CKFinder: How to create small, medium, and large images automatically from image upload - coldfusion

I am looking for a way to make small, medium, and large copies of an image automatically when uploaded through CKFinder 2.5. Basically I want the same image copied and resized to different sizes so that I can use different images for my responsive site. The imageresize plugin does similar, but not quite what I am looking for since it is still initiated by the user.
I would prefer to add the code to the config file over adjusting code in the core folder. I am using coldfusion, but I would appreciate ideas in any language possible so I can make something work. Thanks in advance!


insert base64 strings in Dexiejs

I am building an ionic 3 app and I want to set up an upload based on the ImagePicker Cordova plugin.
I use Dexie to persist some data, and I wonder if persisting whole base64 strings would be alright. Or is it too heavy?
I want to persist the images chosen with the image picker. When an upload is suspended or stopped i would be able to restart the upload for those.
Anybody using any other type of persistence of Base64 images?
Thank you
It depends on the size of the images. Unless images are larger than 10 megabytes, I think you are safe. There is no direct limit of document sizes in indexedDB except for the quota you are given for the whole db instance, which can vary per platform and can be extended on modern platforms using Do not index the property containing the large string though, since it would affect performance badly and eventually trigger unknown bugs.
In case you target modern platforms (Chromium, Firefox and Safari 10.1), you don't need to convert the images to base64. Instead you can store the binary data directly in a property of type Uint8Array.

Ways to handle thumbnails with Django?

I'm going to have different ways to present an objects image in my templates. Full size, medium size and smaller thumbnails in lists. It's a dynamic structure and needs to be fast for sorting, searching, filtering..
As a beginner I'm thinking of three ways to handle this:
Simply use the image from the image field and change the size in templates with css.
Save different image versions (size) in different fields in the model and in media files.
Create the thumbnails dynamically in the templates with sorl-thumbnail or easy-thumbnails
The thumbnail apps is a bit complicated and would need some extra requirements like PIL and I need to make some choices about caching. Not sure if I win so much performance by going down this path or if there is other smarter ways? Is it better to plan ahead for scaling/performance.
How are you handling thumbnails? And are you using redis or memcached?
First neither redis or memcached handles caching of images. Memcached is a simple key-value store. Redis essentially works as a key-value store but it has support for other types as well. Such as lists. When it comes to caching images you would use something like nginx.
Secondly, the first option is suboptimal if you want your page to load as quickly as possible. As it will need to load a bigger file than necessary. The second and the third option is essentially the same. Easy-thumbnails for example doesn't create thumbnails on the fly in the template. It generates them as needed and then you can access those thumbnails from your static_folder.
If you want to manipulate images, you will need PIL or Pillow if you're using Python 3.

Django big file transfers

I am looking for a django app that can help smooth the process of uploading big size documents by using HTTP Post.
Documents ranging anything from 150mb to 500mb.
I wrote a small library that handles PDF uploads and parses it to my scribd library and through that embed it onto my site.
Currently my model is quite simple, it takes a FileField, preferably PDF and just and uploads the PDF File, through that makes use of the scribd library and send it directly to scribd for encoding.
The problem is, somewhere along the actual upload process, it times out, no errors in the log, I have adjusted my django apps size for files, Apache's size for files, and I am a bit lost at the moment not knowing where to go from here.
Although I want to eliminate the manual work, so ideally I'd still like to use it through my site.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
Probably a bit too late, but, have you tried django-bft

django image management

In my project I'am working with images. I don't know how to organize the management of images.
I need to dynamically upload the pictures and resize them.
First question - what is the best way to dynamically upload images with progress bar and without flash? I found this and this, but I believe there is a better way.
Second question. I have to save one image in different sizes. I won't use these thumbnails on my pages, but another application will. Many clients could upload images at the same time. This means that I can not resize all the images at the same time. How should I organize this process?
Is there are a better ready-to-use solution for image management issue?
django-photologue could be a good starting point for organizing the management of your images.
The PhotoSize model can be used to automatically resize/crop your images, and the GalleryUpload model allows the user to upload an archive of images.
You can also create PhotoSize models with pre_cache = False. This means that your images will dynamically created the first time they are requested.
For your second question you might use a task queue, like django-celery or django-tasks.
For the image crop, try Python Imaging Library (PIL)

User-Defined Thumnails for Django Project?

I'm putting together a Web site that makes heavy use of images. Those images need to be thumbnailed at various sizes to fit different templates.
I'm aware of solutions like sorl-thumbnail, which seems perfect in every way except one: I need to be able to override automatic resizing and cropping if the computer's choice is a bad one.
For instance: Say I upload a 1,000-by-1,000 pixel image. I need a 300-by-200 thumbnail of that image. The sorl-thumbnail solution, if I understand it right, is to rescale the image to 300-by-300 and then lop off the top and the bottom.
What I want to be able to do is a) accept the sorl-style solution if it works for the image, but b) be able to override the sorl choice -- in the admin, probably -- if that would work better. If it's a picture of a person, for example, maybe I would rather crop out the person's torso and just make a thumbnail out of her face, which happens to be located in the upper right corner?
There's no off-the-shelf pluggable solution for this, so far as I can tell (but please correct me if I'm wrong). Barring that, I'd like to hear your ideas about ways that the problem might be approached. Is there some sort of jQuery plugin that will get me halfway there?
If you want to use an off-the-shelf pluggable there is django-photologue django-imagehandler. It allows you to generate thumbnails and do "manual-cropping" on the admin.
Another off-the-shelf solution is django-thumbs. django-thumbs overwrittes your imagefields. The only drawback is that you need to set up the sizes it will generate the thumbnails.
None of these 2 applications can fully solve your problem. But atleast you know where to start :)
django-photologue can generate thumbnails and add effects and watermarks.
EDIT: if you want to use jQuery to crop your images then you can take a look at jCrop. It's pretty easy to use. The main problem is that you will need to upload the image to your server and then crop it manually.
EDIT 2:Wrong information. It was not django-photologue but django-imagehandler.
sorl-thumbnail has smart cropping which will cut off the parts of the image with the least entropy. All you need to do is add crop="smart". It works really really well in most situations.
Otherwise you could check out django-imagehandler