Visual Studio 2017 iOS Build Failed to acquire Cordova - visual-studio-2017

I am building a mobile app using VS-TACO and I am trying to run my build on iOS.
When I try to build this app for iOS on a Windows host which is connected to a Mac with remotebuild agent, then I get following Error Message in Visual Studio 2017 on Windows Machine
"Remote build error from the build server
https://macIpAddress:3000/cordova - Error: Failed to acquire Cordova
version 6.3.1. TACO0204: Error installing cordova via npm. Exit Code:
1. See output for details. EShopper"
When i do "npm cordova -v" on my Mac, i see "5.4.2"
Windows OS: Windows 10
Mac OS Sierra
I have given all required user permissions as suggested in taco.visualstudio

Making npm cordova -v equals npm -v. It returns the npm's version, not the cordova version.
Cordova has to be installed on your PC(WINDOWS).
Could you do on your PC: cordova -v?
If nothing is return : npm install -g cordova#6.3.1 or npm install -g cordova#latest if you want the LATEST version of cordova.
Then you have to tell Visual studio to use the global version of cordova, for that: choose Global Cordova option in Config.xml editor UI.
Tell me if it's better, otherwise i'll guide you.


How can i use expo cli with my smartphone on termux

Hello friends i'm new here.
I want to run react native project with my android but i got this error when i run expo cli on termux Error: Platform not supported
error illustration
Ps: i use TECNO SPARK 5 Pro with Android 10
I had the same problem. It was solved by reverting to version 4.2.1. Uninstall expo-cli and install expo-cli#4.2.1 .
You can create easyly by using simple trick
First you need to install one linus operating systeam (ubantu2.0) in your termux android application
*You can easyly install ubantu os with anylinux application just download from playstore *
After instaling the ubantu os in your android device then you need to install nodejs in your ubantu os inaide termux just type commend apt update && apt upgrade && apt install nodejs
After this commend you need to put one more command for instaling react -native(expo)
npm install -g expo-cli
If you face any problem then you need to upgrade your nodejs version with letest version with using nvm
Here is orginal documentation about letest version nodejs using nvm

How to fixed "cordova platform add android" error in ionic

I am trying to add an Android platform for my ionic 2 projects using "ionic cordova platform add android". But it gives "[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova." Any solution?
I would try to reinstalling cordova.
npm uninstall -g cordova
npm install -g cordova
I hope this help

cannot install

I have a created a simple AWS Dotnet core API in visual studio and now I need to install Amazon.Lambda.Tools 3.1.1 NuGet package But, whenever I try to install this NuGet package I get this error
The error:
Package 'Amazon.Lambda.Tools 3.1.1' has a package type 'DotnetTool' that is not supported (Project name)
I am running VS 2017(15.9.3) on Windows 10 and Dotnet core 2.1.500
Any ideas!!
I was able to solve it by adding
Amazon.Lambda.Tools to csproj and then deleting Microsoft.AspNetCore.All from csproj

"ionic cordova build android" fails to buld apk

I have set all the required environments. To confirm i checked the requirements to build android using command
cordova requirements
which gave the result as below
Requirements check results for android:
Java JDK: installed 1.8.0
Android SDK: installed true
Android target: installed android-26,android-25,android-24,Google
Inc.:Google APIs:24,android-23
Gradle: installed C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-3.2\bin\gradle
when i tried to build apk using command
ionic cordova build android
am getting as below
> ionic cordova prepare
> cordova prepare
- Running command [12:17:44] lint finished in 4.70 s
√ Running command - done!
> cordova build android
× Running command - failed!
[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova build android (exit code 1):
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144
The system cannot find the path specified.
Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code 1
Previously I had also faced this problem. I solved my problem by this way. I have installed Gradle in C:\Program Files\gradle\gradle-3.3. I set the Gradle path like that
GRADLE_HOME C:\Program Files\gradle\gradle-3.3
Add Path C:\Program Files\gradle\gradle-3.3\bin

Compile shared library with VS2015 : "this client is not compatible with the paired build agent"

I created a shared library with Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Update 1 :
File > New Project > Templates > Visual C++ > Cross Platform > Shared Library (Android, iOS)
I got the following project structure by default :
The android project builds successfully. But the issue appears when I try to compile the iOS project (the highlighted one on the screenshot).
Since a build agent is needed, I installed it on a Mac using npm and vcremote (as explained here :
I successfully paired Visual Studio with the Mac by going into Tools > Options > Cross Platform > C++ > iOS > Pairing.
But I still get the following error :
"Build agent request has failed, this client is not compatible with the paired build agent. Client version "1.3.0", build agent version "2.3.0". Supported build agent versions are: "2.0.0 - 2.2.0". Please update vcremote with "npm update vcremote", on the Mac."
On the Mac Terminal I get a similar error message :
"Visual Studio is incompatible with the current version of this build agent. Please update vcremote using npm."
I did run the npm update vcremote command, it is now up to date, but the error still shows up. Moreover it seems that the build agent version is too high regarding the client version.
What do you guys suggest ?
The problem was the version of vcremote-lib which was too high (2.3.0). I tried to downgrade only this package but it didn't work, so I downgraded the entire vcremote and it finally worked. Here are the steps I followed to resolve my problem :
Uninstall vcremote :
(documentation about the npm "uninstall" command :
sudo npm -g uninstall vcremote --save
sudo npm -g uninstall vcremote-lib --save
Check which versions are available :
(documentation about the npm "version" command :
If you don't specify a version number while installing a package the latest version is chosen by default. To check the available versions for a specific package (here we're talking about vcremote package) run the following command :
npm view vcremote versions
Reinstall a specific version of vcremote :
(documentation about the npm "install" command :
I didn't want the last one (1.0.8), so I specified a prior version (1.0.6) while running the following command :
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm vcremote#1.0.6
...instead of using the following command provided in the documentation :
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm vcremote
And finally :
Now it's working fine because vcremote 1.0.6 uses vcremote-lib 2.0.0 (while vcremote 1.0.8 used vcremote-lib 2.3.0).
(i can't post comments yet...)
With visual studio 2015 update 2 released yesterday you get this error:
Build agent request has failed, this client is not compatible with the paired build agent. Client version "1.4.0", build agent version "2.0.0". Supported build agent versions are: "2.3.0 - 2.4.0". Please update vcremote with "npm update vcremote", on the Mac.
now need to update to vcremote 1.0.8 (in order to get vcremote-lib 2.0.3):
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm vcremote#1.0.8
which brought in vcremote-lib 2.0.3, version 2.0.4 doesn't seem to be available yet