Unable to use dll built with Rcpp package in Visual Studio [duplicate] - c++

I am wondering if there was a workaround for using the R package Rcpp within a Visual C++ project within Visual Studio. According to the Rcpp FAQ, this is not possible. I also came across another R package called R.NET. Can this only work with C# but there seems to be no examples from within Visual C++? Is there another option for this that I am missing? Even if I am forced to work with C#, can anyone envision latency issues with this for a high frequency trading environment?
Thanks for any feedback

We address this very question clearly in the Rcpp FAQ (which comes as vignette in the package, is on the CRAN site and its mirrors, and on my website).
In short, Rcpp supports the exact same toolchain which R supports. And on Windows that is MinGW (the port of gcc to Windows) provided by the Rtools package for R.
R Core only support MinGW, and we do the same. If one could compile R with Visual Studio, things would be easier, but as Rcpp sits on top of R we are playing the hand we are dealt with.
So sorry, the answer is a "No" to Visual Studio.

The question is what you really want to connnect with what. If you want to use R within C++ Rcpp seems to be the wrong decision as it connects C++ to R (and not the other way round as your question implies.).
If you want to connect R to C++ and use Visual C++ for creating your C++ code only (instead of linking R to C++), you might want to check this recent blog post (found via R-bloggers.com). It tells you a possible way of doing so.

Visual Studio works just fine with Rcpp. Has done for years. I disagree with Dirk Eddelbuettel.
This is an important fact - For example, there are very important libraries (Intels MKL, QT graphics framework) which are actually not compatible with minGW.
I maintain a (patched and cut-down) fork of Rcpp on github (https://github.com/rohan-shah/Rcpp) suitable for compilation with Visual Studio with cmake. The patch is something like five lines, I believe.
Disclaimer: It's fiddly to use, and you have to know what you're doing. If you do know what you're doing though, I've done quite a bit of the work for you. See https://github.com/rohan-shah/mpMap2 for an example of how to use patched Rcpp with Visual Studio.


Easily importing c++ libraries and dependencies on windows

I want to use some of the great libraries out there (e.g. cgal), but don't know how (have been exclusively writing my own code so far).
It seems every library requires a different process in order to use it (at least on windows)
I'm currently using Clion as an IDE in Windows 10 with minGW. I've tried using the Conan dependency manager but couldn't get it to work (and the documentation/video tutorials are not done very well).
Is there a recommended simple way to do it?
Is using vcpkg with visual studio a good way to go about it?
edit: for clarification, I am an academic physicist developing scientific simulations mostly to be used by myself, so I don't have to package my code with all the dependencies included.

Rcpp on windows with Visual Studio [duplicate]

I am wondering if there was a workaround for using the R package Rcpp within a Visual C++ project within Visual Studio. According to the Rcpp FAQ, this is not possible. I also came across another R package called R.NET. Can this only work with C# but there seems to be no examples from within Visual C++? Is there another option for this that I am missing? Even if I am forced to work with C#, can anyone envision latency issues with this for a high frequency trading environment?
Thanks for any feedback
We address this very question clearly in the Rcpp FAQ (which comes as vignette in the package, is on the CRAN site and its mirrors, and on my website).
In short, Rcpp supports the exact same toolchain which R supports. And on Windows that is MinGW (the port of gcc to Windows) provided by the Rtools package for R.
R Core only support MinGW, and we do the same. If one could compile R with Visual Studio, things would be easier, but as Rcpp sits on top of R we are playing the hand we are dealt with.
So sorry, the answer is a "No" to Visual Studio.
The question is what you really want to connnect with what. If you want to use R within C++ Rcpp seems to be the wrong decision as it connects C++ to R (and not the other way round as your question implies.).
If you want to connect R to C++ and use Visual C++ for creating your C++ code only (instead of linking R to C++), you might want to check this recent blog post (found via R-bloggers.com). It tells you a possible way of doing so.
Visual Studio works just fine with Rcpp. Has done for years. I disagree with Dirk Eddelbuettel.
This is an important fact - For example, there are very important libraries (Intels MKL, QT graphics framework) which are actually not compatible with minGW.
I maintain a (patched and cut-down) fork of Rcpp on github (https://github.com/rohan-shah/Rcpp) suitable for compilation with Visual Studio with cmake. The patch is something like five lines, I believe.
Disclaimer: It's fiddly to use, and you have to know what you're doing. If you do know what you're doing though, I've done quite a bit of the work for you. See https://github.com/rohan-shah/mpMap2 for an example of how to use patched Rcpp with Visual Studio.

