Monitor an AWS RDS DB intance with Zabbix - amazon-web-services

Currently, I'm trying to monitor an AWS RDS DB Instance (MySQL MariaDB) with Zabbix but I'm experiencing several troubles:
I have the script placed into the externalscripts folder on Zabbix Server and template ( with my aws access data properly filled. The host is already added as well but Zabbix doesn't retrieve data from the AWS RDS Instance (all graphs display no data See the graphs ).
How could I check if the zabbix Server is able to reach the RDS instance to start to discard things?
Do anyone know the correct way to add AWS RDS host in Zabbix?
Any suggestion or advice is welcome always.
Thanks in advance
Kind Regards

Have you check the Zabbix Log? Maybe you don't use a user with enough permission. Try to run the script in the Zabbix server shell.
Have your Zabbix Server in AWS? if yes, set it a role with read access to CloudWatch and RDS.
Also, I don't like use credentials in a script, I prefer configure it with AWS CLI.
Here, there is another example to monitoring any AWS Cloudwatch metrics with Zabbix that I use.


AWS CloudWatch sending logs but not custom metrics to CloudWatch

first time asker.
So I've been trying to implement AWS Cloud Watch to monitor Disk Usage on an EC2 instance running EC2 Linux. I'm interesting in doing this just using the CW Agent and I've installed it according to the how-to found here. The install runs fine and I've made sure I've created an IAM Role for the instance as is described here. Unfortunately whenever I run the amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service it only sends log files and not the custom used_percent measurement specified. I receive this error when I tail the logs.
2021-06-18T15:41:37Z E! WriteToCloudWatch failure, err: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Post "": dial tcp i/o timeout
I've done my best googlefu but gotten nowhere thus far. If you've got any advice it would be appreciated.
Thank you
Belated answer to my own question. I had to create a security group that would accept traffic from that same security group!
Having the same issue, it definitely wasn't a network restriction as I was still able to telnet to the monitoring endpoint.
From AWS docs:
One role or user enables CloudWatch agent to be installed on a server
and send metrics to CloudWatch. The other role or user is needed to
store your CloudWatch agent configuration in Systems Manager Parameter
Store. Parameter Store enables multiple servers to use one CloudWatch
agent configuration.
If you're using the default cloudwatchagent configuration wizard, you may require extra policy CloudWatchAgentAdminRole in your role for the agent to connect to the monitoring service.

Send AWS EC2 metrics to AWS Elasticsearch Service Domain for monitoring in Kibana

I am stuck on one point I have created one EC2 Linux based instance in Aws.
Now I want to send the EC2 metrics data to the managed Elasticsearch domain for monitoring purposes in Kiban, I go through the cloud watch console and check the metric is present of instance but didn't get how to connect with the Elasticsearch domain that I have created.
Can anyone please help me with this situation?
There is no build in mechanism for extraction/streaming of metrics data points in real time. You have to develop a custom solution for that. For example, by having a lambda function which is invoked every minute and which reads data points using get_metric_data. The the lambda would inject the points into your ES.
To invoke a lambda function periodically, e.g. every 1 minute you would have to setup CloudWatch Event rule with schedule Expressions. Lambda function would also need to have permissions granted to interact with CloudWatch metrics.
Welcome to SO :)
An alternative to the solution suggested by Marcin is to install metricbeat on the EC2 Instance and configure the metricbeat config file to send metrics to your Managed AWS ES Domain.
This is pretty simple and you should be able to do this fairly quickly.

Log print statements from script running on ec2 server?

I have a python script that runs from an ec2 server. What is the easiest way for me to see print statements from that script? I tried viewing the system log but I don't see anything there and I can't find anything in cloudwatch. Thanks!
Standard output from arbitrary applications running on EC2 don't appear in CloudWatch Logs.
You can install the CloudWatch Logs Agent, configure it to collect logs from given locations, and then configure your app to log to one of those locations.
It is possible to send log of application running on EC2 to Cloudwatch directly for that you need to do following step.
Create IAM Role with relevant permission and attach to Linux instance.
Install the CloudWatch agent in the instances.
Prepare the configuration file in the instance.
Start the CloudWatch agent service in the instance.
Monitor the logs using CloudWatch web console.
For your reference:-

How to log from multiple ec2 instances(load balanced) to a common server using AWS

How to log from multiple ec2 instances(load balanced) to a common server using AWS.
I have multiple images of ec2 instance with apache servers . I want to log all the log data to a common server.
Do AWS provide any tools for doing this.
AWS Cloud Watch has this feature where you can add multiple server logs and monitor them through Cloud Watch console. See below steps

Getting Cloudwatch EC2 server health monitoring into ElasticSearch

I have an AWS account, and have several EC2 servers and an ElasticSearch domain set up to take the syslogs from these servers. However, in Cloudwatch and when investigating a specific server instance in the EC2 control panel, I see specific metrics and graphs for things like CPU, memory load, storage use, etc. Is there some way I can pipe this information into my ElasticSearch as well?
Set up Logstash and use this plugin
Or go the other way and use AWS Logs agent to put your syslogs into Cloudwatch and stop using ElasticSearch