VS2017 Debug C++ Project in ClearCase Dynamic View - visual-studio-2017

When I open a VS solution hosted on a mapped ClearCase dynamic view, then try to debug one of the C++ projects within it, I am getting the following error:
Unable to start program 'Y:\[path]\[program].exe'
Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80070057.
My environment is setup as follows:
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 x64
Visual Studio 2017 Professional (Update 2)
ClearCase Explorer
ClearCase view mapped to the Y: drive
When I open such a solution file in VS 2017, I get the following dialog:
I know that I can suppress this dialog by un-checking Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Warn user when the project location is not trusted. However, the real issue that I am trying to fix is that I am unable to run projects that live on a ClearCase dynamic view from within Visual Studio 2017.
I have verified that copying the directory structure from Y: to C: results in an application that can be debugged. Does anyone know how to make the ClearCase dynamic view a trusted location? I have attempted each of the following from within Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Security, without success:
Change all zones to the least restrictive setting (Internet: Medium; Local Intranet: Low; Trusted Sites: Low).
Unchecked "Enable Protected Mode" for the Internet zone.
Click the "Sites" button for the "Local Intranet" zone, and...
a. Uncheck "Automatically detect intranet network"
b. Check "Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other zones"
c. Check "Include all network paths (UNCs)"
Click the "Sites" button for the "Trusted Sites" zone, and...
a. Uncheck "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone"
b. Add "file://view" to "Websites"
c. Add "file://[server-name]" to "Websites"
d. Add "file://[fully-qualified-server-name]" to "Websites"
I also tried adding <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" /> within the <runtime> tag of "%VS2017INSTALLDIR%\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe.config".
Argh! Does anyone know how to grant full trust to my ClearCase dynamic views, such that Visual Studio will allow me to debug applications from that drive?

This is a duplicate of this issue. The APAR is still being investigated, but again, this may be an issue with Visual Studio itself as the issue is specific to VS 2017.

I have verified that copying the directory structure from Y: to C: results in an application that can be debugged.
Actually, you could easily use a snapshot view instead of a dynamic one, with the same config spec (and load rules for loading only what you need)
Second, Y:[path][program].exe' is a dynamic view path using a subst drive letter Y.
The full actual path is: M:\myview\path\program.exe: so try using the very same view, but through the MVFS (MultiVersion FileSystem) M:\ (mounting point for all dynamic view)


VS2013 integration with Intel Fortran Compiler

I have several C++ codes I develop in VS2013 Professional. Today, I installed the Intel Fortan Compiler (Composer XE2013 SP1), and now none of my C++ Projects will load. When I open my solution, I see:
myprojectname (load failed)
The Project requires user input. Reload the project for more information
If I reload the project, I get a popup error that reads:
Parameter "path" cannot be null.
Any suggestions on how to solve this without just reinstalling VS?
A Google search on this error message tends to suggest that you may get this if the project is on a network drive. The recommended solution is to right click on the project (in Solution Explorer), select Reload Project, and respond to the prompts.

Run as administrator not showing in start menu

My C++ application developed by VS2008 and use the VS setup project to create installer for that. After installation it will create two shortcuts to application. one is in user desktop and second one is in start menu. Application(myApp.exe) installed to the Program files directory.
Question: If I right click on the icons in the start menu, there is a option Run as Administrator for most of them. But if I right click on the shortcut that related to my application. It doesn't show Run as Administrator. How to fix this?
Edit: But if i right click on the myApp.exe in the Program files, it shows "Run as Administrator".
Set your embedded manifest to require administrator. On the project property page:
...on the (highlighted) UAC Execution Level, change asInvoker to requireAdministrator. Build your project to embed the new manifest, and it should be ready to do its thing.
Oh -- I didn't think to do it here, but in the Configuration drop-down, you probably want to select All Configurations, instead of the (default) Active configuration that's selected in the screen shot. Gets seriously annoying -- you think you've got things fixed, then you change to "Release" and a bunch of stuff suddenly breaks, and you have to go through figuring out what you'd changed, and edit those changes into the Release configuration as well.
In manifest file there is option "requestedExecutionLevel" and "UIAccess" which will manage it.
I found the answer for this after so much testing and searching. So here I mention it for use of any one.
Windows only shows Run as Administrator in the context menu for that shortcuts those are directly targeting to some exe file.
If you use VS deployment (setup) project to create your installation with desktop and start menu shortcuts. Those shortcuts not targeting to exe (Application.exe) file.
Instead of that shortcuts targeting to application folder (MS office 2007 also same). This is called installation-on-demand and advertisement. Here is the more details.
This will help your application to repair from file missing (pray Google for more).
So we have to disable this feature if you want to target your shortcuts directly to exe file.
For this you can use command prompt or some tool. here is how to do it.
Nirmally windows installer having a exe and a msi.
These setting are stored at at msi generated with setup file.
So You have to alter the file and add the entry DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1 to property table.
Using Command prompt:
msiexec /i <path to your msi> DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1
Using Orca Tool:(Meny other tools also there)
Download Orca tool from here and install it.
Right click your *.msi file and click edit with orca.
Go to property table and add new entry DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS and value is 1 , save and close.
Now you done.
Install using setup.exe file and check the target of the shortcuts. those are directly target to the exe file in application folder.
Now if you right click on the shortcuts those shows Run as Administrator option in context menu.
Note: Doing this you will gain Run as Administrator but scarify the windows auto repair capability.

