Launching Multiple QApplication within a DLL - c++

I have used this link to get me started, [][1]
I am trying to create an object which creates its GUI internally, and cleans itself up.
I have a call to quit() as well within lets me close the gui out if I want to force a close or I can just sit on .exec call until the main window is closed.
class FooObj
FooObj(FooObj *obj);
GUIApp *guiApp;
FooObj *m_fooObj;
guiApp = new GUIApp(this);
delete guiApp;
class GUIApp
GUIApp(FooObj *obj);
std::thread m_appThread;
void m_RunApp();
m_fooObj = obj;
m_appThread = std::thread ([this] {m_RunApp();});
void GUIApp::m_RunApp()
int argc = 1;
auto a = new QApplication(argc, NULL);
auto win = new FooObjGUI(m_fooObj);
In GUIApp, there is a call to FooObjGUI which uses FooObj to a gui setup to handle all the data I want to display and what actions I expose to the user.
My intention is to have the user of this code not have to worry about qt and to have it clean itself up.
This code works fine in a dll or exe when I create a single FooObj. I cannot create a second FooObj because I cannot create a second QApplication. I have tried several ideas starting the a->exec() in a separate thread, but the events are not handled and the gui sits idle.
Is there a way to call QApplication across multiple threads within a single dll? Is there a workaround to have both FooObj use the same QApplication and not block the execution of the dll? The only workaround I have for myself at the moment is use 2 copies of the dll, but that is not a good longterm solution.


Is HelloWindow object deleted?

I created a sample GTKMM project on GNOME Builder. The great thing was that a sample hello world code was automatically generated for my sample project. Since C++ source files are organized into three parts:
Header file
Implementation file
Main file
I've modified my sample code in a single cpp file for demonstration:
#include <iostream>
#include <gtkmm.h>
using std::cout;
using Gtk::Application;
using Gtk::Window;
using Gtk::Box;
using Gtk::Button;
using Gtk::Label;
class HelloWindow : public Window
Box box;
Button button;
Label label;
: Glib::ObjectBase("HelloWindow")
, Window()
, button("Clickable button")
, label("Hello World!")
set_default_size(320, 240);
bool expand(true), fill(true);
box.pack_start(label, expand, fill);
box.pack_end(button, expand, fill);
cout << "Object successfully destructed!\n";
static void
on_activate(Glib::RefPtr<Application> app)
Window *window = app->get_active_window();
if (not window) {
window = new HelloWindow();
int main()
auto app = Application::create("io.test.window-state-event");
app->signal_activate().connect(sigc::bind(&on_activate, app));
return app->run();
One interesting part about the above code is that app is connected to on_activate signal which means the user gets to run only one instance of this program. And if he tries to run another instance the previous still running window will instead be presented.
However, there is the use of new keyword on on_activate() and that confuses me a bit. Is the object really deleted when the user closes the HelloWorld window? What I've learnt about C++ new keyword is that one must remember to delete any object allocated with the former keyword.
Moreover, the destructor message "Object successfully destructed!" isn't printed when the window is closed.
Chances are there is an intentional leak, but it's "controlled". The author knows that this method will be called only once. The author also knows the memory needs to be active the entire lifetime of the application. When the application closes, that memory will be freed one way or another (albeit the destructor will never be called, but in this case, there is nothing imperative that would need to be done)
It's perfectly fine in this scenario.
If you want to ensure the Window object gets deleted, you could keep a unique_ptr of the Window and it will dispose itself (thanks to #underscore_d comment):
#include <memory>
static std::unique_ptr<Window> window;
static void
on_activate(Glib::RefPtr<Application> app)
if (!window) {
window = std::make_unique<HelloWindow>();
int main()
auto app = Application::create("io.test.window-state-event");
app->signal_activate().connect(sigc::bind(&on_activate, app));
return app->run();
At the end of the day, I am sure the author wanted to keep this "Hello, World" example simple and concise and didn't want to add in some code that doesn't really need to be there in order to keep it simple and concise.
Take a look at the section about managed widgets in the GTKMM documentation. You should use some variation of Gtk::make_managed:
if (!window) {
window = Gtk::make_managed<HelloWindow>();
This way, the window's lifetime will be managed by the application.

