I get an error message while I try to make doxygen file show the source files according to the directories - c++

When I try to create a configuration file to use doxygen for the documentation, I receive this error message in the first step.
I wanna know how we can document our files using doxygen. How can we use doxygen? I'm new at documentation. Also, I'm new at doxygen. I hope you can help me about that
When I try to create a configuration file, I took this error message.
EDIT: I almost solved the problem. I have another problem now.
I have another problem. I created an empty folder to use doxygen properly. I work on Ubuntu. How can I make doxygen file reach to the source codes. Because my doxygen file does not see the source files. That's why, I got some error messages.
I receive this error message. According to the message the system cannot find the source files


postman "this file isn't in your working directory"

I'm using postman to upload a file. I've set my working directory according to the instructions, but but when I hover over the selected file, I'm still getting: "this file isn't in your working directory." Any suggestions how to solve this?
Raised an issue for the same, if you set the directory correctly or have enabled the below flag. THe file will be send correctly . The tool tip is just a warning message which looks like an issue for which a ticket have been raised

QtCreator: How to make builderrors from cmake->ninja show in issues panel in "Makefile project"

I use qtcreator and have imported my project with New->Import Existing Project (this is the kind of project i need help with).
When compiling and having errors, the error messages shows up in the "Compile Output"-panel like so:
In file included from ../../src/tasklist.cpp:1:
../../src/tasklist.h:74:9: error: expected member name or ';' after declaration specifiers
But because file paths is specified relative to the build path and not to the root path, qtcreator fails to parse the messages and put annotations in code and in the "Issues"-panel. This slows work considerably compared to having the errors marked out by the editor.
How do I make qtcreator recognize the paths in the error message?
I'm running ubuntu, but the problem exists also when i compile with ninja in windows.
I have tried to write a custom error matcher, that picks up the pattern in the editor view, but it does not seem to run, when building. The build is also set to the directory where the compiler messages assumes that you originate from.
I've currently got it working with the following custom error message capture pattern:
(.*):(\d+):\d+: error: (.*)
My build folder is in a custom location, so I believe it's handling the file paths correctly.
If the parser doesn't seem to be running at all, then I don't think the file paths are the problem. For example, if I change my custom parser so the filename and line number are swapped, the parser still runs, but when I double-click the issue in the "Issues" panel, it says something like "File not found: 5". So, if the file paths are the only problem, it should still parse into issues.

Generating working CHM files using Doxygen and GraphViz (Invalid .hhc file?)

I'm in the middle of documenting my C++ GUI library and I just started using Doxygen. I've got two test files that are documented now, but I have problems when trying to generate the CHM help files. Doxygen runs without error, and dot appears to be functioning correctly to generate images.
However, it appears the resulting .hhc, .hhk, and .hhp files are broken in some way. index.hhc and index.hhk are exactly the same and running 'hhc index.hhp' does not work. It returns an error :
HHC6000: Error: An internal file could not be created. Make certain there is enough disk space on the drive where you are compiling your file.
HHC5007: Error: Fatal navigational compilation error. This is likely the result of an invalid contents (.hhc) file.
I have uploaded a zip file of my two test sources, the Doxyfile generated by the Doxy Wizard, and the .hh* files created by doxygen.
Both HTML Help Workshop and GraphViz are on my path.
Do I need to change a setting in the doxyfile? How do I fix this?
Regards, bugsquasher
After taking albert 's advice, everything seemed to magically work. Nothing was really different though.

How to place header and ui file in different folders using autouic in cmake

According to the documentation, regarding autouic:
If a preprocessor #include directive is found which matches ui_.h, and a .ui file exists, then uic will be executed to generate the appropriate file.
But what if the .ui file is in another folder? I currently get the following error when trying to build:
AUTOUIC : error : process for ui_module.h failed:
File 'C:/app/source/headers/module.ui' is not valid
The ui file is actually located here:
I've tried to add the C:/app/source/forms/ to the include_directories()-macro without success. Any ideas?
Issue mentioned in this answer is now resolved.
This worked in CMake v3.9.0-rc6:
set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS your/folder/here)
See documentation of AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS.
A search path, CMAKE_AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS, has been added to CMake
version 3.9.
After further investigation, it seems like it's not possible to do. There is an open issue in their tracking system, but it is so far not implemented:
Add Search path for AUTOUIC

Codeblocks cannot create output directory

I'm using Code::Blocks 12.11 in Widnows XP. I've been learning C++, so I haven't been working on any specific projects, just individual files. I'm trying to debug one of these files, but found from this question that I needed to be in a project in order to debug. So, I created a project for all of my C++ practice files. Now, when I try to debug (or run) the program, Code::Blocks gives me this error: "Can't create output directory bin\Debug.
When I remove the file from the project it still gives me this error. What can I do to try to fix this so that the program can run and debug?
Additional information:
In Settings>Compiler>Global Compiler Settings>Compiler Settings>Compiler Flags, I have enabled "Produce debugging symbols [-g]". This is something that a lot of other resources I've checked have mentioned.
Also, under Debug>Active Debuggers, I've tried using both debuggers, both of which produce the same error message.
Why don't you try to remove the entire project directory, create an empty project and then place the source files one by one into the project. Beware if you have a main() method in each of your source files.
Well, a friend of mine was getting the same error. So I decided to check it out.
I my case, the error was because of the account user name.
When I checked, the output directory while creating the file and the one in the error being shown, were different.
When I checked, I created an user account name with "$aaa$", and I got the same error.
and I noticed that the error was because of the "$" sign. (Probably).
So, I guess the problem is with the user name. Try changing the user name to something simple.