Get Taxonomy Term ID by Node in Drupal 8 - drupal-8

I'm trying to get Taxonomy data by particular node.
How can I get Taxonomy Term Id by using Node object ?
Drupal ver. 8.3.6

You could do something like that:
$termId = $node->get('field_yourfield')->target_id;
Then you can load the term with
Hope this helps.

If you want to get Taxonomy Term data you can use this code:
Hope it will be useful for you.
PS: If you need just Term's id you can use this:
You will get something like this:
[0 => ['target_id' => 23], 1 => ['target_id'] => 25]
In example my field has 2 referenced taxonomy terms.

#Kevin Wenger's comment helped me. I'm totally basing this answer on his comment.
In your code, when you have access to a fully loaded \Drupal\node\Entity\Node you can access all the (deeply) nested properties.
In this example, I've got a node which has a taxonomy term field "field_site". The "field_site" term itself has a plain text field "field_site_url_base". In order to get the value of the "field_site_url_base", I can use the following:
$site_base_url = $node->get('field_site')->entity->field_site_url_base->value;

How to extract multiple term IDs easily if you know a little Laravel (specifically Collections):
Setup: composer require tightenco/collect to make Collections available in Drupal.
// see #Wau's answer for this first bit...
// remember: if you want the whole Term object, use ->referencedEntities()
$field_value = $node->get('field_yourfield')->getValue();
// then use collections to avoid loops etc.
$targets = collect($field_value)->pluck('target_id')->toArray();
// $targets = [1,2,3...]
or maybe you'd like the term IDs comma-separated? (I used this for programmatically passing contextual filter arguments to a view, which requires , (OR) or + (AND) to specify multiple values.)
$targets = collect($field_value)->implode('target_id', ',');
// $targets = "1,2,3"


ArangoDB query find name consisting of two or more parts

i am quite new to arangodb and AQL. What i am trying to do is to find names and surnames with query that have two or more parts that may or may not include spaces (" ") to divide those said parts.
As i went through documents, I figured that those fileds should be indexed as full-text indexes and query would be something like
FOR u IN FULLTEXT(collection, field, "search") RETURN u
Now my question is how to utilize the above query for a Persian/Arabic names such as
سید امیر حسین
Keep in mind that this name comes from an input of a user and it could be in the following formats such as
سید امیر حسین/سید امیرحسین/سیدامیر حسین/سیدامیرحسین
Note the various types of names with/without spaces. I tried the follwoing query F
FOR u IN FULLTEXT(collection, field, "سید,|امیر,|حسین,|سیدامیرحسین") RETURN u
But the problem is this will also result of fetching the name because i reckon the use of OR ( | ) operator.
سید محمد
which is not my intention. So what am i doing wrong or missing here ?
Many thanks in advance and excuse my noobiness
PS : arango 3.8.3

How to convert list into DataFrame in Python (Binance Futures API)

Using Binance Futures API I am trying to get a proper form of my position regarding cryptocurrencies.
Using the code
from binance_f import RequestClient
request_client = RequestClient(api_key= my_key, secret_key=my_secet_key)
result = request_client.get_position()
I get the following result
The type command indicates it is a list, however adding at the end of the code print(result) yields:
[<binance_f.model.position.Position object at 0x1135cb670>]
Which is baffling because it seems not to be the list (in fact, debugging it indicates object of type Position). Using PrintMix.print_data(result) yields:
data number 0 :
json_parse:<function Position.json_parse at 0x1165af820>
Now it seems like a JSON format... But it is a list. I am confused - any ideas how I can convert result to a proper DataFrame? So that columns are Symbol, PositionAmt, entryPrice, etc.
Your main question remains as you wrote on the header you should not be confused. In your case you have a list of Position object, you can see the structure of Position in the GitHub of this library
Anyway to answer the question please use the following:
df = pd.DataFrame([t.__dict__ for t in result])
For more options and information please read the great answers on this question
Good Luck!
you can use that
df = pd.DataFrame([t.__dict__ for t in result])
open = [float(entry[1]) for entry in klines]
high = [float(entry[2]) for entry in klines]
low = [float(entry[3]) for entry in klines]
close = [float(entry[4]) for entry in klines]

erlcloud- dynamodb2, manage counters (update_item)

