Documentation generation for BuckleScript project - ocaml

Is there any way to generate code documentation for BuckleScript or Reason? I've tried using ocamldoc, but I don't know how to include node package dependencies automatically.

There isn't an automatic resolution yet for node packages. You can manually specify each dependent package in the ocamldoc command, e.g.:
ocamldoc -html -d doc -I node_modules/bs-webapi/lib/ocaml -I node_modules/bs-fetch/lib/ocaml -I node_modules/bs-platform/lib/ocaml src/
The directory includes are fairly predictable, you just have to point at the lib/ocaml directories in each package, ocamldoc will find their compiled .cmi files and pull in the required type information from there.
This also means that you'll first need to have done bsb -make-world, to compile all those .cmis.

There’s a tool which, supposedly, automatically performs a lot of the orchestration of ocamldoc described by #Yawar, called BsDoc.
Note that I have not used this myself; but it it supposed to be the go-to for a lot of BuckleScript-specific projects (i.e. using bsb with npm-installed dependencies, not dune with opam-installed dependencies.)


Using ocamlmktop with ocamlbuild

I have a project that builds successfully using ocamlbuild. However, I would also like an easy way to interact with the project's individual functions from different modules via the toplevel but my attempts at using ocamlmktop haven't worked out as I'd like. I've found that unless I manually put the .cmi files in the active directory, I get an "Unbound module" error. The command I'm currently using to build is:
ocamlfind ocamlmktop -I _build -o my_ocaml -linkpkg -package str module1.cmo module2.cmo
Is there a better, less hacky way to get the toplevel to work in this project structure without moving cmi files out of the _build directory?
Edit: I've figured out that I can get it to load the types and modules if I run the toplevel as
./my_ocaml -I _build
But this still seems hacky. Is there a way to bake the search path or cmi files in perhaps?
Edit 2: I think the solution to my problem may actually be not to compile a custom toplevel at all given this restriction about interface files. I have instead added load directives to my .ocamlinit to use the modules. If anybody has better ideas to solve this, I'd greatly appreciate it.
You can build a toplevel by listing the module names you want in a my_ocaml.mltop file:
Then building the target will call ocamlmktop in the expected way, and you can run the resulting toplevel.
This does not change the way that you need to add _build to the include path for the type-checker to be able to find the .cmi files. You can do this when you invoke the toplevel by passing the command-line arguments -I _build, or from the toplevel with #dir "_build";; -- the last command can also be put in your .ocamlinit if you prefer.

Add source to an existing automake program

I would like to edit an existing software to add a new source file (Source.cpp).
But, I can't manage the compilation process (it seems to be automake and it looks very complicated).
The software (iperf 2: is compiled using a classical ./configure make then make install.
If I just add the file to the corresponding source and include directory, I got this error message:
Settings.cpp:(.text+0x969) : undefined reference to ...
It looks like the makefile isn't able to produce the output file associated with my new source file (Source.cpp). So, I probably need to indicate it manually somewhere.
I searched a bit in the project files and it seemed that the file to edit was: "".
I added my source to the variable iperf_SOURCES in that file but it didn't workded.
Could you help me to find the file where I need to indicate my new source file (it seems a pretty standard compilation scheme but I never used automake softwares and this one seems very complicated).
Thank you in advance
This project is built with the autotools, as you already figured out.
The makefiles are built by automake. It takes its input in files that usually have a am file name extension.
The iperf program is built by the makefile generated from src/ This is indicated by:
bin_PROGRAMS = iperf
All (actually this is a simplification, but which holds in this case) source files of a to be built binary are in the corresponding name_SOURCES variable, thus in this case iperf_SOURCES. Just add your source file to the end of that list, like so (keeping their formatting):
iperf_SOURCES = \
Client.cpp \
# lines omitted
tcp_window_size.c \
Now, to reflect this change in any future generated src/Makefile you need to run automake. This will modify src/, which is a template that is used by config.sub at the end of configure to generate the actual makefile.
Running automake can happen in various ways:
If you already have makefiles that were generated after an configure these should take care of rebuilding themselves. This seems to fail sometimes though!
You could run automake (in the top level directory) by hand. I've never done this, as there is the better solution to...
Run autoreconf --install (possibly add --force to the arguments) in the top level directory. This will regenerate the entire build system, calling all needed programs such as autoheader, autoconf and of course automake. This is my favorite solution.
The later two options require calling configure again, IMO ideally doing an out of source built:
# in top level dir
mkdir build
cd build
../configure # arguments
make # should now also compile and link your new source file

