insert base64 strings in Dexiejs - ionic2

I am building an ionic 3 app and I want to set up an upload based on the ImagePicker Cordova plugin.
I use Dexie to persist some data, and I wonder if persisting whole base64 strings would be alright. Or is it too heavy?
I want to persist the images chosen with the image picker. When an upload is suspended or stopped i would be able to restart the upload for those.
Anybody using any other type of persistence of Base64 images?
Thank you

It depends on the size of the images. Unless images are larger than 10 megabytes, I think you are safe. There is no direct limit of document sizes in indexedDB except for the quota you are given for the whole db instance, which can vary per platform and can be extended on modern platforms using Do not index the property containing the large string though, since it would affect performance badly and eventually trigger unknown bugs.
In case you target modern platforms (Chromium, Firefox and Safari 10.1), you don't need to convert the images to base64. Instead you can store the binary data directly in a property of type Uint8Array.


Saving a Base64 string representing an image on Django database

I'm fairly new to Django and I'm looking for the best way to store Base64 images on my Dajango db/server.
My goal is to be able to send batches of images through http request, therefore it would make sense to send them as encoded Base64 images, I may end up rendering them on a webpage but they will primarily be sent to a desktop application in batches.
After looking through several other posts it looks like there are three approaches and I'm not sure what best fits my needs.
Store Base64 string in model TextField
Store Base64 string in FileField
Store an image in an image field and convert it to Base64 when needed
My concern with option 1 is that storing large textfields in the db will hinder performance, however like I said I'm new so I really don't have any idea.
Option 2 seems to make sense to me as this is similar to how django handles images, by storing them else and just referencing the location in the db. However, I'm not sure if this is simply because sqlite does not support fields of this type. I also see the potential for additional overhead, having to open and read files vs just reading a text field.
Lastly option 3 appears to be a rather unattractive option due to my use case, as these base64 images will be primarily sent in batches via http requests so I figured it would be best to store the converted version rather than encode each image upon each request.
I would greatly appreciate any insight the community could offer as to which approach might make the most sense for me to take. What are your thoughts?
Follow up question, if I intend on converting my database to Postgres does anything change regarding which approach I should take?
It is better not to store binary data in the database. Typically this will requires escaping to create/update/retrieve data, and thus results in less efficient access.
What is usually done is working with a FileField [Django-doc] or an ImageField [Django-doc]. For these two model fields, it will store the file in the file system, and save the path in the database. This will thus reduce the amount of overhead to load or save an object.
You can decide to store a base64 encoding of the file, but likely that will not be more efficient: it means that it requires more time to read the file from the disk. Encoding to base64 is efficient, and therefore it will likely be more efficient to store the file in a compact way and return a base64 that is created in the view.

CKFinder: How to create small, medium, and large images automatically from image upload

I am looking for a way to make small, medium, and large copies of an image automatically when uploaded through CKFinder 2.5. Basically I want the same image copied and resized to different sizes so that I can use different images for my responsive site. The imageresize plugin does similar, but not quite what I am looking for since it is still initiated by the user.
I would prefer to add the code to the config file over adjusting code in the core folder. I am using coldfusion, but I would appreciate ideas in any language possible so I can make something work. Thanks in advance!

How to read/restore big data file (SEGY format) with C/C++?

I am working on a project which needs to deal with large seismic data of SEGY format (from several GB to TB). This data represents the 3D underground structure.
Data structure is like:
1st tract, 2,3,5,3,5,....,6
2nd tract, 5,6,5,3,2,....,3
3rd tract, 7,4,5,3,1,....,8
What I want to ask is, in order to read and deal with the data fast, do I have to convert the data into another form? Or it's better to read from the original SEGY file? And is there any existing C package to do that?
If you need to access it multiple times and
if you need to access it randomly and
if you need to access it fast
then load it to a database once.
Do not reinvent the wheel.
When dealing of data of that size, you may not want to convert it into another form unless you have to - though some software does do just that. I found a list of free geophysics software on Wikipedia that look promising; many are open source and read/write SEGY files.
Since you are a newbie to programming, you may want to consider if the Python library segpy suits your needs rather than a C/C++ option.
Several GB is rathe medium, if we are toking about poststack.
You may use segy and convert on the fly, you may invent your own format. It depends whot you needed to do. Without changing segy format it's enough to createing indexes to traces. If segy is saved as inlines - it's faster access throug inlines, although crossline access is not very bad.
If it is 3d seismic, the best way to have the same quick access to all inlines/crosslines is to have own format - based od beans, e.g 8x8 traces - loading all beans and selecting tarces access time may be very quick - 2-3 secends. Or you may use SSD disk, or 2,5x RAM as your SEGY.
To quickly access timeslices you have 2 ways - 3D beans or second file stored as timeslices (the quickes way). I did same kind of that 10 years ago - access time to 12 GB SEGY was acceptable - 2-3 seconds in all 3 directions.
SEGY in database? Wow ... ;)
The answer depends upon the type of data you need to extract from the SEG-Y file.
If you need to extract only the headers (Text header, Binary header, Extended Textual File headers and Trace headers) then they can be easily extracted from the SEG-Y file by opening the file as binary and extracting relevant information from the respective locations as mentioned in the data exchange formats (rev2). The extraction might depend upon the type of data (Post-stack or Pre-stack). Also some headers might require conversions from one format to another (e.g Text Headers are mostly encoded in EBCDIC format). The complete details about the byte locations and encoding formats can be read from the above documentation
The extraction of trace data is a bit tricky and depends upon various factors like the encoding, whether the no. of trace samples is mentioned in the trace headers, etc. A careful reading of the documentation and getting to know about the type of SEG data you are working on will surely make this task a lot easier.
Since you are working with the extracted data, I would recommend to use already existing libraries (segpy: one of the best python library I came across). There are also numerous free available SEG-Y readers, a very nice list has already been mentioned by Daniel Waechter; you can choose any one of them that suits your requirements and the type file format supported.
I recently tried to do something same using C++ (Although it has only been tested on post-stack data). The project can be found here.