I'm having a bit of a hard time finding an answer to the problem- how can i update a value in aws ddb2 using erlang and erlcloud library.
i am managing a table for different counters, and i neet to add one (i++), to one of the records.
in the doc they suggest
{ok, Item} =
<<"Thread">>, <br>
[{<<"ForumName">>, {s, <<"Amazon DynamoDB">>}},
{<<"Subject">>, {s, <<"How do I update multiple items?">>}}],
<<"set LastPostedBy = :val1">>,
[{condition_expression, <<"LastPostedBy = :val2">>},
[{<<":val1">>, <<"">>},
{<<":val2">>, <<"">>}]},
{return_values, all_new}]),
i guess that what i need to do is use ADD statement as used in this example, but i don't know any more than that.
i can see in their code:
dynamize_action(add) ->
{<<"Action">>, <<"ADD">>};
but i'm not sure how the UpdatesOrExpression value should be written
thank you very much!
after deep diving to erlcloud library, this is the answer for my question:
{"field_name", 1, add},
[] ,AWSConfig).
for zeroing the index:
{"field_name", delete},
[] ,AWSConfig).

AWQL - how can i use a regular expressions or something similar?

I am querying the adwords api via the following AWQL-Query (which works fine):
SELECT AccountDescriptiveName, CampaignId, CampaignName, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, KeywordText, KeywordMatchType, MaxCpc, Impressions, Clicks, Cost, Conversions, ConversionsManyPerClick, ConversionValue
WHERE CampaignStatus IN ['ACTIVE', 'PAUSED']
AND AdGroupStatus IN ['ENABLED', 'PAUSED']
AND AdNetworkType1 IN ['SEARCH'] AND Impressions > 0
DURING 20140501,20140531
Now i want to exclude some campaigns:
we have a convention for our new campaigns that the campaign name begins with three numbers followed by an underscore, eg. "100_brand_all"
So i want to get only these new campaigns..
I tried lots of different variations for STARTS_WITH but only exact strings are working - but i need a pattern to match!
I already read and following its content it should be possible to use a WHERE expression like this:
CampaignName STARTS_WITH ['0','1','2','3']
But that doesn't work!
Any other ideas how i can achieve this?
Well, why don't you run a campaign performance report first, then process that ( get the campaign ids you want or don't want) the use those in the "CampaignId IN [campaign ids here] . or CampaignID NOT_IN [campaign ids]

Sencha Touch 2 list background change

I have a list within my application, but was wondering if it is possible to have each list displayed show a different background colour, rather than the same one through out each item?
I have created a template but would be nice to have the background of each change colour.
EDIT: I have also created the same list via a 'Ext.dataview.component.DataItem' / 'DataView' so if this is easier to control separately then great, as I am looking at interfering in te process of creating each and setting its background, if that is at all possible.
You could try to do that with simply XTemplate:
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>Name: {name}</p>',
'<p>Company: {[ + ", " + values.title]}</p>',
'<p>Kids: ',
'<tpl for="kids">',
'<div class="{[xindex % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd"]}">',
take a look at their explanations, might find something interesting:!/api/Ext.XTemplate
I have seen many variants on the Ext.query('class').up().addCls('backgroundClass'); hack, which makes perfect sense to me, but my question is WHEN are people calling this? I can't put it in 'painted', since DOM doesn't seem to exist yet.. where/when are you guys executing the Ext.get(..) call?
I have been looking for this also, and I had a hard time finding out how to access the individual items of a xlist...
This is the way I finally did it:
in your itemTpl, add a class to your < div >, using the property 'id' of your model:
itemTpl:'< div class="my_list_item_{id}"> ... content ... < /div>'
the tricky part is that if you want to set the background color of the whole item area, you have to access to < div > with class 'x-item-label' that is wrapping your itemTpl < div >.
Here is how I did it (for the first item as an example):'.my_list_item_1').first().up('div.x-list-item-label').addCls('background_item');
where 'background_item' is a CSS style, defining your background color.
(Since there is no way (at least that I know of) to get the index count of your items in the 'itemTpl' config, I had to use to automatic 'id' property of my model/store.
Note that if you apply filtering/sorting/... on your store, this property will not be sorted anymore. So if you want to link the order displayed in your list to the 'id' property, you have to do something like 'Ext.StoreManager.get('MyStore').getAt(indexInList).get('id') )
Hope this helps...
Since Sencha Touch 2.2.1 it's also possible to use striped parameter (more info here). It will add x-list-item-odd class to odd items of your list.