Create new struct, insert into list, re-use pointer, return in vector... whether and how to delete? - c++

In C++ code that I wrote to demonstrate an algorithm in an answer, I'm creating structs in a function using new, storing them in a list, moving them to a vector, then returning the vector:
struct my_struct {int a, b, c;};
std::vector<my_struct> myFunction(...) {
std::list<my_struct> my_list;
std::list<my_struct>::iterator current = my_list.begin();
std::vector<my_struct> my_vector;
my_struct *new_struct = nullptr;
while (...) {
if (!new_struct) {
new_struct = new my_struct;
new_struct->a = ...
if (new_struct) {
new_struct->b = ...
my_list.insert(current, *my_struct);
my_struct = nullptr;
if (...) {
current->c = ...
current = my_list.erase(current);
return my_vector;
It compiles and seems to work correctly, however I'm more used to JavaScript and this code just feels like translated JavaScript; I'm specifically wondering whether I'm creating memory leaks, and whether I have to delete the structs in the calling function (and how).

Yes, you have a memory leak. If you invoke the new command, you will need to invoke a delete command in the future to free the memory allocated by new.
So, in this statement:
my_list.insert(current, *my_struct);
you are indeed copy the contents of *my_struct, not getting the ownership of it. So, in the following statement:
my_struct = nullptr;
You just got a memory leak.
To solve this, change your design to use smartpointer, for example, unique_ptr, or, better yet, dont use pointer at all, and just use a plain object:
my_struct new_struct;

As others in the question section have already pointed out, you probably shouldn't use new at all. The only reason to use pointers there at all is the if(newstruct) checks, if they are an essential part of your algorithm.
But if you use new, you should delete, too. It's safe to do that after inserting the struct into the list or vector - the list and vector contain copies.

Beginning with C++17, std::optional (and before that, boost::optional) is a sensible alternative solution for your specific problem here. It removes the need for pointers and the danger of memory leaks but at the same time still gives you a "nothing" state.
Your pseudo code would become something like:
// this is the correct way of defining a struct in C++:
struct my_struct {
int a;
int b;
int c;
std::vector<my_struct> myFunction(...) {
std::list<my_struct> my_list;
std::list<my_struct>::iterator current = my_list.begin();
std::vector<my_struct> my_vector;
std::optional<my_struct> new_struct; // new_struct does not hold a value
while (...) {
if (!new_struct.has_value()) { // if it does not hold a value...
new_struct = my_struct(); // it holds a value now (a default my_struct)
new_struct->a = ... // access syntax like a pointer
if (new_struct.has_value()) {
new_struct->b = ...
my_list.insert(current, *new_struct); // dereference syntax like a pointer
new_struct.reset(); // it no longer holds a value now
if (...) {
current->c = ...
current = my_list.erase(current);
return my_vector;
Note how the syntax of std::optional deliberately mimics that of pointers.


Syntax to heap allocate anything?

Is there a syntax, template or function that allows me to essentially turn any value into a pointer to that value? I.e. copy it to the gc heap and return a pointer to it? "new" doesn't work for all types, std.experimental.allocator doesn't work in ctfe, and both seem to have troubles making pointers to delegates.
You can put the data in question inside a struct, then use the new keyword on that struct.
T* copy_to_heap(T)(T value) {
// create the struct with a value inside
struct S {
T value;
// new it and copy the value over to the new heap memory
S* s = new S;
s.value = value;
// return the pointer to the value
return &(s.value);
void main() {
// example use with a delegate:
auto dg = copy_to_heap(() { import std.stdio; writeln("test"); });
That assumes you already have a value to copy but that's probably easier and the way you'd do it anyway. But you can also tweak the code to remove that requirement if you want (perhaps just pass typeof.init for example).

