I'm working on a project where user id can't be auto increment and must follow a specific logic
In my Store function on userController i have
$user=new User();
if (is_null($numero)) {
But i'm getting "Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string"
on $user->save(); line
I am trying to use a library for showing Flash Messages https://github.com/elpete/flashmessage But I am having trouble getting it working correctly. The documentation isn't that great and I am new to ColdFusion. I want to have the ability to have persistent error messages across pages. Specifically during checkout so when the user needs to go back or a validation error occurs the message will appear. According to the documentation:
The FlashMessage.cfc needs three parameters to work:
A reference to your flash storage object. This object will need
get(key) and put(key, value) methods. A config object with the
following properties: A unique flashKey name to avoid naming
conflicts. A reference to your containerTemplatePath. This is the view
that surrounds each of the individual messages. It will have
references to a flashMessages array and your messageTemplatePath. A
reference to your messageTemplatePath. This is the view that
represents a single message in FlashMessage. It will have a reference
to a single flash message. The name is chosen by you in your container
template. Create your object with your two parameters and then use it
as normal.
I am getting the error
the function getMessages has an invalid return value , can't cast null value to value of type [array]
I had this script somewhat working at one point but it seems very finicky. I believe it is my implementation of it. I am hoping someone here can help me figure out where I went wrong. Or give me some pointers because I am not sure I am even implementing it correctly.
This is What I have in my testing script:
alertStorage = createObject("component", 'alert');
config = {
flashKey = "myCustomFlashKey",
containerTemplatePath = "/flashmessage/views/_templates/FlashMessageContainer.cfm",
messageTemplatePath = "/flashmessage/views/_templates/FlashMessage.cfm"
flash = new flashmessage.models.FlashMessage(alertStorage, config);
And inside of alert.cfc I have:
component {
public any function get(key) {
for(var i = 1; i < ArrayLen(session[key]); i++) {
return session[key][i];
public any function put(key, value) {
ArrayAppend(session.myCustomFlashKey, value);
return true;
public any function exists() {
if(structKeyExists(session,"myCustomFlashKey")) {
return true;
} else {
session.myCustomFlashKey = ArrayNew();
return false;
The Flash Message Component looks like this:
component name="FlashMessage" singleton {
* #flashStorage.inject coldbox:flash
* #config.inject coldbox:setting:flashmessage
public FlashMessage function init(any flashStorage, any config) {
instance.flashKey = arguments.config.flashKey;
singleton.flashStorage = arguments.flashStorage;
instance.containerTemplatePath = arguments.config.containerTemplatePath;
instance.messageTemplatePath = arguments.config.messageTemplatePath;
// Initialize our flash messages to an empty array if it hasn't ever been created
if (! singleton.flashStorage.exists(instance.flashKey)) {
return this;
public void function message(required string text, string type = "default") {
appendMessage({ message: arguments.text, type = arguments.type });
public any function onMissingMethod(required string methodName, required struct methodArgs) {
message(methodArgs[1], methodName);
public any function render() {
var flashMessages = getMessages();
var flashMessageTemplatePath = instance.messageTemplatePath;
savecontent variable="messagesHTML" {
include "#instance.containerTemplatePath#";
return messagesHTML;
public array function getMessages() {
return singleton.flashStorage.get(instance.flashKey, []);
private void function setMessages(required array messages) {
name = instance.flashKey,
value = arguments.messages
private void function appendMessage(required struct message) {
var currentMessages = getMessages();
ArrayAppend(currentMessages, arguments.message);
i have a productRepositiry model which is used to create a product in the database
class ProductRepository extends EntityRepository{
public function createProduct($productDetails) {
log_message("info","Product {$productDetails->name} created.");
print "Product {$productDetails->name} created.<br/><br/><br/>";
return $productDetails;
procuct controller, this get the value using post and passes the values to the productRepositiry
public function addProduct(){
if(! $this->session->userdata('user_id')){
$productDetails = new Entity\Product;
$productDetails->market = $this->input->post('mid');
$productDetails->name = $this->input->post('product_name');
$productDetails->price = $this->input->post('product_price');
$productDetails->discount = $this->input->post('product_discount');
$productDetails->category = $this->input->post('product_cat');
$productDetails->forwho = $this->input->post('product_for');
$productDetails->desc = $this->input->post('product_desc');
$productDetails->created = new DateTime("now");
![enter image description here][1]
$productRepository = $this->doctrine->em->getRepository('Entity\Product');
if($productRepository) echo "found;";
$createdProduct = $productRepository->createProduct($productDetails);
echo "Level 2 -> ";
$p = $productRepository->findBy(array('id' => $createdProduct->id));
echo "\n" . $p[0]->id. " => " . $p[0]->name;
Error Message :: Message: spl_object_hash() expects parameter 1 to be object, string given
I don't know what's the exact structure of entity Product. But I would ask you to verify if Product has some relation to other entities but you maybe passing those entities as String instead of actual entity.
You can use find function to get the entity.
I'm writing a unit test which tests the scenario where a body is sent in the request which is a plain string, i.e. not parseable as JSON.
In this test, I'm setting the HttpRequestMessage something like this:
var ojectContent = new ObjectContent(typeof(string)
, "aaaaa"
, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
httpRequestMessage.Content = objectContent;
The problem is, when I debug the code, the request body has been set to "aaaaa" (note the additional quotes) which is enough to cause the deserialisation code to treat the request body differently, meaning I can't test what I mean to test. I need the request body to be aaaaa.