Compiling cairo (cairomm) on Windows

I'm trying to compile cairo into a lib file using Mingw. I've downloaded the cairo, cairomm, and pixman source packages, but I can't figure out where to go from here. The INSTALL help file talks about a bunch of scripts that I can't seem to run or even find ('./configure', 'make', 'make install'). Googling the issue is bringing up nothing helpful.
I feel like this is a noobish question to ask. I've only recently started getting into the C++ side of programming (coming from Java/C#), and this is the first time I've had to compile an external library before using it. The shocking lack of explanations on the process makes me wonder if there was some chapter of a tutorial somewhere I was supposed to read that makes this whole process a complete no-brainer.
I think this project isn't supporting building with Mingw.
There are build instructions here for building with Visual Studio (which can be downloaded for free as the Visual Studio Express Edition from MS Website: http://www.visualstudio.com/en-US/products/visual-studio-express-vs
Build instructions here:
It's probably possible to make this work for MingW, but you will have to make it work yourself, which may be a bit of a long step for someone who is new to compilers and build scripts in general.

open source dev environment for C++: what's better? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to do some coding in my spare time, but the thing is, I don't want to spend the money on this.
Would the following set of development tools be The Right Thing, or is there something I'm forgetting?
Eclipse for C++
SVN for source control
Qt for UI development (since it's C++, and I believe it's now opened by Nokia)
hudson for continuous integration
I'd like to write a little image processing application that can run on any platform, but the main platform at the moment will be Windows with a possible movement to the Mac-- hence all the cross-platform tools.
Is there anything really obvious I'm forgetting? Like something like fxcop for style checking in C++?
If I use any libraries, I'd like to avoid GPL libraries; if things go south with my current employer, I'll want to monetize this.
Microsoft Visual C++ Express is free and easily the best IDE for Windows. Furthermore, you can use it to work on cross-platform code - it more depends on writing standards-adhering code and using portable libraries.
If you want to write cross-platform code, I recommend a cross-platform build tool. I use CMake, which generates Visual Studio solutions on Windows, but there are others too, such as SCons.
As for libraries, it depends on what exactly you need to do. Qt is an excellent GUI library. libpng/libjpeg and others are good for loading/saving images at a low level, but there are probably other higher-level image libraries as well.
[edit] A response to the comment about MSVC and Qt:
A quick search brings up Trolltech's Qt Visual Studio Integration page:
Qt Visual Studio .NET Integration
A comment points out that this is actually not free (a free addon is available at this link, but this runs Qt designer outside of Visual Studio. Also, the Express version of Visual Studio does not support plugins.
For coding specifically in Qt there is another new IDE created by Qt: Qt Creator. I've heard good things about it, and it is also portable across Windows, Linux, and Mac.
I detect procrastination (something I'm often guilty of) - just write some code - you can always add tools as you go along.
The problem with questions with phrases like "what's better" is that it's really hard to determine what's right in a specific situation and maybe impossible what's "better".
Said that, I use Eclipse CDT sucessfully as an IDE on Linux. I use frameworks like ACE/TAO to create code that is highly portable.
I know that QT is a very good UI framework. KDE is built on top of KDE and if you use KDE/Linux then you may also want to look at KDevelop, a C++ IDE that has many users.
In the end I believe that you and only you can figure out whats best for you to use. Make sure you check the alternatives and then make an educated decision.
for c++ there are a few more freewares available such as codeblocks and devcpp. I find eclipse very heavy on the machine.
There are many tools that make the difference:
A C++ compiler ... (it wasn't in your list)
STLfilt (which is a must have when programming in C++)
A UT framework (CxxTests, boost.test, Fructose, google.test, ...)
something to manage the compilation chain (scons, aap, (b)jam, cmake, ...) -- I've no idea what eclipse is using.
Source control: git. It's not as diffucult as people make it seem. I'm an svn newbie and I still managed to learn the basics of git for use in everyday life! There are about 4 or 5 basic commands that will get you going in no time. Read the official git tutorial
Regarding IDE's, there are a few choices
Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition (free lite version)
Eclipse with CDT
QtCreator. (Since you're using Qt for the GUI)
Personally I have used Eclipse+CDT for a number of projects. Paired with wxWidgets it has provided me with enough to keep myself pretty much crossplatform (which I think is a big plus).
Also QT has some interesting releases with an IDE now, make sure you check it out: http://www.qtsoftware.com/products/developer-tools
Like earlier suggestion, just start coding, you will eventually find out what is the appropriate mix for you. It varies greatly between individuals what is the "best" IDE or mix of command line tools, etc.
Eclipse CDT is making huge strides, and even organizations that were unx tools only are now finally joining the IDE bandwagon. Considering downloading a current milestone, not the official release.
If you're using windows, don't use Eclipse directly, find a third-party distribution that already has all the GNU tools in it (I forgot the name, I can look it up).
Once you switch to mac it's easier, but make sure to install xcode to get your GNU tools.
If you are using svn - VisualSVNServer is an excellent free GUI based way to setup and administer your SVN repository, definitely worth checking out as it means you have little/no messing about with config files etc. to change your repository.
Regarding version control - Subversion is pretty much standard and is very well supported. From what I've heard, Git is more powerful but harder to use; it's worth a look for a new one-man project, since you wouldn't have the support and retraining concerns that other projects would have.
Regarding IDE, since Visual C++ Express is currently the highest-voted answer - I've used both Eclipse and Visual C++ Express. I don't have a whole lot of experience with Visual C++ Express, so it might have features that I've overlooked, but from what I've been able to compare, Eclipse offers a lot more features. I tried to list its more impressive features in this answer; from what I've been able to see, Visual C++ Express doesn't have any of the features listed there. Eclipse is slower and more resource-intensive, but with a fast enough desktop, its extra features are more than worth it.
In terms of version control, use git and throw your project on GitHub or Gitorious. There's really no reason to use Subversion anymore, due to its painful branching and merging, and lack of a distributed model.
See this link here for why Git is better than X:
There's also no point in using Sourceforge or GNU Savannah, as the Git front-end sites have much more valuable features and are easier to use.

