somehow, I would love to know.
Happy Coding!

You could use custom attributes and federating user from Facebook in your user pool to achieve this. Here are the steps at high level to do this.
You will first have to define custom attributes for the profile information you want to save in each user profile.
Define attribute mapping to link the custom attributes to Facebook attributes you want to save.
Build you application using Cognito hosted pages and federation to allow your users to log in using Facebook.
After this, on each new user log in in your app a new user is created in your user pool with all the attributes that were defined in attribute mapping and values which Cognito gets in the Facebook token. Your app will get these attribute values in the IDToken issued after authentication and you app can use these.
Additionally, if you want to store these attribute values outside of Cognito user pools profile, like your own DynamoDB table, you can configure a PreSignUp trigger in the pool which will be invoked on all new user creations. You can export the user attributes from this trigger to any database of your choice.
Hope this helps.

AWS AppSync allows you to access information in the GraphQL resolver which you can choose to store in a DynamoDB table. In your case for data coming from a Facebook profile you could pass this as arguments to a GraphQL mutation or in a header to AppSync which you can then access in the resolver via $ctx.request.headers.NAME where NAME is your header name. Then you could simply choose which attributes you want to write to DynamoDB for that user as part of the mutation. More information is in the reference guide here:
Since you also asked that you'd like to do a check first to see if the user is already in the DDB first you could just do an existence check first:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "PutItem",
"key": {
"userId": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.identity.username),
"attributeValues": $util.dynamodb.toMapValuesJson($ctx.args.input),
"condition": {
"expression": "attribute_not_exists(userId)"
This checks against the username from Cognito User Pools. If you were using the Cognito Federated Identities feature it would be ctx.identity.cognitoIdentityId. If the record is already there the response that comes back will tell you which means the user is already present. You could also transform the returned message in the response mapping template by looking at $ctx.result with a conditional statement and either building the JSON response by scratch or using one of the $util.error() methods in the guide above.
Finally as you mentioned that you'll have public profile data, you might want to mark this on certain records for control. In AWS AppSync you can filter GraphQL responses on authorization metadata such as this. You would just have an attribute (aka column) on the DynamoDB record marked 'public' or 'private. Then your response template would look like so:
#if($context.result.public == 'yes')
You can see more examples of this here:


Integrate Cognito with exisiting users table

I'm still a learner, please forgive me if I ask a simple question. I have an application which contains its own users table where I store the email and password. When the user logs in I store the user's information (without the password) in session and privilege IDs (so that I can manage who gets to see each page after the login).
I integrated a Cognito login. How should the integration with the existing users table work? After a successful Cognito login I get a token back. Can someone write me how do I integrate the Cognito token with existing users table? Any thoughts are appreciated.
Cognito returns a JWT token which can be decoded via libraries like
The output will be somewhat like
For your use case use "cognito:username" to identify the user and store an event against it

How to restricted to access AWS API Gateway endpoint by Cognito user id

I am trying to implement an e-commerce application backend by using AWS Cognito, Api-Gateway, and Lambda.
To create a new Item, users must be logged in. Once created the item, the Logged used will be the creator of the item. I already created an Item-create endpoint and added the Cognito-JWT authorizer for the Apigateway endpoint.
Now I need to implement Item-update endpoint. The relevant Item update must be allowed only for the creator of the Item. API maybe like this.
/items/{item-id} PUT
body : { title, price... }
header { Authorization: Cognito-JWT-Token }
What is the best way to implement this kind of feature using the AWS ecosystem. Or any best practices to implement this kind of feature.
You would create a property owner for each item that is a user ID. Normally you'd use the sub claim from the token which is a unique ID. However, for various reasons, I wouldn't recommend using the subject value with cognito. You can use email just ensure safeguards are in place if someone deletes their account and a new one is created with the same email.
Whatever you choose, in your handler compare the owner with the validated token claim. Allow if they match, disallow if they don't.

AWS Cognito - Create a user via API Endpoint in Postman

Does anybody know if I can make a request to create or a sign up a user in AWS Cognito user pool?
For example, something like below is to display the login screen.
But is there a POST request or endpoint I can call to create a user?
I tried looking through their documentation but no look finding anything concrete.
Keep in mind, if it possible I would like to populate a value for a custom attribute I created.
This is the main reason why I am looking for an endpoint because I cannot seem to find a way to populate the value for a custom attribute via the AWS interface.
So technically I do not need an endpoint if it is possible to populate a custom attribute per user in AWS.
It looks like what you need is or As far as I'm aware, there is no way to prepopulate the attribute on the Cognito hosted UI. You did not specify what programming language you are using, but at the bottom of the page there are links to documentation with examples for different SDKs. The difference between these two approaches is discussed here: So in this case, AdminCreateUser corresponds to option 3 and SignUp to option 1. The difference is mainly in whether or not the user will receive an invite. Also, for AdminCreateUser Cognito will generate a temporary password and require user to enter a new password the first time they log in.
"ClientId": "test",
"Password": "Qwerty123",
"UserAttributes": [
"Name": "email",
"Value": ""
"Username": ""

How to add user to own database during registration in a 'transactional' way?

I am trying to use AWS Cognito for my app.
I can register the users successfully to AWS Cognito, but I want to be able to also store them in my database (with my own API), too, as part of the sign-up process.
I saw that I could use a trigger function like Post confirmation, but as far as I understand, if saving the user to my database fails, then the user will still be created in the Cognito user pool.
I want to treat the sign-up process in a transactional way, so that if saving the user in my database fails, then the entire process fails.
So, it would look something like this:
Aws Cognito Sign Up -> Send_to_database_trigger ----fails----> user is not created
\---success--> user is created
Is there any way to achieve what I want? Thanks.
You can use the Pre Sign-up Lambda Trigger.
It gets the username and all the user attributes in the event and if it fails the user won't be signed up in Cognito.
In your case, you will save your user to your database in this trigger (after other possible validations) and will fail if saving to your database has failed. This way you can be sure that if a user exists in Cognito it also exists in your database.
If you need to save the sub then you can implement both Pre Sign-up and Post Confirmation and update your database record with the sub in the Post Confirmation trigger.

Retrieve user profile in Cognito Federated Identities

I'm currently exploring the AWS stack and am therefore building a simple web app. I plan on using:
S3 to host the static contents
DynamoDB to store user data
Lambda + API Gateway for backend logic
Cognito Federated Identities to authenticate users
I currently have a small tracer bullet application working that allows the user to authenticate with Google (through Cognito) and retrieve some data through a Lambda from DynamoDB. Now I want to extend it.
The next thing I want to do (and am failing to achieve) is to actually store the user name and e-mail of the authenticated user. Storing it shouldn't be a big problem, but retrieving it is. I know I initially got the data from Google because when I inspect the ID token (on I got from Google, I can clearly see my e-mail and name. This is the token I sent to AWS Cognito in exchange for a Cognito token.
I was expecting to be able to access this data again in my Lambda function, but I fail to figure out how actually. I understand Cognito performs a one way hash on the retrieved ID token, but I would expect some options to actually retrieve relevant user data from the token. After all, by authentication through Google (or any other IdP) a user already consented to sharing some personal data.
I feel I fail to see something obvious. Is there any feature in AWS that solves this? Is there a moment (not on the client side) where I can inspect the ID token and do some magic with it? Or should I solve this in some different way?
If the latter is the case: what would be the preferred way? I don't want users to tell me their personal data, because then I would also need some way to validate it.