I want to create a wizard when I am clicking save button - python-2.7

I am working in odoo-8 I want to create a wizard when I am clicking save button, am not having any idea can anybody give me some suggestion.
Thanks in advance.

Are you trying to confirm the changes before a save? I'll need some more information about what you're trying to do before I can be a better help.
Note - I know this is not an answer right now, but I can't ask for more information in a comment until I have 50 reputation points! Sorry


How to redirect when diagram info is clicked

I am just starting with power bi and I am having a problem and it is that I cannot find in the documentation the way to redirect the page or change the graphic when clicking on the graphic.
Is there a way to do that or is it not possible?, all I have is to modify the interactions but not redirect.
#Cosmosmulti you can do it in the edit interactions pane on the top left once you click on the visual.
Hope this helps with what you want!
Ps: If this works or any other answer works please take a moment to upvote the answer and click on the tick mark. Thank you.

Django Datetimepicker change icons

Django-boostrap3-datetimepicker use "Glypicon".
Does anyone know it is possible change to Font awesome ?
Can you help me ?
I found boostrap-datetimepickser.js, but i don't know which place paste your code
Here i upload my boostrap-datetimepickser.js

MFC custom CEdit password support

I'm having a little trouble making a custom CEdit class i have added most and gave it some style but hit a stump i have googled most of the day with no luck guess Google hates me today.
OK so i have inherited the class CEdit
i have rewrote the OnPaint part to style it but i have this class applied to a password field when i update the text it shows plain password and not the ** sorry if i didnt explain correctly but only being doing this 4 days :).
here is my code i properly have stuff in there i dont need but im pretty tired and give up :)
If anyone can help please do :)
No need to customize the control, just give it the style ES_PASSWORD. I'm sure you can set the style from the resource editor too if it's in a dialog.
OK i managed to sort it myself using ON_WM_PAINT and ON_WM_CTLCOLOR_REFLECT it handles them perfect now but thanks for trying to help

unable to add a text field in cocos2d

i am developing a game using cocos2d framework. I want to add a text field to enter player's name. I used UITextField and the textfield is visible and the keyboard gets pop up. But my problem is the Return key is not working. I tried out many times but all in vain. please help me out, or is there any other way to add a text field in cocos2d. Thanx in advance.
Make sure that you implement all needed delegate methods for your text field. For example,
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
did you use resignfirstresponder ? for returning keyboard just add the code as
[textfield resignFirstResponder];
also add this line of code on place where you want to return the keyboard such as on cctouchbegin or on click of any button. Hope this will work.

Like's window hidden by other element

When I click on "Recommend" the window which button opens is hidden (unvisible) behind the footer.
Actually I've got screenshot to explain it precisely: http://www.diigo.com/item/image/1q1ia/tw30
Of course it's XFBML, because I know problem like this can be found when iframe. Any idea how to fix it?
My weblog address is http://www.votre-site-internet.com/ if you want to check it out by yourself.
Thank you in advance,
Piotr Sochalewski
If you are using FBML, I would look into your CSS z-indexes. I would suggest bumping up the z-index where the like button is.