Is there any advantage to having an app manifest file to desktop users? - desktop

According to having an app manifest file gives mobile users a better experience with my site by allowing them to add it to their home screen and giving it some special launching properties from there. Do any of these benefits apply to desktop users, especially those who do not chose to add a shortcut to my site to their desktop?

The main use of manifest files is to allow site developers better control over how their sites behave when added to and launched from non-browser environments. If users don't install the app outside of the browser, a manifest doesn't do much on desktop or mobile.
The case for implementing a manifest file is not about desktop vs mobile. It's about if you expect/want users to use the app outside the browser.


How to search for Shiny Apps - Rstudio

I'm entering the world of Shiny Rstudio now. So this is a beginner question
One question I came up with is: how do I search for the Shiny Apps available/created? Are all created Apps available? Is there any way that, once I create my app, I prevent it from being viewed? Or during the creation I "block it"?
From so much searching I found this link via Rstudio's website:
Would this be the search platform for all apps made?
But in the case of it seems that it is necessary to send it via "Submit App".
I am not sure if I understand your questions correctly but I might be able to give you some insights.
Are all created Apps available?
No, some shiny Apps are hosted on private servers or/and are embedded in password-protected websites or Wordpress-pages for example. If you dont have those access rights, then you cannot see those Apps.
How do I search for the Shiny Apps available/created?
There is no way of doing that, except on pages like Showmeshiny, the RStudio Shiny Gallery, this gallery of recent Shiny-Apps or pther similar pages. Those Apps are publicly available and you can submit your own App if you like sharing it. is a nice and easy way of deploying your App on a server with a few clicks. But you need at least the standard license to include authentication, otherwise they would be free and open for everyone.
Is there any way that, once I create my app, I prevent it from being
I am not quite sure, what you mean. If it should be blocked from being viewed at all, I dont see the reason of building a ShinyApp. If you just want to access it yourself, then there are ways of doing so. Either password-protect it where only you know the password or host it on a local server that only you can access.
Or during the creation I "block it"?
If you create it on your computer and run it, it will run on your computer and only be accessible to yourself, except you explicitly configure it otherwise. So there is no need of "blocking it".

Sitecore icons corrupted on install

I'm getting the following error in the Sitecore editor when I go to Configure > Icons and attempt to click "More Icons":
Access to the path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyWebSite\temp\icons_Applications.html' is denied.
What would be the easiest way to sync the icons on the web site with the installation package, without having to start over and re-install the site?
It seems that perhaps the app pool of your IIS site doesn't have rights to create temp files which is where the icons are placed after you first open them. Sitecore uses the Website\temp\IconCache folder to store the icons. Make sure your app pool for the IIS site has the right privileges per the installation guide, in this case it looks like write access is not fully granted.
The default IIS App Pool identity would be either Network Service or ApplicationPoolIdentity. Make sure that user has write NTFS permission for the \Website root folder of your instance.

Creating a manifest file inside of /Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts requires super user permissions

This is on Mac 10.8
I have written Google Chrome Extension and a Native Messaging executable which communicates with the Chrome Extension using Native Messaging. All works fine with my Proof of Concept as part of development.
Issue is that now I want to get it deployed.
I have my in house installer which by which I need to create a com.my_company.my_product.json manifest file inside of this /Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts directory which cannot be accessed unless I ask for the password of the admin user.
I am doing this port as part of migration of NPPlugin to Chrome Extension Native messaging communication which will replace the NPPlugin. NPPlugin can be accessed from both /Library as well as ~/Library which does not require sudo permissions.
Why does the manifest file need to be at root /Library level ad not user ~/library level? If so how can we get this installed on a Mac without bothering the user with admin password which the user will obviously be less likely to share.
If anyone has a solution, the Native Executable is a C++ program that can use Mac API calls.
Your understanding is correct. The Chromium team is investigating user directories as an additional option. Ensuring continuing security is the primary concern. I'll update this answer when there's more to report. (Update 6/1/2014: see Rob W.'s comment to this answer)

OpenCart - Can I access data externally?

I have a project in mind for a desktop aplication that interacts with e-shops directly. My goal is to create an application that uses the e-shop´s table and presents it to the shop through this app.
Before I get too into it I want to find a shoping cart software (preferably the oneclick installs that many webhosts offer) that will let me access it´s tables and modify/read/write at will without going throught the website.
Could I do this with OpenCart?
if not which way should I shoot?
Thanks in advance
Normally this is not possible unless You'd stick directly with some DB administration tool that will connect directly to the database server. There are some options though:
write an API for the desktop application - it could be based on web services - that the desktop application will comunicate with (more work has to be done but this should be the best solution)
let the desktop application connect directly to the database server (the same settings as OpenCart uses; requires only the desktop application development)
or as I mentioned, use a desktop DBMS tool for MySQL (or one that is universal), there are plenty of them, many also free... (no development at all but I'm not sure if this would be the desired solution)

How to config IIS in Windows XP SP2

new to IIS. I have two questions:
After installing IIS, I straightly wen to my browser and typed in But a user name and password dialog box pops up and I have no idea what to type in. Why IIS asks this information? How can I remove this asking.
I want to put a web service under IIS. The web service is written in C# under .net. Is there any tutorial for this config? I found a tutorial but it is under windows server 2003 and there is an option called web service extension. However, I installed IIS in XP and the UI seems completely different.
FYI, the IIS Management tool I used tells me that it is version 5.
Thank you very much for the help.
[FYI, the question #1 is the kind that is typically better addressed on, I'll answer it as well since it is bundled...]
To resolve 1), i.e. to allow anonymous access to the web site
- Open the IIS management console
Either from Computer management Console, in 'Aervices and Applications'
+ 'Internet Information Service'
or from the control panel + Administrative tools
+ 'Internet Information Service'
- On right pane, navigate to 'Web Sites' + 'Default Web Site'
- Right Click, select 'Properties' in menu.
This brings a squarish dialog with 2 rows of 4 tabs each at the top.
- Select 'Directory Security' tab
- then in the top group named 'Anonymous Access and authentication control',
click 'Edit'
- The dialog that comes up is where you need to check the Anonymous access,
and enter the account credentials for the account which IIS will use, on
behalf of the anonymous users. I recommend you create one account for
this purpose, rather than using yours or some other actual user.
Now, concering 2) i.e. to deploy the web service itself
I think you just need to copy the asmx file into the location where you want the web service to run, and the binary files (dlls) to the bin directory. In other words its just like publishing a regular .NET web app, except that the files (referenced in the URI) are named *.asmx. (you can also make this file the default file for the dirctory).
This of course implies that .NET would be installed on thie machine, adn allowed to work (see the '.NET Application" tab of the web properties dialog.
A final bit of advice: You probably will want to install this webservices in its own Web Site (or Web application) and own directory. Refer to for more detail about this type of tasks. There are very many settings, some of which have repercussion on security or performance --> let the pros tell you ;-)