Does the vector still exists? - c++

I'm having a problem in my c++ game related with the vector.
I want to know if theres any code that tells me if a vector still exists.
Example (x = a structure that I created):
vector<x*> var;
var.push_back(new x);
var[5]->Pos_X = 10;
And now what i want:
delete var[5];
if(var[5] still exists){
var[5]->Pos_X = 20;
What could be the code for var[5] still exists?

Unless you've actually set the pointer to null after deleting it, there's no real way to determine whether that slot in the vector contains a pointer to a live object or not.
So you'd need to:
delete vec[5];
vec[5] = NULL;
Then you could test
if (vec[5] == NULL)
to determine if there was "really" something at that location or not.

There is no code for that, not without extra careful work in your deleting process. If you store smart pointers you can do it like this:
vector<unique_ptr<x>> var;
// assuming you actually do add 6 or more elements to the vector
if (var[5]) { ... }

You could use var.size() to see if the vector contains a pointer at var[5], but that won't tell you whether the pointer is valid.
You could create a small wrapper class:
template <class T>
class wrapper {
bool valid;
T *data_;
wrapper(T *d): data_(d), valid(true) {}
del() { delete data; valid = false; }
bool isValid() { return valid; }
T *data() { return valid ? data : NULL; }
std::vector<wrapper<x> > var;
if (var[5].valid())
var[5].data()->Pos_X = 20;
Personally, I'd prefer to just ensure that all the pointers are valid all the time though.

calling delete you are deallocating memory pointed by that x*, so you still have pointer to some memory address that do not contain anymore what you excpected.
If you want to remove elements from vector consider using "erase"; then, if you don't want to erase but simply "cancel" the Nth element, structure is yours.. put some bool flag inside your structure.


How to delete class as this and set it as null in c++

So, I have an array of a class called "Customer"
Customer** customersarray[] = new Customer*[customer];
I'm receiving int customer with cin.
anyways, in customer.cpp, there is a method called void deactivate().
which goes like this:
void Custmoer::deactivate()
if (this != NULL)
remove this;
//this = NULL; I want to do this but it doesn't work.
and the purpose of this is to remove it from customer array when satisfies a certain condition. So for example,
for (int i = customer - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (customersarray[i]->getAngerLevel() == 5) {
for (int z = i; i < customer - 1; i++) {
*(customersarray + z) = *(customersarray + z + 1);
so my first questions are:
why does this = NULL not work?
is there a simpler way to remove something from pointer array when a condition is satisfied? (for example, remove all customers that has anger level of 5.)
Your mistake is thinking that you can remove something from a Customer* array by some magic inside the Customer class, but that's not true. Just remove a customer from the customer array where ever the customer array is. For instance using remove_if
#include <algorithm>
Customer** customersarray = new Customer*[customer];
customer = std::remove_if(customersarray, customersarray + customer,
[](Customer* c) { return c->anger() == 5; }) - customersarray;
This updates the customer variable to be the new size of the array, but doesn't free or reallocate any memory. Since you are using dynamic arrays and pointers you are responsible for that.
Which is why you should really not be using pointers or arrays, but using vectors instead.
std::vector<Customer> customerVector;
Life will be so much simpler.
Type of "this" is a constant pointer which means you cant change where it points
Your function can return a boolean and if its true just set your pointer to null
You'll be much better off using a std::vector, all memory memory management gets much safer. You cannot modify the this pointer, but that would be meaningless anyway:
It is a local variable, so any other pointer outside would not be changed, not even the one you called the function on (x->f(): the value of x is copied into this).
It contains the address of the current object - the current object is at a specific memory location and cannot be moved away from (not to be mixed up with 'moving' in the context of move semantics!).
You can, however, delete the current object (but I don't say you should!!!):
class Customer
static std::vector<Customer*> customers;
void commitSuicide()
auto i = customers.find(this);
if(i != customers.end())
delete this;
Might look strange, but is legal. But it is dangerous as well. You need to be absolutely sure that you do not use the this pointer or any other poiner to the current object any more afterwards (accessing non-static members, calling non-static functions, etc), it would be undefined behaviour!
x->someFunction(); // invalid, undefined behaviour!!! (x is not alive any more)
Similar scenario:
class Customer
static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Customer>> customers;
void commitSuicide()
auto i = customers.find(this);
if(i != customers.end())
customers.erase(i); // even now, this is deleted!!! (smart pointer!)
this->someFunction(); // UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR!
If handling it correctly, it works, sure. Your scenario might allow a much safer pattern, though:
class Customer
static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Customer>> customers;
auto i = customers.find(this);
if(i != customers.end())
There are numerous variations possible (some including smart pointers); which one is most appropriate depends on the use case, though...
First of all, attending to RAII idiom, you are trying to delete an object before using its destructor ~Customer(). You should try to improve the design of your Customer class through a smart use of constructor and destructor:
Customer() {// initialize resources}
~Customer() {// 'delete' resources previously created with 'new'}
void deactivate() {// other internal operations to be done before removing a customer}
Then, your constructor Customer() would initialize your internal class members and the destructor ~Customer() would release them if necessary, avoiding memory leaks.
The other question is, why do you not use another type of Standard Container as std::list<Customer>? It supports constant time removal of elements at any position:
std::list<Customer> customers
customers.remove_if([](Customer foo) { return foo.getAngerLevel() == 5; });
If you only expect to erase Customer instances once during the lifetime of the program the idea of using a std::vector<Customer> is also correct.

