Split string on commas ignoring commas, brackets, braces in parenthesis, quotes - regex

I am attempting to split a comma separated list. I want to ignore commas that are in parenthesis, brackets, braces and quotes using regex. To be more precise I am trying to do this in postgres POSIX regexp_split_to_array.
My knowledge of regex is not great and by searching on stack overflow I was able to get a partial solution, I can split the string if it does not contain nested parenthesis, brackets, braces. Here is the regex:
Test case:
0, (1,2), (1,2,(1,2)) [1,2,3,[1,2]], [1,2,3], "text, text (test)", {a1:1, a2:3, a3:{a1=1, s2=2}, a4:"asasad, sadsas, asasdasd"}
Here is the demo
The problem is that in i.e. (1,2,(1,2)) the first 2 commas get matched if there is a nested parenthesis.

Even though regex is not the best way to go, here is a solution with recursive matching:
(?>(?>\([^()]*(?R)?[^()]*\))|(?>\[[^[\]]*(?R)?[^[\]]*\])|(?>{[^{}]*(?R)?[^{}]*})|(?>"[^"]*")|(?>[^(){}[\]", ]+))(?>[ ]*(?R))*
If we break it down, there is a group with some stuff inside, followed by more of the same kind of matching, separated by optional spaces.
(?> <---- start matching
... <---- some stuff inside
) <---- end matching
[ ]* <---- optional spaces
(?R) <---- match the entire thing again
)* <---- can be repeated
From your example 0, (1,2), (1,2,(1,2)) [1,2,3,[1,2]], [1,2,3],..., we want to match:
(1,2,(1,2)) [1,2,3,[1,2]]
For the third match, the stuff inside will match (1,2,(1,2)) and [1,2,3,[1,2]], which are separated by a space.
The stuff inside is a series of options:
(?>...)| <---- will match balanced ()
(?>...)| <---- will match balanced []
(?>...)| <---- will match balanced {}
(?>...)| <---- will match "..."
(?>...) <---- will match anything else without space or comma
Here are the options:
\( <---- literal (
[^()]* <---- any number of chars except ( or )
(?R)? <---- match the entire thing optionally
[^()]* <---- any number of chars except ( or )
\) <---- literal )
\[ <---- literal [
[^[\]]* <---- any number of chars except [ or ]
(?R)? <---- match the entire thing optionally
[^[\]]* <---- any number of chars except [ or ]
\] <---- literal ]
{ <---- literal {
[^{}]* <---- any number of chars except { or }
(?R)? <---- match the entire thing optionally
[^{}]* <---- any number of chars except { or }
} <---- literal }
" <---- literal "
[^"]* <---- any number of chars except "
" <---- literal "
[^(){}[\]", ]+ <---- one or more chars except comma, or space, or these: (){}[]"
Note that this does not match a comma-separated list, but the items in such a list. The exclusion of comma and space in the last option above causes it to stop matching at comma or space (except for space we explicitly allowed between repeated matches).


How to clear all commas except for commas in even position in sheet?

