What is the difference between kubectl apply and kubectl replace - kubectl

I am learning Kubernetes recently, and I am not very clear about the difference between "kubectl apply" and "kubectl replace". Is there any situation that we can only use one of them?

I have written up a thorough explanation of the differences between apply, replace, and patch: Kubernetes Apply vs. Replace vs. Patch. It includes an explanation that the current top-ranked answer to this question is wrong.
Briefly, kubectl apply uses the provided spec to create a resource if it does not exist and update, i.e., patch, it if it does. The spec provided to apply need only contain the required parts of a spec, when creating a resource the API will use defaults for the rest and when updating a resource it will use its current values.
The kubectl replace completely replaces the existing resource with the one defined by the provided spec. replace wants a complete spec as input, including read-only properties supplied by the API like .metadata.resourceVersion, .spec.nodeName for pods, .spec.clusterIP for services, and .secrets for service accounts. kubectl has some internal tricks to help you get that right, but typically the use case for replace is getting a resource spec, changing a property, and then using that changed, complete spec to replace the existing resource.
The kubectl replace command has a --force option which actually does not use the replace, i.e., PUT, API endpoint. It forcibly deletes (DELETE) and then recreates, (POST) the resource using the provided spec.

Updated Answer
My original was rather controversial and I would even say now, in hindsight, half incorrect. So here is an updated answer which I hope will be more helpful:
commands like kubectl patch, replace, delete, create, even edit are all imperative: they tell kubectl exactly what to do
the kubectl apply command is OTOH "declarative" in that it tells kubernetes, here is a desired state (the yaml from the file provided to the apply command), now figure out how to get there: create, patch, replace the object, etc whatever it takes... you get the idea.
So the 2 commands are hugely different.
EG with apply you can give it just the changes you want: it will figure out what properties of the object need to be changed, and leave the other ones alone; if those properties are "immutable" (eg, the nodeName of a pod), it will complain, and if you then repeat the command with --force, it is smart enough to know to do the equivalent of a replace --force.
In general, you should favor apply (with --force when necessary), and only use the imperative commands when the declarative approach does not give the expected result (although I would love to see examples of this -- I'm guessing this would happen only when you would need several steps because of interdependencies that will have negative consequences if done with apply).

The difference between apply and replace is similar to the difference between apply and create.
create / replace uses the imperative approach, while apply uses the declarative approach.
If you used create to create the resource, then use replace to update it. If you used apply to create the resource, then use apply to update it.
Note that both replace and apply require a complete spec, and both create the new resources first before deleting the old ones (unless --force is specified).

you can add option -v=8 when use kubectl, and you will find the log like this
apply --force
patch 422
delete 200
get 200
get 200
get 404
post 201
replace --force
get 200
delete 200
get 404
post 201

kubectl apply .. will use various heuristics to selectively update the values specified within the resource.
kubectl replace ... will replace / overwrite the entire object with the values specified. This should be preferred as you're avoiding the complexity of the selective heuristic update. However some resources like ingresses/load balancers can't really be replaced as they're immutable.
Example of the heuristic update leading to non obvious operation: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/67135

From: https://github.com/kubernetes/website/blob/master/content/en/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/manage-deployment.md
Disruptive updates
In some cases, you may need to update resource fields that cannot be
updated once initialized, or you may just want to make a recursive
change immediately, such as to fix broken pods created by a
Deployment. To change such fields, use replace --force, which deletes
and re-creates the resource.


How can I find out what my Apollo Graph Ref is?