C on Visual Studio [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to learn C. As a C# developer, my IDE is Visual Studio. I've heard this is a good environment for C/C++ development. However, it seems no matter what little thing I try to do, intuition fails me. Can someone give good resources for how to either:
learn the ins and out of C in Visual Studio
recommend a better C IDE + compiler
Edit: See also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/951516/a-good-c-ide
well you can use visual studio just fine take a look at here man
Go to View Menu select Solution Explorer or CTRL+ ALT +L
Then Select The project that your are developing and right click on that.
Then select the Properties from the submenu.
Then select the Configuration properties from the Tree structure. under that select C/C++ then select Advanced. Now in the right side pane change the property
Compile As from Compile as C++ Code (/TP) to Compile as C Code (/TC)
Finally change your file extensions to .c
Now you configured you Visual Studio to compile C programs
And you can use NetBeans too it could even be more user friendly than Visual Studio download it you wont regret i promise
The problem with learning C within Visual Studio is that you are compiling C using the Visual Studio C++ compiler. You might want to try learning C using the GNU GCC compiler from within the Cygwin environment in Windows.
Answering the purely subject question "recommend me a better C IDE and compiler" I find Ming32w and Code::blocks (now with combined installer) very useful on windows but YMMV as you are obviously used to the MS IDE and are just struggling with C.
May I suggest you concentrate on console applications to get a feel for the language first before you attempt to tie it together with a windows UI which in my experience is the hardest bit of windows development.
Simple and sweet: Console applications (basic C programs using printf and such) are easily and cheaply done with the Tiny C Compiler - a no frills, no gui, complete C complier.
However, C development is relatively simple on Visual Studio as well. The following instructions will set Visual C++ up as a good C compiler, and it will produce console applications at first, and yo can move up into more complex windows apps as you go.
Get the Visual Studio C++ edition (express is fine)
Start a new project - disable pre-compiled headers (maybe the wizard will let you do this, maybe you'll have to change the compiler settings once inside the project)
Delete everything inside the project.
Create a new "example.c" file with the hello world example
Compile and away you go.
Alternately, get a linux virtual machine, or Cygwin. But as you already have Visual Studio, you might as well stick with what you know.
As an aside, this isn't Atwood learning C finally, is it? No ALTs! ;-D
Bloodshed Dev-C++ is the best windows C/C++ IDE IMO: http://www.bloodshed.net/
It uses the GNU compiler set and is free as in beer.
EDIT: the download page for the IDE is here: http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.html
As already said, you should check out the VS.net C++ edition, but if you'd like to try something else Eclipse has a C++ edition. You can get more info from http://eclipse.org or check out the distro at http://www.easyeclipse.org/site/distributions/cplusplus.html
The problem with learning C within Visual Studio is that you are compiling C
using the Visual Studio C++ compiler. You might want to try learning C using
the GNU GCC compiler from within the Cygwin environment in Windows.
This is a legitimate response, I posted an IDE that uses the GNU compilers, so why has he been down modded?
This is the type of thing that will make me not use SO, why down mod someone just because they are recommending a different compiler, and IMHO, a better one then Microsoft's?
get real people, and #Antonio Haley I gave you +1
Any use?
