How do you use SearchResult for join fields using Map/Reduce Script? - mapreduce

I'm starting to understand the Map/Reduce framework more and more for SuiteScript 2.0. However, all the help and SuiteAnswer articles show direct field relationships from the searchResult object.
How do you return a joined field as a Object Value during the map stage?
{"recordType":"manufacturingoperationtask","id":"1974","values":{"item.workOrder":{"value":"1517","text":"Agent Orange Pale Ale : AOP 1/2"},"enddate":"10/13/2017","formulanumeric":"65"}}
In this SearchResult object, I am trying to return the 1517 item internal id but haven't found a way to get it because the key is "item.workOrder".

I suppose if you just want to parse out the JSON string above, then it would be
var data = JSON.parse(result);
var workOrderId = data["item.workOrder"].value;
However, the typical way of accomplishing this through SuiteScript would be to use the Search Result Object's getValue method, along with its join option.
var workOrderId = result.getValue({
name: "workOrder",
join: "item"
FWIW I've written a whole series of example-driven cookbooks to help you master Searching in SuiteScript.


django split data and apply search istartswith = query

I have a Project and when searching a query I need to split the data (not search query) in to words and apply searching.
for example:
my query is : 'bot' (typing 'bottle')
but if I use meta_keywords__icontains = query the filter will also return queries with 'robot'.
Here meta_keywords are keywords that can be used for searching.
I won't be able to access data if the data in meta_keywords is 'water bottle' when I use meta_keywords__istartswith is there any way I can use in this case.
what I just need is search in every words of data with just istartswith
I can simply create a model for 'meta_keywords' and use the current data to assign values by splitting and saving as different data. I know it might be the best way. I need some other ways to achieve it.
You can search the name field with each word that istartswith in variable query.
import re
instances = Model.objects.filter(Q(name__iregex=r'[[:<:]]' + re.escape(query)))
Eg: Hello world can be searched using the query 'hello' and 'world'. It don't check the icontains
note: It works only in Python3

Is there a way how to address nested properties in AWS DynamoDB for purpose of documentClient.query() call?

I am currently testing how to design a query from AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient query() call that takes params: DocumentClient.QueryInput, which is used for retrieving data collection from a table in DynamoDB.
Query seems to be simple and working fine while working with indexes of type String or Number only. What I am not able to make is an query, that will use a valid index and filter upon an attribute that is nested (see my data structure please).
I am using FilterExpression, where can be defined logic for filtering - and that seems to be working fine in all cases except cases when trying to do filtering on nested attribute.
Current parameters, I am feeding query with
parameters {
TableName: 'myTable',
ProjectionExpression: 'HashKey, RangeKey, Artist ,#SpecialStatus, Message, Track, Statistics'
ExpressionAttributeNames: { '#SpecialStatus': 'Status' },
IndexName: 'Artist-index',
KeyConditionExpression: 'Artist = :ArtistName',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':ArtistName': 'BlindGuadian',
':Track': 'Mirror Mirror'
FilterExpression: 'Track = :Track'
Data structure in DynamoDB's table:
'Artist' : 'Blind Guardian',
'Track': 'Mirror Mirror',
'Statistics' : [
'Sales': 42,
'WrittenBy' : 'Kursch'
Lets assume we want to filter out all entries from DB, by using Artist in KeyConditionExpression. We can achieve this by feeding Artist with :ArtistName. Now the question, how to retrieve records that I can filter upon WritenBy, which is nested in Statistics?
To best of my knowledge, we are not able to use any other type but String, Number or Binary for purpose of making secondary indexes. I've been experimenting with Secondary Indexes and Sorting Keys as well but without luck.
I've tried documentClient.scan(), same story. Still no luck with accessing nested attributes in List (FilterExpression just won't accept it).
I am aware of possibility to filter result on "application" side, once the records are retrieved (by Artists for instance) but I am interested to filter it out in FilterExpression
If I understand your problem correctly, you'd like to create a query that filters on the value of a complex attribute (in this case, a list of objects).
You can filter on the contents of a list by indexing into the list:
var params = {
TableName: "myTable",
FilterExpression: "Statistics[0].WrittenBy = :writtenBy",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":writtenBy": 'Kursch'
Of course, if you don't know the specific index, this wont really help you.
Alternatively, you could use the CONTAINS function to test if the object exists in your list. The CONTAINS function will require all the attributes in the object to match the condition. In this case, you'd need to provide Sales and WrittenBy, which probably doesn't solve your problem here.
The shape of your data is making your access pattern difficult to implement, but that is often the case with DDB. You are asking DDB to support a query of a list of objects, where the object has a specific attribute with a specific value. As you've seen, this is quote tricky to do. As you know, getting the data model to correctly support your access patterns is critical to your success with DDB. It can also be difficult to get right!
A couple of ideas that would make your access pattern easier to implement:
Move WrittenBy out of the complex attribute and put it alongside the other top-level attributes. This would allow you to use a simple FilterExpression on the WrittenBy attribute.
If the WrittenBy attribute must stay within the Statistics list, make it stand alone (e.g. [{writtenBy: Kursch}, {Sales: 42},...]). This way, you'd be able to use the CONTAINS keyword in your search.
Create a secondary index with the WrittenBy field in either the PK or SK (whichever makes sense for your data model and access patterns).