QT Multi-threading & Updating GUI

I'm currently updating an existing codebase designed to be used with a GTK GUI to QT, so that it can implement multi threading, as the functions take hours to complete.
This codebase makes frequent calls to a function display(std::string), for the purpose of updating a text display widget. I redefined this function for the new QT version:
In Display.cpp:
void display(std::string output)
MainWindow * gui = MainWindow::getMainWinPtr(); //Gets instance of GUI
gui->DisplayInGUI(output); //Sends string to new QT display function
In MainWindow.cpp:
void MainWindow::DisplayInGUI(std::string output)
//converts output to qstring and displays in text edit widget
void MainWindow::mainFunction(){
//calls function in existing codebase, which itself is frequently calling display()
void MainWindow::on_mainFunctionButton_released()
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(this,&MainWindow::mainFunction);
If I run the main function in a new thread, display(std::string) won't update the GUI until the thread completes. I understand why; the GUI can only be updated in the main thread. Everything else functions as intended.
What I want to implement, but I'm not sure how, is having display(std:string) send a signal back to the main thread to call MainWindow::DisplayInGUI(output_text) with the string that was passed to the display() function. I believe this is the correct way to do it, but correct me if I'm wrong. I want to avoid changing the existing codebase at all costs.
EDIT: I should add that for some dumb reasons entirely out of my control, I am forced to use C++98 (yeah, I know)
You must schedule the code that does UI calls to run in the main thread. I use a simple and easy to use wrapper for that:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <utility>
template<typename F>
void runInMainThread(F&& fun)
QObject tmp;
QObject::connect(&tmp, &QObject::destroyed, qApp, std::forward<F>(fun),
You can now run code (using a lambda in this example, but any other callable will work) in the main thread like this:
runInMainThread([] { /* code */ });
In your case:
void display(std::string output)
runInMainThread([output = std::move(output)] {
MainWindow* gui = MainWindow::getMainWinPtr();
Or you can leave display() as is and instead wrap the calls to it:
runInMainThread([str] { display(std::move(str)); );
The std::move is just an optimization to avoid another copy of the string since you should not pass the string by reference in this case (it would be a dangling reference once the string object goes out of scope.)
This is not a high performance inter-thread communication mechanism. Every call will result in the construction of a temporary QObject and a temporary signal/slot connection. For periodic UI updates, it's good enough and it allows you to run any code in the main thread without having to manually set up signal/slot connections for the various UI update operations. But for thousands of UI calls per second, it's probably not very efficient.
