Split screen map and streetview - google-maps-urls

Google’s 2017 map documentation does not say how to specify a split screen, lower part map, upper part streetview. Please, is this possible within a Google-map URL, and if it is, how?

Since you haven't give any more information about the language you use, im just gonna link the documentation from google.
Since its still usable, the realtime examples work and they haven't said a word in changelog or else, I would assume its still working.
Here you can get to the overall Google API Documentation
As an exmaple for the question, Google made a realtime Example with documentation, here in JS.
Also, even if its not possible to do in a short way, you can simply build two synchronized boxes. It just would take more effort.


APIs/Libraries/SDKs for handwriting tracking?

I'm trying to make a mobile AR application. I want to track the user's handwriting in real time using smartphones while the user writes on paper. That is to track every stroke made by the user.
I know some SDKs and products like ManoMotion and Leap Motion provide relatively precise hand tracking and analysis, but since writing on paper doesn't involve many motions and gestures, I don't think they are suitable.
I have searched online and haven't found any resources for my particular use case. So I would like to ask if there are other resources I should take a look at, or I should rely on some lower level APIs like OpenCV.
mhc, kind of late to answer this. But regarding ManoMotion you need to apply for access to the SDK products through the official website at www.manomotion.com the approval process is manual and they require some information regarding the intention of use in a project so I highly suggest to provide with as much detail as possible.

BB10 Core Native SDK: Programmatically adjust screen brightness?

Is it possible? If so please provide a working example.
I have come across this function which can use the SCREEN_PROPERTY_BRIGHTNESS to apparently change a windows brightness. However, I have had no success using this as there are no noticeable differences. In the comments below, see two other people who have had a similar issue (posted on the BlackBerry Support Forums). According to one user, the SCREEN_PROPERTY_BRIGHTNESS property does not work. Can anyone verify that or provide an alternative solution?
Your first link is to a page that does not exist. On the page from the second link there are to things. The property you want is probably SCREEN_PROPERTY_INTENSITY, but the documentation goes on to say
Full read/write access to Screen API object properties is product

Android unit testing framework that can interact with Google Maps API. Does one exist?

I am working with Google Maps on Android 4.0 and I would like to know:
Is there a testing framework (or anything..) that can interact with the Google Maps API? What are the possibilities when interacting/testing with Google Maps on Android? Is it not possible to find all pins on the map and perform a click on them or perhaps determine zoom level?
There seem to be a couple questions on this website dealing with similar issues/questions with no answer.
I realize "interact with" is a broad term. I am really looking for any kind of help whether it is a suggestion or just to tell me something is not possible.
I have been using JUnit but it seems limited by itself. Just today I started looking at Robotium since the majority of tests I need to do are UI based. I am new to Robotium so maybe it is possible with this and I have not discovered it yet?
When our team created an Android application that used Google maps, I was able to create tests using the R.id for the map fragment. It is important to note that I had access to the Application's code, so I knew what variables to look for.
Prior to creating this test, I wanted to make sure that I was targeting the correct R.id, so I went into the R file, copied the value and placed it in
which returned true, and then build the test around the changeable variable
initialID = solo.waitForFragmentById(id.satellite); //where id.satellite is defined in the R file, eventually would time out and throw error if fragment was not present
//save the map type, leave
//and do other awsome stuff
//before coming back to the map
finalID = solo.waitForFragmentById(id.satellite);//capture the map fragment that is now displayed, again would time out if this specific fragment was not visible
//assert that the fragments are equal
The biggest problem that I had with this test and with other Robotium tests is that I had click events happening to bring in menus and sometimes Robotium would not perform the click, and the test would fail on the click.
This was my first go at testing with Robotium, so there might be other ways to manipulate the R.id values to create a tighter test.
In case anyone wants to know after much searching I finally found something that can test Google Maps. Things such as zoom level and I believe tap pin (method is called tapMapMarkerItem()) are supported. I have not tested the pin tap yet tho.
Apparently the awesome Robotium does not support map testing by itself. Nicholas Albion was nice enough to create an extension to provides testing support for maps on Android. Thank you so much Nicholas!
So here it is:
1. Download the Robotium jars from robotium.org (I found this helpful http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidTesting/article.html - by Lars Vogel)
2. Download the extension from https://github.com/nalbion/robotium-maps

'Field Scraping' in Windows

I want to develop an auditing application for certain Windows applications. I want to grab the text from MessageBoxes, Windows, Forms, Selections etc and ideally I would like to program in C++.
I've looked into Windows UI Automation as a possible solution, but am slightly put off as it says it will need to know parts of the underlying data structures which I can't get at. Alternatively, I've looked around and Neo's SafeKeys says that it protects against 'field scraping', but upon searching for it I can't find any information on how it is done. Could someone with experience with this please enlighten me? I'm aware you can scrape websites and the like, but I wish to scrape applications instead.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Look into using the accessibility layer, MSAA
I presume they are talking about doing a lot of EnumChildWindows() and GetWindowText().
A simple way of doing this without going near any data structures is to use Abbyy's OCR SDK http://www.abbyy.com/ocr_sdk/ to emulate in an application what their amazing Screenshot reader does. http://www.abbyy.com/screenshot_reader/ . With this technology, nothing you can read on the screen is safe from being captured as text, though it makes a mess of the odd character occasionally.

Attributes: Are the current REST-architecture tools limited to a tree-structure?

Historically operating system directory-structures have been trees:
Program Files
Common Files
Internet Explorer
And the REST architecture emulates the same thing:
But, looking the current structure, I need to make searches:
All pictures that are not from
All pictures taken in 2005?
All pictures in timeline?
It is not efficient to do a REST-interface with every tree-hierarchy combinations. You need more efficient information management; you need an attribute-system rather than a tree-structure.
(Oh, why the operating systems are not based on attributes?)
StackOverflow and Google seem to use attributes and syntax with "+"-marks like:
Today's frameworks like WCF and ASP.NET MVC have a good support for RESTful tree-structures. But is there support for attribute-structures? Wouldn't you call an attribute-structure still REST?
I would like to make an attribute-WebService and use it with a LINQ in Silverlight-client... Which is the best way to start? :-)
In order to create an effective REST interface you need to identify the resources that make sense for your client application. If you look at you use cases:
All pictures that are not from Finland?
All pictures taken in 2005?
All pictures in timeline?
The question you need to answer, is if this requires three resources or just one. I am assuming you want to have more than just these three queries, so therefore the most flexible solution is to define a generic resource which is a "collection of pictures".
From here, you want to be able limit contents of this resource by using query parameters.
In the case of the third item it may make sense to create a separate resource for that item.
There are other scenarios where it may make sense to create additional resource such as
The important thing is to identify what key concepts of your application you want to model as resources and then assign those resources an URL. Trying to do REST design via the URL space is going to make you bang your head against the wall.
What you are looking for are URI matrix parameters:
When to use query parameters versus matrix parameters?.