Nested OpenMP parallel regions not iterating as expected - fortran

This is probably a dumb question, but I'm just starting out with OpenMP due to increased data volumes.
I'm going through "Parallel Programming in Fortran 95 using OpenMP" by Miguel Hermanns and am very early in the book. One of the early examples shows the use of nested parallel regions and indicates that it should produce N2 + N lines of output. The procedure looks like this:
program helloworld
write(*,*) "Hello"
write(*,*) "Hi"
end program helloworldcode
I would expect 12 Hellos and 144 His, but instead I get 12 of each:
$ ./helloworld.exe
Why am I not getting the 156 lines of output that I would expect?

By default, OpenMP serializes all the nested parallel regions in order to prevent the worst case of quadratic over-subscription when N^2 worker threads are created. With big enough number of processors (say >=16), quadratic over-subscription can ruin execution with nightmare overheads or cause resource exhaustion issue when requested number of threads just cannot be created.
For information how to enable nested parallelism in OpenMP on your risk, please refer to omp_set_nested and corresponding environment variable OMP_NESTED.


gnu parallel and resource management

I would like to use the gnu parallel command line to basically act as a simple scheduling mechanism.
in my case, i have N number of GPU's on a system and i would like to effectively queue a list of jobs onto those GPU's.
basically, i have a list of inputs and i would naively run
parallel --jobs=4 ./ ::: cat list_of_things.txt ::: 0 1 2 3
where ./ accepts two args the thing i want to process, and the GPU i want to process it on.
what i want is for each thing in the list, to just run on one of the gpus (0 thru 3).
however, this ends up just running each thing 4 times.
Try this:
parallel --jobs=4 ./ {%} {} :::: list_of_things.txt

openmp Fortran--- Code showing same performance

I am a new user of openmp. I have written the following code in fortran and tried to add parallel feature to it using openmp. Unfortunately, it is taking same time as serial version of this subroutine. I am compiling it using this f2py command. Am sure, I am missing a key concept here but unable to figure it out. Will really appreciate on getting help on this.
!f2py -c --opt='-O3' --f90flags='-fopenmp' -lgomp -m g3Test g3TestA.f90
exp1 =0.0
exp2 =0.0
exp3 =0.0
!$OMP PARALLEL DO shared(xConfig,s1,s2,s3,c1,c2,c3) private(h)&
!$OMP REDUCTION(+:exp1,exp2,exp3)
do k=0,numRows-1
xConfig(0:2) = X(k,0:2)
do h=0,nPhi-1
exp1(h) = exp1(h)+exp(-((xConfig(0)-c1(h))**2)*s1)
exp2(h) = exp2(h)+exp(-((xConfig(1)-c2(h))**2)*s2)
exp3(h) = exp3(h)+exp(-((xConfig(2)-c3(h))**2)*s3)
end do
end do
ALine = exp1+exp2+exp3
As neatly explained in this OpenMP Performance training course material from the University of Edinburgh for example, there are a number of reasons why OpenMP code does not necessarily scale as you would expect (for example how much of the serial runtime is taken by the part you are parallelising, synchronisation between threads, communication, and other parallel overheads).
You can easily test the performance with different numbers of threads by calling your python script like, e.g. with 2 threads:
env OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 python <your script name>
and you may consider adding the following lines in your code example to get a visual confirmation of the number of threads being used in the OpenMP part of your code:
do k=0,numRows-1
!this if-statement is only for debugging, remove for timing
!$ if (k==0) then
!$ print *, 'num_threads running:', OMP_get_num_threads()
!$ end if
xConfig(0:2) = X(k,0:2)

Coarray deadlock in do-cycle-exit

A strange phenomenon occurs in the following Coarray code
program strange
implicit none
integer :: counter = 0
logical :: co_missionAccomplished[*]
co_missionAccomplished = .false.
sync all
if (this_image()==1) then
counter = counter+1
if (counter==2) co_missionAccomplished = .true.
sync images(*)
sync images(1)
end if
if (co_missionAccomplished[1]) exit
end do
write(*,*) "missionAccomplished on image ", this_image()
end program strange
This program never ends, as it appears that there is a deadlock for any counter threshold beyond 1 inside the loop. The code is compiled with Intel Fortran 2018 Windows OS, with the following flags:
ifort /debug /Qcoarray=shared /standard-semantics /traceback /gen-interfaces /check /fpe:0 normal.f90 -o run.exe
The same code, using DO WHILE construct, also appears to suffer from the same phenomenon:
program strange
implicit none
integer :: counter = 0
logical :: co_missionAccomplished[*]
co_missionAccomplished = .true.
sync all
do while(co_missionAccomplished[1])
if (this_image()==1) then
counter = counter+1
if (counter==2) co_missionAccomplished = .false.
sync images(*)
sync images(1)
end if
end do
write(*,*) "missionAccomplished on image ", this_image()
end program strange
This seems now too trivial to be a compiler bug, so I am probably missing something important about do-loops in parallel. any help is appreciated.
Adding a SYNC ALL statement before the CYCLE statement in the DO-CYCLE-EXIT example program above resolves the deadlock. Also, a SYNC ALL statement right after DO WHILE statement, as the first line of the block resolves the deadlock. So apparently, all the images must be synced to avoid a deadlock before each cycle of the loops in either case above.
Regarding "This seems now too trivial to be a compiler bug", you may be very surprised about how seemingly trivial things can be treated incorrectly by a compiler. Few things relating to coarrays are trivial.
Consider the following program which is related:
implicit none
integer i[*]
do i=1,1
sync all
print '(I1)', i[1]
end do
I get the initially surprising output
when run with two images under ifort 2018.1.
Let's look at what's going on.
In my loop, i[1] first has value 1 when the images are synchronized. However, by the time the second image accesses the value, it's been changed by the first image ending its iteration.
We solve that little problem by putting an extra synchronization statement before the end do.
How is this program related to the one of the question? It's the same lack of synchronization between testing a value on a remote image and that image updating it.
Between the synchronization and other images testing the value of co_missionAccomplished[1], the first image may dash around and update counter, then co_missionAccomplished. Some images may see the exit state in their first iteration.

