As a contrived example, let's say I want to write a type that can add a new template template parameter to a type that has a variadic template template parameter pack:
template <template <typename...> typename... T>
struct foo {};
template <typename Original, template <typename...> typename T>
class add_to_foo {
template <template <typename...> typename... V>
struct appender {
using type = foo<V..., T>;
explicit appender(foo<V...>) {}
template <template <typename...> typename... V>
appender(foo<V...>) -> appender<V...>;
using type = typename decltype(appender(std::declval<Original>()))::type;
int main() {
using original_foo = foo<std::vector, std::basic_string>;
using new_foo = typename add_to_foo<original_foo, std::deque>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<new_foo, foo<std::vector, std::basic_string, std::deque>>);
It works, but it's limited in that appender only works with foo rather than a generic template parameter. Let's try to replace foo with a template template parameter:
template <template <typename...> typename... T>
struct foo {};
template <typename Original, template <typename...> typename T>
class add_to_u {
template <template <typename...> typename U, template <typename...> typename... V>
struct appender {
using type = U<V..., T>;
explicit appender(U<V...>) {}
template <template <typename...> typename U, template <typename...> typename... V>
appender(U<V...>) -> appender<V...>;
using type = typename decltype(appender(std::declval<Original>()))::type;
int main() {
using original_foo = foo<std::vector, std::basic_string>;
using new_foo = typename add_to_u<original_foo, std::deque>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<new_foo, foo<std::vector, std::basic_string, std::deque>>);
This doesn't work, there are lot's of errors, but the main ones are:
<source>:14:25: error: use of template template parameter 'V' requires template arguments
using type = U<V..., T>;
<source>:23:36: error: no viable constructor or deduction guide for deduction of template arguments of 'appender'
using type = typename decltype(appender(std::declval<Original>()))::type;
It looks like the compiler thinks that the template arguments of U need to be complete types rather than template template parameters, this isn't the case when foo was used presumably because the compiler could see that it used template template parameters. So I need to tell the compiler that U is a template template parameter whose parameters are also template template parameters - any idea how?
How can I cascade variadic types? I.e.:
template <typename... T>
using Cascade = ???; // T1<T2<T3<...>>>
using Vector2D = Cascade<std::vector, std::vector, double>;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Vector2D, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>);
You cannot have CascadeRight. T1 is not a typename, it is a template, and so are most of the others, but the last one is a typename. You cannot have different parameter kinds (both types and templates) in the same parameter pack. You also cannot have anything after a parameter pack.
You can have CascadeLeft like this:
template <typename K, template <typename...> class ... T>
class CascadeLeft;
template <typename K>
class CascadeLeft<K>
using type = K;
template <typename K,
template <typename...> class T0,
template <typename...> class... T>
class CascadeLeft<K, T0, T...>
using type = typename CascadeLeft<T0<K>, T...>::type;
Frankly, std::vector<std::vector<double>> is much more transparent than CascadeLeft<double, std::vector, std::vector>, so I wouldn't bother.
Expanding on the accepted answer with CascadeRight and support for multiple types for the innermost template:
template<template<typename...> typename Head, template<typename...> typename... Tail>
struct CascadeRight {
template<typename... T>
using type = Head<typename CascadeRight<Tail...>::type<T...>>;
template<template<typename...> typename Head>
struct CascadeRight<Head> {
template<typename... T>
using type = Head<T...>;
template<template<typename...> typename Head, template<typename...> typename... Tail>
struct CascadeLeft {
template<typename... T>
using type = typename CascadeLeft<Tail...>::type<Head<T...>>;
template<template<typename...> typename Head>
struct CascadeLeft<Head> {
template<typename... T>
using type = Head<T...>;
using T1 = CascadeRight<std::vector, std::map>::type<int, double>;
using T2 = CascadeLeft<std::map, std::vector>::type<int, double>;
How can I retrieve the template a type was originally instantiated from?
I'd like to do the following:
struct Baz{};
struct Bar{};
template <typename T>
struct Foo {};
using SomeType = Foo<Bar>;
template <typename T>
using Template = get_template<SomeType>::template type<T>;
static_assert(std::is_same<Foo<Baz>, Template<Baz>>::value, "");
I know I can achieve this through partial specialization, but this forces me to specialize get_template for every template I want to use it with:
template <typename T>
struct get_template;
template <typename T>
struct get_template<Foo<T>>
template <typename X>
using type = Foo<X>;
live example
Is there a way around this limitation?
