Why pair numbers using bit interleaving instead of separating by high and low bits? - bit-manipulation

I recently learned of Morton coding (Z-order curve) as a bitwise pairing function. It was presented to me as a computationally faster way to pair numbers compared to the Cantor pairing function.
The way Morton coding works is to combine two numbers by interleaving their bits and storing the result in a wider data type. For example, interleave the bits of two 8-bit integers and store the result as a 16-bit integer.
Why would you want to interleave the bits instead of splitting the two numbers among the high and low bits of the target data type? I would expect using high and low bits to be faster still. When might there be an advantage in interleaving them?

Like the Cantor pairing function, and unlike concatenation, it does not place an a-priori bound on the coordinates. In order words, Morton-coding can also be formulated for arbitrary length integers. That is not the case for concatenation really, because while anything can be concatenated, the result would be ambiguous and its interpretation would depend on the original sizes of the coordinates. The sizes of all but one dimension have to be fixed to avoid ambiguity.
If it is used in a context where there is an a-priori bound anyway, and locality is not an issue, then of course concatenation is an even simpler option.
Locality is a commonly used advantage though. Two coordinates that are close by are mostly mapped relatively close by in terms of their Z-values as well. The Hilbert curve works even better for that purpose, but is harder to encode, decode, and offset (and like concatenation, it also depends on the size of the space which must be fixed in advance). Concatenated coordinates preserve locality in only one dimension (but really well) and not the other(s), but are the easiest to encode/decode/offset (when these things are possible at all, which means the size of all but one dimension must be predetermined).


Advantages of a bit matrix over a bitmap

I want to create a simple representation of an environment that basically just represents if at a certain position is an object or is not.
I would thus only need a big matrix filled with 1's and 0'. It is important to work effectively on this matrix, since I am going to have random positioned get and set operations on it, but also iterate over the whole matrix.
What would be the best solution for this?
My approach would be to create a vector of vectors containing bit elements. Otherwise, would there be an advantage of using a bitmap?
Note that while std::vector<bool> may consume less memory it is also slower than std::vector<char> (depending on the use case), because of all the bitwise operations. As with any optimization questions, there is only one answer: try different solutions and profile properly.

Generating individual moves from a bitboard of moves

In my chess engine, that uses bitboards for representing the board's state, generates a chunk of pseudo-legal moves in one go, a bitboard being the result. For example:
A little bitboard magic later:
The bitboard at the end is simply a chunk of possible moves. How do engines usually take this bitboard and generate individual moves from them? Do I have to iterate over every single bit to check if it's set? Iterating over a bitboard seems to defy the very purpose of using bitboards though, which is why I'm a bit skeptical.
Is there a better way?
Then, typically you apply some variant of the minimax algorithm to evaluate how good the moves are, so you can pick (what you estimate to be) the best move. A simple variant is, for example, alpha-beta.
The variants mainly deal with attempting to guide the search towards "probably useful moves" and away from useless areas of the search space, because the search tree is very wide and your ability to explore it deeply is extremely important for a good chess AI - exploring it shallowly makes the AI easy to "trap" because it will make choices that look good short-term even though they work out badly later on.
So yes, you will iterate over the bitboards. That doesn't really defy their purpose - you've still (probably) computed the moves much faster than if you hadn't used bitboards. For the simplest AI you could just take "the first" move using standard bitboard techniques, but an AI that plays like that will be below novice level, having no regard for winning or losing at all.
You don't have to iterate over 64 single bits. You can prepare/pre-define for example a 256-sized lookup array with all possible move-lists where 8-bit indices represent attack-sets of a piece on a single rank. Then you can iterate only 8 times with bitwise shift operation (bitboard >> 8) to pass subsequent rank-attack-sets as an index to the array and extract the move-list. It will speed up roughly 8 times comparing to one-bit stepping loop. Maybe you should enhance this array to [8][256] actually to pass also a rank number itself and extract a final move-list (with x,y coordinates) depending on your needs. The memory cost is still insignificant.

