Boost Spirit X3 eol unexpected behaviour - c++

This question in strictly related to boost-spirit-x3-parse-into-structs
I have this grammar
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
struct sectionInfo
std::string name;
int number = 0;
float pitch = 0.0f;
int visible = 0;
float minCutsTblSize = 0.0f;
//technology section attributes
float gridResolution = 0.0f;
float lengthPrecision = 0.0f;
const char START_SECTION = '{';
const char END_SECTION = '}';
const char QUOTE = '"';
const char EQUALS = '=';
const char* LAYER_SECTION = "Layer";
const char* TECHNOLOGY_SECTION = "Technology";
const char* NUMBER_ATTR = "layerNumber";
const char* VISIBLE_ATTR = "visible";
const char* COLOR_ATTR = "color";
const char* PITCH_ATTR = "pitch";
const char* MIN_CUTS_TBL_SIZE_ATTR = "minCutsTblSize";
const char* GRID_RESOLUTION_ATTR = "gridResolution";
const char* LENGTH_PRECISION_ATTR = "lengthPrecision";
namespace Parser {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace detail {
template <typename T> auto propagate(T member) {
return [=](auto& ctx) { x3::traits::move_to(x3::_attr(ctx), x3::_val(ctx).*member); };
template <typename T = sectionInfo, typename P>
auto rule(const char* debug, P p) { return x3::rule<struct _, T> {debug} = x3::skip(x3::space)[p]; };
auto quoted = rule<std::string>("quoted", x3::lexeme[QUOTE >> +(x3::char_ - QUOTE) >> QUOTE]);
template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(bool T::* const member) { return x3::bool_[propagate(member)]; }
template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(int T::* const member) { return x3::int_[propagate(member)]; }
template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(double T::* const member) { return x3::double_[propagate(member)]; }
template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(float T::* const member) { return x3::double_[propagate(member)]; }
template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(std::string T::* const member) { return quoted[propagate(member)]; }
auto property = [](auto label, auto member) {
return x3::as_parser(label) >> EQUALS >> make_member_parser(member);
using detail::rule;
using detail::propagate;
using detail::property;
using detail::quoted;
auto number = property(NUMBER_ATTR, &sectionInfo::number);
auto visible = property(VISIBLE_ATTR, &sectionInfo::visible);
auto pitch = property(PITCH_ATTR, &sectionInfo::pitch);
auto minCutsTblSize = property(MIN_CUTS_TBL_SIZE_ATTR, &sectionInfo::minCutsTblSize);
auto lengthPrecision = property(LENGTH_PRECISION_ATTR, &sectionInfo::lengthPrecision);
auto gridResolution = property(GRID_RESOLUTION_ATTR, &sectionInfo::gridResolution);
auto skipLine = *(x3::char_ - x3::eol);
x3::rule<struct sectionInfoId, sectionInfo> const layer = "layer";
x3::rule<struct mainRuleId, std::vector<sectionInfo>> const mainRule = "mainRule";
auto layer_def =
LAYER_SECTION >> quoted[propagate(&sectionInfo::name)] >> START_SECTION >> x3::eol
>> *( (number | visible | pitch | minCutsTblSize | lengthPrecision | gridResolution) >> +x3::eol )
auto skipper = x3::blank;
auto mainRule_def = *(*x3::eol >> layer >> *x3::eol);
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(layer, mainRule);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const sectionInfo& s)
<< "name=" << " " << << "\n"
<< "number=" << " " << s.number << "\n"
<< "visible=" << " " << s.visible << "\n"
<< "pitch=" << " " << s.pitch << "\n"
<< "minCutsTblSize=" << " " << s.minCutsTblSize << "\n"
<< "lengthPrecision=" << " " << s.lengthPrecision << "\n"
<< "gridResolution=" << " " << s.gridResolution << "\n\n";
return os;
int main() {
std::stringstream ss;
<<"\r\nLayer \"UBMB\" {\r\n"
<< " layerNumber = 170\r\n"
<< " pitch = 33.6\r\n"
<< "}\r\n"
<< "\r\n"
<< "Layer \"RV\" {\r\n"
<< " gridResolution = 0.34\r\n"
<< " minCutsTblSize = 22.7\r\n"
<< " layerNumber = 85\r\n"
<< " visible = 2\r\n"
<< " pitch = 331\r\n"
<< "}\r\n"
<< " \r\n"
<< "Layer \"foffo\" {\r\n"
<< " layerNumber = 125\r\n"
<< " pitch = 0.005\r\n"
<< " gridResolution = 21.7\r\n"
<< " lengthPrecision = 0.15\r\n"
<< "}\r\n"
<< "\r\n";
std::vector<sectionInfo> sections;
auto sample = ss.str();
auto f = sample.begin(), l = sample.end();
bool ok = boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse(
f, l,
if (ok && f==l)
std::cout << "\n\n Parsed successfully \n\n";
for(auto& s : sections)
std::cout << s;
std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
which successfully parses the input:
output is:
name= UBMB
number= 170
visible= 0
pitch= 33.6
minCutsTblSize= 0
lengthPrecision= 0
gridResolution= 0
name= RV
number= 85
visible= 2
pitch= 331
minCutsTblSize= 22.7
lengthPrecision= 0
gridResolution= 0.34
name= foffo
number= 125
visible= 0
pitch= 0.005
minCutsTblSize= 0
lengthPrecision= 0.15
gridResolution= 21.7
The problem arises because I need to skip some lines, i.e. the lines with properties not of interest (not defined in my grammar)
edit: For example, there may be a property dummy = "foo" which I want to skip.