First of all: there's no way to make the getMainWinPtr method thread-safe, so this pseudo-singleton hack should probably go away. You can pass around some application-global context to all the objects that do application-global things like provide user feedback. Say, have a MyApplication : QObject (don't derive from QApplication, it's unnecessary). This can be passed around when new objects are created, and you'd then control the relative lifetime of the involved objects directly in the main() function:
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow win;
MyApplication foo;
// it is now guaranteed by the semantics of the language that
// the main window outlives `MyApplication`, and thus `MyApplication` is free to assume
// that the window exists and it's OK to call its methods
return app.exec();
Of course MyApplication must take care that the worker threads are stopped before its destructor returns.
To communicate asynchronous changes to QObject living in (non-overloaded) QThreads (including the main thread), leverage the built-in inter-thread communication inherent in Qt's design: the events, and the slot calls that traverse thread boundaries.
So, given the DisplayInGUI method, you need a thread-safe way of invoking it:
std::string newOutput = ...;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(mainWindow, [mainWindow, newOutput]{
This takes care of the thread-safety aspect. Now we have another problem: the main window can get hammered with those updates much faster than the screen refresh rate, so there's no point in the thread notifying the main window more often than some reasonable rate, it'll just waste resources.
This is best handled by making the DisplayInGUI method thread-safe, and leveraging the timing APIs in Qt:
class MainWindow : public QWidget {
static constexpr m_updatePeriod = 1000/25; // in ms
QMutex m_displayMutex;
QBasicTimer m_displayRefreshTimer;
std::string m_newDisplayText;
bool m_pendingRefresh;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override {
if (event->timerId() == m_displayRefreshTimer.timerId()) {
QMutexLocker lock(&m_displayMutex);
std::string text = std::move(m_newDisplayText);
m_pendingRefresh = false;
void DisplayInGUI(const std::string &str) {
// Note pass-by-reference, not pass-by-value. Pass by value gives us no benefit here.
QMutexLocker lock(&m_displayMutex);
m_newDisplayText = str;
if (m_pendingRefresh) return;
m_pendingRefresh = true;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &MainWindow::DisplayInGui_impl);
Q_SLOT void DisplayInGui_impl() {
if (!m_displayRefreshTimer.isActive())
m_displayRefreshTimer.start(this, m_updatePeriod);
In a more complex situation you'd likely want to factor out the cross-thread property setting to some "adjunct" class that would perform such operations without the boilerplate.
You could take advantage of the fact that QTimer::singleShot has an overload which, when called with a zero time interval, allows you to effectively schedule a task to be run on a specified thread during that thread's next idle slot...
void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, const QObject *context, Functor functor);
So your MainWindow::mainFunction could be something along the lines of...
void MainWindow::mainFunction ()
std::string output = get_ouput_from_somewhere();
QTimer::singleShot(0, QApplication::instance(),