Create new struct, insert into list, re-use pointer, return in vector... whether and how to delete?

In C++ code that I wrote to demonstrate an algorithm in an answer, I'm creating structs in a function using new, storing them in a list, moving them to a vector, then returning the vector:
struct my_struct {int a, b, c;};
std::vector<my_struct> myFunction(...) {
std::list<my_struct> my_list;
std::list<my_struct>::iterator current = my_list.begin();
std::vector<my_struct> my_vector;
my_struct *new_struct = nullptr;
while (...) {
if (!new_struct) {
new_struct = new my_struct;
new_struct->a = ...
if (new_struct) {
new_struct->b = ...
my_list.insert(current, *my_struct);
my_struct = nullptr;
if (...) {
current->c = ...
current = my_list.erase(current);
return my_vector;
It compiles and seems to work correctly, however I'm more used to JavaScript and this code just feels like translated JavaScript; I'm specifically wondering whether I'm creating memory leaks, and whether I have to delete the structs in the calling function (and how).
Yes, you have a memory leak. If you invoke the new command, you will need to invoke a delete command in the future to free the memory allocated by new.
So, in this statement:
my_list.insert(current, *my_struct);
you are indeed copy the contents of *my_struct, not getting the ownership of it. So, in the following statement:
my_struct = nullptr;
You just got a memory leak.
To solve this, change your design to use smartpointer, for example, unique_ptr, or, better yet, dont use pointer at all, and just use a plain object:
my_struct new_struct;
As others in the question section have already pointed out, you probably shouldn't use new at all. The only reason to use pointers there at all is the if(newstruct) checks, if they are an essential part of your algorithm.
But if you use new, you should delete, too. It's safe to do that after inserting the struct into the list or vector - the list and vector contain copies.
Beginning with C++17, std::optional (and before that, boost::optional) is a sensible alternative solution for your specific problem here. It removes the need for pointers and the danger of memory leaks but at the same time still gives you a "nothing" state.
Your pseudo code would become something like:
// this is the correct way of defining a struct in C++:
struct my_struct {
int a;
int b;
int c;
std::vector<my_struct> myFunction(...) {
std::list<my_struct> my_list;
std::list<my_struct>::iterator current = my_list.begin();
std::vector<my_struct> my_vector;
std::optional<my_struct> new_struct; // new_struct does not hold a value
while (...) {
if (!new_struct.has_value()) { // if it does not hold a value...
new_struct = my_struct(); // it holds a value now (a default my_struct)
new_struct->a = ... // access syntax like a pointer
if (new_struct.has_value()) {
new_struct->b = ...
my_list.insert(current, *new_struct); // dereference syntax like a pointer
new_struct.reset(); // it no longer holds a value now
if (...) {
current->c = ...
current = my_list.erase(current);
return my_vector;
Note how the syntax of std::optional deliberately mimics that of pointers.

How do I know if a pointer has been assigned data via 'new'?