Strange behavior while calling properties from REFPROP FORTRAN files

I am trying to use REFPROPs HSFLSH subroutine to compute properties for steam.
When the same state property is calculated over multiple iterations
(fixed enthalpy and entropy (Enthalpy = 50000 J/mol & Entropy = 125 J/mol),
the time taken to compute using HSFLSH after every 4th/5th iteration increases to about 0.15 ms against negligible amount of time for other iterations. This is turning problematic because my program places call to this subroutine over several thousand times. Thus leading to abnormally huge program run times.
The program used to generate the above log is here:
C refprop check
program time_check
dimension x(ncmax)
real hkj,skj
character hrf*3, herr*255
character*255 hf(ncmax),hfmix
nc=1 !Number of components
hf(1)='water.fld' !Fluid name
hfmix='hmx.bnc' !Mixture file name
hrf='DEF' !Reference state (DEF means default)
call setup(nc,hf,hfmix,hrf,ierr,herr)
if ( write (*,*) herr
call INFO(1,wm,ttp,tnbp,tc,pc,dc,zc,acf,dip,rgas)
write(*,*) 'Mol weight ', wm
h = 50000.0
s = 125.0
x(I) = 0
C ******************************************************
C ******************************************************
do I=1,100
call cpu_time(tstrt)
CALL HSFLSH(h,s,x,T_TEMP,P_TEMP,RHO_TEMP,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,
& cv,cp,VS_TEMP,ierr,herr)
call cpu_time(tstop)
write(*,*),I,' time taken to run hsflsh routine= ',tstop - tstrt
end do
(of course you will need the FORTRAN FILES, which unfortunately I cannot share since REFPROP isn't open source)
Can someone help me figure out why is this happening.?
P.S : The above code was compiled using gfortran -fdefault-real-8
I tried using system_clock to time my computations as suggested by #Ross below. The results are uniform across the loop (image below). I will have to find alternate ways to improve computation speed I guess (Sigh!)
I don't have a concrete answer, but this sort of behaviour looks like what I would expect if all calls really took around 3 ms, but your call to CPU_TIME doesn't register anything below around 15 ms. Do you see any output with time taken less than, say 10 ms? Of particular interest to me is the approximately even spacing between calls that return nonzero time - it's about even at 5.
CPU timing can be a tricky business. I recommended in a comment that you try system_clock, which can be higher precision than CPU_TIME. You said it doesn't work, but I'm unconvinced. Did you pass a long integer to system_clock? What was the count_rate for your system? Were all the times still either 15 or 0 ms?

accelerator directives not working

This is the code for a matrix multiplication
program ex
implicit none
real :: a(256,256),b(256,256),c(256,256),t1,t2
integer i,j,k,sum
do j = 1,256
do i = 1,256
a(i,j) = 1
b(i,j) = 1
c(i,j) = 0.0
call cpu_time(t1)
!$acc region do
do i=1,256
do j=1,256
do k=1,256
end do
end do
end do
!$acc end region
call cpu_time(t2)
print*,"cpu time=",t2-t1
end program ex
When I execute this the execution time is 75 msec when using the accelerator directives and the PGI compiler. But when I run same matrix multiplication with a "cuda fortran" implementation the execution time is only 5msec. So there is big difference even though I used the accelerator directives. So I doubt that my accelerator directives are working properly.
I tried to accelerate your program using very similar accelerator directives OpenHMPP. Note that I switched one your line, that is probably errorneously in the innermost loop. Also note, that I had to advice the compiler of the reduction taking place. Also I renamed the reduction variable, because it shadowed the sum intrinsic function.
The performance is not good, because of the overheead with starting the GPU kernel and because of the memory transfers. You need orders of magnitude more work for it to be profitable to use GPU.
For example when I used matrices 2000 x 2000 then the CPU execution time was 41 seconds, but GPU execution time only 8 s.
program ex
implicit none
real :: a(256,256),b(256,256),c(256,256),t1,t2
integer i,j,k,sm
do j = 1,256
do i = 1,256
a(i,j) = 1
b(i,j) = 1
c(i,j) = 0.0
call cpu_time(t1)
!$hmpp region, target = CUDA
!$hmppcg gridify, reduce(+:sm)
do i=1,256
do j=1,256
do k=1,256
end do
end do
end do
!$hmpp endregion
call cpu_time(t2)
print*,"cpu time=",t2-t1
end program ex
edit: it would be probably not to use reduce(+:sm), but just private(sm)
FYI, the OP also posted this question on the PGI User Forum ( We believe the original issue was the result of pilot error. When we profiled his code using CUDA Prof, the CUDA Fortran kernel execution time was 205 ms versus 344 ms using the PGI Accelerator Model. Also, if I fix his code so that "c(i,j)=sum" is placed outside of the inner "k" loop, the PGI Accelerator Model time reduces to 123ms. It's unclear how he gathered his timings.
Thanks to those that tried to help.
- Mat