How do I get Alexa Voice Service registration code? - amazon-web-services

How do I get a registration code or otherwise solve this problem?
While writing this question, I realized the crux of this problem is the bottom-most part of this question: I'm not getting the popup I'm supposed to get and when I enter the URL in a browser it says invalid registration code.
I'm attempting to develop an Alexa Voice Service application. Website/companion service only. I have gone through the Reference Implementation Guide twice and have double checked that all of the setup has been done correctly.
This is the server error I get: invalid registration code. I never did anything with a registration code and can't seem to find anything about a registration code (relevant to Alexa) anywhere after googling quite a bit.
Listening on port 3000
error: { [InvalidRegistrationCode: The provided registration code was invalid.]
name: 'InvalidRegistrationCode',
message: 'The provided registration code was invalid.',
status: 401 }
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
Here's the client output:
vlcj: (
There was a problem connecting to the Companion Service. Trying again in 2 seconds. Please make sure it is up and running.
[DEBUG] joining on thread Thread[Timer-0,5,]
There was a problem connecting to the Companion Service.
Trying again in 2 seconds. Please make sure it is up and running.
The AVS launcher opens too, and when I record something and send it I get: 403 Invalid Access Token
The instructions mention (at the very bottom of the reference guide) that I need to:
Please register your device by visiting the following website on any system and following the instructions: https://localhost:3000/provision/************** That URL is supposed to pop something up once the companion service but that hasn't happened.
Any thoughts on how can I fix this?

I was following a good document Project: Raspberry Pi + Alexa Voice Service at . It describes all steps very well.
Please take a look at the following steps:
3 - Getting started with Alexa Voice Service
3.1 Register for a free Amazon Developer Account
3.4 Register your product and create a security profile.
6 - Enable Security Profile

This thread on the Amazon developer forums seems related:
Quoted response:
There are a number of potential issues causing that error.
You might be sending an invalid scope. Are you sending "alexa:all" as
the scope? Or, your security profile might not be correctly linked. Is
it selected in the dropdown on the developer portal?
Are you getting an access token from the companion service, or is the
text box blank? If you're not getting an access token, check that your
device serial number matches between the companion service and the
java client. If you're getting an access token, the problem is more
likely with your security profile.
You should also look at these threads to see if they're helpful...
(links removed due to reputation requirement)
If that doesn't help, you'll probably have more luck asking the AVS team directly on their forum site.


Google Cloud Platform credentials page not loading

For the past 12 or so hours when I go here:
I just get the spinning / loading animation. I have tried other browsers and other computers to no avail. I just need to add another OATH key. Is the service somehow broken? Is there something else I can do?
The browser shows some errors.
Refused to display ' [ stuff deleted] in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
and a few 404s[deleted]:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
like it's able to load the front end but not access the data it needs.
Sounds like it's a Google issue, just got a response back from Google:
We are experiencing elevated latency in the API Credentials page of Google
Developers Console beginning at 2019-02-09 20:06 PST.
We are using the external issue tracker as the main communication channel
to provide updates on this issue. Please star the issue here to receive
further updates:
This Issue Tracker entry is the authoritative source for public information
regarding this issue. All publicly-applicable updates will be posted there.
How to diagnose:
1. Visit Google Developers Console.
2. Select "APIs & Services".
3. Select "Credentials".
Result: Credentials page will continuously load.
There's no workaround available at this time, but we'll let you know via
the external issue tracker ( if
we learn of one.

Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to FB UnitySDK

I have been trying to post some achievements in game with following code:
FB.API(FB.UserId +"/"+achievementType,
but the result is sometimes posted on my activity log and sometimes it fails to post with the message
"Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to" while sometimes it is sucessful with post ID. I have tested the achievement files from facebook API explorer and also from POSTMAN plugin and it successfully posted it using both of them with post ID. But when I try to post the achievement from Unity3d it fails sometimes and works sometimes. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong while posting using UnitySDK?
Note: I have hosted these files on Github. Example AchievementFileLink
If anyone has suggestion please let me know.
The workaround I found out for this is whenever the above error happens I again send the request in the callback method to post achievement and it gets published on my game activity successfully. This should not be the intended behaviour and is very bad practice but for time being ill take this as an answer.

