Fortran show where a subroutine was called - fortran

In the program I am using, there is a subroutine open(name,reclen,etc) to open files in a standardized manner.
The program uses a lot of disk IO out of multiple reasons, and files that are written somewhere are often opened multiple times in different subroutines.
Is there the possibility to print out the current path in a subroutine?
something like
subroutine open()
call print_path()
end subroutine
which would print something like a stack trace without killing the program:
this instance of open() was called at:
program line routine/program/function
calc 157 subrout1.f90
calc 112 parentrout.f90
calc 20 calc.f90
The opened file here has the name ABC.txt
So in this instance I know that the file ABC.txt was opened in subrout1 at line 157 which was called in parentrout at line 112 in the program calc at line 20.

You can get a backtrace at any time by calling subroutine backtrace() in gfortran and tracebackqq() in Intel Fortran (see also answers to how to stop a fortran program abnormally). These are compiler specific. I don't know of any standard solution nor a solution that would be at least common to these two compilers.


"Insufficient virtual memory" error for allocating small arrays

I have been using Fortran for a few months now, but I am self-taught and have only been learning it by reading someone else's codes so my knowledge of Fortran is very limited. I wrote this function which is meant to read a text file containing data and save these data in an array. Since I don't know the size of the data, I choose to allocate the array within the function.
WRITE (FILNAM,1500) 'Extra_InputFiles/SEB_inputs/SEB_', NAMEIN,
2 '.txt' !Define the path and name of the input data text file
1500 FORMAT (A32,A,A4)
READ(101,*) !Skip the header
IF (IO.NE.0) EXIT !Exit the loop when last line has been reached
DSEBTP = DSEBTP + 1 !Counts how many time periods inputs are set for the input data type
REWIND(101) !Rewind text file to read the inputs
ALLOCATE(RSEBIN(DSEBTP,NZNSEB+1)) !Allocate the input data array
READ(101,*) !Skip the header
READ(101,*) (RSEBIN(ISEBTP,IIND), IIND=1, NZNSEB+1) !Save the data in the main array
I then use this function in another subroutine with this following statement:
ASEBAT = RSEBIN('AirTemperature',NZNSEB) !Allocate the air temperature array (first column is time)
When I try to run the program, I get a "Insufficient virtual memory" error. After a quick search, I discovered that this error usually occurs when one is allocating huge arrays. However, during my tests, I was only using a 3 X 5 array. After a few more tests, I realized that the function works fine if I declare the dimensions of my array RSEBIN rather than making it allocatable and allocating it in the function. However, this solution is not sustainable for me as I want this function to be able to read text files of various dimensions.
Does anyone have an idea why I have such error? Should I avoid allocating arrays in a function? As I said previously, I am fairly new to Fortran and I am pretty sure my code has many issues, so I apologize for my primitive code writing and would be grateful for any tip.
Also, I should note that I'm using the Intel Fortran Compiler from oneAPI for Windows. I recently switched from the fortran compiler in Intel XE, with which, if I can recall, I was using a similar function without any issue.

Written data not visible in the file after writing with Gfortran and waiting using SLEEP()

I was making some tests with the code bellow when I faced an strange behavior in my program. When I use the call for the intrinsic subroutine "sleep" in my program nothing was written to the file testing.dat. If I removed the call for this subroutine it worked fine, the numbers were written. I tried the same code (calling the subroutine "sleep") with Intel Fortran and it worked fine as well.
It seems to me that the sleep subroutine halts in some sense the execution before the file is written with the program compiled using gfortran, behavior that does not occur using intel fortran. I'm not an computer science expert but that is my guess, does anyone else have a better one?
I tried with all the flags bellow and nothing has changed:
gfortran -g file.f90 -o executable
gfortran file.f90 -o executable
gfortran -O3 file.f90 -o executable
I am using a xubuntu 18.01 OS.
program test
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k
open(34, file="testing.dat")
do i=1,9999999
do j=1,9999999
do k=1,9999999
print*, i, j, k
write(34,'(3I8)') i, j, k
call sleep (1)
end do
end do
end do
end program
File output can be buffered. That means that the characters or bytes that are to be written in the external file are first gathered somewhere in memory and than written to the external file in larger chunks. That can speed-up file output. If you look at the external file i a random moment, it does not have to contain the output from all write statements that were executed, some may be in the buffers. The flush(unit) statement makes the data visible to the external processes by flushing the data. The gfortran manual for the older flush intrinsic subroutine states
The FLUSH intrinsic and the Fortran 2003 FLUSH statement have
identical effect: they flush the runtime library's I/O buffer so that
the data becomes visible to other processes. This does not guarantee
that the data is committed to disk.
File buffering can also be typically controlled by compiler or runtime-library settings using compiler flags or environment variables. For gfortran you can find the runtime variables at
There are four variables you might be interested in:
GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_ALL: Do not buffer I/O for all units
GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_PRECONNECTED: Do not buffer I/O for preconnected units.
GFORTRAN_FORMATTED_BUFFER_SIZE: Buffer size for formatted files
GFORTRAN_UNFORMATTED_BUFFER_SIZE: Buffer size for unformatted files