To achieve this, the layer rule
auto layer_def = LAYER_SECTION >> quoted[propagate(&sectionInfo::name)] >> START_SECTION >> x3::eol
>> *( (number | visible | pitch | minCutsTblSize | lengthPrecision | gridResolution ) >> +x3::eol )
auto layer_def = LAYER_SECTION >> quoted[propagate(&sectionInfo::name)] >> START_SECTION >> x3::eol
>> *( (number | visible | pitch | minCutsTblSize | lengthPrecision | gridResolution | skipLine) >> +x3::eol )
The parser succeeds, but the output is now
name= UBMB number= 125 visible= 2 pitch= 0.005 minCutsTblSize= 22.7
lengthPrecision= 0.15 gridResolution= 21.7
which is wrong (only one section, properties taken here and there...)
It is evident the problem resides in the skipLine rule
auto skipLine = *(x3::char_ - x3::eol);
and I can't figure out why.
I thought it was obvious that the rule *(char - eol) >> eol
would match any line, but I guess it isn't..
Any clues?

Firstly, I'd simplify skipping. The skipper doesn't belong in the call-site because it's important to the grammar. Encapsulate it into the mainRule, and simplify:
auto mainRule_def = x3::skip(x3::blank) [ -layer % x3::eol ];
The -layer expression is a trick that accepts empty lines. Now using the parser becomes:
bool ok = boost::spirit::x3::parse(f, l, Parser::mainRule, sections);
Next: skipLine eats '}' as well, making everything fall apart: everything after that is taken as (invalid) properties for the same layer, and finally there is no END_SECTION so the grammar fails to match.
auto skipLine = *(x3::char_ - x3::eol - END_SECTION);
Pro Tip:
When in doubt, debug: Live On Coliru
// debug it
auto skipLine = x3::rule<struct skipLine_> {"skipLine"} = *(x3::char_ - x3::eol/* - END_SECTION*/);
Full Demo
With some minor simplifications
Live On Coliru
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
struct sectionInfo {
std::string name;
int number = 0;
float pitch = 0.0f;
int visible = 0;
float minCutsTblSize = 0.0f;
// technology section attributes
float gridResolution = 0.0f;
float lengthPrecision = 0.0f;
char const START_SECTION = '{';
char const END_SECTION = '}';
char const QUOTE = '"';
char const EQUALS = '=';
char const* LAYER_SECTION = "Layer";
char const* TECHNOLOGY_SECTION = "Technology";
char const* NUMBER_ATTR = "layerNumber";
char const* VISIBLE_ATTR = "visible";
char const* COLOR_ATTR = "color";
char const* PITCH_ATTR = "pitch";
char const* MIN_CUTS_TBL_SIZE_ATTR = "minCutsTblSize";
char const* GRID_RESOLUTION_ATTR = "gridResolution";
char const* LENGTH_PRECISION_ATTR = "lengthPrecision";
namespace Parser {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace detail {
template <typename T> auto propagate(T member) {
return [=](auto &ctx) { x3::traits::move_to(x3::_attr(ctx), x3::_val(ctx).*member); };
template <typename T = sectionInfo, typename P> auto rule(const char *debug, P p) {
return x3::rule<struct _, T>{ debug } = x3::skip(x3::space)[p];
auto quoted = rule<std::string>("quoted", x3::lexeme[QUOTE >> +(x3::char_ - QUOTE) >> QUOTE]);
#define MMP_(T, p) template <typename U> auto make_member_parser(T U::*const member) { return (p)[propagate(member)]; }
MMP_(bool, x3::bool_);
MMP_(int, x3::int_);
MMP_(double, x3::double_);
MMP_(float, x3::double_);
MMP_(std::string, quoted);
#undef MMP_
auto property = [](auto label, auto member) { return x3::as_parser(label) >> EQUALS >> make_member_parser(member); };
using detail::rule;
using detail::propagate;
using detail::property;
using detail::quoted;
auto number = property(NUMBER_ATTR, &sectionInfo::number);
auto visible = property(VISIBLE_ATTR, &sectionInfo::visible);
auto pitch = property(PITCH_ATTR, &sectionInfo::pitch);
auto minCutsTblSize = property(MIN_CUTS_TBL_SIZE_ATTR, &sectionInfo::minCutsTblSize);
auto lengthPrecision = property(LENGTH_PRECISION_ATTR, &sectionInfo::lengthPrecision);
auto gridResolution = property(GRID_RESOLUTION_ATTR, &sectionInfo::gridResolution);
auto skipLine = *(x3::char_ - x3::eol - END_SECTION);
x3::rule<struct sectionInfoId, sectionInfo> const layer = "layer";
x3::rule<struct mainRuleId, std::vector<sectionInfo> > const mainRule = "mainRule";
auto layer_def =
LAYER_SECTION >> quoted[propagate(&sectionInfo::name)]
>> START_SECTION >> x3::eol
>> *((number | visible | pitch | minCutsTblSize | lengthPrecision | gridResolution | skipLine) >> +x3::eol)
auto mainRule_def = x3::skip(x3::blank) [ -layer % x3::eol ];
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(layer, mainRule);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const sectionInfo &s) {
return os
<< "name=" << " " << << "\n"
<< "number=" << " " << s.number << "\n"
