Running cmake 'make' in command does not work - c++

I'm trying to build a version of code I got from github (link) according to the instructions there.
I ran the following:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
which seems to work fine. However, when I get to the last bit and try to run:
I'm getting a message that it is not recognized.
I have installed and double checked the paths of bison, gawk and cmake, and they all seem to be included in the system PATH.
Does anyone have any suggestion what might be the issue?

From my experience the command make only works when there is a file named "makefile" in the current directory. Using makefile -f "filename" will let make know the file is a makefile, and treat it as such. Or you can change the makefile name to "makefile".


Install eigen3.3.7 on MacOS

I am trying to build a program on MacOS and that program requires Eigen version <= 3.3.7 but mine has 3.3.8 with brew install eigen
I went to Eigen website but 3.3.7 source is no longer available anymore.
Any workaround?
Thanks a lot!
Updates: thanks a lot but I am still very confused with how to proceed. Below is the information of the installation details and directory info.
The directory of the program source code that I want to build look like:
the program has the following instructions:
Create the build directory in the source tree root
mkdir build
Configure cmake, from the build directory, passing the Shogun source root as an argument. It is recommended to use any of CMake GUIs (e.g. replace cmake .. with ccmake ..), in particular, if you feel unsure about possible parameters and configurations. Note that all cmake options read as -DOPTION=VALUE.
cd build
cmake [options] ..
Install (prepend sudo if installing system-wide), and you are done.
make install
Sometimes you might need to clean up your build (e.g. in case of some major changes). First, try
make clean
Then I have downloaded eigen3.3.7, where the INSTALL file is as following. How should I proceed?
Method 1. Installing without using CMake
You can use right away the headers in the Eigen/ subdirectory. In order
to install, just copy this Eigen/ subdirectory to your favorite location.
If you also want the unsupported features, copy the unsupported/
subdirectory too.
Method 2. Installing using CMake
Let's call this directory 'source_dir' (where this INSTALL file is).
Before starting, create another directory which we will call 'build_dir'.
cd build_dir
cmake source_dir
make install
You can install Eigen 3.3.7 by compiling the source code(available here).

Automate CMake build using C++ script

I would like to automate the build of CMake using an MSVC C++ script instead of using CMake-gui to generate the build or CMake terminal or using the CMake integrated on MSVC 2017 by right click on the CMakeLists.txt to build it manually. Assume we have a project (name it: initialize) that includes the CMakeLists.txt and initialize.cpp, so my question is how I can convert these commands into a C++ code, assume build_initialize.cpp:
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
So, the requirement of this tiny C++ code is to
Set the path to this project
Create build folder
Run CMake
At the end if I execute build_initialize.exe, the job is just to build the initialize.cpp using CMake. The goal is to test if the build is success or not as a test case within another project that has several test cases.
You may ask, why I didnot include it to the top CMakelists.txt, and then build it from the beginning using CMake. If I am going to do that, I will get an executable file. As a result, by running the ctest of CMake, the initialize.exe will require a pace of hardware. This is not the goal. My goal is just to build it. If I run build_initialize.exe, just repeat the build using CMake without initialize.exe execution.
Sorry, it could be very simple, but I lack the good experience either in C++ or CMake. Two days have been lost without success.
Thanks to all of you for the comments. The answer has been given by #Fred. To run cmake from C++ script, simply the system() can be used such as: System(cmake -S path_to_src -B path_to_bld).
Useful link:

Clion "Cannot load CMake project: CMake executable is incorrect" issue

I ran into a problem while trying to use Clion.
I imported a project, yet all off the headers and .cpp files are greyed out. The error shown is as in the title: "Cannot load CMake project: CMake executable is incorrect".Here is a screenshot of it.
It's worth noting that I'm working with kubuntu and have downloaded all of the following: gcc, g++, make, cmake, gdb.
I would love some help with solving this problem so I could start working with Clion.
Thanks in advance.
I just ran into this. Deleting the project's .idea directory and having clion recreate it fixed the issue for me.
Clion also reported that Bundled Cmake does not work in this enviroment
And when setting the actual path to the cmake binary it said it wasn't there when it was.
make a c executable project.
go to file->settings
Look for a setting where you can configure the path of Cmake on your system (maybe /usr/bin/cmake).
Clion hasn't found cmake executable
first case cmake isn't installed :
1.1. ubuntu : sudo apt-get install cmake
1.2. Go to Settings->Build,Execution,Deployement-> Toolchains:
set cmake executable to custom , and type : which cmake in your console
set field right to custom to dir of cmake
do same thing for gdb the apply
second case cmake is install then go to (1.2)
I am using WSL (wsl2 to be correct) and I had the same issue. Somehow CLion seems to have a problem with /usr/bin/cmake only being a link to the real cmake file. So to resolve this, follow each link till you hit the location of the executable
for windows users being new to linux:
which cmake (most probably shows /usr/bin/cmake)
cd /usr/bin/cmake
ls -la | grep cmake (shows something like 20 Mar 26 09:54 cmake -> /opt/cmake/bin/cmake)
do this till there is no link anymore
pass this path to clion
I already added this as a bug:

Compilator (GCC) cross-compilation (to windows) on linux - how can I build it in non-source directory?

I'm trying to install cross-compiler using that tutorial .
I got stuck cross-compiling GCC version 4.9.1 using my native linux-GCC compiler. I occured an error during the installation and the solution is to build it in non-source directory. However, I have no idea how can I do it. I've read the documentation. However, it hasn't helped me.
I just want to install C++ and C version.
I haven't done this for ages but I think it means create a new empty directory and run configure from there, i.e. rather than
cd /usr/src/crosscompiler
./configure ...
mkdir /usr/src/crosscompiler-build
cd /usr/src/crosscompiler-build
/usr/src/crosscompiler/configure ...
which will then set up the build environment and make files in that new directory to use the source tree from the old directory. (If that doesn't work, you could try putting the empty directory inside the source tree, e.g. /usr/src/crosscompiler/build)
That all said, I thought a separate build directory has been the only way to build GCC for 10+ years, so I'm surprised the tutorial says anything different. You can build binutils into a separate path too, and there are ways of combining the GCC and binutils sources so that they can be built in one go too.

Can't run, what should I do?

I got a C project to compile and run in Linux. It is a very big project with many subdirectories. Inside the parent directory there are files and
I tried running make -f, and got the following error:
make: Nothing to be done for `'.
What does it mean? How do I accomplish my task?
These files are used with the Autotools suite. files are compiled to Makefiles using automake.
Have a look to see if there is a configure script in the directory. If there is, then type:
If not, then run:
in the directory, which should create the configure script (you will need to have the Autotools suite installed to run this).
After that, you should have a configure script that you can run.
After the configure is complete, you should have a normal Makefile in the directory, and will be able to run
What has been left out: are transformed to using automake. are transformed to Makefile by running configure.
Neither of these (Makefile.{am,in}) are supposed to be used with make -f.
If the tarball already ships with configure, just run that and make. If it does not, run ./ or bootstrap(*). If that does not exist, use autoreconf instead.
(*) autogen/bootstrap: A convenience script added by developers that should just call autoreconf. Unfortunately there are some people that eschew autoreconf and unnecessarily call all the lowlevel commands themselves.
To supplement what has already been said:
Search for a script called configure in the project directory. If it is there, building the project will be:
and optionally, to install:
sudo make install
or su -c "make install"
Even if there is no configure script. there might be one Run this script to generate the configure script and do as above. is probably to be used with automake.
you might also just want to try
make -f
Since this is the product of running automake