Traits class as a template template parameter - c++

I have traits classes sprinkled about my code which follow the same basic idiom:
template<class Frame, typename = void>
struct frame_traits
typedef void base_frame_type;
template<class Frame>
struct frame_traits<Frame, typename std::void_t<
typename Frame::base_frame_type>::type>
typedef typename Frame::base_frame_type base_frame_type;
and I have a bunch of trait checkers which use them, which also follow a similar idiom:
template <typename T>
struct has_base_frame_type : std::integral_constant<bool,
!std::is_same<typename frame_traits<T>::base_frame_type, void>::value>::type {};
however, it turns out that has_base_frame_type has become useful to multiple concepts in my code, and I'd like to generalize it further so that I can pass the traits class as an additional parameter:
template <typename T, template<typename> class Traits = frame_traits>
struct has_base_frame_type : std::integral_constant<bool,
!std::is_same<typename Traits<T>::base_frame_type, void>::value>::type {};
This doesn't work though, since templates with default arguments cannot be used as template template parameters.
I know I could work around the problem if I always use a traits class in the template instantiation (and modify the trait checker to accept it), namely
but I don't want to do that, because it would be all too easy to forget and pass in a non-trait class. In fact, that's how I originally had the code written until I forgot the trait one too many times and refactored it.
Is there someway I can modify my trait class idiom to work around the template template parameter problem?

#include <type_traits>
template <typename...>
using void_t = void;
template <typename AlwaysVoid, template <typename...> class Operation, typename... Args>
struct detect_impl : std::false_type {};
template <template <typename...> class Operation, typename... Args>
struct detect_impl<void_t<Operation<Args...>>, Operation, Args...> : std::true_type {};
template <template <typename...> class Operation, typename... Args>
using detect = detect_impl<void, Operation, Args...>;
template <class Frame>
using frame_traits = typename Frame::base_frame_type;
template <class Frame>
using other_frame_traits = typename Frame::other_frame_type;
Trait with a default detector:
template <typename T, template <typename...> class Traits = frame_traits>
using has_frame_type = detect<Traits, T>;
struct A
using base_frame_type = void;
struct B
using other_frame_type = void;
int main()
static_assert(has_frame_type<A>{}, "!"); // default
static_assert(!has_frame_type<B>{}, "!"); // default
static_assert(!has_frame_type<A, other_frame_traits>{}, "!"); // non-default
static_assert(has_frame_type<B, other_frame_traits>{}, "!"); // non-default


Cascade variadic template template parameters

How can I cascade variadic types? I.e.:
template <typename... T>
using Cascade = ???; // T1<T2<T3<...>>>
using Vector2D = Cascade<std::vector, std::vector, double>;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Vector2D, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>);
You cannot have CascadeRight. T1 is not a typename, it is a template, and so are most of the others, but the last one is a typename. You cannot have different parameter kinds (both types and templates) in the same parameter pack. You also cannot have anything after a parameter pack.
You can have CascadeLeft like this:
template <typename K, template <typename...> class ... T>
class CascadeLeft;
template <typename K>
class CascadeLeft<K>
using type = K;
template <typename K,
template <typename...> class T0,
template <typename...> class... T>
class CascadeLeft<K, T0, T...>
using type = typename CascadeLeft<T0<K>, T...>::type;
Frankly, std::vector<std::vector<double>> is much more transparent than CascadeLeft<double, std::vector, std::vector>, so I wouldn't bother.
Expanding on the accepted answer with CascadeRight and support for multiple types for the innermost template:
template<template<typename...> typename Head, template<typename...> typename... Tail>
struct CascadeRight {
template<typename... T>
using type = Head<typename CascadeRight<Tail...>::type<T...>>;
template<template<typename...> typename Head>
struct CascadeRight<Head> {
template<typename... T>
using type = Head<T...>;
template<template<typename...> typename Head, template<typename...> typename... Tail>
struct CascadeLeft {
template<typename... T>
using type = typename CascadeLeft<Tail...>::type<Head<T...>>;
template<template<typename...> typename Head>
struct CascadeLeft<Head> {
template<typename... T>
using type = Head<T...>;
using T1 = CascadeRight<std::vector, std::map>::type<int, double>;
using T2 = CascadeLeft<std::map, std::vector>::type<int, double>;

