I'm having a little trouble making a custom CEdit class i have added most and gave it some style but hit a stump i have googled most of the day with no luck guess Google hates me today.
OK so i have inherited the class CEdit
i have rewrote the OnPaint part to style it but i have this class applied to a password field when i update the text it shows plain password and not the ** sorry if i didnt explain correctly but only being doing this 4 days :).
here is my code i properly have stuff in there i dont need but im pretty tired and give up :)
If anyone can help please do :)
No need to customize the control, just give it the style ES_PASSWORD. I'm sure you can set the style from the resource editor too if it's in a dialog.
OK i managed to sort it myself using ON_WM_PAINT and ON_WM_CTLCOLOR_REFLECT it handles them perfect now but thanks for trying to help
I am working in odoo-8 I want to create a wizard when I am clicking save button, am not having any idea can anybody give me some suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
Are you trying to confirm the changes before a save? I'll need some more information about what you're trying to do before I can be a better help.
Note - I know this is not an answer right now, but I can't ask for more information in a comment until I have 50 reputation points! Sorry
I am working off of the Styled project for ABS. I would like to customize the home icon in the actionbar. However, nothing I do seems to have any effect. I have tried to set the logo in the Manifest, styles, and in MainActivity. Has anybody come across this?
Thank you,
This was answered in another post
Apparently you must do getSupportActionBar().setIcon(R.drawable.my_custom_drawable); in MainActivity. I get it, but it's cumbersome that it cannot be set in the Manifest...
I am trying to customize the default MFC RibbonBar. I need to reduce its height, change its color etc, but so far i haven't found anything on how to do so. I've been to msdn, and they just tell you how to add new controls on the ribbon.Can any one please point me in the right direction? Is this ribbon control even customize-able? i mean apart from adding categories and other controls on it, i want to change the look of the ribbon.
Some code samples about how to work with MFCRibbonControl would be of great help too.
How I can hide check box in Open Office BASIC? I tried use:
but it doesn`t work.
thank you
So checkbox has no Visible Property only EnableVisible=True/False
It should helps
have a nice day
Can anyone please tell me how to create a combobox like following with Gtk (on Linux)? (I already ask this question for win32 API).
A code example or tutorial will be very helpful. I have tried searching this over the internet, but unfortunately documentations/tutorials aren't that much rich for Gtk. Thank you very much.
I know how to do this in C, but I'll try to wing it in C++. First of all, use a ComboBox to display your menu, which you will fill using a TreeModel.
Create a TreeModelColumnRecord following the example here; you will need just one Gdk::Pixbuf column to display your line images.
Pass the TreeModelColumnRecord to the constructor of ListStore. Fill your ListStore with Gdk::Pixbuf images of your line patterns, and pass that to the constructor of your ComboBox (ListStore inherits from TreeModel).