Say I have a pointer like this:
int *thingy;
At some point, this code may or may not be called:
thingy=new int;
How do I know if I can do this:
delete thingy;
I could use a bool for every pointer and mark the bool as true whenever the I use new, but I have many pointers and that would get very unwieldy.
If I have not called new on thingy, calling delete on it would likely cause a crash, right?
I searched around quite a bit but could find no answer that clearly fit my situation.
EDIT: I need to be able to delete the pointers as many times as I like without the pointers necessarily pointing to any data. If this is impossible I'll have to re-write my code.
Initialize it to NULL always
int *thingy = NULL;
and then
delete thingy;
thingy = NULL;
is valid even if thingy is NULL. You can do the delete as many times as you want as long as thingy is NULL delete will have no unwanted side effects.
There's no built-in way to tell if a particular pointer value is deleteable. Instead you simply have to design the program to do the right thing, preferably by carefully designing resource ownership policies in line with your requirements and them implementing them with something like RAII.
Given appropriate RAII types you will not need to scatter deletes or other resource management commands around your code. You will simply initialize and use objects of the appropriate types, and leave clean up to the objects themselves. For example if the RAII type unique_ptr corresponds to an ownership policy you want to use then you can manage an object this way:
unique_ptr<int> thingy {new int};
// use thingy ...
There's no need to manually cleanup, because unique_ptr takes care of that for you.
On the other hand if you try to manage resources directly you end up with lots of code like:
int *thingy = nullptr;
// ...
thingy = new int;
try {
// something that might throw
} catch(...) {
delete thingy;
thingy = nullptr;
delete thingy;
thingy = nullptr;
There is no builtin C++ tool to identify if a pointer points to heap data and can safely deleted. It's safe to delete a NULL pointer and you can set every pointer whose data has been deleted to NULL. But this doesn't help to differentiate between pointers to heap data and pointers to other data or to code.
When your operation system starts a process it will locate the code and data sections to specific data areas. In Windows this is partially controlled by the PE header of the EXE file. Therefore the actual address of the memory regions may vary. But you can identify where theses regions are located:
After obtaining the address range for each region you can differentiate between a pointer to the heap data (where delete is appropriate) and a pointer to stack data. This allows you to differetiate between deleteable and data whose pointer you must not delete.
Write a wrapper class that does the tracking for you, eg:
template<typename T>
class ptr_t
T* m_ptr;
bool m_delete;
ptr_t(const ptr_t&) {}
ptr_t& operator=(const ptr_t&) { return *this; }
: m_ptr(NULL), m_delete(false)
ptr_t(T *ptr, bool del)
: m_ptr(ptr), m_delete(del)
void assign(T *ptr, bool del)
if (m_delete)
delete m_ptr;
m_ptr = ptr;
m_delete = del;
void reset()
assign(NULL, false);
operator T*() { return m_ptr; }
bool operator!() const { return (!m_ptr); }
typedef ptr_t<int> int_ptr;
int_ptr thingy;
thingy.assign(new int, true);
int i;
int_ptr pi;
pi.assign(&i, false);

Segfault when assigning one pointer to another

My brain has never really quite grasped linked lists and the finer points of pointers but I'm trying to help out a friend with some C++ assignments. (And before I go any further, yes, there is std::list but I'm looking for an academic answer, and maybe something that will make linked lists more understandable to he and myself).
What we need to do is generate a linked list of objects (a Employee object) based on user input, and then display that information back to the user. Whenever I try to assign the object into the Linked List Container, it segfaults.
I have the following Linked List object:
class LinkedListContainer {
Employee *emp;
LinkedListContainer *next;
Employee getEmployee() { return *emp; }
void setEmployee(Employee *newEmp) {
*emp = *newEmp // This is what is causing the segfault
LinkedListContainer getNext() { return *next; }
void setNext(LinkedListContainer *newContainer) {
*next = *newContainer;
I'm sure that I'm doing something horribly wrong.
Looking at your class, there doesn't appear to be a place where the pointer emp is set to point at an actual object.
This line:
*emp = *newEmp;
assigns the value of the object pointed to by newEmp to the object pointed to by emp. Unless both pointers point at valid objects, the code will have undefined behaviour.
You may be better having emp as an Employee object rather than as a pointer to an object requiring manually management of the pointed to object's lifetime.
This assumes that your LinkedListContainer class is a node which will own the Employee.
On the other hand when you do:
*next = *newContainer;
from the naming I would assume that you just want to point the next pointer at another LinkedListContainer for which you would probably want to do:
next = newContainer;
as this assigns the value of the pointer to the variable next.
You need to be clear when you design your class and use pointers, on which objects own which other objects and ensure that you manage their lifetimes appropriately.
*emp = *newEmp;
Should be:
emp = newEmp;
So that you're assigning the pointer and not the object pointed to by the pointer.
Your emp pointer is uninitialized, so when you attempt to dereference it (*emp) in setEmployee() you attempt to access memory that doesn't belong to you (hence the segfault).
You might be better off holding the Employee by value (assuming it's not polymorphic) and passing the setEmployee an Employee object by const reference:
class LinkedListContainer {
Employee emp;
// ...
void setEmployee(const Employee& newEmp) {
emp = newEmp;
// ...
Of course, you'll need to adjust your other member functions as well to reflect using a value vs. a pointer.
Good luck!
*emp = *newEmp
You don't want to do this - in fact, you don't want to dereference any pointers at all here.
emp = newEmp
By default, emp is a pointer that's pointing nowhere. By writing
*emp = *newEmp;
you try to assign the content of newEmp to whatever memory location is pointed to by emp. As said, emp is pointing nowhere, so you are dereferencing a NULL pointer here, which is causing the segmentation fault.
If your container is to contain a complete Employee, you'd better declare emp to be of type Employee (not pointer to Employee as now). Then
emp = *newEmp;
will work, although I'm not quite sure whether this will be all you'd need to fix about your LinkedListContainer.
One of the issues that you are having is because of the leading * when you access the pointer. What * tells the compiler when accessing a pointer is that instead of reading the address the pointer points to it should read the value of the location that the pointer points to.
An example is variables are like houses that hold values. A pointer is like the address on the house. Typically when the compiler reads a pointer it only sees the address. When you put * infront of the pointer it tells the compiler to look inside the "house" to extract the value within. When you assign pointers new addresses you do not want to use the * or else you are copying values and not the addresses.
So what you want to be doing instead is in the setNext for example:
next = newContainer;
Previous answers explain reason of segmentation fault. Anyway if you need that sample for academic use, then IMHO you forgot about initialization of class members. The second issue is memory management - who does alloc/free these objects? In your sample there is nor constructor, neither destructor :)
Your class could look like this one below:
class LinkedListContainer
: d_emp( 0 )
, d_next( 0 )
bool isValid() const
const bool result = ( d_emp != 0 );
return result;
const Employee& getEmployee() const
assert( isValid() );
return *d_emp;
void setEmployee( Employee* emp )
d_emp = emp;
LinkedListContainer* getNext()
return d_next;
void setNext( LinkedListContainer* next )
d_next = next;
Employee* d_emp;
LinkedListContainer* d_next;
If you don't want to bother with memory management for Employee objects, then just use shared_ptr from boost library.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Employee > SmartEmployee;
class LinkedListContainer
: d_next( 0 )
bool isValid() const
return d_emp;
const Employee& getEmployee() const
assert( isValid() );
return *d_emp;
void setEmployee( SmartEmployee emp )
d_emp = emp;
LinkedListContainer* getNext()
return d_next;
void setNext( LinkedListContainer* next )
d_next = next;
SmartEmployee d_emp;
LinkedListContainer* d_next;

