How do I repair VS2017? - visual-studio-2017

I have the issue mentioned here and want to run Repair.
In WIndows 7, in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features,
when I double click on Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 the only option is to uninstall.
I have the Professional edition

Launch the Visual Studio Installer app from the Start menu. You will find the button to modify or uninstall from there.

goto this location, and tap on this executable file,
C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual
then select More, and then select Repair.


Manually update Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4 was released but my VS instance does not offer the update yet. How can I manually trigger an update?
Launch the visual studio installer (hit the windows key and type the name, you'll find it). It will then ask you to allow it to update itself, after which you will be offered the update.
You can update it from Notifications Hub left side of Visual studio.
In Notification Hub/Pane click on "Visual Studio Update" is available.
Or You can also update it from Visual Studio Installer.
Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Updates
To update the core , let say from 15.4 > 15.9 , you need launch Visual Studio then
Help > Check for updates
To add\remove\update other sub component , you will need to run the Visual Studio installer and pick the require option.
Use the Visual Studio Installer
1-Open the installer.
2-In the installer, look for the edition of Visual Studio that you installed.
as shown in this picture

Download c++ in existing visual studio 2017

I downloaded the visual studio 2017 with c# and xamarin when it gave me a lot of choices at installation time, now I want to install c++ also in existing vs2017. How can I do that? I don't want to install the whole visual studio again.
1.Go to Control panel
2.In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select the product you want to repair and then click Change/Remove
3.In the Setup wizard, click Next
4.Click Repair
5.Then Modify it by selecting C++ to add it.
Note : This work in Window OS only
Alternative answer (less searching needed) : Visual Studio 2017 also adds the " Visual Studio Installer" directly to the Windows Start Menu (this is the same executable used by #John Joe's answer).

Visual C++ 2015 Tools for Windows desktop installer won't open

I have installed Visual studio 2015. But I didn't noitced that the typical install didn't include the c++ tools. I follewed this guide on the Visual C++ team blog( but when I click on the install button only this window pops up.
Pop up message
And after i press ok it closes and nothing happens(I have tried to run as administrator but nothing changes).
Visual Studio 2015 RC Community will not install, says it is already installed
I had a similiar issue and found finally as cause entries under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\14.0. To modify/delete this entries (or the key itself) solved (for me) the problem.

Can't install missing features on Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10

I'm working with cocos2d-x framework for c++ using Visual Studio 2015 Community on Windows 10.
When I try to open a solution for a created project, visual studio says some projects are unavailable. When I right click and go to "install missing feature(s)", visual studio says I have to install "Windows XP support for C++".
When I click to install I get a "Setup - Usage" window(that seems to be bigger than my screen). I don't see any button, so I hit enter, but nothing happens. Nothing downloads and nothing installs...
Does anyone have a solution to this?
The message is as follows:
Install Windows XP support for C++
Windows 7.1 SDK for targeting Windows XP
The following projects will not be loaded unless you install the above
All that's needed is to add in Windows XP Support via the installation tool accessible from Control Panel. Steps:
Close Visual Studio 2015
Open Control Panel
Select 'Programs and Options'
Right click on 'Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2016'
Select 'Change' from the menu (the only option)
Once the installation tool has set up, select 'Modify'
Expand Programming Languages --> Visual C++
Select 'Windows XP Support for C++'.
Proceed with the update.
Note that selecting 'Windows XP Support for C++' automatically selects its dependencies, 'Windows 8.1 SDK and Universal CRT SDK' and 'Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015'.
What I think might have happened for the OP was that in selecting Universal Windows App Development Tools and various C++ options, they hit upon 'Windows XP Support for C++' itself or something that had it as a dependency. So they may have various components installed unnecessarily now. :-(
got your point.
Here are the steps to install it properly.
Go to the below site and try to install it. & select the option as per the snapshot attached here.
Also, if required, please refer to the below blog.

Cannot Install Visual Studio 2015 Community on Windows 7

Every time I try to install visual studio community version I run into an issue with missing setup packages. The installer particularly tells me that I am missing vcredist_x86.exe.
However, I have installed the visual c++ redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 as well as the ones for visual studio 2015. I don't get why this message keeps coming up.
I can continue installation if I select "skip", but the message comes back not much later.
Try running the installer with administrator rights (right click on installer exe and select 'Run as administrator').