You have specified an Apollo key but have not specified a graph ref; usage reporting is disabled. To enable usage reporting, set the APOLLO_GRAPH_REF environment variable to your-graph-id#your-graph-variant. To disable this warning, install ApolloServerPluginUsageReportingDisabled
I am struggling to find instructions for how to 'finish' the setup for an apollo classic graph. All of this worked fine last week but no longer does (I can see on Apollo's instructions page that something changed on 4 Oct and maybe requires people to change their graph reference).
I'm trying to solve these problems one step at a time, but cannot make sense of the instructions for apollo.
The format represented in the error message has two fragments, separated by an 'a' symbol. The format of the apollo key in the federation 2 instructions also has two fragments, but they are separated by a colon.
To find your-graph-id#your-graph-variant, log in to the apollo sutdio, got to settings and under the This Graph tab, look at the first section of General settings, you should find your-graph-id.
The variant is usually defaulted as current, i.e variant=current. If you have specified a different variant, be sure to use it.
In your .env you'd have to specify these two keys:
Restart your server and you should be good.

How do you add a custom kustomize transformer?

I'd like to add a transformer to my kustomize setup, one that includes a dynamic value for the case where the local tag needs to override the production tag. If there's a simpler and better way to do this that would be great. I've looked through the list of transformers and generators to see if there was a way to provide this value at runtime (though I think specifically kustomize is designed to never use runtime values).
I can specify something like this:
- name: my-image
newTag: my-sha1
The problem is to change the my-sha1 value after each new local build to then pick that image when I go to apply the local deployment.
How can I set newTag after I run a build locally to match a tag for the image I made locally? I can easily obtain the latest build tag and provide with to kubectl apply -f, but I'm not seeing a flag or environment variable, or something to do so.

PUT with optional parameters

I must fulfill a web service with PUT as method to send changes. This service is used to change configurations. So, for example, if I send {"varA":true} to url/configurationchageit sets the corresponding variable, and if I send {"varB":true} it changes varB without affecting varA.
I always though that PUT (and searching google it seems as if I am right) just overwrites the resource (or creates it if not existing). Which I think would mean that I always have to send all variables, or the ones that are not sent will be deleted. So, is the behavior of this web service correct??
PUT {"varA":true}
Resource content: {"varA": true}
PUT {varB:true}
happening: Resource content: {"varA": true, "varB":true}
what I think should happen: Resource content: {"varB":true}
No, it's not. You probably want to look at the PATCH method instead (see http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc5789.html)