AV while iterating through hash_map?

_transaction is a private member variable of my class, declared as:
typedef stdext::hash_map<wchar_t*, MyClass*, ltstr> transaction_hash_map;
transaction_hash_map _transactions;
During cleanup I am trying to iterate through this list and free up any objects still unfreed. However I am getting an AV on the for line here:
for (transaction_hash_map::const_iterator it = _transactions.begin(); it != _transactions.end(); it++)
MyClass* item = (MyClass*)it->second;
if (item != NULL)
delete item;
Re: What is ltstr?
struct ltstr
bucket_size = 8,
min_buckets = 16
bool operator()(wchar_t* s1, wchar_t* s2) const
return wcscmp( s1, s2 ) < 0;
size_t operator()(wchar_t *s1) const
size_t h = 0;
wchar_t *p = const_cast<wchar_t*>(s1);
wchar_t zero = L'\0';
while ( *p != zero ) h = 31 * h + (*p++);
return h;
The stack shows it inside the begin() method. Any ideas?
One possible thing I can think of is that your class has already been deleted elsewhere before you try to iterate through the hash_map, and thus begin() will be operating on garbage. Worth a check...
Also - how are your wchar_t*'s getting allocated/freed? The code you've shown doesn't appear to be dealing with those. I'm not sure how that would cause trouble in your loop, but it's worth thinking about.
One minor thing - you shouldn't need the (MyClass*) cast. The hash_map's values should be of that type anyway, so it's nicer to let the compiler enforce type checks than to possibly bypass them with an explicit cast. That shouldn't be making any difference here though.
As I understand you're checking your pointer against NULL for the "remaining" items that might have not been deleted yet. But for the items you delete before your cleanup stage, do you set the pointer to NULL?
Notice that when you delete an object the pointer is not automatically set to NULL. So if you're not doing that you're trying to delete the same object twice (because your if statement will always be true), what could cause an access violation.
The code below is an example that causes a double deletion. It can be fixed if you uncomment the line that sets the pointer to NULL.
#include <cstddef>
struct Item {};
int main()
Item * p = new Item();
delete p;
//If you don't make the pointer null...
//p = NULL;
if (p != NULL)
//You delete the object twice.
delete p;
EDIT: I see you're getting the error exactly on the for line. So I'm wondering...
Apparently you have a MyClass that contains a _transactions member, which is a hash table with MyClass pointers as the data type. If the clean up code is performed inside a member function of MyClass, is it possible that you're deleting (for some reason) the MyClass instance that owns the _transactions you're iterating?
In this case you could get an error at it++ statement inside the for since the this object no longer exists. (Naturally, the error could be somewhere else too, like on the delete itself.)
Make sure to call _transactions.clear() after the for loop.