Populate Model from a Query with a One-to-Many Relationship

I have two tables:
What I was looking to do was get the information from both tables:
var q = dao.getSurveyTemplateDetails( surveyTemplateID = ARGUMENTS.surveyTemplateID );
Then use Coldbox to populate my model, surveyTemplate, with the query data:
var surveyTemplateObj = populator.populateFromQuery( beanFactory.getInstance("surveyTemplate"), q );
This works, however, the model is only populated with one question. The surveyTemplate I am testing has three questions.
I have tried to set up a property name correctly in my model to use fieldtype="one-to-many" but that does not appear to have made a difference.
property name="surveyTemplateQuestionID" fieldtype="one-to-many";
While Coldbox's documentation for models overall is quite good, I am not able to find an answer for this, which probably means I am off track a good bit in my implementation of this.
Any insight would be appreciated.
So, what I did for this is I injected a surveyTemplateQuestions model into my surveyTemplate model:
property name="surveyTemplateQuestions" inject="surveyTemplateQuestions";
then I set the surveyTemplateQuestions property with the questions query:
Not exactly what I was looking for but it works for now.
You can loop over query to build Arrays of objects. populateFromQuery method takes query row-number to get data from query.
var surveyTemplateObj = [];
for(var row in q){
ArrayAppend(surveyTemplateObj, populator.populateFromQuery( beanFactory.getInstance("surveyTemplate"), q , row.currentRow));
API Doc info

Sitecore ContentSearch by field and relevance

I'm using Sitecore 8 MVC .net 4.5. I have boolean field Is Sponsored and I need to order all items such as first with field Is Sponsored = true and by relevance. I found if I add order by Is_Sponsored I'm losing relevance order. So my question is: is there a way to include relevance in existing ordering?
the above method will work fine if you have only a limited amount of documents as you must read all documents from the index.
You can sort by the field SCORE to sort by the sort - so your sort order would be isSponsered, SCORE. This should work as far as I remember - but I have not validated it.
else - more to solr and you will have a number of options to solve this.
You could skip the boolean check in your query and run a regular query with the right relevance order coming back. Then filter down that result set by the boolean value into two separate collections.
var results = queryable.Where(predicate).ToList();
var sponsored = results.Where(i => i.IsSponsored);
var notSponsored = results.Where(i => !i.IsSponsored);
Then join the collections.

In querying a collection in a Mongo database with Mongoose, how can I find where a value is LIKE a query term?

I've search hard for an answer to this but haven't found anything that works. I have a NodeJS app, with the Mongoose ORM. I'm trying to query my Mongo database where a result is LIKE the query.
I have tried using a new RegExp to find the results, but it hasn't worked for me. The only time I get a result is when the query is exactly the same as the collection property's value.
Here's what I'm using right now:
var query = "Some Query String.";
var q = new RegExp('^/.*'+ query +'.*/i$');
Quote.find({author: q}, function(err, doc){
If the value of an author property contains something LIKE the query (for instance: 'some. query String'), I need to return the results. Perhaps stripping case, and excluding special characters is all I can do? What is the best way to do this? My RegEx in this example is obviously not working. Thanks!
You likely want to create your RegExp as follows instead as you don't include the / chars when using new RegExp:
var q = new RegExp(query, 'i');
I don't know of a way to ignore periods in the author properties of your docs with a RegExp though. You may want to look at $text queries for more flexible searching like that.