Problems with SFML loadFromFile command - c++

I am trying to get a graphical representation of a chess-board with SFML 2.0. The problem is that I simply cannot load a texture, the command loadFromFile does not work and I don't know why. I already searched the web, also here in Stack Overflow but I did not find a solution.
What I did right now:
Setting all the dependencies for includes and libraries, .dll's and .libs
Changing text format from unicode to multibyte.
Copying the .dll's into the working folder (there was an error that visual studio couldnt find the dlls even though I linked them in the project)
Using the whole path for the image file
using the LoadFile-command with 2 arguments (even though the second one is optional I guess)
Changing runtime library from MDd to MD (trying to get it work in release mode)
Not linking all libraries, but only the ones with a ....-d.lib ending (as supposed in another Stack Overflow thread)
I use Windows 7, Visual Studio Version 15.3.3
This is my code:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(437, 437), "MattseChess!");
sf::Texture t1;
if (!t1.loadFromFile("C:/Users/Mattse/source/repos/Chess/Chess/images/figures.png")) {
std::cout << "Error loading texture" << std::endl;
return 0;
What shall I try out next?

You should always open files with a relative path ("images/figures.png"). It's relative from the executable.
And check with an other PNG images to see if it does not come from the image that SFML cannot load for any reasons (and try gimp to reexport it with different options like interlacing for example)

I'm guessing (from the C:\Users\ part) you are on a Windows system.
While Windows should support slashes as path separator, the official path separator in Windows is a backslash. It needs to be escaped in C++, so your full path would be:

Problem fixed, it was in fact the case that I forgot to delete one library in the linker->input settings. I only have the ones with a -d ending now, even the ones which have NO -d equivalent got deleted.
List of linked libraries:


Linker error LNK2019 when using DCMTK with Visual Studio

This is not a new question but the solutions haven't worked for me. I want to read dicom files using C++. I have 32-bit Windows PC with VS 2013 community edition.
This post and other answers therein suggested using DCMTK. I installed DCMTK (using CMake followed by VS) and configured it for use with VS using guidelines and links provided in this post. Then I wrote a simple test program and tried to compile it:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dcmtk\dcmdata\dctk.h"
#include "dcmtk\config\osconfig.h"
#include "dcmtk\dcmimgle\dcmimage.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
DicomImage *image = new DicomImage("test.dcm");
if (image != NULL)
if (image->getStatus() == EIS_Normal)
if (image->isMonochrome())
Uint8 *pixelData = (Uint8 *)(image->getOutputData(8 /* bits */));
if (pixelData != NULL)
/* do something useful with the pixel data */
cerr << "Error: cannot load DICOM image (" << DicomImage::getString(image->getStatus()) << ")" << endl;
delete image;
return 0;
Upon compilation, it gives the following error:
dcmdata.lib(dcuid.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _Netbios#4 referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl getMACAddress(unsigned char * const)" (?getMACAddress##YAPAEQAE#Z)
This error seems to be common but none of the following solutions work for me:
FAQ#27 and another post of DCMTK forum: It suggests using particular order of lib files to be included. My order of including files is as follows (I tried the reverse order as well but it didn't work):
All of this doesn't work. In fact, I'm not sure which lib files are supposed to be included? How to decide that?
I've also included "C:\Program Files\DCMTK\lib" under additional library directories and "C:\Program Files\DCMTK\include" under additional include directories in project properties.
Another similar question at stackoverflow has not been answered. Comments suggest to re-run CMake by disabling DCMTK_OVERWRITE_WIN32_COMPILER_FLAGS. I didn't do it because the DCMTK help page says don't disable this unless you really know what you're doing.
Can someone please guide?
The NetBios function resides in NETAPI32.LIB, so you can try moving NetAPI32.lib (which is in your list) to the top of that list.
Not sure which version of the DCMTK you use, but for the current development snapshot you need the following standard libraries (on Windows): "ws2_32 netapi32 wsock32". This information can be found in DCMTK's CMake files. By the way, you don't seem to use CMake for your project, right?
I think you misspelled dcmsign.lib as dcmsig.lib.
If changing that doesn't fix it, I would suggest the following order based on the support page that you linked to:
I think that in this list, each library has to come after all the libraries that it depends on.
check your .lib and vs platform if the same ,such lib for x64, then your vs platform must be x64.
I had the same error. You can go to project properties-> linker -> input -> Additional Dependencies-> Edit -> add these two libraries-( netapi32.lib,wsock32.lib) before all other libraries . This solved the error for me .