Fast hamming distance between 2 bitset

I'm writing a software that heavily relies on (1) accessing single bit and (2) Hamming distance computations between 2 bitset A and B (ie. the numbers of bits that differ between A and B). The bitsets are quite big, between 10K and 1M bits and i have a bunch of them. Since it is impossible to know the bitset sizes at compilation time, i'm using vector < bool > , but i plan to migrate to boost::dynamic_bitset soon.
Hereafter are my questions:
(1) Any ideas about which implementations have the fastest single bit access time?
(2) To compute Hamming distance, the naive approach is to loop over the single bits and to count differences between the 2 bitsets. But, my feeling is that it might be much faster to loop over bytes instead of bits, perform R = byteA XOR byteB, and look in a table with 255 entries what "local" distance is associated with R. Another solutions would be store a 255 x 255 matrix and access directly without operation to the distance between byteA and byteB. So my question: Any idea how to implement that from std::vector < bool > or boost::dynamic_bitset? In other words, do you know if there is a way to get access to the bytes array or i have to recode everything from scratch?
(1) Probably vector<char> (or even vector<int>), but that wastes at least 7/8 space on typical hardware. You don't need to unpack the bits if you use a byte or more to store them. Which of vector<bool> or dynamic_bitset is faster, I don't know. That might depend on the C++ implementation.
(2) boost::dynamic_bitset has operator^ and a count member, which together can be used to compute the Hamming distance in a probably fast, though memory-wasting way. You can also get to the underlying buffer with to_block_range; to use that, you need to implement a Hamming distance calculator as an OutputIterator.
If you do code from scratch, you can probably do even better than a byte at a time: take a word at a time from each bitset. The cost of XOR should be very low, then use either an implementation-specific builtin popcount, or else the fastest bit-twiddling popcount you can find (which may or may not involve a 256-entry lookup).
[Edit: looks as if this could apply to boost::dynamic_bitset::to_block_range, with the Block chosen as either int or long. It's a shame that it writes to an OutputIterator rather than giving you an InputIterator -- I can't immediately see how to use it to iterate over two bitsets together, except by using an extra thread or else copying one of the bitsets out to an int array first. Either way you'll take some copy overhead that could have been avoided if it had left the program control to you. The thread is pretty complicated for this task, and of course has its own overheads, and copying out the data probably isn't any better than using operator^ and count().]
I know this will get downvoted for heresy, but here it is: you can get a pointer to the actual data from a vector using &vector[0]; (for vector ymmv). Then, you can iterate over it using c-style functions; meaning, cast your pointer to an int pointer or something big like that, perform your hamming arithmetic as above, and move the pointer one word-length at a time. This would only work because you know that the bits are packed together continuously, and would be vulnerable (for example, if the vector is modified, it could move memory locations).

Is there a data structure with these characteristics?