<< "visible=" << " " << s.visible << "\n"
<< "pitch=" << " " << s.pitch << "\n"
<< "minCutsTblSize=" << " " << s.minCutsTblSize << "\n"
<< "lengthPrecision=" << " " << s.lengthPrecision << "\n"
<< "gridResolution=" << " " << s.gridResolution << "\n\n";
int main() {
std::string const sample =
"\r\nLayer \"UBMB\" {\r\n"
" layerNumber = 170\r\n"
" pitch = 33.6\r\n"
"Layer \"RV\" {\r\n"
" gridResolution = 0.34\r\n"
" minCutsTblSize = 22.7\r\n"
" layerNumber = 85\r\n"
" visible = 2\r\n"
" pitch = 331\r\n"
" \r\n"
"Layer \"foffo\" {\r\n"
" layerNumber = 125\r\n"
" pitch = 0.005\r\n"
" gridResolution = 21.7\r\n"
" lengthPrecision = 0.15\r\n"
std::vector<sectionInfo> sections;
auto f = sample.begin(), l = sample.end();
bool ok = boost::spirit::x3::parse(f, l, Parser::mainRule, sections);
if (ok && f == l) {
std::cout << "\n\n Parsed successfully \n\n";
for (auto &s : sections) {
std::cout << s;
} else
std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
Parsed successfully
name= UBMB
number= 170
visible= 0
pitch= 33.6
minCutsTblSize= 0
lengthPrecision= 0
gridResolution= 0
name= RV
number= 85
visible= 2
pitch= 331
minCutsTblSize= 22.7
lengthPrecision= 0
gridResolution= 0.34
name= foffo
number= 125
visible= 0
pitch= 0.005
minCutsTblSize= 0
lengthPrecision= 0.15
gridResolution= 21.7


Semantic actions calling lambda

I'm trying to parse a time string using boost spirit and not sure why this doesn't work.
auto fill_ts_nanos = [&t] (int h, int m, int s, int ms) -> int
{ t.tv_nsec = ( ( h * 3600 + m * 60 + s ) * 1000 + ms ) * 1000000; return t.tv_sec; };
auto fill_suffix = [&suffix] (string &s) { suffix=s; };
auto parse_ok = qi::parse(input.begin(), input.end(),
( qi::int_ >> qi::char_(":") >> qi::int_ >> qi::char_(":") >>
qi::int_ >> qi::char_(".") >> qi::int_ )
[boost::bind(fill_ts_nanos, qi::_1, qi::_3, qi::_5, qi::_7
>> qi::char_(",") >> qi::as_string[*qi::char_][fill_suffix] ;
A sample input is "04:00:00.512,2251812698588658"
After guessing a lot of details (e.g. what the type of t is supposed to be), here's the fixed code with some debug output:
Live On Coliru
Note: I fixed the signed-ness of the numbers as well as I changed the types to prevent overflow.
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <ctime>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace px = boost::phoenix;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
using namespace qi::labels;
int main() {
timespec t;
std::string suffix;
auto fill_ts_nanos = [&t](int h, unsigned m, unsigned s, unsigned ms) -> long {
t = {};
t.tv_nsec = ((h * 3600 + m * 60 + s) * 1000 + ms) * 1000000l;
return t.tv_sec;
auto fill_suffix = [&suffix](std::string &s) { suffix = s; };
std::string const input = "04:00:00.512,2251812698588658";
auto parse_ok = qi::parse(input.begin(), input.end(),
(qi::int_ >> ':' >> qi::uint_ >> ':' >> qi::uint_ >> '.' >> qi::uint_)
[px::bind(fill_ts_nanos, _1, _2, _3, _4) ]
>> ',' >> qi::as_string[*qi::char_]
[fill_suffix] );
std::printf("%lld.%.9ld\n", (long long)t.tv_sec, t.tv_nsec);
auto ns = t.tv_nsec * 1ns;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
std::cout << "hours: " << (ns / 1.0h) << "\n";
std::cout << "minutes: " << (ns / 1.0min) << "\n";
std::cout << "seconds: " << (ns / 1.0s) << "\n";
std::cout << "suffix: " << suffix << "\n";
return parse_ok? 0:255;
hours: 4.000142
minutes: 240.008533
seconds: 14400.512000
suffix: 2251812698588658
I'd try to simplify this by a lot, e.g., by creating a rule:
qi::rule<It, long()> timespec_ =
(qi::int_ >> ':' >> qi::uint_ >> ':' >> qi::uint_ >> '.' >> qi::uint_)
[ _val = ((_1 * 3600 + _2 * 60 + _3) * 1000 + _4) * 1000000l ];
Which means you can then parse with nothing else but:
timespec t {};
std::string suffix;
It f = input.begin(), l = input.end();
parse(f, l, timespec_ >> ',' >> *qi::char_, t.tv_nsec, suffix);
This has the same output:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <ctime>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace px = boost::phoenix;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
using namespace qi::labels;
using It = std::string::const_iterator;
qi::rule<It, long()> timespec_ =
(qi::int_ >> ':' >> qi::uint_ >> ':' >> qi::uint_ >> '.' >> qi::uint_)
[ _val = ((_1 * 3600 + _2 * 60 + _3) * 1000 + _4) * 1000000l ];
int main() {
std::string const input = "04:00:00.512,2251812698588658";
timespec t {};
std::string suffix;
It f = input.begin(), l = input.end();
if (parse(f, l, timespec_ >> ',' >> *qi::char_, t.tv_nsec, suffix)) {
std::printf("%lld.%.9ld\n", (long long)t.tv_sec, t.tv_nsec);
auto ns = t.tv_nsec * 1ns;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
