How do I replace one Bootstrap modal with another modal via a link in the first modal? - bootstrap-modal

When a user clicks a button on my site, they are prompted to sign up for our service. This prompt appears via a Bootstrap modal. But it's possible that the user will already have an account, in which case I want them to be able to log in. I want to add a "log in" link within the modal that when clicked will close the "sign up" modal and open a new "log in" modal on the same page. How would I do this?

You need to add a click event to the login button and trigger two actions.
1. Target the register modal by its ID and add the toggle option of the modal method to it. This will check the current state (in this case 'opened state') and activate the reverse.
2. Target the login modal and attach the show option of the modal method to it as shown below.
$(document).on('click', '#id_login_button', function(){
return false;


Refresh browser after modal dialog

My application calls a modal window from the navigation bar. The modal window has a pop-up LOV where the user selects an organization they wish to view data for. As soon as the change event occurs, the page is submitted, recording the new organization id and organization name into session state. The modal dialog is then closed.
The navigation bar displays the name of the organization that is stored in session state, making it simple for the user to tell which organization they are working with.
Since the modal to change organizations can be accessed from any page in the application, I need to be able to refresh the web browser to pick up the new organization name displayed in the nav bar once the modal has closed.
I've seen several posts online as to how to refresh a region or report once a modal closes, but I've not uncovered how to refresh the browser window, or perhaps alternatively, how to redirect back to the page where the user was when they accessed the modal via the nav bar.
How can this be achieved?
(Nav Bar displaying current context, and link to modal window)
#TineO - I was orginally thinking the same as you suggested, but the implementation wasn't coming together for me.
After further internet mining, I found this blog post which led me to a working solution, below. The bind variable :REFERRING_PAGE is a hidden field, which is populated by the link in the nav bar, using the configuration in the second image below.
You can create dynamic action or process which can work on 'click' action. You may just run 'submit page' or pl/sql or from a huge list of activities as per your need.
Hope this helps.

Retool: Action button to open modal with container

I have a table in retool. I've added an "action" column with buttons and renamed them "edit". What I would like to do on click of the action button is to open a modal with the data in the row populated. A user should be able to see the values of the row, edit them and when he clicks "submit" it will send an update API call for that row's unique id.
We’re working on some new docs for modal components, but until then here’s what you can do:
Drag a modal component onto your canvas. It’s going to appear as a button that opens a model, but don’t worry about that just yet
Create a Javascript query in the query editor that opens the modal. If we’re working with the default names, your query would be
Configure the action button in your table to run that JS query on click
That’s a quick way to open a modal through an action button. In terms of what’s in that modal, you can drag any components you want and reference table properties. So if you wanted to display a user’s email, you could drag a text component into the model and set its value to
The last thing to deal with is the button, which you probably don’t want since you’re opening the modal via action buttons. You can hide it by clicking on it, heading to the inspector in the right sidebar, and scrolling down to the “display” settings. Just put true into the “Hide when true” field and the button won’t show.
hello stack overflow family this is my first post.
we are facing same issue today so i used one trick for opening a modal in action, i run one query that query name is model_open and in success event i select modal open and this query is triggered in Action edit option ,
i hope my first post help you ... :)

Modal Close Event via User Trigger

How do I check if the bootstrap close/hide via user trigger or hidden programmatically?
Does bootstrap has an event to detect if the modal closed via user trigger or programmatically? Because I want to have two different action for both event.
Thank you~
In order to manually show the modal pop up you have to do this
You previously need to initialize it with show: false so it won't show until you manually do it.
$('#myModal').modal({ show: false})
Where myModal is the name of the modal container.

Regarding stopping page reload when button clicked

I am working with Oracle Apex 4.2 where in i have a page which is Page1 and within the page i have a report region and a button. When i click on the button a Skill Builder Pop-up plugin hits up and a popup window opens up where in i created a form on another page which is Page2.
I am adding a JavaScript page refresh for Page1 and it will automatically refreshes the page at particular intervals. Code is as follows:
function cache_clear()
But when i click on the button, the page refresh on Page1 should stop and again it should get activated after closing the popup only.
Any help would be appreciated.
To stop process when button click use clearInterval() function.
Refer discussed thread Stop setInterval call in JavaScript
for more details.

Django: Adding a confirmation dialog box after pressing the 'save' button in change_form

I would like to run a backend code after pressing the 'Save' button in the change_form (admin) screen, which will be followed by a confirmation dialog box which will ask something like 'nothing found, create new entity anyway?'
By pressing 'ok' in the dialog box the application will continue with the normal 'save' functionality. Pressing the 'cancel' button will throw us back to the change_form screen.
The workflow i'm trying to achieve is:
Press 'save' > run a python validation code > if code returns 'false' continue with the original 'save' functionality, else popup a dialog box > [dialog box] Ok > save the entity, cancel > stay on the change_form page.
Thanks for the help
Add a listener on the submit button with jQuery. Then fire off an Ajax request to the server to see if something has been found or not. Then display the dialog accordingly.
I was looking for something similar, to show a confirmation popup before updating some values and I found a library django-admin-confirm posting here for future explorers.