I have multiple rows of string where the string is all wrong. Here is one row an an example of the geometry and output expected:
POLYGON (( 106.812271, -6.361551, 106.812111, -6.361339, 106.81205, -6.361177, 106.81206, -6.360905, 106.812055, -6.360582, 106.812065, -6.360218, 106.812293, -6.359295, 106.812593, -6.358644, 106.812436, -6.358406, 106.8121515, -6.3582051, 106.8123, -6.357823, 106.81244, -6.357407, 106.812612, -6.356842, 106.812719, -6.356544, 106.81274, -6.356384, 106.812864, -6.356148, 106.813019, -6.356021, 106.813287, -6.355797, 106.813781, -6.355286, 106.814076, -6.354751, 106.814277, -6.354393, 106.814403, -6.354027, 106.814553, -6.353814, 106.814736, -6.353526, 106.814993, -6.353302, 106.81516, -6.353024, 106.815358, -6.35279, 106.815509, -6.352588, 106.815675, -6.352331, 106.8153007, -6.3521138, 106.8151398, -6.3520137, 106.8149789, -6.3518005, 106.8147643, -6.3516939, 106.8144639, -6.3516245, 106.8141527, -6.3515392, 106.8135734, -6.351342, 106.813171, -6.3512034, 106.8123284, -6.3509219, 106.8122418, -6.3511298, 106.8118164, -6.3521534, 106.8116597, -6.3525047, 106.8111849, -6.3535692, 106.8102245, -6.3554942, 106.8093545, -6.3568947, 106.8085097, -6.3580518, 106.80795, -6.358832, 106.8077793, -6.3590429, 106.807668, -6.359441, 106.807499, -6.360346, 106.8072531, -6.3616378, 106.8071476, -6.3622599, 106.8070637, -6.3626798, 106.8070823, -6.3629367, 106.8071207, -6.3634531, 106.8078269, -6.363831, 106.809448, -6.364124, 106.810574, -6.364198, 106.81066, -6.362993, 106.811175, -6.36277, 106.812087, -6.361703, 106.812271, -6.361551))
POLYGON (( 106.812271 -6.361551, 106.812111 -6.361339, 106.81205 -6.361177, 106.81206 -6.360905, 106.812055 -6.360582, 106.812065 -6.360218, 106.812293 -6.359295, 106.812593 -6.358644, 106.812436 -6.358406, 106.8121515 -6.3582051, 106.8123 -6.357823, 106.81244 -6.357407, 106.812612 -6.356842, 106.812719 -6.356544, 106.81274 -6.356384, 106.812864 -6.356148, 106.813019 -6.356021, 106.813287 -6.355797, 106.813781 -6.355286, 106.814076 -6.354751, 106.814277 -6.354393, 106.814403 -6.354027, 106.814553 -6.353814, 106.814736 -6.353526, 106.814993 -6.353302, 106.81516 -6.353024, 106.815358 -6.35279, 106.815509 -6.352588, 106.815675, -6.352331, 106.8153007, -6.3521138, 106.8151398 -6.3520137, 106.8149789 -6.3518005, 106.8147643 -6.3516939, 106.8144639 -6.3516245, 106.8141527 -6.3515392, 106.8135734 -6.351342, 106.813171 -6.3512034, 106.8123284 -6.3509219, 106.8122418 -6.3511298, 106.8118164 -6.3521534, 106.8116597 -6.3525047, 106.8111849 -6.3535692, 106.8102245 -6.3554942, 106.8093545 -6.3568947, 106.8085097 -6.3580518, 106.80795 -6.358832, 106.8077793 -6.3590429, 106.807668 -6.359441, 106.807499 -6.360346, 106.8072531 -6.3616378, 106.8071476 -6.3622599, 106.8070637 -6.3626798, 106.8070823 -6.3629367, 106.8071207 -6.3634531, 106.8078269 -6.363831, 106.809448 -6.364124, 106.810574 -6.364198, 106.81066 -6.362993, 106.811175 -6.36277, 106.812087 -6.361703, 106.812271 -6.361551))
One example is as follows above. I need to get rid of all odd position commas and only keep the even position commas. So that the geometry can become output.
I tried doing a split(text.",") and concatenate however when the columns is blank it returns xxx,,,, which is not what I had in mind.
Since some have more than 200 commas means that I need to have more than 200 columns, is there a simpler way like using regex?Someone please help.
If the second number is always negative, this is simple as replacing , - (comma, space, dash) with (space).
=REGEXREPLACE(B2,", -"," ")
If not,
Capture group #1: (-??\d+\.?\d*)
-?? zero or one of literal dash followed by
\d+ one or more digits followed by
.? zero or one of literal .
\d* zero or more of digits
literal ,
Capture group #2 (\s*-?\d+\.?\d*)
\s* zero or more of space characters
-? zero or one of literal dash followed by
\d+ one or more digits followed by
.? zero or one of literal .
\d* zero or more of digits
Replace with capture groups only: $1$2
SEQUENCE(1, COLUMNS(SPLIT(A1, ",")))),, ",")),,9^9), ",$", ))
for array:
IF(ISODD(SEQUENCE(1, COLUMNS(SPLIT(x, ",")))),, ",")),,9^9), ",$", )))))
An idea to match , and capture any non-commas with an optional comma after:
=REGEXREPLACE(A1; ",([^,]*,?)"; "$1")
Replace with $1 what was captured by the first group - See this demo at regex101

Regex for KeyValue pattern

I have to check if a string follows the following patterns:
The words 'field1', 'value1' don't count, the important thing is that it has to be something=something and if there is more than 1, it should be a comma for each pair.
I reached the following regex:
"Match any one or more word except if it has =, then there should be an = and then match any one or more word except if it has =".
The thing is, it does take the comma but I think is because of \w. I don't think this is correct.
I'm using https://regexr.com/ to check for the correct regular expression.
If you need to match symbols like $, then don't use \w. This satisfies all your conditions:
(?: // Begin non-capturing group (first key=value pair)
( // Begin capturing group (key)
[^,=\n]+ // Match one or more characters that aren't comma, equals, or new line
) // End capturing group (key)
= // Equals
( // Begin capturing group (value)
[^,=\n]+ // Match one or more characters that aren't comma, equals, or new line
) // End capturing group (value)
) // End non-capturing group (first key=value pair)
(?: // Begin non-capturing group (additional key=value pairs)
, // Starts with comma (otherwise entire group fails)
( // Begin capturing group (key)
[^,=\n]+ // Match one or more characters that aren't comma, equals, or new line
) // End capturing group (key)
= // Equals
( // Begin capturing group (value)
[^,=\n]+ // Match one or more characters that aren't comma, equals, or new line
) // End capturing group (value)
) // End non-capturing group (additional key=value pairs)
* // Match 0 or more of the additional key value pairs
Test Here