std::cout << "hours: " << (ns / 1.0h) << "\n";
std::cout << "minutes: " << (ns / 1.0min) << "\n";
std::cout << "seconds: " << (ns / 1.0s) << "\n";
std::cout << "suffix: " << suffix << "\n";
} else {
std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
if (f!=l) {
std::cout << "Remaining unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
In my desperation I've also figured out how the container version works. See below,
auto test_fn = [&t](auto c) {
t.tv_nsec = ( ( at_c<0>(c) * 3600 +
at_c<2>(c) * 60 +
at_c<4>(c) ) * 1000 +
at_c<6>(c) ) * 1000000;
auto parse_ok = qi::parse(input.begin(), input.end(),
( qi::int_ >> qi::char_(":") >> qi::int_ >> qi::char_(":") >>
qi::int_ >> qi::char_(".") >> qi::int_ )[ test_fn ]
Admittedly, it's quite ugly.

Parsing list of 'key = value' with unknown keys with Boost::Spirit

I've a string like the following one:
FMax Antenna = 3000
FMin Antenna = 2000
Invalid key = Invalid value
EMin Antenna = -50
EMax Antenna = 80
I want to parse it in order to save the value of FMin Antenna, FMax Antenna, EMin Antenna, EMax Antenna in a structure. I've created a Spirit parser, but it works partially.
Since the file can have many key = value rows, I need to parse only what I need (the key values that I must read) ignoring other pairs.
Both key and value can be alphanumeric strings with spaces and tabs.
I've defined inside the parser the keys that I want to read but when I encounter an unknown key, I cannot read keys that follows it (in the example case, I can't read EMin Antenna and EMax Antenna because are defined after an unknown key).
I've tried the code below: If I parse file1, that contains only keys that I want to read, it works, but if I add unknown key = value pairs in the middle of the file, like in file2, it stops to read all subsequent lines.
How can I fix it and continue to parse the file after unknown key-value pairs?
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_io.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
const std::string file1 = R"xx(
FMax Antenna = 3000
FMin Antenna = 2000
EMin Antenna = -50
EMax Antenna = 80
const std::string file2 = R"xx(
FMax Antenna = 3000
FMin Antenna = 2000
EMin Antenna = -50
pappa pio = po po
EMax Antenna = 80
Ciao = 55
struct Data {
double minFrequency = 0.0;
double maxFrequency = 0.0;
double minElevation = 0.0;
double maxElevation = 0.0;
(double, minFrequency)
(double, maxFrequency)
(double, minElevation)
(double, maxElevation)
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
struct grammar : qi::grammar<It, Data(), Skipper> {
grammar() : grammar::base_type(start) {
auto minFrequency = bind(&Data::minFrequency, qi::_val);
auto maxFrequency = bind(&Data::maxFrequency, qi::_val);
auto minElevation = bind(&Data::minElevation, qi::_val);
auto maxElevation = bind(&Data::maxElevation, qi::_val);
start = qi::no_case["[GENERAL]"] >> *(
("FMin Antenna" >> qi::lit('=') >> qi::int_)[minFrequency = qi::_1] |
("FMax Antenna" >> qi::lit('=') >> qi::int_)[maxFrequency = qi::_1] |
("EMin Antenna" >> qi::lit('=') >> qi::int_)[minElevation = qi::_1] |
("EMax Antenna" >> qi::lit('=') >> qi::int_)[maxElevation = qi::_1] |
(+(qi::alnum | qi::blank) >> qi::lit('=') >> +(qi::alnum | qi::blank)) // Issue here?
qi::rule<It, Data(), Skipper> start;
int main() {
using It = std::string::const_iterator;
Data parsed1, parsed2;
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(file1.begin(), file1.end(), grammar<It>(), qi::space, parsed1);
std::cout << "--- File 1 ---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "parsed = " << std::boolalpha << ok << std::endl;
std::cout << "min freq = " << parsed1.minFrequency << std::endl;
std::cout << "max freq = " << parsed1.maxFrequency << std::endl;
std::cout << "min elev = " << parsed1.minElevation << std::endl;
std::cout << "max elev = " << parsed1.maxElevation << std::endl;
std::cout << "--- File 2 ---" << std::endl;
ok = qi::phrase_parse(file2.begin(), file2.end(), grammar<It>(), qi::space, parsed2);
std::cout << "parsed = " << std::boolalpha << ok << std::endl;
std::cout << "min freq = " << parsed2.minFrequency << std::endl;
std::cout << "max freq = " << parsed2.maxFrequency << std::endl;
std::cout << "min elev = " << parsed2.minElevation << std::endl;
std::cout << "max elev = " << parsed2.maxElevation << std::endl;
return 0;
--- File 1 ---
parsed = true
min freq = 2000
max freq = 3000
min elev = -50
max elev = 80
--- File 2 ---
parsed = true
min freq = 2000
max freq = 3000
min elev = -50
max elev = 0 <-- This should be 80 like in the first parsing
You're confused about skippers.