Releasing memory of a struct containing multiple vectors

Having a struct such as:
struct PAIR {
vector<double> a;
vector<double> b;
Is using a function like the following a proper way to release the memory after defining and populating such a struct? If not, how do you deal with this situation?
void release(PAIR& p){
Isn't there a way to call some predefined/std function on PAIR itself to release memory?
Note that I'm not using new, etc. so definitions are simply like PAIR p;. Also, the struct is much more complex than just a pair of vectors that could have been defined using a std::pair.
All the related questions in SO on releasing memory for vectors are either about vectors themselves or vectors of a struct, not a struct containing multiple vectors. I'm looking for an elegant way to release memory used by such a struct.
The vectors get really big, and I want to release the memory as soon as I can. But that lifetime/usability reaches in the middle of function! I don't want to spread the functionality in this function to multiple functions. These are pretty complicated computations and don't want to mess things up.
Given function does not release memory on the stack actually. It is approximately equivalent to
The vector itself remains in the memory (just with 0 elements).
Remember, any memory that was allocated on the stack (~ without the use of new) gets released only when the variable occupying this memory goes out of scope, not earlier.
So if you have a variable on the stack and want to delete it, you can just limit its scope:
struct PAIR {
vector<double> a;
vector<double> b;
int main()
// some stuff before...
// some stuff with p object...
} // here p gets deleted (all memory gets released)
// some stuff after...
You mentioned new PAIR. With pointers it would look like this:
int main()
// some stuff before...
PAIR* p = new PAIR;
// some stuff with p object...
delete p; // here p gets deleted (all memory gets released)
// some stuff after...
Or as commentators requested:
int main()
// some stuff before...
auto p = std::make_unique<PAIR>();
// some stuff with p...
} // here p gets deleted (all memory gets released)
// some stuff after...
Is that what you wanted to achieve?
Does PAIR have to be a POD? Maybe something like this might work for you?
struct PAIR
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<double>> aptr;
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<double>> bptr;
PAIR(const PAIR&) = delete;
PAIR() : aptr(std::make_unique<std::vector<double>()),
bptr(std::make_unique<std::vector<double>()) {}
~PAIR() { release(); }
std::vector<double> &a = *aptr;
std::vector<double> &b = *bptr;
void release()
simply .resize(0) the vectors.

How to use smart pointer in this situation

I want to use smart pointer in the following situation:
ptr->SOME_MEMBER = new BYTE[100];
now the API can either return error or pass successfully but in both those cases i want to delete the object , one way can be to write delete statement during error exit and during normal exit.
But how can i use a smart pointer for these pointers ?
By smart pointers i mean unique_ptr, shared_ptr , etc. whichever can work !
You can write a custom deleter for unique_ptr.
struct my_deleter {
void operator()(SOME_STURCT* ptr) const {
delete[] ptr->SOME_MEMBER;
delete ptr;
using my_ptr = std::unique_ptr<SOME_STRUCT, my_deleter>;
and I would suggest changing new SOME_STRUCT; to new SOME_STRUCT{}; to default initialize SOME_MEMBER to nullptr.
I am not 100% happy with this solution, so perhaps look into scope_guard or writing a wrapper class for your struct.
I assume you cannot modify SMOE_STRUCT to add a destructor to it. This leaves you with two options: a custom deleter, and encapsulation.
First, you could create a custom deleter for use with std::unique_ptr:
struct SOME_STRUCT_Deleter
void operator() (SOME_STRUCT *p) const
delete[] p->SOME_MEMBER;
delete p;
std::unique_ptr<SOME_STRUCT, SOME_STRUCT_Deleter> ptr{new SOME_STRUCT};
ptr->SOME_MEMBER = new BYTE[100];
If you find that, unlike the situation described in your question, shared ownership would suit you better than exclusive one, you can use the deleter with a shared_ptr as well, like this:
std::shared_ptr<SOME_STRUCT> ptr{new SOME_STRUCT, SOME_STRUCT_Deleter{}};
ptr->SOME_MEMBER = new BYTE[100];
A second option, which I find preferable, is to wrap SOME_STRUCT:
struct SOME_STRUCT_plus_plus
delete[] s.SOME_MEMBER;
s.SOME_MEMBER = new BYTE[100];
std::unique_ptr<SOME_STRUCT_plus_plus> ptr{new SOME_STRUCT_plus_plus};
You could even "wrap" it by making SOME_STRUCT_plus_plus derive from SOME_STRUCT instead of aggregating it, which would give you direct access to members without the need to go through s. At the same time, it could lead to memory leaks if someone cast SOME_STRUCT_plus_plus* to SOME_STRUCT* and then called delete on it.
Here, it seems that all can be on the stack:
SOME_STRUCT ptr; // or auto ptr = std::make_unique<SOME_STRUCT>();
BYTE bytes[100]; // or std::vector<BYTE> bytes(100);
ptr.SOME_MEMBER = bytes; // or ptr->SOME_MEMBER =;
CallSomeAPI(&ptr); // or CallSomeAPI(ptr.get());