Azure Web Site with Django 500 Error

I've spent over 8 hours trying to get this Django site up and running on an Azure Website. I've nearly thrown in the towel would really appreciate some help.
So far I have tried numerous methods and followed different tutorials, but they have all yielded the same result. Here is the most recent tutorial I have followed:
Now that my site is "up", I am seeing a 500 error for all requests. Here is the error in the log:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Most likely causes:
IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during
the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which mo
dule handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this
error occurred. IIS was not able to access the web.config file for t
he Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incor
rectly. IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site o
r application. The authenticated user does not have permission to u
se this DLL. The request is mapped to a managed handler but the .
NET Extensibility Feature is not installed.
Things you can try:
Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct
and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the ev
ent logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the p
ermissions for the DLL. Install the .NET Extensibility feature if th
e request is mapped to a managed handler. Create a tracing rule to tra
ck failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creatin
g a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
Please help!
I got it working by settings up a new django project from the azure gallery and changed some configs and such.
Edit: The configs I updated was just the name of my app. In my case I also updated the database config with the database I wanted to use in
The lesson learned from this is that it is easier to initialize the app from Azure's "Create from gallery" feature, and then pull down the source and modify it via ftp or git to achieve the desired project structure/naming.

OAuthException (#368) The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed

I'm trying to post a feed on my wall or on the wall on some of my friends using Graph API. I gave all permissions that this application needs, allow them when i make the request from my page, I'm having a valid access token but even though this exception occurs and no feed is posted. My post request looks pretty good, the permissions are given. What do I need to do to show on facebook app that I'm not an abusive person. The last think I did was to dig in my application Auth Dialog to set all permission I need there, and to write why do I need these permissions.
I would be very grateful if you tell me what is going on and point me into the right direction of what do I need to do to fix this problem.
Had the same problem. I figured out that Facebook was refusing my shortlinks, which makes me a bit mad...but I get the point because its possible that shortlinks can be used to promote malicious if you have shortlinks as part of your test, replace them w the full url...
I believe this message is encountered for one of the two reasons :
Your post contains malicious links
You are trying to make a POST request over a non-https connection.
The second one is not confirmed but I have seen that behavior. While same code in my heroku hosted app worked fine, it gave this #368 error on my 000webhost hosted .tk domain which wasn't secured by SSL
Just in case anyone is still struggling with this, the problem occurs when you put URLs or "action links" that are not in your own app domain, if you really need to post to an extarnal page, you'll have to post to your app first, then redirect from there using a script or something. hope that helps.
also it's better in my opinion to use HTTPS links, as sometimes i've seen a behaviour where http links would be rejected, but that's intermittent.
I started noticing that recently as well when running my unit tests. One of the tests I run is submitting a link that I know Facebook has blocked to verify that I handle the error correctly. I used to get this error:
Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content: Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook...
But starting on July 4th, I started receiving this error instead:
(#368) The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed'
Both errors indicate that Facebook doesn't like what you're publishing.

How to get/debug request message when calling a Web Service

I have an application that calls a Https web service (as it seems created with java, not sure though). I get an error as response:
"Error on verifying message against security policy Error code:1000"
Now I don't exactly understand the error code and currently cannot find any responsible to answer me correctly. I don't ask for the error ofcourse cause this could be something about certificates, security from server etc.
Though I would like to catch the request client call I make, and see the whole envelope message to compare with a couple of samples I have so I might catch something.
How can I do this....I remember there is a tool that u can do such things when debugging a WCF service call, can this tool be used in this situation? Can someone rember me the name of the tool :)
I created the client using Add Service Reference, from VS 2010 and it created some custom bindings. On these bindings it created this a tag with an attribute decompressionEnabled="true" but I deleted because VS was complaining attribute is not allowed!!!
The documentation I have for these services says about authentication credential inside the message transport object that serialized in the request (requestObject) but refers to another couple of password and username properties I cannot seem to find them. Tried to add the in client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName and Password properties, but I get a read only error there (strange not always).
They also mention in the specifications about Connect with SOAP Security Extensions (WS-Security) which I don't understand if me, the client, has to do something from it's side, aren't these supposed to extract in the config file when generated?
Any hints and tips are welcome.
Thank you.