Creating an OCaml library

I am trying to create a library that I can use in other OCaml projects, and I'm totally lost.
I'm currently using ocamlbuild which is great for spitting out executables, but I don't know how to get a library out of it.
I've discovered the -a option in ocamlopt and ocamlc but I'm not really sure how to use it. The documentation I've found (for example, here), seems to assume some preexisting knowledge. I don't even know what a .a file is. After I run that, which of the outputted files do I need to build a project that depends on this library? Do I need the mli files so that the application knows the signatures of the library code, or is that included in the output somehow? Also, it would be nice to be able to package all the files together, something similar to a .jar file for Java.
In any case, I would love for ocamlbuild to do all of this for me, since if I have to invoke ocamlopt -a I will have to either manually specify dependencies or hack a script around ocamldep -- something that ocamlbuild was supposed to fix. However, I don't know how to tell it to build a library.
I'm willing to use oasis or OPAM or something if it's necessary, but I would like to learn how to do this using just the basic tools first.
OCamlbuild has some built-in functionality for building libraries, so you can get started with just ocamlbuild foo.cma foo.cmxa (assuming is your entry point). This will invoke ocamlopt -a and ocamlc -a for you, handling all the dependency plumbing and leaving the generated files inside _build.
That should be enough to let you compile a library and link it from another program. Since this is just a test you can simply point at the aforementioned _build with -I when compiling the program that uses the library. For real use a library should be packaged - when you get to that point you'll want to look into ocamlfind, oasis, etc.
Have a look at the tutorial on compiling OCaml projects. Additionally the official manual for the bytecode and native code compilers contains useful detail on producing and using the various types of files.
The documentation for ocamlbuild archives seems to cover this pretty well.
In any case, here's one way to do ocaml libraries. Let's say you have a directory called foo containing your .ml, .mli, and .mllib files. Let's say it contained, bar.mli,, and baz.mli. To distribute all this as one library, you'd also have a foo.mllib in that directory, whose contents are
Then to compile, do
$ ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind foo.cma foo.cmxa
Here is an example.
Then to use your library foo, let's say you had a sibling directory called main, and main contains, _tags, should have the following contents:
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
open Command
let () =
dispatch (
| After_rules ->
| _ -> ()
_tags should have the following contents:
<main.{ml,native,byte}>: use_foo
Compile with
$ ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind main.byte main.native
run with
$ ./main.byte
$ ./main.native
More information here as well:

Using ocamldoc with packs

I have an ocamlbuild project which includes some files in a subdirectory with an .mlpack file listing them.
e.g. I have a file support/ which defines the module Support.Logging. The _tags file says "support": for-pack(Support).
This all builds and runs fine. But how can I generate docs for this using ocamldoc?
The most recent post I found was ocamldoc generation and packed files from 2011, which suggests using ocp-pack to generate one large .ml file and pass that to ocamldoc. However, that doesn't take into account the build order, so the generated module doesn't work due to forward references.
What's the best way to handle this?
The problem is described in the following bugreport. Handling -pack inside ocamldoc requires an implementation effort that the maintainer is not motivated to perform, and so far nobody stepped up to contribute a patch for this feature.
In the meantime, you can easily copy your foo.mlpack file into a foo.odocl generating the documentation of the separate submodules. That's only an imperfect workaround as the doc will talk about X rather than Foo.X, but that's a least-effort solution.
Here's the solution I'm now using in my Makefile. It does work, and cross-references into the Support module work:
ocp-pack -o support/ support/ support/ support/ support/ support/
echo '(** General support code; not 0install-specific *)' >
cat >>
$(OCAMLBUILD) 0install.docdir/index.html
It's hacky because:
You have to list the files in build order, by hand
The Makefile adds the doc comments for Support (otherwise, it takes the description of the first sub-module, which you don't want)

Determine list of source files (*.[ch]) for a complex build with scons

Suppose you have a complex source tree for a C project, lots of directories with lots of files. The scons build supports multiple targets (i386, sparc, powerpc) and multiple variants (debug, release). There's an sconstruct at the root (referencing various sconscripts) that does the right thing for all of these, when called with arguments specifying target and variant, e.g. scons target=i386 variant=release.
Is there an easy way to determine which source files (*.c and *.h) each of these builds will use (they are all slightly different)? My theory is that scons needs to compute this file set anyway to know which files to compile and when to recompile. Can it provide this information?
What I do not want to do:
Log a verbose build and postprocess it (probably wouldn't tell *.h files anyway)
find . -name '*.[ch]' also prints unwanted files for unit testing and other cruft and is not target specific
Ideally I would like to do scons target=i386 variant=release printfileset and see the proper list of *.[ch] files. This list could then serve as input for further source file munging tools like doxygen.
There are a few questions all squashed together here:
You can prevent SCons from running the compiler using the --dry-run flag
You can get a dependency tree from SCons by using --debug=tree, or --tree=all flags, depending on which version you are running
Given a list of files, one per line, you can use grep to filter out only the things that are interesting for you.
When you put all of that together you end up with something like:
scons target=i386 variant=release printfileset -n --tree=all | egrep -i '^ .*\.(c|h|cpp|cxx|hpp|inl)$'