WSO2 Identity Server as an IDP - wso2

My Use case is a very simple one . I want to use WSO2 Identity Server to implement SAML2.0 SSO in our app deployment .
We don't have an external identity provider like facebook or
google , so we want the identity server itself to act like an
identity provider , [Local Authentication ]
We want the authentication for the SP to be done against a local user
store [AD]
The SSO login is going to be IDP initiated.
The login page has to be customized.
I went through the documentation tutorials and while the architecture page does mention that all this is possible , but I could not find any actual tutorial which explains how to do this .
Can someone link me to the tutorial pages which describe how to do this or , provide a rundown of the steps required ?

Yes all of these are possible with WSO2 Identity Server. Unfortunately there isn't any single tutorial/documentation to cover this in single but I can provide you each for every step.
Configuring active directory.
SSO with SAML.
IDP Initiated SSO.
Customizing login page.
And if you need to know about more advance scenarios, please read this article.


WSO2 API Manager(wso2am-4.1.0) - Customize Login Pages for Developer Portal and Publisher

I'm trying to customize the login pages for the dev portal and publisher and I'm referring to the below documentation.
The 1st step tells to download the Identity Server and in the 2nd step, it says to start up the server using which could be a mistake.
However, I have the following questions related to the scenario.
In order to customize the login pages in APIM, should I start up the IS as a key manager as well?
Can't we customize the login pages just by using the JSP files readily available in the authentication endpoint in APIM?
I guess the documentation should be updated. You can use the existing jsp files in the authentication endpoint if you use OAuth2/OpenID. If you are using SAML, then you have to use WSO2 IS as the IDP with WSO2 API Manager.
Some samples can be found in [1].
By default API Manager uses OAuth2/OpenID. You can do the service provider configurations in API Manager. OAuth2/OpenID and SAML use the jsp files used in the authentication endpoint.
[1] -

Using WSO2 as identity Provider for docebo system

I have a Docebo LMS system, I have created SAML SSO for this system through okta, I am trying to use opensource IDP which is WSO2, I am using it in localhost server. I have created IDP that I will be using it to provide the identity authentication through the docs provided in WSO2. The problem that I am not able to see the login page. It's showing me these 3 lines:
enter image description here
I have Docebo as staging system which is uploaded Docebo SAAS server.
Any help regards this issue. ?!

IdP and SP per Tenant in WSO2 identity Server using SAML Web SSO

I am setting up a WSO2 Identity Server at the moment . The first step was to use the resident identity provider in super tenant and setting up service providers as SaaS applications. This worked pretty nice so far.
The bad thing about it is that (1) users need to login by identfying themselves using the username#tenantdomain schema. The next bad thing about it is, (2) that we can not configure login policies or account management policies per tenant. We only can handle it globally.
For testing reasons we modified the authenticationendpoint application to inject the tenant domain on the fly while logging in (by analyzing relyingParty parameter). This worked so far, but point (2) still remains.
Next step was to configure an IdP and SPs per tenant. For my understanding that is the way to get rid of points (1) and (2).
That is where I am completely stuck. The carbon log only mentions that we need to register the SPs in advance. I am reading various posts, jiras issues and blog entries for the last week but I still do not have a working solution. Seems to me that even though I configured the tenants resident IdP and exchanged metadata accordingly the IS still thinks we are trying to communicate with the super tenants resident IdP.
The SPs we are using are created using SimpleSAMLphp.
Maybe I missunderstood the principles of setting up IdP/SPs per tenant in WSO2 IS? Maybe I am handling the resident IdPs the wrong way?
Any help/advice is welcome.
Even though this question is old, below part from the documentation will help whoever searching for an answer.
From WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 onwards, there are different SAML
endpoints for each tenant. If the service provider calls the identity
provider's SAML endpoint URL as or the issuer name is
appended with #<TenantDomain> like, the SAML
requests are directed to the tenant.
Additionally, note that when using SAML SSO with a tenant (using either of the above methods), the SAML response is signed with the private key of the particular tenant.

How to integrate WSO2 API Manager (AM) 1.10.0 with PingFederate SAML 2.0?

How to integrate WSO2 am 1.10.0 with PingFederate SAML 2.0? Any instructions?
From WSO2 web site, I only saw docs on how to set up SSO among WSO2 products: . But I did not see documentation on how to enable WSO2 AM 1.10.0 with external identity providers such as PingFederate via SAML2.
Any help is appreciated.
I followed the instructions here - just assuming WSO2 IS as PingIdentity. For the mojority part it's working, but I cannot generate keys when subscribing to an API. It says "invalid credentials" even if I have logged into applications and subscriptions and can create applications from /store UI.
I can confirm that this can be done without adding a separate wso2 IS server into the picture. I fixed several issues (Cannot generate keys, cannot publish APIs, etc..) by: What I did to fix the issue was to 1) add admin user inside ApiKeyValidaor in api-manager.xml also into admin user via management console and into user-mgt.xml; 2) Inside api-manager.xml:
Change the following:
to: https://[FQDN_OF_HOST}:${mgt.transport.https.port}${carbon.context}/services/
Reason is my server certificate only recorded the domain name, not ip address.
The solution was also mentioned here: wso2 am 1.10.0 API Store: "Error occurred while executing the action generateApplicationKey" with " Invalid credentials provided."
Basically, you can do this by adding PingFederate as an IDP in WSO2 AM and configuring federated SAML SSO configurations. An example of how to achieve this with Shibboleth is given in [1]. You can follow the same steps to do any configurations according to your requirement.
Refer [2] for configuring SAML SSO Federated authenticator in general

Extend Identity Provider URL

I just have a question regarding to Identity Provider URL.Is it possible if i would like to modify|custom|extend the Identity Provider URL? (localhost:9443/samlsso)
I currently run two SSO (SAML2) enabled apps on my local tomcat on localhost and name app1 and app2. The behavior of the applications is to redirect to login panel when the user is trying to access the applications. Since it is SSO enabled, it redirect to WSO2IS login panel. If both application are not logged in and redirected to the SSO login page of WSO2IS. The first one to login works successfully. Because the first one already logged, the second one doesn't need to be sign on again. But i would like to make the second one must be sign on again because there are 2 different issue name and i intend to use the issue name for the filter or condition
I am using WSO2 identity server 4.6.0
The question is bit unclear to me. Is it that you don't want SSO between webapps, but only between webapp and IDP? Then it seems, it's not complete SAML SSO scenario.
Still for the filtering, you may be able to write a 'custom authenticator', implementing the interface '' and engage it in the flow.