Reading many files in Fortran subroutine

I have a Fortran subroutine that is called several times in a main program (which I don't have access to). In my subroutine, I wish to read data from one of several (~10^4) files in every iteration based on an input argument. Each of the files has one line of data; and the format of my data is as follows:
0.97014199999999995 0.24253600000000000 0.0000000000000000
I'm using the following lines of code to open and read the files:
program test_read
implicit none
integer :: i, iopen_status, iread_status
real :: gb
CHARACTER(len=25) :: filename
CHARACTER(*), PARAMETER :: fileplace =
& "/home/ajax/hexmesh_readn/G3/"
dimension gb(3)
i = 5
& file=fileplace//filename,IOSTAT=iopen_status)
read (15,*,IOSTAT=iread_status) gb
print *,"gb",gb(1),gb(2),gb(3)
end program test_read
In the main program, i is a variable, but I have a file for all possible values of i.
Now, this code works perfectly well when I run on my local machine. But, when I submit it along with the main program, it behaves somewhat weirdly. Specifically, it reads some of the files, but not others.
When I print out the IOSTAT for open and read, I see that the IOSTAT for open is 0 for all the files, whereas that for the read command is 0 for some, -1 for some and 29 for others! I looked up what the error code 29 means and I learned that it might indicate that the file is not found in the path. But the file is most definitely there.
Also, I don't see anything different about the files that it isn't able to read. In fact, I have even seen the same file giving an IOSTAT value of 0 and 29!
One thing to note is that I'm running the main program on several cores. Could this have anything to do with the error?
Are you running several instances of the same program simultaneously? On some operating systems, different programs can't simultaneously open the same file. Specifying that you want read-only access might allow access by multiple programs. On the Fortran open statement: action='read'.
If you are running a multi-threaded program, then different threads might be doing IO simultaneously on different files ... different unit numbers should be used by each thread to avoid conflicts.

Difference between write(*,*) and write(6,*) in Fortran

I know this may sound like a stupid question: is there any difference between
I am running a complicated code on the supercomputer in my institute which outputs a data file via a unit number different than 6, and apparently the Fortran code compiled with the ONLY difference being the above code gives me a different data file (i.e., data do not match).
I know the (*,*) format goes to standard output, while the (6,*) renders on screen, however I am really confused by why this has any effect on my actual data. Any ideas about how this works would be appreciated!
The unit denoted by * is the "standard output" (not a true Fortran standard term). It is usually pre-connected as unit number 6, but it can be connected to a different one - compiler options control that. You can check this using the constant OUTPUT_UNIT in the module iso_fortran_env
Identifies the preconnected unit identified by the asterisk (*) in WRITE statement.
(from gfortran documentation)
Most often the results can be expected to be the same for both. If it is not your case, you have to show as what the differences look like.
If you use some other unit number and you opened it yourself in your own code, anything can happen. You must check the options you used when opening the file, i.e. the open statement and the compiler options in place.

fortran77 to fortran90 differences in output

I have downloaded the following fortran program dragon.f at
I need to do a minor modification to the program which requires the program to be translated to fortran90 (see below to confirm if this is truly needed).
I have managed to do this (translation only) by three different methods:
replacing comment line indicators (c for !) and line continuation
indicators (* in column 6 for & at the end of last line)
using convert.f90 (see https ://
using (see https ://
Both 1) and 3) worked (i.e. managed to compile program) while 2) didn't work straight away.
However, after testing the program I found that the results are different.
With the fortran77 program, I get the "expected" results for the example provided with the program (the program comes with an example data "grdata.txt", and its example output "flm.txt" and "check.txt"). However, after running the translated (fortran90) program the results I get are different.
I suspect there are some issues with the way some variables are declared.
Can you give me recommendations in how to properly translate this program so I get the exact same results?
The reason I need to do it in fortran90 is because I need to input the parameters via a text file instead of modifying the program. This shouldnt be an issue for most of the parameters involved, except for the declaration of the last one, in which the size is determined from parameters that the program does not know a priori (see below):
implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
dimension f(0:imax,0:jmax),coe(imax,jmax,4),coew(4),fw(4)
So for example, I will read lmax, imax, jmax, dcta, dfai, thetaa, thetab, phaia, and phaib and the program needs to declare f and coe but as far as I read after googling this issue, they cannot be declared with an unknown size in fortran77.
Edit: This was my attempt to do this modification:
character fname1*100
call getarg(1,fname1)
So the program will read these constants from a file (e.g. params.txt), where the name of the file is supplied as an argument when invoking the program. The problem when I do this is that I do not know how to modify the line
dimension f(0:imax,0:jmax)...
in order to declare this array when the values imax and jmax are not known when compiling the program (they depend on the size of the data that the user will use).
As has been pointed out in the comments above, parameters cannot be read from file since they are set at compile time. Read them in as integer, declare the arrays as allocatable, and then allocate.
integer imax,jmax
real(8), allocatable :: f(:,:),coe(:,:,:)
read(10,*) imax,jmax
I found out that the differences in the results were attributed to using different compilers.
PS I ended up adding a lot more code than I intended at the beginning to allow reading data from netcdf files. This program in particular is really helpful for spherical harmonic expansion. [tag:spherical harmonics]