Check that is my class is instance of a template class ignoring type [duplicate]

Is there a way to test std::is_base_of<A, B> when A is a template class?
template <typename X, typename Y> class A {};
template <typename X> class B : public A<X, char> {};
I want to statically test something like, std::is_base_of<A, B<int>> meaning, B is derived from any specialization of A.
(To make it more general, let's say we don't know the way B specializes A, i.e. B<X> derives from A<X, char>)
One way to solve would be to derived A from a (non-template) class say C, and then check std::is_base_of<C, B<int>>. But is there another way to do this?
You may do the following:
template <template <typename...> class C, typename...Ts>
std::true_type is_base_of_template_impl(const C<Ts...>*);
template <template <typename...> class C>
std::false_type is_base_of_template_impl(...);
template <typename T, template <typename...> class C>
using is_base_of_template = decltype(is_base_of_template_impl<C>(std::declval<T*>()));
Live Demo
but will fail with multiple inheritance or private inheritance from A.
With Visual Studio 2017 this will fail when the base class template has more than one template parameter, and it is unable to deduce Ts...
VS Bug Report
Refactoring solves the problem for VS.
template < template <typename...> class base,typename derived>
struct is_base_of_template_impl
template<typename... Ts>
static constexpr std::true_type test(const base<Ts...> *);
static constexpr std::false_type test(...);
using type = decltype(test(std::declval<derived*>()));
template < template <typename...> class base,typename derived>
using is_base_of_template = typename is_base_of_template_impl<base,derived>::type;
Live Demo
Bit late to the party here but I wanted to give a variant of the above
template < template <typename...> class Base,typename Derived>
struct is_base_of_template
// A function which can only be called by something convertible to a Base<Ts...>*
// We return a std::variant here as a way of "returning" a parameter pack
template<typename... Ts> static constexpr std::variant<Ts...> is_callable( Base<Ts...>* );
// Detector, will return type of calling is_callable, or it won't compile if that can't be done
template <typename T> using is_callable_t = decltype( is_callable( std::declval<T*>() ) );
// Is it possible to call is_callable which the Derived type
static inline constexpr bool value = std::experimental::is_detected_v<is_callable_t,Derived>;
// If it is possible to call is_callable with the Derived type what would it return, if not type is a void
using type = std::experimental::detected_or_t<void,is_callable_t,Derived>;
template < template <typename...> class Base,typename Derived>
using is_base_of_template_t = typename is_base_of_template<Base,Derived>::type;
template < template <typename...> class Base,typename Derived>
inline constexpr bool is_base_of_template_v = is_base_of_template<Base,Derived>::value;
This uses the proposed is_detected machanism which I think makes the intent of the test a bit clearer. However I can now get the type(s) with which the base class is instantiated at the same time which I find useful. So I can write
template <typename T, typename U> struct Foo { };
struct Bar : Foo<int,std::string> { };
static_assert( is_base_of_template_v<Foo,Bar> );
// The variant type contains the types with which the Foo base is instantiated
static_assert( std::is_same_v<std::variant<int,std::string>,is_base_of_template_t<Foo,Bar>> );
The following solution works with protected inheritance.
template <template <typename...> class BaseTemplate, typename Derived, typename TCheck = void>
struct test_base_template;
template <template <typename...> class BaseTemplate, typename Derived>
using is_base_template_of = typename test_base_template<BaseTemplate, Derived>::is_base;
//Derive - is a class. Let inherit from Derive, so it can cast to its protected parents
template <template <typename...> class BaseTemplate, typename Derived>
struct test_base_template<BaseTemplate, Derived, std::enable_if_t<std::is_class_v<Derived>>> : Derived
static constexpr std::true_type test(BaseTemplate<T...> *);
static constexpr std::false_type test(...);
using is_base = decltype(test((test_base_template *) nullptr));
//Derive - is not a class, so it is always false_type
template <template <typename...> class BaseTemplate, typename Derived>
struct test_base_template<BaseTemplate, Derived, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_class_v<Derived>>>
using is_base = std::false_type;
Surprisingly, on VS2017, it works with multiple inheritance from the same template, like C<
int > and C< float > both. (have no idea how!)
Check the
Link to test code
Based on Evgeny Mamontov answer I believe the proper solution is
template <template <typename...> class BaseTemplate, typename Derived>
struct test_base_template<BaseTemplate, Derived, std::enable_if_t<std::is_class_v<Derived>>> : Derived
static constexpr std::true_type test(BaseTemplate<T...> *);
static constexpr std::false_type test(...);
using is_base = decltype(test((Derived *) nullptr));