Some people say that a smaller IDE is better for learning. Take a look at Code::Blocks. It's generally true that beginning C in an IDE is hard because not many books explain enough to control the IDE. Perhaps starting in a console and a basic text editor with syntax highlighting would be better – at least under Linux. Since Windows' console is far from great, I'd not recommend using it.
/EDIT: Dev-C++ used to be the best freely available IDE for Windows. However, it's development has been discontinued years ago and the most recent version unfortunately is full of bugs.
There's a very good reason to learn C and C++. The reason is that there's a lot of C and C++ code out there that are performing very real and important tasks. Someone who considers themselves a programmer and a learner(doubtful that you can separate the two) can learn a lot from these lines of code.
You can learn a lot from each language by studying the other, but if you really want to grok C it's a lot easier to separate yourself from anything C++ for a while. Visual C++ is great but GCC is a great way to thrust yourself into vanilla ANSI C without having to mentally sidestep any C++.
#mmattax thanks!
C in Visual Studio is fine, just use the command line compiler that is included in the Pro edition. Yes its the C++ compiler but treats all files ending .c as C . You can even force it to treat ALL files as C with a switch. The VS documentation has entries on it, just search the index for Visual C.
Visual Studio is one of the best IDEs for C/C++.
I don't think it is complicated and hard to use - if you have questions about it - ask them.
Some other compilers/IDEs are fine too, but if already have Visual Studio and have used it - why not stick to it?
For plain C, I suggest Pelles C. Generates optimized code and supports C99 constructs.
Support for 32-bit Windows (X86),
64-bit Windows (X64), and Windows Mobile (ARM). Support for the C99 standard.
Integrated source code editor with call tips and symbol browsing. Integrated source-level
debugger. Project management.
Inline assembler for X86 and ARM.
Integrated resource editor. Integrated bitmap, icon and cursor editor. Integrated
animated cursor and video editor.
Integrated hex-dump editor.
Supportfor custom controls in the dialog editor. Support for custom project wizards.
When i used visual studio 5.0 it should compile c code as long as the header files and lib. are there for the compiler to find. In fact most C++ compilers like G++ will compile C code just fine. But i'm not sure how well.. If you are targeting a platform then you can change the header files and lib. within you IDE and Compiler.
Visual Studio has a great debugger that no other Compiler that i have seen can compete with. I have been using gcc darwin10 4.2.1 and find the debugger is basically just the one you can getfree with any linux flavor. I recommend you learn both on a plain vanilla gcc compiler and also try visual studio which costs money. The express edition does not allow the use of threading and several other things that I forgot about. Visual Studio 5.0 should be ok to use and the debugger is much more human friendly then the one commandline version called GDB. Try DDD on linux which is similar to XCODE's debugger.
Although C++ and C are different you can compile both together. But you should understand each ones flaws and good points. C code is faster, but C++ is much easier to write and manage larger code. C++ is object oriented but C is procedural while they are both imperative languages. I would suggest learning objective-C since you can use both C++ and C libraries. Using the features you like in all three languages!!!
Visual Studio or Express do consider .c files as C code, but the compiler will keep giving warnings, and irritating suggestions which you do not require, in the debugger. Gives an indication that Visual C++, as the name suggests is optimized for C++ development for the Windows Operating system, which was originally written in plain pure C.