WSO2 ESB EI611 registry based values for configuration from Tooling - wso2

Am able to define registry based values in EI611 Management Console and use in Inbound endpoint or Proxy Service (via Tooling).
<parameter key="conf:/repository/FileLocation" name="transport.vfs.FileURI"/>
<parameter key="conf:/repository/FileMoveAfterFailure" name="transport.vfs.MoveAfterFailure"/>
<parameter key="conf:/repository/FilePattern" name="transport.vfs.FileNamePattern"/>
<parameter key="conf:/repository/FileMoveAfterProcess" name="transport.vfs.MoveAfterProcess"/>
How to define registry resources from Tooling and deploy it as part of CAR and define/modify values in Management Console?
I created a registry resource in DS380 tooling and did not know what type to select, hence selected "datamapper" and gave "gov" with a name. Then, resources editor opened and I cannot do anything further. The registry is saved as
file and cant proceed further.
Appreciate your help on this.

Create Maven Multimodule Project, then add Composite Application Project, then add Registry Resource Project. After, you can add resource and edit then in IDE. One you are done open Composite Application find registry resource and change role to Enterprise Integrator.
Export Compositor App Project car file, deploy on server and you will see resources in server registry.


WSO2 IS 5.5 - Advanced Authentication Configuration not saving

I'm trying to setup multi-factor authentication in WSO2 Identity Server 5.5. As per instructions, I have installed and configured totp as a possible second factor. Within my service provider, I'm attempting to add multiple steps to the Advanced Authentication Configuration screen under the Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration section, and modifications are not saving when pressing Update.
I understand that some of the UI operations do not always operate as expected, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this or perhaps could specify where the service provider config files are located so I can make these changes manually?
For my use case, I just want to have basic as the first step/factor and then totp as the second. Nothing seems to save on this screen.
screenshot-advanced configuration

how to resgist datamapper mediator in WSO2 ei

Now I want to use data mapper mediator in WSO2 ei console, and it requires me to select some Configuration Registry files:
but I don't know how to register these configuration, in the WSO2 EI documentation I could hardly find how to register, while I only found that I can create a ESB solution project and package that to a .car file, then deploy it.
But I don't want to do this, so I need help.
I believe what you're looking for is in this link.
Mapping Configuration: The file, which contains the script file that is used to execute the mapping. You need to create a mapping
configuration file using the Dev Studio-based Tooling plugin, and
store it either in the Configuration Registry or Governance Registry,
to select and upload it from here.
Let me know if it worked or need more help.

WSO2 - Uploading "Registry Resources Project" onto ESB Server

I have a requirement to version control my "registry" artifacts (i.e. wsdls, xsds, xsls), that I currently upload to the WSO2 ESB 4.8.1 server. I'm not using WSO2 GREG at the moment. I came across the "Registry Resources Project" facility which I think would help me achieve this. However I'm unsure as to whether this facility can only be used with GREG or with ESB as well. Is there a way for me to generate a CApp Project, include the the above "Registry Resources Project" in it, and deploy it to my ESB server?
I've come across blogs which deploy standard ESB artifacts in the way, but not the registry. -
Please help....
You can create required registry resources as specified in the creating registry resources documentation. Once you have created your registry resource project, then you need to create composite application archive as specified in the Creating a Composite Application Archive (CAR) file documentation.
When you are creating CAR file, you need to specify server role as EnterpriseServiceBus to deploy your registry resources in ESB.

How can I add claim mapping in wso2is via configuration?

I added in claim-config.xml but i dont see that claim being added in the IS management console.
<SupportedByDefault />
Also i dont want to add the claim mapping from management console. i want to automate this process so need a configuration change.
WSO2IS reads the claim-config.xml file and add those claims when you start the server first time. After you update the claim-config.xml, It does not read from it. When server is started first time, it reads the claim-config.xml file add add those in to the database (as there are no any claim configuration in the database). If claim mapping are dynamically changed and you do not like to configure them from UI, you can automate the web service API that is used to configure the claims. If claim mappings are not changed, them you can add all the configures in the claim-config.xml in the first start up.
You can use the ClaimManagementService admin service of WSO2 Identity Server to do CRUD operations on claims. You can get an idea of available methods by referring to the wsdl of ClaimManagementService. Please refer to this link for more information regarding calling admin services of WSO2 servers.

WSO2 ESB How to upload app config xml files

I need to work around a weird behaviour of WSO2 ESB. Whenever the ESB is started, all carbon files are redeployed. This means to reset all changes made in files after last deploy(restart), such us, configuration xml files (endpoints, custom config files...) .
So I guess the only way to avoid modifing this configuration files during the start up is to take them out from the carbon file. Thus, I would upload app files as carbon app, and app config files (EP, custom config files...) using an alternative way.
So, in this situation, how could I upload these config files in and easy and automatic way?
I presume you are using a CApp (Carbon Application) to deploy the esb artifacts like endpoints. The number rule for this procedure is that you need to do all the modifications you need to do via the WSO2 Developer Studio, build a CApp, and re-deploy it in WSO2 ESB. You should try to avoid using management console to perform esb artifact (proxy services, endpoints, sequences, templates etc.) modifications. You can of course use the management console for other administrative tasks like configuring data-sources, BAM mediation data publishing etc.
If you are using the Management console to modify artifacts, then you can do that too, but avoid using CApps as the method of deploying esb artifacts. You should probably copy all the config xml files to relevant folders at $ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/. And then go ahead with your modifications via mgt console.