Error using VS 2017 and IIS - visual-studio-2017

My first time using Visual Studio 2017 and IIS, I'm getting an error and I can't seem to figure out why. I have added permissions to the folder being used but I still get the error. Im using windows 10 and IIS v 10. The project was created using iis 7 and another version of vs, would that be the reason for this error? Can someone please assist me?
Error: HTTP Error 401.0 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page.


All the IIS sites are already configured by some other version of ColdFusion

We recently did an update to 2016 for ColdFusion. After the update my application was not working. It shows Access Forbidden error. I checked the WS.config file to see if ColdFusion and IIS are connected. At that time I could see it was empty. When I tried to add it then it shows the error All the IIS sites are already configured by some other version of ColdFusion.
Can anyone please help me with this problem?
We got the error message All the IIS sites are already configured by some other version of ColdFusion. when switched to another Coldfusion version. We tried many of the solutions which didn't work out for us.
Finally, we uninstalled IIS windows feature entirely(we were able to do that since it was a dev machine) restarted as prompted, and installed IIS feature again which resolved the problem.

HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure in .NET Core Web Application

I cloned a .NET core web application project from a git repository I haven't worked on in awhile onto a new computer. Although I'm not getting any errors in Visual Studio 2017, when I try to run the program locally I get the error page cited below in the browser.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to look for problems or settings I should change?
HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure
I fixed the issue. I needed to modify my visual studio install to include .NET Core 1.0-1.1 development tools for web.
I found that the DLL name must not contain a space. For example the dll name is "my own web api.dll" and then you will get the above error message as well.
Check if your target server has got correct version of core hosting bundles installed and correct values in web.config.
Check if your dll file name contains space in it. If yes, remove all spaces in it via assembly name in your project property of visual studio.

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web Server-VS2017

I got an error while using VS2017, the information is strange.
Also i have searched and tried others' solution, but doesn't work.
Anyone have the same issue?

Why Visual Studio 2017 resets .NET Core web.config file while running

I have been experiencing this weird issue since i have reinstalled my Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise. I have a .NET core application with this following web.confg file.
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" forwardWindowsAuthToken="true" />
As you notice, it uses the pass-through authentication. But whenever I run the application through the IDE, it simply overwrites the above line and resets the forwardWindowsAuthToken to false. Which in turns, failed to work in the browser and gives 401 - Unauthorised error. I have reinstalled the VS, reset the settings and even cleared my code repository many times but still no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The reason is, you have configured launching project using IIS Express. The web.config file values are required to run it properly. To change the values to use regular IIS, go to project properties and in the Debug tab select Launch: IIS, instead of IIS Express. This will still overwrite your values, but at least IIS integration will work.
You can safely ignore web.config values when you use .NET Core self-hosting, using .exe file, as the web.config is ignored when you self-launch the app that way.

I got following error When i open SiteCore website in Visual Studio 4.0

I got the following two errors when I open Sitecore 6.3 website in Visual Studio 4.0:
Error 1 The virtual path
maps to another application, which is not allowed.
Error 2 Unknown
server tag 'ds:DateSelector'.
I simply install Sitecore 6.3 (website save into c:/inetpub/wwwroot/sitecoresite/website). When I open this site in Visual Studio 4.0, it shows error.
Can any body tell to me how can I open this or what mistake did I make?
As far as I understand your question, you get the error when you browse the newly installed Sitecore website, which is set up to run under ASP.NET 4.0 application pool. If that's the case, then I should inform you that it is supported to run Sitecore under ASP.NET 4.0 application pools starting from version 6.4.0.
So, you have two options here:
setup your application pool to use ASP.NET 2.0 (make sure .NET 2.0 is installed)
upgrade a Sitecore instance to the 6.4.0+ (which might not be acceptable)
Hope this helps.
I'm not sure if you are having issues because of the way you are opening the project, there are a few issues if you open it as a File-System website project you will want to create a Web Application Project and go from there.
You can look at this blog post :
Simplify Sitecore Visual Studio Project Creation (or the previous version) for information on how to setup a Visual Studio Project correctly for Sitecore.
I actually think this might just be as simple as a missing tilde. So rather having
you should have