WebStorm: When working with remote files, "Error: Could not save project: null"

I'm having a problem with WebStorm only when working with files that are on a mapped drive. I can work with / save files with no problem, but I do get an error prompt saying Could Not Save Project: null.
This happens if I either work in a director or project on a different drive. I have sufficient rights on that drive. Files save fine, but are followed by the error. I have tried completely creating a project on a remote drive instead of having moved it from local, and still receive the same message.
I am a Mac installation, and the files are on a Windows 2K8 box.
All other editors (textmate, aptana, vs) do not give me any indication that I have problems saving to this drive, so it seems to be localized to WebStorm.
WebStorm is on the latest version.
As CrazyCoder says, its unsupported. I'm having the same problem with PhpStorm and posted this:
The response from jetbrains:
Directly opening project from remote/mapped storage is unsupported.
Use "new project from existing files" wizard to create a local copy
and set up auto sync.
Mapped drives are strictly unsupported by WebStorm. Please file an issue with idea.log attached at http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issues/WI so that this problem can be investigated by WebStorm developers.

While building a unit test project, VS 2010 cannot find the referenced assembly for testing

I'm developing a unit test project (let's say XXX.UnitTest) to test ViewModels in another project (XXX) in my solution. I can add the reference but when I build, an error states that it cannot find that same project (XXX)
Error 42 Could not load file or
assembly 'XXX, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
or one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file
specified. XXX.UnitTest
I did a clean rebuild of all projects in my solution.
I verified that the assembly with that version number ( did exist in the path I was referencing.
I removed and re-added the reference both as a project and through the Browse tab.
I made sure that the version number was not specified in the csproj file.
I verified the referenced assembly with Dependency Walker.
I verified that both projects were targeting the x86 platform. (As suggested here Tips to help debug "Could not load file or assembly X or one of its dependencies")
Does anyone know what else can cause this problem?
Last week I had this same problem. It turns out my solution and projects were on a network resource. If I moved the solution to the local drive, the problem went away.
This problem happened regardless if I used a mapped drive or an UNC path.
This problem happened even with a Code Access Security Policy of "Full Trust" for the URL.
I believe the problem occurs on Windows XP computers and not Windows 7 computers, but have not tested or verified.
I believe it has something to do with the Share permissions.
If I try to use "offline folders" for the network resource, I get "access is denied".
Setting NTFS permissions has no effect.
Adding user to administrators group has no effect.
I did not test to see if problem exists on removable local drives.
Work Around
Move solution and projects to a local hard drive.
I think this is a bug in Visual Studio 2010.
I came across this post while searching for the answer. Here is the solution. In the config file of QTAgent32.exe and devenv.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE, add the following element to the section:
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" />
This can be added to machine config file (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\ machine.config) for all VS2010 tools. Be sure to run notepad as administrator to allow machine.config to save.
See this link for details: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd409252%28VS.100%29.aspx
I have the same problem. I'm running VS 2010 on Windows Server 2003; both running within a VM on a Mac. My VS project is in the mac home folder (~/) which is mapped as Z:\ from the Windows side. At build time, VS studio generates an error saying it can't find the UnitTests.dll or one of its dependencies. I get the same error with a small test project. If I move the project to the Windows C:\ drive, the dll reference resolves and unit tests work. I tried to add the reference Blanthor mentions, but couldn't get it to work.

Set app to require elevation?

I'm working on the bootstrap application of a new installer for some of our products. So far, I've been relying on two things that I read about somewhere:
Applications whose name contains "setup" or "install" will run elevated by default.
Applications that run elevated will launch other applications in elevated mode.
Recent testing has found that one or both of these statements is false, because one of the applications that I'm launching is a third party installer that requires elevation, and it's failing because of the elevation requirement.
How do I set my application to require elevation? I know it has something to do with the manifest file. As I'm working in Visual Studio 2008, and the manifest file is generated, I'd like to know what to enter into the project's properties and where to make it require elevation.
When I couldn't find application manifest as a new item that could be added to my project, I went into the online help and found this:
configure the VS2008 in Configuration Properties - Linker - Manifest File - UAC Execution Level (requireAdministrator)
That did the trick.
In VS2008: Add new item; application manifest file (app.manifest; the comments in the template file tell you how to demand more access).
You can now specify the manifest in project properties on the Application tab (but you need to uncheck "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" to debug it).