how to create azure data factory project in vs2017? - visual-studio-2017

how to create azure data factory in vs 2017?
I dont have vs2015, what can i do?
I checked for online template but cant find one.
similar questions is : Azure Data Factory project with Visual Studio 2017
but it does not have answer.

There is currently no template for creating data factories using VS 2017. The best you can do is install Visual Studio 2015 and then install the data factory tools


Visual Studio MFC C++ "CFormView" Missing from "base class" drop down

I am a beginner learning Visual Studio 2019 Community. Specifically MFC C++.
It is challenging as I am struggling to find good reference material and examples. Youtube has been very helpful for tutorials and examples. However, all the information I have found are using earlier versions of Visual Studio which are not a step by step process. I have found myself doing additional research or experimenting to find the same tool used in the example.
My current issue is the example creates a new class with the base class type of "CFormView". However no such value exists in my version of Visual Studio.
With that being said. I have two questions.
Please advise on how to create a CformView class in VS.
Is there any good quick learning guides for MFC in VS 2019? It would be great to have tutorials.
Thank you in advance.
VS2017 and VS2019 have become difficult development environments to continue program development with MFC/ATL.
If you want Wizard-guided development as you've seen in previous books and resources, the best shortcut is to go back to VS2015 and port the results to VS2017 or VS2019.
I have similar answers to similar questions several times.
For example, see these answers and their links.
How to add database to MFC project in Visual Studio 2017?
I am missing the Add new item Add "MFC Class From Typelib" in VS-2019
The big ATL wizard misery.
Deprecations - Visual Studio 2019
Add ATL Simple Object in Visual Studio 2017
Changes to Project Templates and Code Wizards in 15.3
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 Release Notes

Getting error using OData v4 Web API Scaffolding

I am currently getting the following error
Error Message
When i try to scaffold a controller using OData v4 Web API Scaffolding.
I have a couple of work colleagues which it does work using visual studio 2017 even though it doesnt seem to be supported by vs 2017 . Any advice on the matter would be appreciated.
Officially Visual Studio 2017 is not in supported list of "OData v4 Web API Scaffolding" And Q&A section states that this package has a open bug for Visual Studio 2017.
But you can go for one of following work around:
Use this template in Visual Studio 2015 and then continue
Add "Microsoft.AspNet.OData" Package and add Controller
manually. You can use code generated from V3 (just few namespace
correction will be required).

Is TFS 2013 compatible with Visual Studio 2017?

I am trying to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017 via c#. But I could not able to connect and I am getting WITdatastore32.dll is missing.
Can you someone please let me know is it possible to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017, if so, what are the steps to be followed?
You can try to install Team Explorer 2013 on your machine. After installation, you need to Browse... for the references here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies
Check the poster's answer in case Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.WITDataStore32.dll' (TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking)
Based on the official documentation, the combination of TFS 2013 and Visual Studio 2017 can count on high level of support. Later in the same article, you'll find the description of that term. In particular:
If you are using newer versions of Visual Studio against older versions of Team Foundation Server, you can similarly expect most features to be supported.
However, you should still consider upgrading the TFS instance on a regular basis, since the distance between VS and TFS versions will increase if you only upgrade VS, and thus the level of support will decrease. Take a look at the first image in this article to understand the upgrade path you should take.

Onsen UI for Visual Studio 2017

My question is about how can I use Onsen UI in visual studio 2017? I need to use this framework to build an app with Apache Cordova.
There's no template for Visual Studio 2017.
The next best option is to make a blank Apache Cordova App and add the Onsen UI template manually.
As said on another forum, I haven't personally tried out this method.

Reporting Template (RDLC) not exists in Visual Studio 2017

Reporting template Component (RDLC) not exists to as New Item in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise.
How to resolve this?
I have tried by installing SQL Server Data Tools.
Previously it works for me in Visual Studio 2015.
There is a bug in the extension Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio that the ReportViewer shows up as a non-visual component.
Instead use the NuGet Package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WinForms for each project that will use the ReportViewer. Part of the solution involves removing the ReportViewer from the toolbox after use and restarting Visual Studio before opening the next project/solution.
Please see this answer to a similar question for step by step details.
The RDLC editor for VS2017 is only available as a VSIX installer from the marketplace: Download
I have just used VS2015 to add the new item. All other stuff seems to be fine in VS2017 (bearing in mind that you installed the VSIX extension)