Specifying a default template

Consider this:
template <typename Pack, template <typename...> class = std::tuple> struct foo;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename... Ts, template <typename...> class Q>
struct foo<P<Ts...>, Q> {
using type = Q<P<Ts>...>;
I've placed the default template in the typedef to be std::tuple to make this compile, but what I actually want is the default template to be P, and I don't know of any syntax that allows this. I kept the typedef simple to illustrate the point, which is trying to get P as the default template. So I came up with the following workaround that seems kind of ugly:
template <typename Pack, template <typename...> class...> struct foo;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename... Ts, template <typename...> class Q>
struct foo<P<Ts...>, Q> {
using type = Q<P<Ts>...>;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename... Ts>
struct foo<P<Ts...>> {
using type = P<P<Ts>...>;
Is there any better way to do it than this? Perhaps some c++17 syntax that I'm not aware of?
In this case, using (combined with template) is your friend.
You need a type-traits to extract the container in Pack, by example
template <typename>
struct bar;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename ... Ts>
struct bar<P<Ts...>>
template <typename ... Us>
using templ_type = P<Us...>;
so you can extract the default value, for the second template parameter, from Pack as follows
template <typename Pack,
template <typename...> class = bar<Pack>::template templ_type>
struct foo;
The following is a full compiling example
#include <type_traits>
template <typename ...>
struct baz
{ };
template <typename>
struct bar;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename ... Ts>
struct bar<P<Ts...>>
template <typename ... Us>
using templ_type = P<Us...>;
template <typename Pack,
template <typename...> class = bar<Pack>::template templ_type>
struct foo;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename... Ts,
template <typename...> class Q>
struct foo<P<Ts...>, Q>
{ using type = Q<P<Ts>...>; };
int main()
foo<baz<short, int, long>> f0;
static_assert( std::is_same<decltype(f0)::type,
baz<baz<short>, baz<int>, baz<long>>>{}, "!" );
If you're looking for a different default that's an identity, you can create such a thing:
template <class... I> struct foo_id_impl;
template <template <class...> class P, class... Ts>
struct foo_id_impl<P<Ts>...> { using type = P<P<Ts>...>; };
template <class... Id>
using foo_id = typename foo_id_impl<Id...>::type;
template <class Pack, template <class...> class = foo_id>
struct foo;
I'm not sure that's necessarily better than your solution, but maybe if need this in multiple places.