C++: Why does libtiff break the console-output?

So finally I’m not able to help myself out by researching anymore. Hopefully you can help me.
I recently decided to learn C++ in the context of my bachelor-thesis: My first aim is to read the pixel-values of a tiff-image with the libtiff-library. Yet, every call of a function of the library seems to break parts of my program.
Here’s the simple “HelloWorld”-Program, it works as it should:
#include "tiffio.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello" << endl;
// TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("path to .tif", "r");
return 0;
When I uncomment the second line in main(), the code still does compile without errors (except the warning that ‘tif’ isn’t used) and I can start the program as usual. Yet nothing gets printed into the console anymore. Not “Hello” nor any errors.
Any suggestions where the error could be? The code should be alright, I guess I messed something up during the setup of the library or so. Here’s what I did:
I managed to set up eclipse (Mars, 32bit) for C++ and MinGW (32bit) on my 64bit Win7, then downloaded libtiff 4.0.4 and built it following this instruction.
I created a new C++-project with the mentioned code and did the following adjustments in the project-properties:
Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Library
Paths-> Added “D:/… /tiff-4.0.4/libtiff/.libs”
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->MinGW C++
Linker->Miscellaneous->Set Linkerflags to “-static-libgcc
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->MinGW C++ Linker->Libraries-> Set
(-L) to “D:/… /tiff-4.0.4/libtiff/.libs” and (-l) to “libtiff”
I know the .tif is a valid file as I implemented parts of my program in C#, using the LibTiff.NET library by BitMiracle.
Thank you in advance!
Edit 1: The same error occures, even if TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("path to .tif", "r"); is never called but written down in a dead part of the code. Debugging does not work either, the program seems to be terminated (exit value 0) before a single line is executed, without any error-reports.
I had the same issue and managed to get rid of it.
I set up eclipse (Mars) for C++ and MinGW on my 64bit Win7, then downloaded libtiff 4.0.4 and built it following this instruction.
After the build, I got two directories containing files:
I also linked all include files and only the libtiff.a to my project and that solved it, ie, the other lines are now executed.
I hope, I helped with this post.

MinGW completely bugged on NetBeans

The following code shoudn't produce an error:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main ( int argc , char** argv )
int n ;
cin >> n ;
cout << n ;
return 0 ;
Yet a get a "RUN FAILED (exit value -1,073,741,511, total time: 46ms)" whilst running MinGW/Msys on Netbeans. Any advice like switching back to Cygwin?
I recommend using MinGW Distro if you want to develop C++ under a Microsoft Windows operating system. It ships with a pretty new GCC version and with the Boost libraries.
NetBeans IDE is pretty picky regarding the build environment settings. E.g. It doesn't work together with all versions of make (we have to distinct make.exe from MSYS and mingw32-make.exe from MinGW for example) and there are problems regarding the used Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE).
With the settings shown in the following screenshot you should be able to build your example with MinGW Distro and NetBeans 8. I recommend to not configure a absolute path to the make.exe file but add that path to your Microsoft Windows environment variable PATH. Otherwise you may get build errors.
Maybe these two blog posts help if you want to use the "default" MinGW distribution:
Installing Minimum GNU for Windows (MinGW)
Configure NetBeans IDE for Minimum GNU for Windows (MinGW)
I hope this helps others as well.
Not related to your question: Don't use using namespace std:
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int n;
std::cin >> n;
std::cout << n;
return 0;
I ran into this same issue (with exit code -1,073,741,511), so though a dated question, I'm posting this here for anyone else who runs into the problem.
Run the executable for the program manually. You might get an error such as "the procedure entry point __gx_personality_v0 coud not be located in the dynamic library libstdc++-6.dll". (OP has confirmed this in a comment.)
The .dll file referred to in the error message above is either not being linked, or linked incorrectly. The correct version of the .dll that needs to be linked is the one in the ...\MinGW\bin directory. In Windows, you can check the .dll file being linked by typing where libstdc++-6.dll in a command prompt; the first result that is listed will be the file that is linked. If you already see ...\MinGW\bin\libstdc++-6.dll as the first result here, my fix below will not help you.
If you see a message "INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).", then ...\MinGW\bin needs to be added to your %PATH% variable. (OP has already confirmed this was not the issue.)
The issue I was having was that a program I had installed had its own (likely outdated) version of libstdc++-6.dll, which was in a folder also included in my %PATH% variable, ahead of ...\MinGW\bin. This meant that this other .dll file was being picked up and linked to during execution. This can be fixed by editing your %PATH% variable to make sure the ...\MinGW\bin entry is ahead of all other directories that also have a version of the .dll file.
Edit: The other option is to statically link the .dll at program compilation, or place a copy of the correct .dll in the program executable directory. However, neither of these fixes is 'global', and needs to be done for each project individually.
Hope this helps!