Newlines are significant in your grammar, which is why you need a skipper that doesn't eat them
In your rules, you match +(alnum|blank) which is never gonna work because the skipper eats everything that matches blank anyways
(See Boost spirit skipper issues for background)
Other notes:
You don't need Fusion adaptation unless you want auto-magic attribute propagation. You're not using it right now.
Solving It
I'd make things very explicit:
known =
("FMin Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[minFrequency = _1] |
("FMax Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[maxFrequency = _1] |
("EMin Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[minElevation = _1] |
("EMax Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[maxElevation = _1]
unknown = +alnum >> '=' >> +alnum;
setting = (known(_r1) | unknown) >> +eol;
start =
no_case["[GENERAL]"] >> eol
>> *setting(_val);
Splitting up in rules is a little tricky, because *setting would try to synthesize a container attribute, making it impossible to propagate to the actual Data attribute.
I solved it by passing the attribute by reference in an inherited attribute, which disables automatic attribute propagation.
Alternatively, you could add a semantic action of any kind to inhibit automatic attribute propagation
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
struct Data {
double minFrequency = 0.0;
double maxFrequency = 0.0;
double minElevation = 0.0;
double maxElevation = 0.0;
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::blank_type>
struct grammar : qi::grammar<It, Data(), Skipper> {
grammar() : grammar::base_type(start) {
using namespace qi;
auto minFrequency = bind(&Data::minFrequency, _r1);
auto maxFrequency = bind(&Data::maxFrequency, _r1);
auto minElevation = bind(&Data::minElevation, _r1);
auto maxElevation = bind(&Data::maxElevation, _r1);
known =
("FMin Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[minFrequency = _1] |
("FMax Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[maxFrequency = _1] |
("EMin Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[minElevation = _1] |
("EMax Antenna" >> lit('=') >> int_)[maxElevation = _1]
unknown = +alnum >> '=' >> +alnum;
setting = (known(_r1) | unknown) >> +eol;
start =
no_case["[GENERAL]"] >> eol
>> *setting(_val);
qi::rule<It, Data(), Skipper> start;
qi::rule<It, void(Data&), Skipper> setting, known;
qi::rule<It, Skipper> unknown;
int main() {
using It = std::string::const_iterator;
grammar<It> const g;
for (std::string const file : {
"[GENERAL]\nFMax Antenna = 3000\nFMin Antenna = 2000\nEMin Antenna = -50\nEMax Antenna = 80\n",
"[GENERAL]\nFMax Antenna = 3000\nFMin Antenna = 2000\nEMin Antenna = -50\npappa pio = po po\nEMax Antenna = 80\nCiao = 55\n",
Data parsed;
It f = begin(file), l = end(file);
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f, l, g, qi::blank, parsed);
std::cout << "--- File ---" << "\n";
std::cout << "parsed = " << std::boolalpha << ok << "\n";
if (ok) {
std::cout << "min freq = " << parsed.minFrequency << "\n";
std::cout << "max freq = " << parsed.maxFrequency << "\n";
std::cout << "min elev = " << parsed.minElevation << "\n";
std::cout << "max elev = " << parsed.maxElevation << "\n";
if (f!=l) {
std::cout << "Remaining unparsed: ";
while (f!=l) {
char c = *f++;
if (isprint(c)) std::cout << c;
else std::cout << "\\x" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << static_cast<int>(c);
--- File ---
parsed = true
min freq = 2000
max freq = 3000
min elev = -50
max elev = 80
--- File ---
parsed = true
min freq = 2000
max freq = 3000
min elev = -50
max elev = 80

Parsing CSV into Struct Array

I am trying to parse CSV into Array of structures. Delimiter is ';'. If you look into the code it seems that I filled only first element of the array out of nine that is 9 lines are in my CSV right now. Remaining elements of the array are just 0. Anyone got some advice? Thanks"imput.csv", ios_base :: app);"imput.csv", ios_base :: app);
// array of structures from csv
string line;
string sID, stype, scategory, samount, sdate;
int lines = CountExistingLines();
Properties * structure = new Properties[lines];
int counter = 0;
int position = 0;
while (getline(fileFROM, line))
sID = "";
samount = "";
for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++)
if (line[i] == ';')
switch (position)
case 0 : sID = sID + line[i];
case 1 : structure[counter].type = structure[counter].type + line[i];
case 2 : structure[counter].category = structure[counter].category + line[i];
case 3 : samount = samount + line[i];
case 4 : structure[counter].date = structure[counter].date + line[i];
structure[counter].ID = atoi(sID.c_str());
structure[counter].amount = atoi(samount.c_str());
cout << "ID zaznamu: " << structure[counter].ID << endl;
cout << "Typ: " << structure[counter].type << endl;
cout << "Kategorie: " << structure[counter].category << endl;
cout << "Castka: " << structure[counter].amount << endl;
cout << "Datum: " << structure[counter].date << endl;
delete[] structure;
I have globally initialized struct correctly and also fstreams. Hope it is enough. Thanks
enter image description here
I recommend using Boost.Spirit for such parsing tasks.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
struct Date
int day;
int month;