Currying for templates in C++ metaprogramming

This is more of a conceptual question. I'm trying to find the easiest way of converting a two-arg template (the arguments being types) into a one-arg template. I.e., binding one of the types.
This would be the meta-programming equivalent of bind in boost/std. My example includes a possible use-case, which is, passing std::is_same as template argument to a template that takes a one-arg template template argument (std::is_same being a two-arg template), i.e. to TypeList::FindIf. The TypeList is not fully implemented here, neither is FindIf, but you get the idea. It takes a "unary predicate" and returns the type for which that predicate is true, or void if not such type.
I have 2 working variants but the first is not a one-liner and the 2nd uses a rather verbose BindFirst contraption, that would not work for non-type template arguments. Is there a simple way to write such a one-liner? I believe the procedure I'm looking for is called currying.
#include <iostream>
template<template<typename, typename> class Function, typename FirstArg>
struct BindFirst
template<typename SecondArg>
using Result = Function<FirstArg, SecondArg>;
//template<typename Type> using IsInt = BindFirst<_EqualTypes, int>::Result<Type>;
template<typename Type> using IsInt = std::is_same<int, Type>;
struct TypeList
template<template<typename> class Predicate>
struct FindIf
// this needs to be implemented, return void for now
typedef void Result;
int main()
static_assert(IsInt<int>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsInt<float>::value, "");
// variant #1: using the predefined parameterized type alias as predicate
typedef TypeList::FindIf<IsInt>::Result Result1;
// variant #2: one-liner, using BindFirst and std::is_same directly
typedef TypeList::FindIf< BindFirst<std::is_same, int>::Result>::Result Result2;
// variant #3: one-liner, using currying?
//typedef TypeList::FindIf<std::is_same<int, _>>::Result Result2;
return 0;
Click here for code in online compiler GodBolt.
I think the typical way of doing this is keep everything in the world of types. Don't take template templates - they're messy. Let's write a metafunction named ApplyAnInt that will take a "metafunction class" and apply int to it:
template <typename Func>
struct ApplyAnInt {
using type = typename Func::template apply<int>;
Where a simple metafunction class might be just checking if the given type is an int:
struct IsInt {
template <typename T>
using apply = std::is_same<T, int>;
static_assert(ApplyAnInt<IsInt>::type::value, "");
Now the goal is to support:
static_assert(ApplyAnInt<std::is_same<_, int>>::type::value, "");
We can do that. We're going to call types that contain _ "lambda expressions", and write a metafunction called lambda which will either forward a metafunction class that isn't a lambda expression, or produce a new metafunction if it is:
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct lambda {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
struct lambda<T, std::enable_if_t<is_lambda_expr<T>::value>>
struct type {
template <typename U>
using apply = typename apply_lambda<T, U>::type;
template <typename T>
using lambda_t = typename lambda<T>::type;
So we update our original metafunction:
template <typename Func>
struct ApplyAnInt
using type = typename lambda_t<Func>::template apply<int>;
Now that leaves two things: we need is_lambda_expr and apply_lambda. Those actually aren't so bad at all. For the former, we'll see if it's an instantiation of a class template in which one of the types is _:
template <typename T>
struct is_lambda_expr : std::false_type { };
template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
struct is_lambda_expr<C<Ts...>> : contains_type<_, Ts...> { };
And for apply_lambda, we just will substitute the _ with the given type:
template <typename T, typename U>
struct apply_lambda;
template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename U>
struct apply_lambda<C<Ts...>, U> {
using type = typename C<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<Ts, _>::value, U, Ts>...>::type;
And that's all you need actually. I'll leave extending this out to support arg_<N> as an exercise to the reader.
Yeah, I had this issue to. It took a few iterations to figure out a decent way to do this. Basically, to do this, we need to specify a reasonable representation of what we want and need. I borrowed some aspects from std::bind() in that I want to specify the template that I wish to bind and the parameters that I want to bind to it. Then, within that type, there should be a template that will allow you to pass a set of types.
So our interface will look like this:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename...Ts>
struct tbind;
Now our implementation will have those parameters plus a container of types that will be applied at the end:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename PARAMS, typename...Ts>
struct tbind_impl;
Our base case will give us a template type, which I'll call ttype, that'll return a template of the contained types:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename...Ss>
struct tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<Ss...>>
using ttype = OP<Ss...>;
Then we have the case of moving the next type into the container and having ttype refer to the ttype in the slightly simpler base case:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename T, typename...Ts, typename...Ss>
struct tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<Ss...>, T, Ts...>
using ttype = typename tbind_impl<
, std::tuple<Ss..., T>
, Ts...
>::template ttype<Us...>;
And finally, we need a remap of the templates that will be passed to ttype:
template <template <typename...> class OP, size_t I, typename...Ts, typename...Ss>
struct tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<Ss...>, std::integral_constant<size_t, I>, Ts...>
using ttype = typename tbind_impl<
, typename std::tuple<
, typename std::tuple_element<
, typename std::tuple<Us...>
, Ts...
>::template ttype<Us...>;
Now, since programmers are lazy, and don't want to type std::integral_constant<size_t, N> for each parameter to remap, we specify some aliases:
using t0 = std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>;
using t1 = std::integral_constant<size_t, 1>;
using t2 = std::integral_constant<size_t, 2>;
Oh, almost forgot the implementation of our interface:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename...Ts>
struct tbind : detail::tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<>, Ts...>
Note that tbind_impl was placed in a detail namespace.
And voila, tbind!
Unfortunately, there is a defect prior to c++17. If you pass tbind<parms>::ttype to a template that expects a template with a particular number of parameters, you will get an error as the number of parameters don't match (specific number doesn't match any number). This complicates things slightly requiring an additional level of indirection. :(
template <template <typename...> class OP, size_t N>
struct any_to_specific;
template <template <typename...> class OP>
struct any_to_specific<OP, 1>
template <typename T0>
using ttype = OP<T0>;
template <template <typename...> class OP>
struct any_to_specific<OP, 2>
template <typename T0, typename T1>
using ttype = OP<T0, T1>;
Using that to wrap tbind will force the compiler to recognize the template having the specified number of parameters.
Example usage:
static_assert(!tbind<std::is_same, float, t0>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
static_assert( tbind<std::is_same, int , t0>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
tbind<std::is_same, float, t0>::ttype
, 1
>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
static_assert( any_to_specific<
tbind<std::is_same, int , t0>::ttype
, 1
>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
All of which succeed.