How do I tell Dojo build to ignore a 'missing' template

Our application has a number of widgets that use templates that are generated on the fly via a JSP.
In the front-end code, they are included using the dojo/text plugin. This ensures that Widget lifecycle isn't kicked off until the template has been resolved and it works just fine.
Unfortunately, when we try to perform our build, we get a 311 error:
error(311) Missing dependency. module:
app/navigation/NavigationManager; dependency:
dojo/text!/author/app/templates/NavigationManager-content.html; error:
Error: text resource
(/author/app/templates/NavigationManager-content.html/x) missing
I understand what's happening here, the build process is trying to internalize the string, but when it goes to look for it, it can't locate it and so flags it as a missing dependency.
I see a number of options here:
Somehow, tell Dojo to ignore this missing dependency - this would be fine, but I'd need to be able to be specific, so that I get alerted to any other dependencies that might be missing
Somehow, tell Dojo not to try and internalize this template - this would also be fine, since there's nothing to internalize here.
Somehow, stub out the dependency so that the dependency resolution passes, but the internalization doesn't occur.
I've seen references to the
value, but none of the following helped:
internStringsSkipList: ['/author/pepper/templates/NavigationManager-content.html']
internStringsSkipList: ['dojo/text!/author/pepper/templates/NavigationManager-content.html']
internStringsSkipList: ['/author/pepper/templates/NavigationManager-content.html/x']
Any suggestions?
I faced exactly the same problem and after reading lots of dojo documentation and source code I came to the conclusion that it's very difficult if almost impossible to do. There is, however, a very simple and elegant workaround. But before telling you how to solve the problem firstly why there is a workaround needed in the first place (so you can adjust the solution to your own circumstances):
First issue, the resource is undiscoverable
According to the Overview section of the dojo build system Reference Guide:
[The build system] “discovers” a set of resources and then applies a synchronized, ordered set of resource-dependent transforms to those resources. (…) When a resource is discovered, it is tagged with one or more flags that help identify the role of that resource. (…) After a resource is discovered and tagged, the system assigns a set of transforms that are to be applied to that resource.
So in short, any resources generated on the fly can't be discovered by the build system because they don't reside on the file system. If they can't be discovered, then they can't be tagged and no transformation can be applied to it. In particular, resourceTags is not called for such resources and you can't put them on the exclude list of a profile layer definition (compare section Layers in Creating Builds).
BTW, as far as I understand the documentation to depsScan transform, internStringsSkipList can only be used to skip resources specified using the legacy notation (dojo.something, e.g. dojo.moduleUrl).
Second issue, the plugin resolver expects a physical file
Notation dojo/text!/some/url says to use the dojo/text.js component as a plugin. I found this note in this ticket:
Every AMD plugin should have a plugin resolver in util/build/plugins and have it registered in util/build/buildControlDefault.
If you check util/build/plugins/text.js (e.g. on Github) you'll see that the error is being thrown because the dependency (that part after dojo/text! is stored in moduleInfo) is not in the resources array:
textResource = bc.resources[moduleInfo.url];
if (!textResource){
throw new Error("text resource (" + moduleInfo.url + ") missing");
And this is precisely because the resource couldn't be discovered during the "discovery" phase.
The difficult solution
In the difficult solution, that might or might not work, you would need to change how the transformation depsScan works. Basically, when depsScan encounters dojo/text!/some/url it calls the plugin resolver to check if the dependency exists. From the depsScan documentation:
Once all dependencies are found, the transform ensures all dependencies exist in the discovered modules. Missing dependencies result in an error being logged to the console and the build report.
That might be possible by redefining transformJobs to contain a custom transform for depsScan. See util/build/buildControlDefault.js (on Github) and this forum post for more insights.
The simple workaround
Just create your own plugin to load the resource. Your own plugin won't have the plugin resolver registered (see the second issue above) and all you'll get when compiling is the dreaded
warn(224) A plugin dependency was encountered but there was no build-time plugin resolver.
This is my example of such plugin that loads a JSON resource dynamically:
define(["dojo/text", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/json"],
return lang.delegate(text, {
load: function(id, require, load){
text.load(id, require, function(data){
It reuses dojo/text adding its custom load function. This is an adaptation of another example posted on this dojo-toolkit forum post. You can see their code on JSFiddle.
In my project I use the plugin like this:
return values;
Your plugin can just return the loaded template without parsing it as JSON, and as long as you don't specify your custom plugin resolver (which would expect the file to exist physically on disk) the project will compile fine.
This wasn't your issue, but the most common solution to those facing the error(311) problem is going to be this:
Don't start template paths with a slash.
Your template path isn't a normal, plain-ol' URL. It's still part of the Dojo build, so you use Dojo build pathing to get to the template.

Can't change any properties for an existing AWS::AutoScaling::Trigger

I'm a little baffled; I don't seem to be able to change any of the properties associated with an existing AWS::AutoScaling::Trigger.
This seems like an awfully basic thing you would want to do once you've got things set up; perhaps adjusting the period, breachduration, increments, upper+lower threshold.
If I take my template, just change the "UpperThreshold" property, and try to update my existing stack with it, I get this error and the update fails:
The following resource(s) failed to update: [AutoscalingTrigger].
Updating the properties of AWS::AutoScaling::Trigger resources is not supported.
I'm not sure if this helps or not, but I came across this note on the UpdateAutoScalingGroup page:
"To update an Auto Scaling group with a launch configuration that has the InstanceMonitoring flag set to False, you must first ensure that collection of group metrics is disabled. Otherwise, calls to UpdateAutoScalingGroup will fail. If you have previously enabled group metrics collection, you can disable collection of all group metrics by calling DisableMetricsCollection."