VS 2017 intellisense issue with ValueTuple - visual-studio-2017

Visual Studio 2017 Pro in Windows 7 with .net framework 4.7 developer kit installed and without System.ValueTuple nuget.
Intellisense provides the correct tuple name in the suggestion list, but when chosen, writes the old tuple name (Item1, Item2, etc.)
Is this a Visual Studio bug, or a settings issue?

It was a Resharper bug. I upgraded Resharper to 2017.1.3 and now intellisense resolves correctly.


Visual Studio 2017 platform toolset issue

just wondering if anyone might be able to help with an issue I'm having with Visual Studio 2017. I originally had Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate installed with a valid key. Just recently I decided to just use Visual Studio 2017 Community because I'm not really using any of the features in Ultimate. After installing VS2017 Community, I uninstalled VS2012. Now, whenever I create a new project I get the error:
The "ConfigurationGeneral" rule is missing the "WindowsTargetPlayformVersion" property.
So I have to click "OK" then edit the properties of my project to use "VS 2012 (v110)" for the Platform Toolset to get anything to compile. It tells me v141 is not installed. Also my IntelliSense doesn't seem to be working at all.
If I check the VS Installer, it says I have both v140 and v141 installed, so I'm thinking it might be a path issue? I've been Googling but nothing has helped. Any help with this and IntelliSense would be appreciated, thanks.
Installed Components:
VC++ 2015.3 v14.00 (v140) toolset for desktop
VC++ 2017 version 15.9 v14.16 latest v141 tools
I tried doing a repair, but that didn't help.
This is what IntelliSense says:
`error : Designtime build failed for project '..\MyProject.vcxproj' configuration 'Debug|Win32'. IntelliSense might be unavailable.
Set environment variable TRACEDESIGNTIME = true and restart Visual Studio to investigate.`

Does Fortify have a VS2017 plugin?

When I install fortify, I see options only for VS2015 plugin or older. Just to be sure - is a VS2017 plugin available as of now, or no? My version is HPE_Security_Fortify_SCA_and_Apps_16.20_windows_x64.exe, maybe there is a newer version, I don't know.
The Visual Studio 2017 Plugin is planned for the next release (17.20), which is coming out soon.
I have never used the plug in but in the visual studio gallery it says it supports visual studio 2017

Reporting Template (RDLC) not exists in Visual Studio 2017

Reporting template Component (RDLC) not exists to as New Item in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise.
How to resolve this?
I have tried by installing SQL Server Data Tools.
Previously it works for me in Visual Studio 2015.
There is a bug in the extension Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio that the ReportViewer shows up as a non-visual component.
Instead use the NuGet Package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WinForms for each project that will use the ReportViewer. Part of the solution involves removing the ReportViewer from the toolbox after use and restarting Visual Studio before opening the next project/solution.
Please see this answer to a similar question for step by step details.
The RDLC editor for VS2017 is only available as a VSIX installer from the marketplace: Download
I have just used VS2015 to add the new item. All other stuff seems to be fine in VS2017 (bearing in mind that you installed the VSIX extension)

Visual Studio 2017 - IntelliSense is missing: ObjectDescription, Comments, Exceptions

In Visual Studio 2017 the IntelliSense menu is missing the Object Description, the Comments, and the Exceptions as per the following
If I do the same in Visual Studio 2015, then I see it.
I have checked the Settings, but nothing found to change that my C# works fine as VS2015.
After I have opened an older Project with VS2017 that was build on .net 4.5.2 and the IntelliSense with all XML Comments works, I installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack und Language Packs and the Problem was fixed.
So my Problem was that the Developer Pack for .Net 4.6.2 was not installed on my machine, only the Redistributable Package was installed.
I hope this answer can help other people with the same mistake.

Resharper C++ for VS for Desktop

So I am in college and by this fact I have an opportunity to have a Resharper for free. Currently I write in C++, so I downloaded a Resharper for C++ and I've tried to install it. I've got three different VS versions:
Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise
Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Desktop
Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Desktop
When I try to install Resharper I only see the option to install it to VS 2015. Is there no option to install it on 2012/2013 version? (I got Desktop version, cuz they are a lot of lighter and faster on my laptop)
Assuming that 2012 and 2013 versions are the Express editions (which is implied from the names), then ReSharper won't work as these versions don't support extensions and plugins.
You need the full versions of Visual Studio to get this functionality.
As an aside, I'm not sure why you need to install three versions of Visual Studio. Won't the latest version do?