int year;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Date const &d)
os << << '/' << d.month << '/' << d.year;
return os;
day, month, year)
struct Properties
int ID;
std::string type;
std::string category;
int amount;
Date date;
ID, type, category, amount, date)
std::vector<Properties> parse(std::string const &input)
auto iter = input.begin();
using namespace boost::spirit::x3;
auto name = rule<class name, std::string>{}
= lexeme[alpha >> *alpha];
auto date = rule<class date, Date>{}
= int_ > '/' > int_ > '/' > int_;
std::vector<Properties> result;
bool r = phrase_parse(iter, input.end(),
(int_ > ';' > name > ';' > name > ';' > int_ > ';' > date) % eol,
space - eol, result);
if (!r)
std::string rest(iter, input.end());
throw std::invalid_argument("Parsing failed at " + rest);
return result;
int main()
// This could be a file instead with std::ifstream
std::istringstream input;
"4;TypeA;CategoryA; 6;20/11/2017\n");
std::vector<Properties> entry = parse(input.str());
for (auto e : entry)
std::cout << "Found the following entries:\n"
<< " ID: " << e.ID << "\n"
<< " Type: " << e.type << "\n"
<< " Category: " << e.category << "\n"
<< " Amount: " << e.amount << "\n"
<< " Date: " << << "\n";
Live example

Convert vector<string> to other types

I've a class withmap<string,vector<string>>.
I want to give a user a member function to receive the value for a key in different formats than std::vector(string):
vector(float) and
bool x = (bool) myClass["dummy_boolean_type"]
x = myClass["dummy_boolean_type"].as<bool>
int y = (int) myClass["dummy_boolean_type"]
Can someone have an example what is the best way to achieve it ?
(without a use in Boost)
You cannot provide your class with any member function or functions
that will support the two constructions you want:
T x = myClassInstance["key"].as<T> // (1)
T x = (T) myClassInstance["key"] // (2)
In the case of (1), the immediate reason is simply that the construction is
not legal C++. So let's suppose it is replaced by:
T x = myClassInstance["key"].as<T>() // (1a)
But this doesn't help, and the reason is the same for both (1a) and (2):
The expression myClassInstance["key"] will have to evaluate to some object e or reference to such that is returned by:
myClass::operator[](std::string const &);
This e is the vector<string> to which key maps in your
map<string,vector<string> data member of myClass. It is not myClassInstance.
So what you are asking for are member functions of myClass that will support
the constructions:
T x =<T> // (1b)
T x = (T) e // (2b)
where e is an std::vector<std::string>.
Clearly, nothing you can do in myClass can address your requirement. In
(1b) and (2b), myClass is nowhere to be seen.
Is there any template member function of std::vector<std::string>:
template<typename T>
T as() const;
that has the behaviour you want for (1b)?
Does std::vector<std::string> have any template member function:
template<typename T>
operator T() const;
that has the behaviour you want for (2b)?
No and No.
You can implement an as template member function of myClass that
supports conversions such as you mention. Its signature - of course -
would be:
template<typename T>
T myClass::as(std::string const & key) const;
and you would invoke it like:
T x =<T>("key") // (1c)
I'll sketch an implemention that assumes we're content with the
conversions from std::vector<std::string> to:
which will be enough to get you under way.
To convert an std::vector<std::string> vs to std::string I'll concatenate
the elements of vs.
To convert an std::vector<std::string> vs to std::vector<int> I'll convert each element of vs from a decimal numeral, if I can, to the
integer the numeral represents, and return a vector of those integers. Without
prejudice to other policies I'll throw an std::invalid_argument exception
when an element doesn't trim to a decimal numeral.
I am spoilt for choice as to what you might mean by converting an std::vector<std::string>
to bool, so I will arbitrarily say that vs is true if I can convert it
to a vector<int> of which any element is non-0 and is false if I can convert
it to a vector<int> in which all elements are 0.
The sketch:
#include <type_traits>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct convert_to
static T from(std::vector<std::string> const & vs) {
static constexpr bool always_false = !std::is_same<T,T>::value;
"Calling `convert_to<T>::from` for unimplemented `T`");
return *(T*)nullptr;
std::string convert_to<std::string>::from(std::vector<std::string> const & vs)
std::string s;
for ( auto const & e : vs ) {
s += e;
return s;
convert_to<std::vector<int>>::from(std::vector<std::string> const & vs)
auto lamb = [](std::string const & s) {
std::size_t lastoff = s.find_last_not_of(" \t\f\v\n\r");
int i;
try {
std::size_t nlen;
i = std::stoi(s,&nlen);
if (nlen <= lastoff) {
throw std::invalid_argument("");
catch(std::invalid_argument const & e) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Cannot convert \"" + s + "\" to int");
return i;
std::vector<int> vi;
return vi;
bool convert_to<bool>::from(std::vector<std::string> const & vs)
auto vi = convert_to<std::vector<int>>::from(vs);
for (auto const & i : vi) {
if (i) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace detail
struct myClass // Your class
// Whatever...