Regex: Deal \r\n as normal word

I'm doing a small project which can calculate the count of functions in C++ files(.cpp).
I used the following Regex as "function pattern":
It works for most cases, but fails when there are new line breaks in ().
void CXYZRScanPanel::OnPrepareScanning()
//This one is ok.
void CXYZRScanPanel::OnPrepareScanning(int k)
//This one is ok.
void CXYZRScanPanel::OnPrepareScanning(int k,
int j)
//This one fails.
I'm thinking if there is anything "stronger" than the .* which can skip the \r\n.
Thanks for any help.
If there is no such a thing, I will probably remove all /r/n within () before doing the such.
You could write the pattern using a negated character class starting with [^ matching any char except ( and ) which will also match a newline.
Note that you can omit the | in the character class.
The pattern matches:
[a-zA-Z]+ Match 1+ times chars a-zA-Z
\s*::\s* Match :: between optional whitespace chars
~? Match an optional ~ char
[a-zA-Z]+ Match 1+ times chars a-zA-Z
( Capture group 1
\([^()]*\) Optionally match any char except ( and ) between parenthesis
) Close group 1
See a regex demo

Regex match strings with different values

for i,v in array
for i , v in array
for i , v in array
for i, v in array
for i,v in array
for i, v in array
How i could match anything after the v
i,v, and in array will have different values
i mean something like:
for ppp,gflgkf heekd gfvb
You could use
The pattern matches:
\bfor\s+ Match for and 1+ whitespace chars
[^\s,]+ Match 1+ times any char except a whitspace char or ,
(?: Non capture group
\s*,\s*[^\s,]+ Match a comma between optional whitespace chars, and match at least a single char other than a comma or whitespace chars
)*\s+ Close the group and optionally repeat it followed by 1+ whitespace chars
(.+) Capture 1+ times any char except a newline in group 1
See a regex demo.

Stripping comments from Forth source code using regular expressions

I am trying to match all content between parentheses, including parentheses in a non-greedy way. There should be a space before and after the opening parentheses (or the start of a line before the opening parentheses) and a space before and after the closing parentheses. Take the following text:
( )
( This is a comment )
1 2 +
\ a
: square dup * ;
( foo bar
baz )
( ( )
( )
The first line should be matched, the second line including its content should be matched, the second last line should not be matched (or raise an error) and the last line should be matched. The two lines foo bar baz should be matched, but (quux) should not as it doesn't contain a space before and after the parentheses. The line with the extra opening parentheses inside should be matched.
I tried a few conventional regexes for matching content between parentheses but without much success. The regex engine is that of Go's.
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\(( | .*? )\)`)
s = re.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/t93tc_hWAG
Regular expressions "can't count" (that's over-simplified, but bear with me), so you can't match on an unbounded amount of parenthesis nesting. I guess you're mostly concerned about matching only a single level in this case, so you would need to use something like:
foo := regexp.MustCompile(`^ *\( ([^ ]| [^)]*? \)$`)
This does require the comment to be the very last thing on a line, so it may be better to add "match zero or more spaces" there. This does NOT match the string "( ( ) )" or try to cater for arbitrary nesting, as that's well outside the counting that regular expressions can do.
What they can do in terms of counting is "count a specific number of times", they can't "count how many blah, then make sure there's the same number of floobs" (that requires going from a regular expression to a context-free grammar).
Here is a way to match all the 3 lines in question:
See the Go regex demo at the new regex101.com
(?m) - multiline mode on
^ - due to the above, the start of a line
[\t\p{Zs}]* - 0+ horizontal whitespaces
\( - a (
[\pZs}\t] - exactly 1 horizontal whitespace
(?:[^()\n]*[\pZs}\t])? - an optional sequence matching:
[^()\n]* - a negated character class matching 0+ characters other than (, ) and a newline
[\pZs}\t] - horizontal whitespace
\) - a literal )
[\pZs}\t]* - 0+ horizontal whitespaces
$ - due to (?m), the end of a line.
Go playground demo:
package main
import (
func main() {
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[\t\p{Zs}]*\([\pZs}\t](?:[^()\n]*[\pZs}\t])?\)[\pZs}\t]*$`)
var str = ` ( )
( This is a comment )
1 2 +
\ a
: square dup * ;
( foo bar
baz )
( ( )
( )`
for i, match := range re.FindAllString(str, -1) {
fmt.Println("'", match, "' (found at index", i, ")")