Tomcat web socket + AWS Bitnami - amazon-web-services

I've tested a web socket project which uses tomcat7 on localhost and it works perfectly. I've deployed it into digital ocean server as well and it works perfectly. However when I tried to deploy it to AWS bitnami EC2 instance, it returned a "failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 500".
I would really appreciate it if a solution could be given or a step-by-step process to fix this. Currently there is no solution to be found on the web and I believe many people are facing this issue as well.


Configuration issues for oauth2 client Google on AWS ELB

Currently I'm running into some problems with a Google login on my Symfony 5.4 application.
I installed the bundle knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle on my symfony application and got everything working on my local development environment, which is based on docker.
When I deploy everything to the test environment so the stakeholders can test the functionality is does not work and I can't figure out what's wrong.
My guess is that the remote environment is behind a proxy, but I can't wrap my head around it how to configure this.
I configured the following:
timeout: 0
proxy: 172.16.x.x
verify: false
type: google
client_id: '%env(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)%'
client_secret: '%env(GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
redirect_route: google_login_check
redirect_params: {}
use_state: false
For the proxy ip-address I looked into AWS and I found 2 for the network addresses used by the load balancers, so I didn't knew which one to use. Then I dumped $_ENV on both ec2 instances (we have 2 instances per env), and saw that the REMOTE_ADDR was the same on both env's, so i assumed that that must be the correct ipaddress (172.16.x.x).
Now when I login to google I can login in, but when it tries to redirect after logging in, the server responds with an 504 gateway timeout error. Before I added the timeout:0 config the server responded with a 415 Unsupported Media Type error.
Can somebody point me in the right direction? Any help is much appreciated.

Bot Framework Bot with AWS EC2 endpoint displays 500 error

I have developed a bot using bot frame work . I have tested it locally using emulator and it was working fine. I have published it to a folder for iis website however the bot is not replying back.
Note the bot is already registered and i have set up the bot app id and password in web config. The end point was set to https://serverip/api/messages but when i access it from within the server it is not accessible and i get internl error 500.
Also i have installed an ssl certificate on my website.
Can someone pls guide me on how to fix this error message? I dont know what else need to be done or how to troubleshoot this issue. Ive gone through microsoft documentation but i found nothing solves my issue.
Right now Im not sure if this could be an AWS server issue?

"digitalocean" droplet password changing broke the website (502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu))

I have changed the password of the digitalocean droplet then after that the website is not working at all and the api's for the mobile application is not working either.
The website and the apis aren't made by me but by different side,and they built using python-django.
Please i need your help to recover everything as i believe it's a problem with the reset password process i have done.
here is the website :
here is the message i got :
502 Bad Gateway
nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
Just after a reboot, ssh with eduWallet user and type "supervisord" it will start the server.

I get a 502 tunnel connection error when trying to deploy the WSO2 banking example

I am running through the WSO2 example at with all the latest downloads on the DEV Studio and servers as of Oct 25, 2014. I get to the end and receive an error I have not come across.
"Error while creating CAR"
An error occurred while creating or publishing the car for more details view the log. Transport error: 502 error: Tunnel Connection Failed.
I configured all servers on one Win7 Workstation 64-bit, with ActiveMQ and MySQL and all the things correctly installed and working independently. I cannot get this last step to deploy the app and see how it will actually work. I need this to understand if/how I can use this in my scenario for our productions systems so any help is GREATLY appreciated!

WWS server not responding over a network

I have been testing WCF and WWS services, both my own and the SortService by Mykolad Dudar.
First the WCF version is created, and then wsutil is used for the WWS version.
Both the WCF and WWS services are working fine if the server and client run on the same machine. However, the WWS server is not responding if the server and client are on different machines. The WCF version works fine.
The binding is wshttp and security is set to ’None’. No firewalls or anti virus programs running.
This is the error message I get on the client calling the WWS:
Error: There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or S
OAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
The InnerException is empty.
I’m sure I’m missing something, can anyone please help me out?
Got it working. In case anyone else encounters the same problem, here is how:
Turns out that using ‘localhost’ in the web service url was the problem (on the server). Using the machine IP address instead, solved the problem.
Using ‘localhost’ for the WCF service worked fine, so there is a difference between WCF and WWS on this point.