Is T an instance of a template in C++?

Suppose I'm in a template and I want to know if a type parameter T is an instantiation of a particular template, e.g., std::shared_ptr:
template<typename T>
void f(T&& param)
if (instantiation_of(T, std::shared_ptr)) ... // if T is an instantiation of
// std::shared_ptr...
More likely I'd want to do this kind of test as part of a std::enable_if test:
template<typename T>
std::enable_if<instantiation_of<T, std::shared_ptr>::type
f(T&& param)
// other overloads of f for when T is not an instantiation of std::shared_ptr
Is there a way to do this? Note that the solution needs to work with all possible types and templates, including those in the standard library and in other libraries I cannot modify. My use of std::shared_ptr above is just an example of what I might want to do.
If this is possible, how would I write the test myself, i.e., implement instantiation_of?
Why use enable_if when simple overloading suffices?
template<typename T>
void f(std::shared_ptr<T> param)
// ...
If you really do need such a trait, I think this should get you started (only roughly tested with VC++ 2010):
#include <type_traits>
struct template_arg;
template<template<typename> class T, typename U>
struct template_arg<T<U>>
typedef U type;
template<typename T>
struct is_template
static T* make();
template<typename U>
static std::true_type check(U*, typename template_arg<U>::type* = nullptr);
static std::false_type check(...);
static bool const value =
std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(check(make()))>::value;
typename T,
template<typename> class,
bool Enable = is_template<T>::value
struct specialization_of : std::false_type
{ };
template<typename T, template<typename> class U>
struct specialization_of<T, U, true> :
std::is_same<T, U<typename template_arg<T>::type>>
{ };
A partial spec should be able to do it.
template <template <typename...> class X, typename T>
struct instantiation_of : std::false_type {};
template <template <typename...> class X, typename... Y>
struct instantiation_of<X, X<Y...>> : std::true_type {};
I actually had to look up the template template syntax, because I've basically never had cause to use it before.
Not sure how this interacts with templates like std::vector with additional defaulted arguments.
Best way to do it when dealing with a T&& is to make sure you remove_reference before doing the check, because the underlying type T can be a reference or a value type, and template partial specialization has to be exact to work. Combined with an answer above the code to do it could be:
template <
typename T,
template <typename...> class Templated
> struct has_template_type_impl : std::false_type {};
template <
template <typename...> class T,
typename... Ts
> struct has_template_type_impl<T<Ts...>, T> : std::true_type {};
template <
typename T,
template <typename...> class Templated
> using has_template_type = has_template_type_impl<
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type,
And then you just enable_if your way to victory:
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<has_template_type<T, std::shared_ptr>::value>::type
f(T&& param)
// ...