I'm looking for a data structure that would allow me to store an M-by-N 2D matrix of values contiguously in memory, such that the distance in memory between any two points approximates the Euclidean distance between those points in the matrix. That is, in a typical row-major representation as a one-dimensional array of M * N elements, the memory distance differs between adjacent cells in the same row (1) and adjacent cells in neighbouring rows (N).
I'd like a data structure that reduces or removes this difference. Really, the name of such a structure is sufficient—I can implement it myself. If answers happen to refer to libraries for this sort of thing, that's also acceptable, but they should be usable with C++.
I have an application that needs to perform fast image convolutions without hardware acceleration, and though I'm aware of the usual optimisation techniques for this sort of thing, I feel a specialised data structure or data ordering could improve performance.
Given the requirement that you want to store the values contiguously in memory, I'd strongly suggest you research space-filling curves, especially Hilbert curves.
To give a bit of context, such curves are sometimes used in database indexes to improve the locality of multidimensional range queries (e.g., "find all items with x/y coordinates in this rectangle"), thereby aiming to reduce the number of distinct pages accessed. A bit similar to the R-trees that have been suggested here already.
Either way, it looks that you're bound to an M*N array of values in memory, so the whole question is about how to arrange the values in that array, I figure. (Unless I misunderstood the question.)
So in fact, such orderings would probably still only change the characteristics of distance distribution.. average distance for any two randomly chosen points from the matrix should not change, so I have to agree with Oli there. Potential benefit depends largely on your specific use case, I suppose.
I would guess "no"! And if the answer happens to be "yes", then it's almost certainly so irregular that it'll be way slower for a convolution-type operation.
To qualify my guess, take an example. Let's say we store a[0][0] first. We want a[k][0] and a[0][k] to be similar distances, and proportional to k, so we might choose to interleave the storage of first row and first column (i.e. a[0][0], a[1][0], a[0][1], a[2][0], a[0][2], etc.) But how do we now do the same for e.g. a[1][0]? All the locations near it in memory are now taken up by stuff that's near a[0][0].
Whilst there are other possibilities than my example, I'd wager that you always end up with this kind of problem.
If your data is sparse, then there may be scope to do something clever (re Cubbi's suggestion of R-trees). However, it'll still require irregular access and pointer chasing, so will be significantly slower than straightforward convolution for any given number of points.
You might look at space-filling curves, in particular the Z-order curve, which (mostly) preserves spatial locality. It might be computationally expensive to look up indices, however.
If you are using this to try and improve cache performance, you might try a technique called "bricking", which is a little bit like one or two levels of the space filling curve. Essentially, you subdivide your matrix into nxn tiles, (where nxn fits neatly in your L1 cache). You can also store another level of tiles to fit into a higher level cache. The advantage this has over a space-filling curve is that indices can be fairly quick to compute. One reference is included in the paper here: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
This sounds like something that could be helped by an R-tree. or one of its variants. There is nothing like that in the C++ Standard Library, but looks like there is an R-tree in the boost candidate library Boost.Geometry (not a part of boost yet). I'd take a look at that before writing my own.
It is not possible to "linearize" a 2D structure into an 1D structure and keep the relation of proximity unchanged in both directions. This is one of the fundamental topological properties of the world.
Having that that, it is true that the standard row-wise or column-wise storage order normally used for 2D array representation is not the best one when you need to preserve the proximity (as much as possible). You can get better result by using various discrete approximations of fractal curves (space-filling curves).
Z-order curve is a popular one for this application: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-order_(curve)
Keep in mind though that regardless of which approach you use, there will always be elements that violate your distance requirement.
You could think of your 2D matrix as a big spiral, starting at the center and progressing to the outside. Unwind the spiral, and store the data in that order, and distance between addresses at least vaguely approximates Euclidean distance between the points they represent. While it won't be very exact, I'm pretty sure you can't do a whole lot better either. At the same time, I think even at very best, it's going to be of minimal help to your convolution code.
The answer is no. Think about it - memory is 1D. Your matrix is 2D. You want to squash that extra dimension in - with no loss? It's not going to happen.
What's more important is that once you get a certain distance away, it takes the same time to load into cache. If you have a cache miss, it doesn't matter if it's 100 away or 100000. Fundamentally, you cannot get more contiguous/better performance than a simple array, unless you want to get an LRU for your array.
I think you're forgetting that distance in computer memory is not accessed by a computer cpu operating on foot :) so the distance is pretty much irrelevant.
It's random access memory, so really you have to figure out what operations you need to do, and optimize the accesses for that.
You need to reconvert the addresses from memory space to the original array space to accomplish this. Also, you've stressed distance only, which may still cause you some problems (no direction)
If I have an array of R x C, and two cells at locations [r,c] and [c,r], the distance from some arbitrary point, say [0,0] is identical. And there's no way you're going to make one memory address hold two things, unless you've got one of those fancy new qubit machines.
However, you can take into account that in a row major array of R x C that each row is C * sizeof(yourdata) bytes long. Conversely, you can say that the original coordinates of any memory address within the bounds of the array are
r = (address / C)
c = (address % C)
r1 = (address1 / C)
r2 = (address2 / C)
c1 = (address1 % C)
c2 = (address2 % C)
dx = r1 - r2
dy = c1 - c2
dist = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
(this is assuming you're using zero based arrays)
(crush all this together to make it run more optimally)
For a lot more ideas here, go look for any 2D image manipulation code that uses a calculated value called 'stride', which is basically an indicator that they're jumping back and forth between memory addresses and array addresses
This is not exactly related to closeness but might help. It certainly helps for minimation of disk accesses.
one way to get better "closness" is to tile the image. If your convolution kernel is less than the size of a tile you typical touch at most 4 tiles at worst. You can recursively tile in bigger sections so that localization improves. A Stokes-like (At least I thinks its Stokes) argument (or some calculus of variations ) can show that for rectangles the best (meaning for examination of arbitrary sub rectangles) shape is a smaller rectangle of the same aspect ratio.
Quick intuition - think about a square - if you tile the larger square with smaller squares the fact that a square encloses maximal area for a given perimeter means that square tiles have minimal boarder length. when you transform the large square I think you can show you should the transform the tile the same way. (might also be able to do a simple multivariate differentiation)
The classic example is zooming in on spy satellite data images and convolving it for enhancement. The extra computation to tile is really worth it if you keep the data around and you go back to it.
Its also really worth it for the different compression schemes such as cosine transforms. (That's why when you download an image it frequently comes up as it does in smaller and smaller squares until the final resolution is reached.
There are a lot of books on this area and they are helpful.

