Getting Cloudwatch EC2 server health monitoring into ElasticSearch - amazon-web-services

I have an AWS account, and have several EC2 servers and an ElasticSearch domain set up to take the syslogs from these servers. However, in Cloudwatch and when investigating a specific server instance in the EC2 control panel, I see specific metrics and graphs for things like CPU, memory load, storage use, etc. Is there some way I can pipe this information into my ElasticSearch as well?

Set up Logstash and use this plugin
Or go the other way and use AWS Logs agent to put your syslogs into Cloudwatch and stop using ElasticSearch


Send AWS EC2 metrics to AWS Elasticsearch Service Domain for monitoring in Kibana

I am stuck on one point I have created one EC2 Linux based instance in Aws.
Now I want to send the EC2 metrics data to the managed Elasticsearch domain for monitoring purposes in Kiban, I go through the cloud watch console and check the metric is present of instance but didn't get how to connect with the Elasticsearch domain that I have created.
Can anyone please help me with this situation?
There is no build in mechanism for extraction/streaming of metrics data points in real time. You have to develop a custom solution for that. For example, by having a lambda function which is invoked every minute and which reads data points using get_metric_data. The the lambda would inject the points into your ES.
To invoke a lambda function periodically, e.g. every 1 minute you would have to setup CloudWatch Event rule with schedule Expressions. Lambda function would also need to have permissions granted to interact with CloudWatch metrics.
Welcome to SO :)
An alternative to the solution suggested by Marcin is to install metricbeat on the EC2 Instance and configure the metricbeat config file to send metrics to your Managed AWS ES Domain.
This is pretty simple and you should be able to do this fairly quickly.

If you are using AWS to autoscale spot instances of your application, how do you handle logging?

Looking into adding autoscaling of a portion of our application using AWS simple message queuing which would launch EC2 on-demand or spot instances based on queue backlog.
One question I had, is how do you deal with collecting logs from autoscaled instances? New instances are spun up based on an image, but then they are shut down when complete. Currently, if there is an issue with one of our services, which causes it to crash, we have a system to automatically restart the service, but the logs and core dump files are there to review. If we switch to an autoscaling system, where new instance are spun up, how do you get logs and core dump files when there is a failure? Particularly if the instance is spun down.
Good practice is to ship these logs and aggregate them somewhere else, and there are many services such as DataDog and Rapid7 which will do this for you at a cost.
AWS however provides CloudWatch logs, which gives you a central place to store and view logs. It also allows you then to give users access to logs on the AWS console without them having to ssh onto a server.
Shipping your logs to CloudWatch logs requires the installation of the CloudWatch agent on your server and specifying in the config which logs to ship.
You could install the CloudWatch agent once and create an AMI of that server to use in your autoscaling group, or install and configure the CloudWatch agent in userdata for every time a server is spun up.
All the information you need to get started can be found here:

Overview about AWS logs that can be used in CloudWatch

As far as I understand there are special logs (like for EC2 Instances, RDS) which can be enabled to collect metrics and are not enabled automatically. Is there an OVERVIEW somewhere stating for which resources do special AWS Logs exist and how they can be enabled (via CloudFormation)?
If not I would suggest to create such an Overview since AWS DOCUMENTATION doesn’t have it.
Merci A
Amazon CloudWatch collects metrics from AWS services that you use. (Or, more accurately, the services you use send metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.)
The documentation for each service shows the metrics that are collected.
The only logs that go beyond this are special ones sent from within an Amazon EC2 instance. By default, the Amazon EC2 service can only examine your virtual machine ('instance') from outside of the instance. This provides basic metrics for CPU, disk and network. It is not possible to see inside your instance.
However, if you run additional software inside the instance that communicates with the operating system, then the software can send additional metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. This is typically done with the CloudWatch Agent.
See: Collect Metrics and Logs from Amazon EC2 Instances and On-Premises Servers with the CloudWatch Agent - Amazon CloudWatch
There are additional Metrics Collected by the CloudWatch Agent that can provide details such as free memory and free disk space because the agent communicates with the Operating System running inside the instance. These metrics are then sent to Amazon CloudWatch as custom metrics.
The CloudWatch Agent can also send application logs from an Amazon EC2 instance to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, which retains the individual log entries and can trigger alarms based on their content.
The CloudWatch Agent must be installed into the Amazon EC2 instance, either via a startup script ('User Data' script) or via AWS Systems Manager.
Similarly, Amazon RDS can send database logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. However, I couldn't see an option in Amazon CloudFormation to activate these log exports.

Monitor an AWS RDS DB intance with Zabbix

Currently, I'm trying to monitor an AWS RDS DB Instance (MySQL MariaDB) with Zabbix but I'm experiencing several troubles:
I have the script placed into the externalscripts folder on Zabbix Server and template ( with my aws access data properly filled. The host is already added as well but Zabbix doesn't retrieve data from the AWS RDS Instance (all graphs display no data See the graphs ).
How could I check if the zabbix Server is able to reach the RDS instance to start to discard things?
Do anyone know the correct way to add AWS RDS host in Zabbix?
Any suggestion or advice is welcome always.
Thanks in advance
Kind Regards
Have you check the Zabbix Log? Maybe you don't use a user with enough permission. Try to run the script in the Zabbix server shell.
Have your Zabbix Server in AWS? if yes, set it a role with read access to CloudWatch and RDS.
Also, I don't like use credentials in a script, I prefer configure it with AWS CLI.
Here, there is another example to monitoring any AWS Cloudwatch metrics with Zabbix that I use.

Pushing data into amazon cloudwatch from nagios

I dont have access to the Amazon ec2 instance on which my servers are installed.
My question is how do i get server metrics from ec2 instance into nagios and then monitor it with amazon cloudwatch itself.which means pushing monitoring data back to cloudwatch but this without access id and access key.
You cannot get metrics form a machine you do not have access to. But once you access the machine, you can configure its monitoring agent so that it sends the metrics to CloudWatch.