Comparing 2 Tables in PowerBI - powerbi

Working on a way to compare 2 tables in PowerBI.
I'm joining the 2 tables using the primary key and making custom columns that compare if the old and new are equal.
This doesn't seem like the most efficient way of doing things, and I can't even color code the matrix because some values aren't integers.
Any suggestions?

I did a big project like this last year, comparing two versions of a data warehouse (SQL database).
I tackled most of it in the Query Editor (actually using Power Query for Excel, but that's the same as PBI's Query Editor).
My key technique was to first create a Query for each table, and use Unpivot Other Columns on everything apart from the Primary Key columns. This transforms it into rows of Attribute, Value. You can filter Attribute to just the columns you want to compare.
Then in a new Query you can Merge & Expand the "old" and "new" Queries, joining on on the Primary Key columns + the Attribute column. Then add Filter or Add Column steps to get to your final output.


Join 2 table in power bi

I need help on this issue as i don't have any experience in Power Bi. I want to join 2 table in Power Bi where it have the same column which is Part_Number. How can i make this 2 table to match by Part Number and return the value?
Recon Table
Inventory Table
I would like to have Part Number, Part Name, QTY, Total Quantity as the result. Hope that i can the clarification i need. Thanks a lot!
For this case you simply must merge the tables. It doesn't look like you have done a lot of research on the matter though, so it's hard to understand exactly what you need help with.
To merge your two tables in Power Query, I would right click in the left hand side menu and select Merge Queries as New.
After that you simply follow the on-screen instructions and select your two tables and their respective key columns. After merging you can choose to disable load of your two original tables to save space in your data model, but this depends on your requirements.
If this was my data model, I would think on why joining these tables are necessary, instead of using these two tables as fact tables, and creating a third table to handle the part number dimension with associated part metadata.
Read the docs: Merge queries in Power Query

In Power BI how to handle missing row value on primary value column?

In my table primary key column have missing value, i have tried to fill using measure but it is not work because not full fill the primary key val of column to measure
For handling missing values, you need to follow the following two steps:
Replace the missing values with the desired values in Query Editor in Power BI Desktop (optional)
Remove the bi-directional relationships and create uni-directional relationships among tables
Note: The direction of the relationship plays a very important role in modeling in Power BI. The direction of the relationship means the way that filter propagates in Power BI. The uni-directional relationship will filter one table based on the other one. Sometimes you need to filter in a different direction, that is when the bi-directional relationship comes into play. However, bidirectional relationship comes with a cost of performance issues. Do not use bi-directional relationships blindly. Make sure you have designed your model in the right way first, and if that doesn’t work, then try other methods such as Cross-Filter DAX functions.
I have created static table as blow and create relationship with original tables then assigned value static table column on visual table which is working with out any issue
Create Static stable:
create relationship
assign column to visual table and filter result column should not be empty

Power BI / Power Query - M language - playing with data inside group table

Hello M language masters!
I have a question about working with grouped rows when the Power Query creates a table with data. But maybe it is better to start from the beginning.
Important information! I will be asking for example only about adding an index. I know that there are different possibilities to reach such a result. But for this question, I need an answer about the possibility to work on tables. I want to use this answer in different actions (e.g table sorting, adding columns in group table).
In my sample data source, I have a list of fake transactions. I want to add an index for each Salesman, to count operations for each of them.
Sample Data
So I just added this file as a data source in Power BI. In Power query, I have grouped rows according to name. This step created form me column contained a table for each Salesman, which stores all his or her operations.
Grouping result
And now, I want to add an index column in each table. I know, that this is possible by adding a new column to the main table, which will be store a new table with added index:
Custom column function
And in each table, I have Indexed. That is good. But I have an extra column now (one with the table without index, and one with a table with index).
Result - a little bit messy
So I want to ask if there is any possibility to add such an index directly to the table in column Operations, without creating the additional column. My approach seems to be a bit messy and I want to find something cleaner. Does anyone know a smart solution for that?
Thank you in advance.
Sure, you may do it inside Table.Group function:
= Table.Group(Source, {"Salesman"}, {"Operations", each Table.AddIndexColumn(_, "i", 1, 1)})
P.S. To add existing index column to nested table use this code:
= Table.ReplaceValue(PreviousStep,each [index],0,(a,b,c)=>Table.AddColumn(a,"index", each b),{"Operations"})

How to create table based on minimum date from other table in DAX?

I want to create a second table from the first table using filters with dates and other variables as follows. How can I create this?
Following is the expected table and original table,
Go to Edit Queries. Lets say our base table is named RawData. Add a blank query and use this expression to copy your RawData table:
The new table will be RawDataGrouped. Now select the new table and go to Home > Group By and use the following settings:
The result will be the following table. Note that I didnt use the exactly values you used to keep this sample at a miminum effort:
You also can now create a relationship between this two tables (by the Index column) to use cross filtering between them.
You could show the grouped data and use the relationship to display the RawDate in a subreport (or custom tooltip) for example.
I assume you are looking for a calculated table. Below is the workaround for the same,
In Query Editor you can create a duplicate table of the existing (Original) table and select the Date Filter -> Is Earliest option by clicking right corner of the Date column in new duplicate table. Now your table should contain only the rows which are having minimum date for the column.
Note: This table is dynamic and will give subsequent results based on data changes in the original table, but you to have refresh both the table.
Original Table:
Desired Table:
When I have added new column into it, post to refreshing dataset I have got below result (This implies, it is doing recalculation based on each data change in the original source)
New data entry:

Cannot create a 1:M relationship

In Power BI, I am attempting to join a dimension table with a fact table. The dimension table has approximately 1.1M rows in it (a lot I know for a dimension table). All the values are unique. When I attempt to join this to the fact table, PBI automatically creates a M:M relationship. When I attempt to change this to a 1:M, I get a message saying "The cardinality you selected for this relationship isn't valid".
Here is the query that generates the dataset. As you can see, it's impossible for there to be duplicates.
[TranDesc] as TransactionDescription
FROM [dbo].[dGLTranDescription];
Why would I get this message?
Try to validate that Power BI seeing values in the dimension table as unique. Depending on your data, source system and PowerBI may see it differently.
Here are suggestions from
Create two measures to verify in Power BI:
TotalRows = COUNTROWS('DimTableHere')
DistinctRows = DISTINCTCOUNT('DimTableHere'[DimTableJoinColumnHere])
After create those two measures, place them in two card visuals, if
results are different, it means there are duplicate values in your
Dimension table.
If you had duplicates when first creating relationship and now you don't, deleting the relationship and recreating it may resolve it.
If you have removed duplicates on the relationship column and it still considers it as invalid cardinality, try running Text.Clean on that column prior to duplication removal. I've had a special character but the removal of duplicates on the query, the values counted as different there but once imported they were considered the same.