watermark files on the fly when served

I am looking for a very general answer to the feasibility of the idea, not a specific implementation.
If you want to serve small variations of the same media file to different people (say, an ePub or music file), is it possible to serve most of the file to everybody but individualized small portions of the file to each recipient for watermarking using something like Amazon WS.
If yes, would it be possible to create a dropbox-like file hosting service with these individualized media files where all users “see” most of the same physical stored file but with tiny parts of the file served individually? If, say, 1000 users had the same 10 MB mp3 file with different watermarks on a server that would amount to 10 GB. But if the same 1000 users were served the same file except for a tiny 10 kB individual watermarked portion it would only amount to 20 MB in total.
An EPUB is a single file and must be served/downloaded as such, not in pieces. Why don't you implement simple server-side logic to customize the necessary components, build the EPUB from the common assets and the customized ones, and then let users download that?
The answer is, of course, yes, it can be done, using an EC2 instance -- or any other machine that can run a web server, for that matter. The problem is that any given type of media file has different levels of complexity when it comes to customizing the file... from the simplest, where the file contains a string of bytes at a known position that can simply be overwritten with your watermark data, to a more complex format that would have to be fully or partially disassembled and repackaged every time a download is requested.
The bottom line is that for any format I can think of, the server would spent some amount of CPU resources -- possibly a significant amount -- crunching the data and preparing/reassembling the file for download. The ultimate solution would be very format-specific, and, as a side note, has really nothing to do with anything AWS other than the fact that you can host web servers in EC2.

How to verify the integrity of a image file in c++ or python?

I want to check whether the images is downloaded completely. Is there any library to use?
The images I want to verify including various formats such jpeg, png, bmp etc.
The standard go-to library for that kind of thing in Python is the Python Imaging Library (PIL).
I have used Pyhton Pillow module (PIL) and Imagemagick wrapper wand (for psd, xcf formats) in order to detect broken images, the original answer with code snippets is here.
I also implemented this solution in my Python script here on GitHub.
I also verified that damaged files (jpg) frequently are not 'broken' images i.e, a damaged picture file sometimes remains a legit picture file, the original image is lost or altered but you are still able to load it.
I quote the full answer for completeness:
You can use Python Pillow(PIL) module, with most image formats, to check if a file is a valid and intact image file.
In the case you aim at detecting also broken images, #Nadia Alramli correctly suggests the im.verify() method, but this does not detect all the possible image defects, e.g., im.verify does not detect truncated images (that most viewers often load with a greyed area).
Pillow is able to detect these type of defects too, but you have to apply image manipulation or image decode/recode in or to trigger the check. Finally I suggest to use this code:
im = Image.load(filename)
im.verify() #I perform also verify, don't know if he sees other types o defects
im.close() #reload is necessary in my case
im = Image.load(filename)
#manage excetions here
In case of image defects this code will raise an exception.
Please consider that im.verify is about 100 times faster than performing the image manipulation (and I think that flip is one of the cheaper transformations).
With this code you are going to verify a set of images at about 10 MBytes/sec (modern 2.5Ghz x86_64 CPU).
For the other formats psd,xcf,.. you can use Imagemagick wrapper Wand, the code is as follows:
im = wand.image.Image(filename=filename)
temp = im.flip;
But, from my experiments Wand does not detect truncated images, I think it loads lacking parts as greyed area without prompting.
I red that Imagemagick has an external command identify that could make the job, but I have not found a way to invoke that function programmatically and I have not tested this route.
I suggest to always perform a preliminary check, check the filesize to not be zero (or very small), is a very cheap idea:
statfile = os.stat(filename)
filesize = statfile.st_size
if filesize == 0:
#manage here the 'faulty image' case
You can guess by attempting to load the image into memory (using PIL or somesuch), but it's possible that some images could be loaded ok without being complete - for example an animated GIF might load fine if you have the header and the first frame of the animation, and you won't notice that later frames of the animation were missing.
A more reliable approach would probably be to use some out-of-band communication, like rather than watching a folder and processing new files as soon as they exist, find some way of hooking into the downloader process and getting it to give you a signal when it decides it is ready.