Bot Framework Bot with AWS EC2 endpoint displays 500 error - amazon-web-services

I have developed a bot using bot frame work . I have tested it locally using emulator and it was working fine. I have published it to a folder for iis website however the bot is not replying back.
Note the bot is already registered and i have set up the bot app id and password in web config. The end point was set to https://serverip/api/messages but when i access it from within the server it is not accessible and i get internl error 500.
Also i have installed an ssl certificate on my website.
Can someone pls guide me on how to fix this error message? I dont know what else need to be done or how to troubleshoot this issue. Ive gone through microsoft documentation but i found nothing solves my issue.
Right now Im not sure if this could be an AWS server issue?


WSO2 devicemgt connection

I have a problem accessing IP:9443/devicemgt. I have 3.6.0 iot server under ubuntu
It goes to devicemgt/welcome then setting up environnement and then error:
Ops... it seems something went wrong.
Refresh the page to retry!
I access iot server from an external IP and I have launched
The connction to App store and publisher is ok.
I have seen a post indicating to change the /tec/hosts but it doesn't work. In my etc/hosts, I have tried My_IP mdm-wso2 for example.

Tomcat web socket + AWS Bitnami

I've tested a web socket project which uses tomcat7 on localhost and it works perfectly. I've deployed it into digital ocean server as well and it works perfectly. However when I tried to deploy it to AWS bitnami EC2 instance, it returned a "failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 500".
I would really appreciate it if a solution could be given or a step-by-step process to fix this. Currently there is no solution to be found on the web and I believe many people are facing this issue as well.

"digitalocean" droplet password changing broke the website (502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu))

I have changed the password of the digitalocean droplet then after that the website is not working at all and the api's for the mobile application is not working either.
The website and the apis aren't made by me but by different side,and they built using python-django.
Please i need your help to recover everything as i believe it's a problem with the reset password process i have done.
here is the website :
here is the message i got :
502 Bad Gateway
nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
Just after a reboot, ssh with eduWallet user and type "supervisord" it will start the server.

I'm getting Error "Server Application Unavailable"

The webservice isthrowing the following error when i browse from IIS:
Server Application Unavailable
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.
Administrator Note:
An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.
In event viewer, I am getting the following message:
Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created. Error: 0x80131509
For more information, see Help and Support Center at events.asp.
I'm not able the understand the the problem actually is and how to resolve this. please help me.
I have found a very good article that worked for me:
There seems to be a problem with your IIS installation, specifically, the Application Pool associated to your website. This could be because ASP.NET is not installed properly.
Please try the following:
Remove your website and application pool and recreate them
Install ASP.NET - run this command: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe–i as an Administrator.

Facebook Debugger unable to test localhost

I am building a Facebook app using Django. So, for development, I connected the app to localhost. My app is loading on canvas and working fine but the Facebook debugger is unable to test it correctly when I give localhost address as input.
These are the requests I tried in debugger
Almost for all possible combinations.. It showed me
Error Parsing URL: Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped.
When I deployed the same code on heroku and tried.. It was working!
Can't I debug the project on localhost? What's the point in working on it then??
If I can work, how should I fix it?
Can't I debug the project on localhost? What's the point in working on it then??
You can debug your code etc. on localhost – but of course you can’t have Facebook’s debug tool reach a site on your localhost, because Facebook (and everyone else on the web) does have no idea what machine your localhost actually is. (Absolute bascis, dude!)
If I can work, how should I fix it?
You have to make your web server accessible from the “outside”, over the internet.
Set up your test server so that it accepts requests from outside IPs, and get a DynDNS address (basically something that can be resolved by third parties like Facebook over the DNS).
You can access Facebook apps locally but you need to fake the domain of your local computer. You can do this by adding
to /etc/hosts. You should update to your domain. Your Facebook app needs to be configured for that domain. You can then use the Facebook app locally and debug your project.
The alternative is to setup up a web server and use its domain for testing purposes (but this is not ideal because you'll need to commit and build the code before you can see your changes).