How to implement Tesseract to run with project in Visual Studio 2010

I have a C++ project in Visual Studio 2010 and wish to use OCR. I came across many "tutorials" for Tesseract but sadly, all I got was a headache and wasted time.
In my project I have an image stored as a Mat. One solution to my problem is to save this Mat as an image (image.jpg for example) and then call Tesseract executable file like this:
system("tesseract.exe image.jpg out");
Which gets me an output out.txt and then I call ("out.txt");
to read the output from Tesseract.
It is all good and works like a chair but it is not an optimal solution. In my project I am processing a video so save/call .exe/write/read at 10+ FPS is not what I am really looking for. I want to implement Tesseract to existing code so to be able to pass a Mat as an argument and immediately get a result as a String.
Do you know any good tutorial(pref. step-by-step) to implement Tesseract OCR with Visual Studio 2010? Or your own solution?
OK, I figured it out but it works for Release and Win32 configuration only (No debug or x64). There are many linking errors under Debug configuration.
1. First of all, download prepared library folder(Tesseract + Leptonica) here:
Mirror 1(Google Drive)
Mirror 2(MediaFire)
2. Extract to C:\
3. In Visual Studio, go under C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories
Insert C:\tesseract\include
4. Under Linker > General > Additional Library Directories
Insert C:\tesseract\lib
5. Under Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies
Sample code should look like this:
#include <tesseract\baseapi.h>
#include <leptonica\allheaders.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void){
tesseract::TessBaseAPI api;
api.Init("", "eng", tesseract::OEM_DEFAULT);
cout<<"File name:";
char image[256];
PIX *pixs = pixRead(image);
STRING text_out;
api.ProcessPages(image, NULL, 0, &text_out);
For interaction with OpenCV and Mat type images look HERE
It has been a lot since the last reply but it may be help to others;
I think you must also add "liblept168.lib" and "liblept168d.lib" to Additional Dependencies
Add "liblept168.dll" and "liblept168d.dll" to the destination of your exe.
Add #include to your code.
(This answer must be a comment to Bruce's answer. Sorry for confusion. )
You need to use the library through the API.
Most probably:
start by downlaoding the libs ( ). They're compiled with Visual 2008 but it should be enough
Use the API directly (example, look at an open source project using it: ) and read the links from this answer : How can i use tesseract ocr(or any other free ocr) in small c++ project?

The procedure entry point __gxx_personality_v0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll

I got that error when trying to run my opencv application. I´m using Windows7,CodeBlocks 12.11, opencv2.4.4 and MinGW compiler (the one that comes in CodeBlocks). It compiles and creates the executable but when i try to run it crashes with the procedure entry point error.
I have added C:\programs\CodeBlocks\Mingw\bin to "PATH" variable and i know there is libstdc++-6.dll.
I don´t know what´s hapenning.
This is the simple code:
include <iostream>
include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
Mat image=imread("mustang.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
return 0;
The libstdc++-6.dll contains the runtime environment. It is an implementation of fundamental routines, such as the heap manager or the exception handling.
These fundamental routines are used in nearly every program. Thus, it would be a waste of memory to put a copy of them into every program. That is why they are usually packed into a shared library (DLL). The programs can then request the DLL when they need the routines of the runtime.
In your case, the libstdc++-6.dll contains a wrong version of the runtime. There are two possibilities:
Find a libstdc++-6.dll that contains the correct version of the runtime and copy it into the directory of your executable. You can determine whether a DLL is the correct one by running nm libstdc++-6.dll | grep personality. If the __gxx_personality_v0 shows up in the list, then you probably have the correct DLL.
Put a copy of the runtime environment into the executable. You can do this by adding -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ to your linker parameters.
This question seems to have been answered several times here on stackoverflow.
What is __gxx_personality_v0 for? as one of them