AWS consolidated billing on reserved instances - amazon-web-services

My AWS infrastructure is part of consolidated billing provided by our client company.
There may be other accounts for different companies and are part of consolidated billing.
So, when I reserve an instance, do all other accounts within the consolidated billing umbrella enjoy the privileges?
Does it make sense to have reserved instances in consolidated billing environment if you don't want to share the benefits with other accounts?

Yes, when you use consolidated billing the cost-savings of a reserved instance can be spread/shared to any of the 'child' accounts - just like the savings you may get by combing your total S3 storage (for example).


Seperate Billing in AWS Account for two different EC2 Instance

I have two EC2 instances in a single AWS account. Both are running for different application services. Now, I want to make billing separate for that particular account. So, I can get the exact spent and charges for the applications and can manage my account as per that for separate accounting purposes.
Is it possible? If not, then can anyone suggest me a better way to achieve this?
I'm planning to handle the different AWS accounts for both services. But, it will be hard to manage so, I can't prefer that option.
For more, In Google Cloud, they're providing to handle different billing accounts within the same google cloud account. So, I think this concept might be available on AWS also.
Thanks in advance for any little bit of help or suggestion.
You can't get separate bills for different sets of resources within the same AWS account. However, you can filter out the costs for different sets of resources using tags. By using a distinct tag (or set of tags) in the resources you allocate to each application, you can get a breakdown of the cost for each application in billing reports and cost explorer. See the documentation for details and steps on how to set it up -
I believe it's the same with Google Cloud as well - although you can have multiple billing accounts within your google account (the hierarchy in GC is different to AWS, and an AWS account is more similar to a GC project than a GC account), a project within your account must have one billing account and does not support multiples.
By this -
Now, I want to make billing separate for that particular account.
do you mean you already have 2 different AWS accounts? If yes, you can get billing details as per account if they become part of same Organization. Check AWS Organizations docs for more info.
With Orgs, you can view bills of different accounts from one account itself if it is part of org. Also your accounts get discounts for services.

Google Cloud Platform Trial

I enabled free trial on Google Cloud Platform and added billing account. Now billing account is closed and I have few questions:
1) Will I be able to use Firebase after trial expire without paid account?
2) Is closing billig acoount means I won't be charged for anything?
All projects are unlinked from billing account.
This is how it works:
You have a billing account linked to say 5 projects
If you want to stop billing on your resources -- you unlink that project
Now you want to close the Billing account itself -- you will not be charged for any services which fall under free tier of GCP. i.e. Firebase's free tier per month
One potential issue is that you can not create anything which is charged on the standard rates
Once you exhaust your $300 free trial subscription (keep in mind that if you cancel the billing account, you will lose access to the $300), you will still be entitled to per month free tier based on the services you are using.
Without enabling billing for a project, you can not create any resources.
If you've closed the billing account, you can re-open it. A billing account can cannot be deleted.
Here is a quote from GCP's doc regarding Closure of a Billing account:
Closing an active Cloud Billing account stops all billable services in
any projects linked to the account, such as running VM instances or
storage buckets. Projects that are not linked to an active and valid
Cloud Billing account cannot use Google Cloud or Google Maps Platform
services that aren't free.
Hope it helps!
You don't need to move google account. Your account is type free or not free' as simple as that. Once your 1 year free plan is lapsed you have to upgrade it to normal (non free) billing account.

Are the limits for Google Cloud's Always Free on a per-project or per-account basis?

Currently, Google Cloud Platform offers "1 non-preemptible f1-micro VM instance per month" amongst other things, for free, as part of its Always Free tier.
However, I can't determine if the limits assigned to the free tier, like the single f1-micro instance, are per-account (ie, for a single Google email address), or per-project.
Basically: if I make another GCP project under the same account, can I run another f1-micro for free, or will the second one cost me?
The always free tier depends on the billing account
This means that this limits are shared by the different projects you have under the same billing account.
So what you were asking of having an additional VM on another project will not be free, however you can create another account and have this additional VM on this account and that one will be free.
Per the documentation available at enter link description here ,
Your Always Free f1-micro instance limit is by time, not by instance.
Each month, eligible use of all of your f1-micro instances is free
until you have used a number of hours equal to the total hours in the
current month. Usage calculations are combined across the supported
So to answer your question, you will get charged based on the amount of time you use the instance(s)
Always Free resources are calculated per billing account. (not the email itself).
So you don't have to create a new email to have an additional VM, just add a new billing account and link it to a different project, then you can have another free VM on that project.
I will try it this month, i am setting up two VM in two different projects linked to two different billing accounts all under single email, i will let you know if it worked.

How to share my AWS EC2 Reserved instance?

I want to know Is there any possibilities for sharing my Ec2 Reserved instance to some one or my another account.
Yes, it is possible and automatic provided the other account rolls up to the same consolidated billing account (and contains an instance of the same type, region, etc. as the reserved instance of course).
From AWS:
The pricing benefits of Reserved Instances are shared when the
purchasing account is part of a set of accounts billed under one
consolidated billing (CB) payer account.
Source/further detail:

Merging Multiple AWS developer accounts?

I am working for two separate employers, on a project with similar goals. Both use Amazon EC2 for their servers, and both gave me an account to access their instances, with different userid and password pair, is it possible to have these 2 accounts be a subset of another account? So i can switch easily from one account to another from that main account?
No, not unless you want the superset account to also assume billing responsibility for the sub-accounts. I'm pretty sure neither you nor either of your two employers would appreciate being billed for the composite EC2 usage of both...
From a working-practices viewpoint, however, you can configure ElasticFox with any number of different account configurations and switch between them at the click of a dropdown.