You could do something like that, using a template template parameter (should work for templates with any number of type arguments):
template <typename T>
struct get_template;
template <template <class...> class Y, typename... Args>
struct get_template<Y<Args...>> {
template <typename... Others>
using type = Y<Others...>;
Then to get the template:
template <typename T>
using Template = typename get_template<SomeType>::type<T>;
As mentioned by #Yakk in the comment, the above only works for template that only have type arguments. You can specialize for template with specific pattern of type and non-type arguments, e.g.:
// Note: You need the first size_t to avoid ambiguity with the first specialization
template <template <class, size_t, size_t...> class Y, typename A, size_t... Sizes>
struct get_template<Y<A, Sizes...>> {
template <class U, size_t... OSizes>
using type = Y<U, OSizes...>;
...but you will not be able to specialize it for arbitrary templates.
DEMO (with Foo and std::pair):
#include <type_traits>
#include <map>
struct Bar{};
template <typename T>
struct Foo {};
using SomeType = Foo<Bar>;
template <typename T>
struct get_template;
template <template <class...> class Y, typename... Args>
struct get_template<Y<Args...>> {
template <typename... Others>
using type = Y<Others...>;
template <typename T>
using Template = typename get_template<SomeType>::type<T>;
static_assert(std::is_same<SomeType, Template<Bar>>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<Foo<int>, Template<int>>::value, "");
using PairIntInt = std::pair<int, int>;
using PairIntDouble = std::pair<int, double>;
template <typename U1, typename U2>
using HopeItIsPair =
typename get_template<PairIntDouble>::type<U1, U2>;
static_assert(std::is_same<PairIntDouble, HopeItIsPair<int, double>>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<PairIntInt, HopeItIsPair<int, int>>::value, "");
Not sure I got the question. Would this work?
template<typename V, template<typename> class T, typename U>
auto get_template(T<U>) { return T<V>{}; }
struct Baz{};
struct Bar{};
template <typename T>
struct Foo {};
using SomeType = Foo<Bar>;
template <typename T>
using Template = decltype(get_template<T>(SomeType{}));
int main() {
static_assert(std::is_same<Foo<Baz>, Template<Baz>>::value, "");
You can generalize even more (SomeType could be a template parameter of Template, as an example), but it gives an idea of what the way is.
I have traits classes sprinkled about my code which follow the same basic idiom:
template<class Frame, typename = void>
struct frame_traits
typedef void base_frame_type;
template<class Frame>
struct frame_traits<Frame, typename std::void_t<
typename Frame::base_frame_type>::type>
typedef typename Frame::base_frame_type base_frame_type;
and I have a bunch of trait checkers which use them, which also follow a similar idiom:
template <typename T>
struct has_base_frame_type : std::integral_constant<bool,
!std::is_same<typename frame_traits<T>::base_frame_type, void>::value>::type {};
however, it turns out that has_base_frame_type has become useful to multiple concepts in my code, and I'd like to generalize it further so that I can pass the traits class as an additional parameter:
template <typename T, template<typename> class Traits = frame_traits>
struct has_base_frame_type : std::integral_constant<bool,
!std::is_same<typename Traits<T>::base_frame_type, void>::value>::type {};
This doesn't work though, since templates with default arguments cannot be used as template template parameters.
I know I could work around the problem if I always use a traits class in the template instantiation (and modify the trait checker to accept it), namely
but I don't want to do that, because it would be all too easy to forget and pass in a non-trait class. In fact, that's how I originally had the code written until I forgot the trait one too many times and refactored it.
Is there someway I can modify my trait class idiom to work around the template template parameter problem?
