Qt C++ preventing program to show error-messages when busy - c++

Hi I have a question concerning error-messages.
I have a window with several buttons including a OK and Cancel-button. My OK-button executes a program that moves some chart series and for doing so it needs to read in lots of data from a file and shift these values. The Cancel button cancels this operation. The calculations cannot be separated into smaller portions of code.
This works well for smaller amount of data but when I use it with large sets of data the program acts as if it crashed. Nevertheless, after some time everything is back to normal, the calculation is done.
There are 2 things I don`t like:
1) When I leave the program alone the program changes the headerline of my window to ....(keine Rückmeldung) which means no response.
After the end of the calculation the text ...(keine Rückmeldung) disappears in the header and everything is back to normal.
2) When I try to press the "cancel" button in my window while running the calculation, an additional window appears:
There again, when I leave the program alone and the calculation is finished this window disappears ( as well as the (keine Rückmeldung) in the header of my window) and and everything is back to normal.
To solve problem 2 I tried to disable my "Cancel" button but this does not help. The slot which is behnid the cancel-button gets executed anyway.
My question now is: Since I don´t want the user to see these error-messages, is there a way to prevent the program of showing them?
Thank you

Consider using a QThread for expensive computation tasks. Or better, you can use other built-in multi-threading utilities such as QConcurrentRun and QFuture.
You can then easily get the state of your background function and show a loading Window, or allow the user to perform other operations in the meantime.


C++ Builder - Multiple changes to main menu

I need to make multiple enable/disable changes to a main menu in a C++ Builder VCL application.
When the application changes state, I loop through disabling and enabling visibility of multiple menus.
This issue I have is that when looping occasionally during the loop there are more menus visible than what will fit on the screen, causing a wrap, which then causes everything on the main form to resize, and resize back resulting in slowness and a huge flicker.
I have tried the Disable and Enable align on the main form, doesn't have any impact.
I have done the WM_SETREDRAW trick on the main form, however while it stops it drawing, calling invalidate afterwards, doesn't get some of the children controls to redraw correctly. An example of what won't redraw is the tabs on a TPageControl.
An other point that may be of relevance, is that code is called from a TTabSheet::OnShow callback.
Ideally I would like to find a BeginUpdateMainMenu and EndUpdateMainMenu method, however I can't find on in the VCL documentation or the Win32 documentation.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
This is not a technical answer but I'm thinking from an end user "useablilty" point of view : how easy would it be for him/her to use "more menus visible than what will fit on the screen"
Do you have the possibility to group the menu items in some way so that they could be dysplayed in sub-menus ?

wxWidgets - cannot bring frame to top

This question isn't about briging a window to the front of EVERYTHING, just for my specifc application. I'd like the frame they were interacting with to be behind the new frame. Much like a dialog, except that it is not a dialog. I don't think this is bad practice, something was summoned (in this case via a menu) I expect it to be infront of the window I used to summon it.
I just read How can I ensure that a wxFrame is brought to the foreground? and that didn't work either.
SetFocus(); makes the window want my attention (it flashes in my task bar in the case of my platform, GTK and MATE task bar if that matters)
Raise(); does.... nothing
Show(); shows it, obviously, but despite it's newly created status nothing happens.
Weirdly clicking the window doesn't bring it to the front until after I have done something in the parent despite showing as the thing I am interacting with in the task bar. I am using all the 3 of the above (Show, SetFocus then Raise).
I've read Raise's documentation ( http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_window.html#a54808c933f22a891c5db646f6209fa4d ) Raise and Lower are "z-order functions" - this suggests that it's supposed to do this. I have never really had much success with it though. I'd be really really nice if the starting frame came to the foreground whenever I run for example, but given the amount of times I press run and the project is built compared to the amount of time spent writing code and the fact creating a new folder even is more frequent, I've put up with it.
It'd be nice to get it fixed!
Using Lower on the parent hasn't worked. There will be 64 less a few obvious ways to try this, I really want to avoid stumbling about.
I believe ravenspoint, and this is not a good user interface trick, but, if you don't mind a little bit of flashing... and stealing of focus, regardless of where you may be typing, etc, etc, just kinda bad...
ParentWindow->Iconize(false); // restore the window if minimized
ParentWindow->SetFocus(); // focus on my window
ParentWindow->Raise(); // bring window to front
ParentWindow->Show(true); // show the window
And before you do, think about another critical application running with
"Enter the counter measure launch code, impact in 12 seconds: "
and half way through typing, your window decides to pop to the top.

linux C++ xlib, does the processor go to fast?