Gtkmm - Proper way to close a window and then show another

I am building a gtkmm application. The program open with a setting window asking the user to specify some information, and when sanity checks are done, this window should be closed, and the maih window of the application should open.
Right now, opening the main window, and hiding the setting window completely close the application.
From the setting windows, I am doing:
MainWindow* main_window = new MainWindow();
How can I get the behavior described above ?
Apparently, you can add and remove windows from a Gtk::App. Would it does what I described, and does it mean I would have to pass to my window the Gtk::App pointer ? Thanks.
What seems to be the proper solution is to pass to the window the application pointer (m_app), add the new window to it, show that window and hide the current one. Removing the current one from the application will let the run() function return:
MainWindow* main_window = new MainWindow(m_app);
This work, but this might not be the proper way of doing things.
Although the question is quite old, I will show my approach which may help someone else to deal with this task.
I use a general application object which holds all window objects: MainApplication.cpp
MainApplication::MainApplication(int argc, char **argv)
// Creating the main application object as first
mainApp = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, APPLICATION_ID);
// Create the entry window
int MainApplication::run()
if (!isRunning) {
// Set the current window to entry window for startup
currentWindow = entryWindow;
return mainApp->run(*entryWindow);
} else {
return -1;
void MainApplication::createEntryWindow()
// Load the layout with the Gtk::Builder Api
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder = Gtk::Builder::create_from_file("../layout/");
// Calls the constructor of my own derived widget class which details are specified inside the builder file
builder->get_widget_derived(WND_ENTRY, entryWindow);
// Set this main application object to the new window
static const int WS_ENTRY = 100;
static const int WS_SOMETHING = 200;
class MainApplication {
MainApplication(int argc, char* argv[]);
int run();
void switchCurrentWindow(int specifier);
void createEntryWindow();
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Application> mainApp;
Gtk::Window* currentWindow = nullptr;
EntryWindow* entryWindow = nullptr;
bool isRunning = false;
The MainApplication object will be created inside the main() and after that run() is called: main.cpp
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Create main application object
MainApplication mainApplication(argc, argv);
// Starts the event loop
// No events propagate until this has been called
The EntryWindow.cpp looks like this (just a simple example):
EntryWindow::EntryWindow(BaseObjectType* object, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& refGlade)
: Gtk::Window(object), builder(refGlade)
// Set widgets to builder
builder->get_widget(btnName, btn);
// Set on click methods for signal_clicked
btn->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EntryWindow::onBtnClicked));
void EntryWindow::onBtnClicked()
void EntryWindow::setMainApplicationContext(MainApplication* mainApplication)
this->mainApplicationContext = mainApplication;
class EntryWindow : public Gtk::Window {
EntryWindow(BaseObjectType* object, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& refGlade);
void setMainApplicationContext(MainApplication* mainApplication);
void onBtnClicked();
const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder;
Gtk::Button* btn;
MainApplication* mainApplicationContext = nullptr;
const Glib::ustring btnName = BTN_NAME;
So now when the button was clicked, you can switch the windows with following function inside the MainApplication class:
void MainApplication::switchCurrentWindow(int specifier)
// Check if the passed specifier exist
int tmpSpecifier = 0;
switch (specifier) {
case WS_ENTRY:
tmpSpecifier = WS_ENTRY;
tmpSpecifier = WS_SOMETHING;
tmpSpecifier = 0;
// If the specifier exist
if (tmpSpecifier != 0) {
// Increase the use counter of the main application object
// Hide the current window
// Remove the current window
} else {
switch (tmpSpecifier) {
case WS_ENTRY:
currentWindow = entryWindow;
currentWindow = somethingWindow;
// Add the new current window
// Show the new window
// Decrease the use counter of the main application object
Summary: Create an Object which holds all windows. So whenever you need to have a new window, you have to create it inside this object. This main application object will be called by the main() and there it will call run() when the application is ready to start. After that you will handle which window is shown and hidden by the main application object only.
In response to your answer: delete->this is a pure syntax error, and even without ->, writing delete this is usually a code smell. Barring that, what you did seems like it will work, if perhaps not be as intuitive as it could be.
However, doing things in that sequence is not always possible. For example, you may not know what the next Window will be. Perhaps which window opens next depends on an HTTP response that may take a while to arrive.
The general solution is to call Application.hold() before removing the Window. Calling .hold() increments the use count of the GApplication, just as adding a window does. The app quits when its use count is zero. Saying its life is controlled by windows is just a quick way to approximate an explanation of that (and is obviously only relevant to GtkApplication, not the base GApplication). Removing a window decrements the use count.
So, in this case, you would now go from a use count of 2 to 1 - not 1 to 0 - so removing the 1st window would no longer make the app quit. Then, after you add the 2nd window, however much later that occurs, call .release() to remove the extra use count, so the remaining window(s) now exclusively control the application's lifetime again.

