Visual Studio 2017 - IntelliSense is missing: ObjectDescription, Comments, Exceptions - visual-studio-2017

In Visual Studio 2017 the IntelliSense menu is missing the Object Description, the Comments, and the Exceptions as per the following
If I do the same in Visual Studio 2015, then I see it.
I have checked the Settings, but nothing found to change that my C# works fine as VS2015.

After I have opened an older Project with VS2017 that was build on .net 4.5.2 and the IntelliSense with all XML Comments works, I installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack und Language Packs and the Problem was fixed.
So my Problem was that the Developer Pack for .Net 4.6.2 was not installed on my machine, only the Redistributable Package was installed.
I hope this answer can help other people with the same mistake.


Does Fortify have a VS2017 plugin?

When I install fortify, I see options only for VS2015 plugin or older. Just to be sure - is a VS2017 plugin available as of now, or no? My version is HPE_Security_Fortify_SCA_and_Apps_16.20_windows_x64.exe, maybe there is a newer version, I don't know.
The Visual Studio 2017 Plugin is planned for the next release (17.20), which is coming out soon.
I have never used the plug in but in the visual studio gallery it says it supports visual studio 2017

VS 2017 intellisense issue with ValueTuple

Visual Studio 2017 Pro in Windows 7 with .net framework 4.7 developer kit installed and without System.ValueTuple nuget.
Intellisense provides the correct tuple name in the suggestion list, but when chosen, writes the old tuple name (Item1, Item2, etc.)
Is this a Visual Studio bug, or a settings issue?
It was a Resharper bug. I upgraded Resharper to 2017.1.3 and now intellisense resolves correctly.

Trying to build a Qt application with VC++ compiler: 'type_traits': No such file or directory

Why doesn't the compiler find the file? It exists in the VC include directory for VS 14.0.
I've read that in previous versions of Visual Studio, you have had to install a service pack or something, is this a similar case?
I'm using VS 2015 Community.
This seems to be resolved by running vcvarsall.bat and starting Qt Creator from the same command prompt window.
I had this same problem in Visual Studio 2019 Community with Qt 6.0.0
after, searching every forum etc.. and trying the install of Visual Studio 2015 build tools x64 and Visual Studio redistributable 2015 x64 (which didn't solve the problem too),
I tried updating Windows sdk version from 10.0.18362.0 to 10.0.19041.0 and the problem was SOLVED.
I'm currently using Visual Studio Community 4.8.03761 if that might help others
so just check that you have Window sdk version 10 updated and that your compiler is well chosen (I had mvsc2019_64 and work with LLVM etc.. version in build settings) .
hopefully this helps you guys.

Set Visual Studio 2015 Compiler to VS 2010 version

I'm a student and i'm using Visual Studio 2015 to learn C++.
I need to set my compiler so it will check my code the same as Visual Studio 2010's compiler so no errors show up on my disciple's end who was instructed to check our code in 2010 environment.
Is there any way i can do that?
sorry for any bad English and i hope you understand my question.
thanks in advance!
Yes it is possible by changing "Platform Toolset":
Full details here
As correctly mentioned by #HansPassant in the comment you need VS2010 toolset installed. You can download and install VS2010 C++ Express edition

Use VS2008 (v90) C++ toolset in VS2013?

MS documentation explains how to use 2010 or 2012 toolsets in VS2013.
Does anyone know if there is also backwards support for the 2008 toolset? I am upgrading several projects from 2008 to 2013 but my team lead would like us to upgrade the project files initially but still target the same compiler/runtime as 2008.
Is this possible?
The VS2008 install on its own doesn't properly setup the toolset directory/registry. This prevents later version of VS from locating the v90 tools.
If you install the VS2010 C++ compiler toolset it will include the v90 toolset as well. After doing this I am able to build in VS2013 with the VS2008 toolset. This can be done by installing VS2010 itself or installing the Windows 7.1 SDK which includes the 2010 toolsets (v90 and v100).
I get the option to select VS 2008 (v90) as a Platform Toolset for my VC++ projects in VS 2013. I did nothing special (other than VS 2008 was installed when I installed VS2013).