std::vector<std::string> & operator[](std::string const & key) {
return _map[key];
template<typename T>
T as(std::string const & key) {
return detail::convert_to<T>::from(_map[key]);
// Whatever...
std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string>> _map;
The one take-away point here is the use of template<typename T>
detail::struct convert_to, with its solitary static member function:
T from(std::vector<std::string> const & vs)
which in the default instantiation will provoke a static_assert failure
reporting that no conversion to T from std::vector<std::string> has been
Then, for each type U to which you want a conversion, you have just to
write a specializing definition:
U convert_to<U>::from(std::vector<std::string> const & vs);
as you see fit, and the construction (1c) will use it as per:
template<typename T>
T myClass::as(std::string const & key) {
return detail::convert_to<T>::from(_map[key]);
Here's an illustrative progam you can append to the sketch:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
static void print_vec(std::vector<T> const & v)
cout << "{ ";
for (auto const & e : v) {
cout << e << " ";
cout << "}\n";
static void print_vec(std::vector<std::string> const & v)
cout << "{ ";
for (auto const & e : v) {
cout << '\"' << e << "\" ";
cout << "}\n";
int main()
myClass f;
f["int_vec"] = vector<string>{"0","1 "," 2"};
cout << "f[\"int_vec\"] = "; print_vec(f["int_vec"]);
f["true_vec"] = vector<string>{"0"," 1 ","0"};
cout << "f[\"true_vec\"] = "; print_vec(f["true_vec"]);
f["false_vec"] = vector<string>{"0"," 0","0 "};
cout << "f[\"false_vec\"] = "; print_vec(f["false_vec"]);
f["not_int_vec0"] = vector<string>{"0","1","2",""};
cout << "f[\"not_int_vec0\"] = "; print_vec(f["not_int_vec0"]);
f["not_int_vec1"] = vector<string>{"0","#","2",};
cout << "f[\"not_int_vec1\"] = "; print_vec(f["not_int_vec1"]);
f["not_int_vec2"] = vector<string>{"0"," 1$","2",};
cout << "f[\"not_int_vec2\"] = "; print_vec(f["not_int_vec2"]);
cout << "<string>(\"int_vec\") = \""
<<<string>("int_vec") << '\"' << endl;
cout << "<string>(\"true_vec\") = \""
<<<string>("true_vec") << '\"' << endl;
cout << "<string>(\"false_vec\") = \""
<<<string>("false_vec") << '\"' << endl;
cout << "<string>(\"not_int_vec0\") = \""
<<<string>("not_int_vec0") << '\"' << endl;
cout << "<string>(\"not_int_vec1\") = \""
<<<string>("not_int_vec1") << '\"' << endl;
cout << "<string>(\"not_int_vec2\") = \""
<<<string>("not_int_vec2") << '\"' << endl;
vector<int> va =<vector<int>>("int_vec");
cout << "<vector<int>>(\"int_vec\") = ";
cout << boolalpha << "<bool>(\"true_vec\") = "
<<<bool>("true_vec") << endl;
cout << boolalpha << "<bool>(\"false_vec\") = "
<<<bool>("false_vec") << endl;
try {
cout << "<vector<int>>(\"not_int_vec0\")...";
auto b =<vector<int>>("not_int_vec0");
catch(std::invalid_argument const & e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
try {
cout << "<vector<int>>(\"not_int_vec1\")...";
auto b =<vector<int>>("not_int_vec1");
catch(std::invalid_argument const & e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
try {
cout << "<vector<int>>(\"not_int_vec2\")...";
auto b =<vector<int>>("not_int_vec2");
catch(std::invalid_argument const & e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
// char ch =<char>("int_vec"); <- static_assert fails
return 0;
It outputs:
f["int_vec"] = { "0" "1 " " 2" }
f["true_vec"] = { "0" " 1 " "0" }
f["false_vec"] = { "0" " 0" "0 " }
f["not_int_vec0"] = { "0" "1" "2" "" }
f["not_int_vec1"] = { "0" "#" "2" }
f["not_int_vec2"] = { "0" " 1$" "2" }<string>("int_vec") = "01 2"<string>("true_vec") = "0 1 0"<string>("false_vec") = "0 00 "<string>("not_int_vec0") = "012"<string>("not_int_vec1") = "0#2"<string>("not_int_vec2") = "0 1$2"<vector<int>>("int_vec") = { 0 1 2 }<bool>("true_vec") = true<bool>("false_vec") = false<vector<int>>("not_int_vec0")...Cannot convert "" to int<vector<int>>("not_int_vec1")...Cannot convert "#" to int<vector<int>>("not_int_vec2")...Cannot convert " 1$" to int
(gcc 5.1, clang 3.6, C++11)

Convert std::duration to human readable time

Is there a standard implementation to print std::duration as a human readable duration?
steady_clock::time_point start = steady_clock::now();
steady_clock::time_point end = steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "Operation took "
<< may_be_std::theMagic(start-end) << std::endl;
Which should print something similar to:
"Operation took 10d:15h:12m:14:s"
or something similar.