Hashing function for four unsigned integers (C++)

I'm writing a program right now which produces four unsigned 32-bit integers as output from a certain function. I'm wanting to hash these four integers, so I can compare the output of this function to future outputs.
I'm having trouble writing a decent hashing function though. When I originally wrote this code, I threw in a simple addition of each of the four integers, which I knew would not suffice. I've tried several other techniques, such as shifting and adding, to no avail. I get a hash, but it's of poor quality, and the function generate a ton of collisions.
The hash output can be either a 32-bit or 64-bit integer. The function in question generates many billions of hashes, so collisions are a real problem here, and I'm willing to use a larger variable to ensure that there are as few collisions as possible.
Can anyone help me figure out how to write a quality hash function?
Why don't you store the four integers in a suitable data structure and compare them all? The benefit of hashing them in this case appears dubious to me, unless storage is a problem.
If storage is the issue, you can use one of the hash functions analyzed here.
Here's a fairly reasonable hash function from 4 integers to 1 integer:
unsigned int hash = in[0];
hash *= 37;
hash += in[1];
hash *= 37;
hash += in[2];
hash *= 37;
hash += in[3];
With uniformly-distributed input it gives uniformly-distributed output. All bits of the input participate in the output, and every input value (although not every input bit) can affect every output bit. Chances are it's faster than the function which produces the output, in which case no performance concerns.
There are other hashes with other characteristics, but accumulate-with-multiplication-by-prime is a good start until proven otherwise. You could try accumulating with xor instead of addition if you like. Either way, it's easy to generate collisions (for example {1, 0, a, b} collides with {0, 37, a, b} for all a, b), so you might want to pick a prime which you think has nothing to do with any plausible implementation bug in your function. So if your function has a lot of modulo-37 arithmetic in it, maybe use 1000003 instead.
Because hashing can generate collisions, you have to keep the keys in memory anyway in order to discover these collisions. Hashmaps and other standard datastructures do do this in their internal bookkeeping.
As the key is so small, just use the key directly rather than hashing. This will be faster and will ensure no collisions.
I fully agree with Vinko - just compare them all. If you still want a good hashing function, you need to analyse the distribution of your 4 unsinged integers. Then you have to craft your hashing function in a way, that the result will be even distributed over the whole range of the 32 bit hashing value.
A simple example - let's just assume that most of the time, the result from each function is in the range from 0 to 255. Then you could easily blend the lower 8 bits from each function into your hash. Most of the time, you'd finde the result directly, just sometimes (when one function returns a larger result) you'd have a collision.
To sum it up - without information how the results of the 4 functions are distributed, we can't help you with a good hashing function.
Why a hash? It seems like a std::set or std::multi set would be better suited to store this kind of output. All you'd need to do is wrap the four integers up in a struct and write a simple compare function.
Try using CRC or FNV. FNV is nice because it is fast and has a defined method of folding bits to get "smaller" hash values (i.e. 12-bit / 24-bit / etc).
Also the benefit of generating a 64-bit hash from a 128-bit (4 X 32-bit) number is a bit questionable because as other people have suggested, you could just use the original value as a key in a set. You really want the number of bits in the hash to represent the number of values you originally have. For example, if your dataset has 100,000 4X32-bit values, you probably want a 17-bit or 18-bit hash value, not a 64-bit hash.
Might be a bit overkill, but consider Boost.Hash. Generates very simple code and good values.