Does the vector still exists?

I'm having a problem in my c++ game related with the vector.
I want to know if theres any code that tells me if a vector still exists.
Example (x = a structure that I created):
vector<x*> var;
var.push_back(new x);
var[5]->Pos_X = 10;
And now what i want:
delete var[5];
if(var[5] still exists){
var[5]->Pos_X = 20;
What could be the code for var[5] still exists?
Unless you've actually set the pointer to null after deleting it, there's no real way to determine whether that slot in the vector contains a pointer to a live object or not.
So you'd need to:
delete vec[5];
vec[5] = NULL;
Then you could test
if (vec[5] == NULL)
to determine if there was "really" something at that location or not.
There is no code for that, not without extra careful work in your deleting process. If you store smart pointers you can do it like this:
vector<unique_ptr<x>> var;
// assuming you actually do add 6 or more elements to the vector
if (var[5]) { ... }
You could use var.size() to see if the vector contains a pointer at var[5], but that won't tell you whether the pointer is valid.
You could create a small wrapper class:
template <class T>
class wrapper {
bool valid;
T *data_;
wrapper(T *d): data_(d), valid(true) {}
del() { delete data; valid = false; }
bool isValid() { return valid; }
T *data() { return valid ? data : NULL; }
std::vector<wrapper<x> > var;
if (var[5].valid())
var[5].data()->Pos_X = 20;
Personally, I'd prefer to just ensure that all the pointers are valid all the time though.
calling delete you are deallocating memory pointed by that x*, so you still have pointer to some memory address that do not contain anymore what you excpected.
If you want to remove elements from vector consider using "erase"; then, if you don't want to erase but simply "cancel" the Nth element, structure is yours.. put some bool flag inside your structure.

Safe to return a vector populated with local variables?

Is it safe to return a vector that's been filled with local variables?
For example, if I have...
#include <vector>
struct Target
int Var1;
// ... snip ...
int Var20;
class Test
std::vector<Target> *Run(void)
std::vector<Target> *targets = new std::vector<Target>;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
Target t = Target();
t.Var1 = i;
// ... snip ...
t.Var20 = i*2; // Or some other number.
return targets;
int main()
Test t = Test();
std::vector<Target> *container = t.Run();
// Do stuff with `container`
In this example, I'm creating multiple Target instances in a for loop, pushing them to the vector, and returning a pointer to it. Because the Target instances were allocated locally, to the stack, does that mean that the returned vector is unsafe because it's referring to objects on the stack (that may soon be overwritten, etc)? If so, what's the recommended way to return a vector?
I'm writing this in C++, by the way.
Elements get copied when you push_back them into a vector (or assign to elements). Your code is therefore safe – the elements in the vector are no references to local variables, they are owned by the vector.
Furthermore, you don’t even need to return a pointer (and never handle raw pointers, use smart pointers instead). Just return a copy instead; the compiler is smart enough to optimise this so that no actual redundant copy is made.