Complex use of QThread -

I have wrote an app in QT/C++. This app have multiple classes to manage window, treewidget.. and a custom class.
The goal of the app is to be android file transfer -like in QT/c++ on MacOSx.
Currently the entire app is working in one thread which include the UI management and the android device management. The android device access is managed by a class named DeviceManager. This class will mostly open the device, read it, add/delete files....
What I want to do is to create a thread which will handle all method defined in the DeviceManager. I want the UI on one thread and the devicemngr in a separate thread.
Here is my current code :
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
PULS_mtp_error_t error = ERROR_GENERAL;
QThread PulsDeviceThread;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
DeviceMngr *MyMtp = new DeviceMngr;
error = MyMtp->OpenDevice();
MainUI MyWindow(*MyMtp);;
return app.exec();
the MainUI class is defined as below
MainUI::MainUI(DeviceMngr& device) :
m_closing = false;
/* Creation of the Top bar section */
QWidget *TopBarWidget = new QWidget();
QHBoxLayout *TopBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout(TopBarWidget);
/* Creation of Tree View Section */
/* Creation of the bottom bar section */
aboutAction = new QAction(tr("&About"),this);
connect(aboutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this ,SLOT(aboutPuls()));
QMenu *helpMenu = new QMenu("Help", this);
/*Overall Layout*/
QWidget *MainWindowWidget = new QWidget();
QVBoxLayout *MainWindowLayout = new QVBoxLayout(MainWindowWidget);
PulsUnplugged = false;
#if 1
activeTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(activeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(PulsDetection()));
Some of the method such as createTreeView will use the m_device to access also to the device.
void MainUI::createTreeView()
TreeViewSection = new QWidget();
QVBoxLayout *TreeViewLayout = new QVBoxLayout(TreeViewSection);
MyTreeWidget = new MyNewTreeWidget(m_device, *this);
MyNewTreeWidget will also need to access to the DeviceMngr class.
Most of class used for the UI management can access to the DeviceMngr class. I don't know how to use the QThread to make sure that all UI classes can access to the DeviceMngr class.
I was thinking to create a Qthread in the main.cpp but I do not see how to add slots/signals in the main.cpp and DeviceMngr will have signals/slots to discuss with all other thread. the main will need for example to open the device and receive the result.
Do I need to create all signal/slot connection in the main or I can just add what I need in the different classes and create the connections when needed.
Any idea ? I have tried a first implementation but it not really working fine.
I would suggest creating the worker thread and moving your DeviceMngr to it. Its slots (and whole event loop) will run in the context of the thread and you must use Qt's signal/slot mechanism that will ensure thread safe access to DeviceMngr from other QObjects.
int main(...) {
// ...
QThread MtpThread;
DeviceMngr MyMtp;
// connect signals/slots of DeviceMngr
// ...
// launch the thread
// should you need to call slots of DeviceMngr from main use metacalls
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&MyMtp, "nameOfSlot");
// run application
// in the end join
MtpThread.quit(); // stop event queue
MtpThread.wait(); // join the thread
I hope you get the idea. Key is moveToThread() and metacalls.

How do I create a Window in different QT threads?

I have an application in which each thread (except the main thread) needs to create its own window. I tried creating a thread and then calling this->exec() in the run function. However, I get an error before I even get to that call: ASSERT failure in QWidget: "Widgets must be created in the GUI thread."
I want to popup a message window. The problem is that the source has multiple threads each of which may need to popup its own message.
If you need to create QWidget(or some other gui component(s)) in different(non-main) thread(s) you can implement it in such way:
Create simple wrapper which holds gui component:
// gui component holder which will be moved to main thread
class gui_launcher : public QObject
QWidget *w;
// other components
virtual bool event( QEvent *ev )
if( ev->type() == QEvent::User )
w = new QWidget;
return true;
return false;
create QApplication object in main thread
another thread body:
// create holder
gui_launcher gl;
// move it to main thread
gl.moveToThread( QApplication::instance()->thread() );
// send it event which will be posted from main thread
QCoreApplication::postEvent( &gl, new QEvent( QEvent::User ) );
be happy, :)
Qt will only let you create GUI elements in the GUI thread - what is it that you need to display from the other threads? See something like This answer for an example of updating a progress bar with data from a non-GUI thread.
If you want to show a message for each window, you can have a class like this:
class MyWorkerThread : public QThread
void sendMessage(QString msg);
void run()
/* do stuff */
emit sendMessage(QString("This thread is doing stuff!"));
/* do more stuff */
Then connect it up to your GUI via the signal-slot mechanism with something like:
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(sendMessage(QString)),
guiController, SLOT(showMessageBox(QString)));
Where the showMessageBox function does what you need it to do.
I don't believe this is possible. Other non-GUI components can run in other threads and will usually communicate via the signal/slot mechanisms.
The above answers can be combined with a QAction object (or custom class objects) to transfer any action to the main GUI thread to be executed, not just creating widgets or displaying a message box. (e.g. by emitting sendAction(QAction*), or implementing a custom QEvent class embodying a QAction*.)