Agreed there is no standard implementation. Here is how you can write one yourself:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <chrono>
display(std::ostream& os, std::chrono::nanoseconds ns)
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
typedef duration<int, ratio<86400>> days;
char fill = os.fill();
auto d = duration_cast<days>(ns);
ns -= d;
auto h = duration_cast<hours>(ns);
ns -= h;
auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(ns);
ns -= m;
auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(ns);
os << setw(2) << d.count() << "d:"
<< setw(2) << h.count() << "h:"
<< setw(2) << m.count() << "m:"
<< setw(2) << s.count() << 's';
return os;
std::cout << "Operation took ";
display(std::cout, std::chrono::microseconds(918734000000));
std::cout << '\n';
Operation took 10d:15h:12m:14s
Based on Howard's answer, I wrote this to make sure that only the relevant data is printed out, so 120 seconds becomes 2m00s instead of 00d:00h:02m00s, and made sure to strip the leading zero, so its still 2m00s and not 02m00s.
Usage is simple:
std::chrono::seconds seconds{60*60*24 + 61};
std::string pretty_seconds = beautify_duration(seconds);
printf("seconds: %s", pretty_seconds.c_str());
>>seconds: 1d00h01m01s
std::string beautify_duration(std::chrono::seconds input_seconds)
using namespace std::chrono;
typedef duration<int, std::ratio<86400>> days;
auto d = duration_cast<days>(input_seconds);
input_seconds -= d;
auto h = duration_cast<hours>(input_seconds);
input_seconds -= h;
auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(input_seconds);
input_seconds -= m;
auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(input_seconds);
auto dc = d.count();
auto hc = h.count();
auto mc = m.count();
auto sc = s.count();
std::stringstream ss;
if (dc) {
ss << d.count() << "d";
if (dc || hc) {
if (dc) { ss << std::setw(2); } //pad if second set of numbers
ss << h.count() << "h";
if (dc || hc || mc) {
if (dc || hc) { ss << std::setw(2); }
ss << m.count() << "m";
if (dc || hc || mc || sc) {
if (dc || hc || mc) { ss << std::setw(2); }
ss << s.count() << 's';
return ss.str();
Here is a version that allows you to inline a duration with operator<<
It only prints what is necessary and allows setting the precision you want:
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::chrono::nanoseconds ns)
using namespace std::chrono;
using days = duration<int, std::ratio<86400>>;
auto d = duration_cast<days>(ns);
ns -= d;
auto h = duration_cast<hours>(ns);
ns -= h;
auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(ns);
ns -= m;
auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(ns);
ns -= s;
std::optional<int> fs_count;
switch (os.precision()) {
case 9: fs_count = ns.count();
case 6: fs_count = duration_cast<microseconds>(ns).count();
case 3: fs_count = duration_cast<milliseconds>(ns).count();
char fill = os.fill('0');
if (d.count())
os << d.count() << "d ";
if (d.count() || h.count())
os << std::setw(2) << h.count() << ":";
if (d.count() || h.count() || m.count())
os << std::setw(d.count() || h.count() ? 2 : 1) << m.count() << ":";
os << std::setw(d.count() || h.count() || m.count() ? 2 : 1) << s.count();
if (fs_count.has_value())
os << "." << std::setw(os.precision()) << fs_count.value();
if (!d.count() && !h.count() && !m.count())
os << "s";
return os;
Here are some usage examples:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
int main()
cout << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(3) << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(9) << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(0) << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(3) << 432034ms << "\n";
cout << 14h + 32min + 37s + 645ms << "\n";
cout << 86472s << "\n";
cout << 4324ms << "\n";
return 0;
10d 15:12:14.032564
10d 15:12:14.032
10d 15:12:14.032564785
10d 15:12:14
1d 00:01:12.000
No, there is no standard implementation. You can get a human readable version of a std::chrono::time_point via std::put_time but not a std::chrono::duration.
Here is a templated version which works with all timeunits from chrono.
Credit goes to the responders before me.
template<typename T>
inline std::string format(T timeunit) {
nanoseconds ns = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(timeunit);
std::ostringstream os;
bool foundNonZero = false;
typedef duration<int, std::ratio<86400*365>> years;
const auto y = duration_cast<years>(ns);
if (y.count()) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << y.count() << "y:";
ns -= y;
typedef duration<int, std::ratio<86400>> days;
const auto d = duration_cast<days>(ns);
if (d.count()) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << d.count() << "d:";
ns -= d;
const auto h = duration_cast<hours>(ns);
if (h.count() || foundNonZero) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << h.count() << "h:";
ns -= h;
const auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(ns);
if (m.count() || foundNonZero) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << m.count() << "m:";
ns -= m;
const auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(ns);
if (s.count() || foundNonZero) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << s.count() << "s:";
ns -= s;
const auto ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(ns);
if (ms.count() || foundNonZero) {
if (foundNonZero) {
os << std::setw(3);
os << ms.count() << ".";
ns -= ms;
foundNonZero = true;
const auto us = duration_cast<microseconds>(ns);
if (us.count() || foundNonZero) {
if (foundNonZero) {
os << std::setw(3);
os << us.count() << ".";
ns -= us;
os << std::setw(3) << ns.count() << "ns" ;
return os.str();