#include <type_traits>
template <typename...>
using void_t = void;
template <typename AlwaysVoid, template <typename...> class Operation, typename... Args>
struct detect_impl : std::false_type {};
template <template <typename...> class Operation, typename... Args>
struct detect_impl<void_t<Operation<Args...>>, Operation, Args...> : std::true_type {};
template <template <typename...> class Operation, typename... Args>
using detect = detect_impl<void, Operation, Args...>;
template <class Frame>
using frame_traits = typename Frame::base_frame_type;
template <class Frame>
using other_frame_traits = typename Frame::other_frame_type;
Trait with a default detector:
template <typename T, template <typename...> class Traits = frame_traits>
using has_frame_type = detect<Traits, T>;
struct A
using base_frame_type = void;
struct B
using other_frame_type = void;
int main()
static_assert(has_frame_type<A>{}, "!"); // default
static_assert(!has_frame_type<B>{}, "!"); // default
static_assert(!has_frame_type<A, other_frame_traits>{}, "!"); // non-default
static_assert(has_frame_type<B, other_frame_traits>{}, "!"); // non-default
Consider this fully working code:
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T, typename IndexPack> struct Make;
template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... Indices>
struct Make<T, P<Indices...>> {
using type = P<(Indices+1)..., (-3*Indices)..., (Indices-1)...>;
template <int...> class Pack;
int main() {
static_assert (std::is_same<Make<int, Pack<1,2,3,4>>::type,
Pack<2,3,4,5, -3,-6,-9,-12, 0,1,2,3>>::value, "false");
What I actually want the output to be is
Pack<2,-3,0, 3,-6,1, 4,-9,2, 5,-12,3>
instead of Pack<2,3,4,5, -3,-6,-9,-12, 0,1,2,3>. I first tried
using type = P<(Indices+1, -3*Indices, Indices-1)...>;
but that is simply understood by the compiler to be a useless comma operator. What is the desired syntax to get what I want? If there is no such syntax, what is the cleanest way to do this, keeping in mind that using Indices 3 times is just an example (we may want to use it more than 3 times). Please don't tell me that I have to write a helper to extract the individual packs and then "interlace" all the elements. That nightmarish method cannot be the best solution (and such a solution would also only work if we knew exactly how many individual packs to extract).
Would defining
template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T I>
struct Component {
using type = P<I+1, -3*I, I-1>;
help somehow? Make a pack expansion on this?
Yes, you can concat recursively:
template <typename, typename, typename> struct Concat;
template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... A, T... B>
struct Concat<T, P<A...>, P<B...>> {
using type = P<A..., B...>;
template <typename T, typename IndexPack> struct Make;
template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... I, T F >
struct Make<T, P<F, I...>> {
using type = typename Concat<T,
typename Make<T, P<F>>::type,
typename Make<T, P<I...>>::type>::type;
template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T I>
struct Make<T, P<I>> {
using type = P<I+1, -3*I, I-1>;
This was inspired by Columbo's solution. It uses the pack expansion syntax that I originally sought, namely
using type = typename Merge<T, typename Component<T, P, Indices>::type...>::type;
As a result, now Make is reusable, first using Triple, and then using Quadruple, so any number of usages of Indices can be expanded simultaneously. Here Component is a template-template-template parameter passed into Make:
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T, typename... Packs> struct Merge;
template <typename T, template <T...> class P1, template <T...> class P2, T... Is, T... Js>
struct Merge<T, P1<Is...>, P2<Js...>> {
using type = P1<Is..., Js...>;
template <typename T, typename Pack1, typename Pack2, typename... Packs>
struct Merge<T, Pack1, Pack2, Packs...> {
using type = typename Merge<T, Pack1, typename Merge<T, Pack2, Packs...>::type>::type;
template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T I>
struct Triple {
using type = P<I+1, -3*I, I-1>;
template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T I>
struct Quadruple {
using type = P<I+1, -3*I, I-1, I>;
template <typename T, typename IndexPack,
template <typename U, template <U...> class P, U I> class Component> struct Make;
template <typename T, template <T...> class Z, T... Indices,
template <typename U, template <U...> class P, U I> class Component>
struct Make<T, Z<Indices...>, Component> {
using type = typename Merge<T, typename Component<T, Z, Indices>::type...>::type;
template <int...> class Pack;
int main() {
static_assert (std::is_same<Make<int, Pack<1,2,3,4>, Triple>::type,
Pack<2,-3,0, 3,-6,1, 4,-9,2, 5,-12,3>>::value, "false");
static_assert (std::is_same<Make<int, Pack<1,2,3,4>, Quadruple>::type,
Pack<2,-3,0,1, 3,-6,1,2, 4,-9,2,3, 5,-12,3,4>>::value, "false");