here something sound like tricky for me, actualy i'm using Xlib to draw some windows. One is for plotting some 2D results in a image, so this one is drawn only when all calculus are done. another one is a simple window wich says, "calculus in process".
So now before I start the calculus I call "show me the simple window "calculus in process"",
then I call the function who does the calculs and plots the result,
then I call "don't show me the simple window "calculus in process"".
but the problem ams, I don't see the "show me the simple window "calculus in process"" during the calculus, I just see it one instant and disappears just when the image of results of calculs is shown. I try to put some sleep() but that doesn't solve the problem. What kind of stuff can cause such problem ? I already met such problem during my C++ course, at that time I worked on console, I never found the reason of such problem.
Can somebody give me some explanation and tips to help me to deal with it like a boss ?
here a piece of sh.. of my code :
case KeyRelease :
switch(keyRelease()){ // keyRelease just recognize wich key was released
. // w3w1 = window "calculus in process"
case 3 : w3w1.switcher(); doCalculus(&w1); w3w1.switcher(); break;
I just did a test, I swap doCalculus(&w1) with sleep(3) same result, I don't see my window "calculus in process"
there is the switcher() corrected
void switcher(){
XMapWindow(dpy,this->window); // what I though before : has to map the window
// what I think now : request to map the window
XDrawString(dpy, this->window, this->gc, 10, 14, text.c_str(), text.length());
XFlush(dpy); // dats what missed, not sure that efficient to flush the dpy
// but I deal with the part of xlib I know, I will check further
// about that
XFlush(dpy); //...
Your main event loop is probably blocked by your calculation. Thus nothing can be displayed as long as you are busy computing. If you return to the X event loop at least once after displaying the temporary window it should appear (though it may not refresh properly because it won't respond to exposure events). The best solution is to run your calculations in another thread.
Your confusion about "why it doesn't wait to show me the simple window" is based on a misconception about how X clients work. There is more interaction between the client and the server (even to do simple things) than you might intuitively expect.
I know that this isn't an OpenGL question, but this OpenGL tutorial can shed some light into this issue. Basically, you're not processing the 'windows' messages to allow for the window you've created to show up. Check the while(1) loop in the wiki.
You have two choices:
Run your calculation in steps. Where each step gets processed by each call within the while loop
Run your calculation in a separate thread, query for progress in every frame from within the while(1) loop and display it.
Personally, I'd prefer 2.

How to make a loading/intro animation popup while waiting for program to start up clutter/GTK+

My program takes a few seconds to start up. I am using clutter for the GUI, and I decided to try and make something pop up to indicate that the program is starting up. I wanted to just have a logo pop up and rotate, then disappear when the program starts.
So in clutter, I figured I could just make a new stage (window) add an actor to it, make the and actor spin, in the first section of the main function. The window will pop up right away, but with no content, but the content wont show until you launch the clutter main loop.
So I was just wondering how I might be able to achieve this using clutter or GTK+.
If you are familar with reaper 4, the audio recording program, this program does something similar to what I want to mine to do.
What you want is called a splash screen. I'm unfamiliar with clutter, but I found this GTK splash screen example.
However, I think you're taking the problem the wrong way. Splash screens are a bad idea because you just add overhead. What you need is improving your startup performance, by doing some CPU and/or IO profiling. Loading stuff on-demand, and not all at once will help.
Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with Clutter. But I'm pretty sure it will be difficult to render an animation without a main loop running in any high level library.
I'd try to put the code that causes the delay into a separate thread and inform the main loop when the startup is done.
Something like this is what i use:
string splashfile = path_templ + "/splashimg.png";
GtkWidget *image=gtk_image_new_from_file(splashfile.c_str());
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(SplashWindow), image);
//Cycle through all iterations (refresh everything in the GUI)
while (gtk_events_pending()){
(... rest of code ...)
gtk_main ();
gdk_threads_leave ();
Especially that last part of while events pending is the key

Show QDialog on the currently active Space on OS X

I am currently working on an application that prompts the user when some task has completed, by popping up a dialog (think something along the lines of Growl).
If I start an operation on one space, then move to a different space, when the operation completes I am forced back to the first (initial) space. I believe this is caused by the QDialog getting focus, although this is just a hypothesis.
Is there any way to make a QDialog show() on the currently active space?
EDIT It seems that if I set the window flag Qt::Popup, the dialog behaves almost exactly like I want. That is, it shows up on the currently active space. However, it also grabs input and prevents the user from interacting with the other parts of the application. Furthermore, should it lose focus, it disappears entirely.
Can I set the popups to not grab input?
Can I make them stay on the screen, even if they lose focus?