Can anyone advise how I can set up the test so that the request body does not contain these quotes?
Edit: I have also tried new ObjectContent(typeof(object)... and it gives the same result.
Another way is to bypass the MediaTypeFormatter by using StringContent instead of ObjectContent:
var content = new StringContent("aaaaa");
httpRequestMessage.Content = content;
Okay, so I needed to create a media type formatter that didn't interfere with the input in any way. I used this:
private class DoNothingTypeFormatter : MediaTypeFormatter
public override bool CanReadType(Type type)
return false;
public override bool CanWriteType(Type type)
if (type == typeof(string))
return true;
return false;
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type type, object value, System.IO.Stream writeStream, HttpContent content, TransportContext transportContext)
var myString = value as string;
if (myString == null)
throw new Exception("Everything is supposed to be a string here.");
var length = myString.Length;
var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(myString);
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => writeStream.Write(bytes, 0, length));
Then, when I want to generate the body of the `HttpRequestMessage', I do so like this:
objectContent = new ObjectContent(typeof(string)
, "not json"
, new DoNothingTypeFormatter());
I have insert some node into Neo4j DB.And I want to select some node from database and cast it to specific class.
Here are some code about the problem:
class Service {
Neo4jTemplate neo4jTemplate
def find() {
def id1 = 11
//Knowledge k = neo4jTemplate.findOne(1, Knowledge)
Result result = neo4jTemplate.query("start n=node(11) return ID(n),n.name,n.age;", null)
//how to cast the result to User class
println "the tpye of result called User is "+ result.to(User.class).is(cn.edu.bnuz.itc.bok.sub2.User.class)
The detail about node like :
| Node[11]{career:"programmer",name:"kelvin",age:35,introduce:"lazy doy"} |
class User {
Long id;
String name;
int age;
I just want get the node's id, name, age from db and put it into a User class.
But it failed many time with many method.
Here I have encounter a problem which is :How can I cast the result to my target class? I have try many method to cast but fail finally.Thank you for you attention.
Return the user node from the query and call the to method of the returned Result with the desired class as argument:
Result result = neo4jTemplate.query("start n=node(11) return n", null);
for(User u : result.to(User.class)) {
You may want to consider using repositories that support cypher queries like:
public interface UserRepository extends GraphRepository<User> {
#Query("start n=node(11) return n")
Iterable<User> getUser11();
Another day , another question. My service layer has the following method
public MatchViewData CreateMatch(string user)
var matchViewData = !HasReachedMaxNumberOfMatchesLimit(user) ?
CreateMatchAndAddToRepository(user) :
MatchViewData.NewInstance(new Match(user));
matchViewData.LimitReached = HasReachedMaxNumberOfMatchesLimit(user);
return matchViewData;
The method calls the this helper method to create a new match object:
private MatchViewData CreateMatchAndAddToRepository(string user)
var match = new Match(user);
return MatchViewData.NewInstance(match);
The repository stores the given match object and sets the id to some value > 0.
public void Add(Match match)
Check.Require(match != null);
var numberOfMatchesBefore = Matches.Count;
SetIdPerReflection(match, NextVal());
Check.Ensure(numberOfMatchesBefore == Matches.Count - 1);
The matchviewdata object copies some properties of the the match object (including the id).
My unit test should verify that the resulting viewdata object in the service has an id > 0. To archieve this, i have to mock the repository and the behaviour of the add method. But the service method creates a new match object every time its been called and the add method on the repository updates the referenced match object (there is no need for a return value). I have no idea to solve this with moq.
This is my unit test so far:
public void ServiceCreateMatchReturnedMatchViewDataHasNonZeroId()
var match = TestUtils.FakePersistentMatch(User, 1);
var repositoryMock = new Mock<IMatchRepository>();
r => r.Add(It.IsAny<Match>())).Callback(() => match.Id = 1);
var serviceFacade = new DefaultServiceFacade(repositoryMock.Object);
var returnedMatch = serviceFacade.CreateMatch(User);
Assert.That(returnedMatch.Id, Is.GreaterThan(0));
I tried some other variations - nothing works.
It looks to me your problem is in this line;
r => r.Add(It.IsAny<Match>())).Callback(() => match.Id = 1);
What you're actually doing here is setting the id of the first match object you have declared in your test, NOT the new match created in your service.
Because the Match object you will be supplying to the Repository is created internally, I can't think of an easy way to reference it in your Test method to setup a callback for it. To me, this is a sign you may be trying to test too much in one unit test.
I think you should simply test that the Add method is called and write a separate test to ensure that it works as exepected.
I propose something like this;
public void ServiceAddsNewMatchToRepository()
var repositoryMock = new Mock<IMatchRepository>();
bool addCalled = false;
.Expect(r => r.Add(It.Is<Match>(x => x.Id == 0))
.Callback(() => addCalled = true);
var serviceFacade = new DefaultServiceFacade(repositoryMock.Object);
public void AddingANewMatchGeneratesANewId()
var match = new Match(user);
var matchRepository = new MatchRepository();
var returnedMatch = matchRepository.Add(match);
Assert.That(returnedMatch.Id, Is.GreaterThan(0));