How to restore an accidentally deleted GPO. Please advise - windows-server-2012-r2

I have deleted one GPO from DC (Windows server 2012 R2). How do i restore it back. Domain Function level is 2008 R2. Is there any option.? Please advise. Thanks

To restore a deleted GPO:
In the Group Policy Management Console tree, click Change Control in
the forest and domain in which you want to manage GPOs.
On the Contents tab, click the Recycle Bin tab to display the deleted GPOs.
Right-click the GPO to restore, and then click Restore.
Type a comment to be displayed in the history of the GPO, and then click OK.
When the Progress window indicates that overall progress is
complete, click Close. The GPO is removed from the Recycle Bin tab
and is displayed on the Controlled tab.
Source: Restore a Deleted GPO


Clear cache for specific S3 bucket items/files manually/using S3 Console GUI

I updated some images manually, but changes aren't reflected on my website due to caching.
What are some approaches to manually updating the cache using the GUI? (Say you don't want to go to the time/trouble of installing AWS CLI / Boto3 just now).
Here's the one method I found. I'm interested to learn others!
Browse to your file
Check/select items for which to clear cache
Select the Edit Metadata action (under Actions menu, "Edit actions" group)
Note the warning text reads: This action creates a new version of the object with updated settings and a new last-modified date. (This is the desired effect.) Note the other items, as they may have an impact in your case.
Press "Save Changes" (not necessary to make any other changes on this screen).
Caches will be cleared for selected items immediately.
Handpick files
Cache updates immediately
Time-consuming if files are in multiple directories (multiple files at same path can be checked at once)
There may be undesired side effects, depending on bucket ownership/policy, per the Edit Metadata screen's warning
AWS S3 Console: Item actions: Edit Metadata: Edit Metadata info text states that cache will be updated

how do i create a keyboard shortcut to upload a specific lambda function in vsCode?

I'm new to vsCode and want to streamline some basic workflows related to Lambda functions. For example, I want to create a keyboard shortcut to update "TestFunction." To do this today I have to:
Select the AWS Explorer extension in the left bar
Navigate in the Explorer bar to "TestFunction"
Right click "FirstFunction"
Select "Upload Lambda."
This brings me to a dialog to "select upload type" and allows me to choose between 'ZIP Archive' and 'Directory.' I want to select 'Directory'
This brings up a Finder dialog. I then navigate to the folder that holds the files for "TestFunction" and select this folder
This brings up a dialog that asks me to "Build Directory?" I select No
This brings up a confirmation dialog that says "This will immediately publish the selected code as the $LATEST version of Lambda: firstFunction. Continue?" I select yes
After going through these steps, the Lambda function is uploaded and deployed. I'd like to do this with a simple keyboard shortcut. Thanks in advance!

How do I copy/paste in EC2 Connect AWS

I cannot use command+c/command+v on mac to copy paste text into my aws ec2 session window. How do I enable copy paste so that I can copy text from my local clipboard or from another window in ec2 session ?
I connected with "EC2 Instance Connect" from the console. Cmd-v just pastes a space.
To test this situation, I launched an Amazon EC2 Linux instance and connected via EC2 Instance Connect.
I had the same experience as you:
Highlighting text 'copies' it to the clipboard
Right-clicking 'pastes' the clipboard
However, copying to the clipboard outside of the window and then attempting to paste it didn't work
This was using Google Chrome.
I then tried again using Safari and it worked fine.
So, there seems to be some strange behaviour in some browsers.
In many terminals ctrl+c and ctrl+v will not work for copy & paste. In that case, you can use "ctrl+insert" for copy and "shift+insert" for paste, in some keyboard "insert" button won't work alone, in that time, you need to press "fn" also...
I had the same problem. When I would paste, it just added a space instead of the clipboard contents. Double-pasting didn't seem to work either.
This sounds weird but what worked for me was opening a new blank tab and pasting in the address bar. I had to re-copy the content (it seems like the clipboard had lost it?) But once it worked in the address bar, I switched tabs and it worked in my EC2 Connect Console.
I highlighted the text, then used my keyboard's menu button (located next to CTRL) to pop up the normal browser right-click menu... then clicked "copy"
I had the same problem.This is what I did:
ctrl+c the text or command you want to copy and then go to the terminal and press right click. it worked
I had the same issue with copying and pasting on my putty terminal (Mac M1). This is what I did:
Bring up the putty window.
On the left, you'll find list of categories to choose from. Click on "Selection" where you'll see list of selection settings you can modify.
Change the settings below from "No action" to "PRIMARY" and try opening the terminal.
Mouse Paste action: PRIMARY
{Ctrl,Shift} + Ins: PRIMARY
Ctrl+ +{C,V}: PRIMARY
Hope this helps!
I had the same issue. CTRL+V doesn't seem to work and double CTRL+V doesn't seem to work either.
What did work was right-click + paste
The below works for me on my Windows 10 with Chrome browser
To Copy highlighted text from EC2 console to Clipboard:
Fn + Ctrl + Insert
To Paste from Clipboard to EC2 console at the cursor:
Fn + Shift + Insert

VmWare vSphere: send automatically mail/notification on event

I'm new on vsphere and I have an important question.
Is there a section where I can set parameters that allow a vsphere to send me notifications/email when a condition happens?
For example when a virtual machine cpu usage go over a value that I have set as 'alarm value' or when a virtual machine disk space usage go over a value vsphere send an email/notification that inform me.
I try to navigate over the menu but I don't find anything like this.
can I use an external app?
Haven't done it myself but according to the documentation:
In the Actions tab of the Alarm Settings dialog box, click Add to
add an action.
In the Actions column, select Send a notification email from the drop-down menu.
In the Configuration column, enter recipient addresses. Use commas to separate multiple addresses.
If you're not familiar with alarms at all you may want to take a look at their Alarm Example.

How to transfer a task in Synergy

How do I transfer a task to another user in CM Synergy?
I have a task assigned to me, but I need to transfer it to another user.
To transfer a task, right click on the task and go to properties. In the Properties dialog box, select the resolver that is desired.