Not able to download Scipy package for Python - python-2.7

I initially downloaded Python, later I installed pip and when I started downloading numpy, pandas all where installed correctly but I have problem in downloading the scipy, below I have attached my screenshot of the error appeared on my cmd.

I had the same problem, solved it by installing it from the binaries that you can find here just download the .whl file and execute pip install file.whl
Install numpy+mkl before installing scipy.


Trying to install Pyramid package with "python install" gives error searching for a package

I'm working on a Pyramid project that has to be deployed in a Debian 7 server.
The Debian 7 server has the python version 2.7.3 as from the archives repositories.
After creating a virtual environment with virtualenv command the pip version installed in this virtualenv is 1.1.
First thing noted: I can't upgrade pip with pip install --upgrade pip. The version is not updated and remains in 1.1 version.
After installing the OS packages needed to install the project I ran python install but I get the error:
Searching for zipp==0.5
Couldn't find index page for 'zipp' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
No local packages or download links found for zipp==0.5
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('zipp==0.5')
So, the python install command could not recognize the zipp package.
I thought that this was related to the older version of pip (1.1). So I could update pip version successfully using the index-url option:
$ pip install --index-url --upgrade pip
That updated pip version from 1.1 to 20.3b1. Then I tried python install again, but the same error occurred.
What I could see is that, after updating pip version, the zipp==0.5.0 package is installed if I ran pip install zipp==0.5.
I'm new to Pyramid and the package installing using the module. I'm not understanding why I can install the zipp package with pip and can't with python install.
I'm not putting the content of here because I think it's not a problem of the script. With more recent versions of python and pip in an Ubuntu 18.04 machine the works like a charm.
Someone could explain how to solve this issue?
When you run python install directly, you are not using pip, so the version of pip you have installed is irrelevant. This command is antiquated, should not be used, etc, etc. The right answer is to use pip install . as a replacement for python install and to use pip install -e . as a replacement for python develop.
With respect to what you're seeing, when you run python install this using the version of easy_install bundled with setuptools to talk to PyPI and install dependencies. This should be avoided for a lot of reasons but just know that to override urls it uses they go in ~/.pydistutils.cfg and have nothing to do with pip. HTTPS is one problem that you looked at, another is that old versions of Python do not have the right CA trust store, nor support the minimum required TLS 1.2 to handshake with PyPI. So expect lots of problems using old tools - at the very least try to use pip instead of easy_install.

installing seaborn without sudo

I am trying to install seaborn without using sudo. I have already installed on my python 2.7 and windows 7 setting with the following cmd commands :
pip install pandas
pip install xlrd
pip install matplotlib
and they all were installed like charm.
`pip install seaborn` did not work
i have attached the error message.[last lines of emssage][1]
You may be interested in installing precompiled python wheel binaries for Windows.
That, or use something like Anaconda python.

pip installation error for tensorflow

I was trying to install tensorflow from source on ubuntu 14.04, python 2.7.
I followed the steps from "" for source installation.
I had completed all the steps, such as bazel installation, python dependencies installation.
In the final step for sudo pip installation; the command was as follows:-
$sudo pip install /tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow-1.3.0rc0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
but i am getting error as follows:
Unpacking /tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow-1.3.0rc0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
Downloading/unpacking tensorflow-tensorboard (from tensorflow==1.3.0rc0)
Cannot fetch index base URL
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement tensorflow-tensorboard (from tensorflow==1.3.0rc0)
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for tensorflow-tensorboard (from tensorflow==1.3.0rc0)
Storing debug log for failure in /home/ubuntu/.pip/pip.log
i also checked tensorflow_pkg wheel :but the above package was not available there.
so can a different .whl can be insatlled using pip such as -tensorflow-1.2.1-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
which have downloaded in my desktop.
Please tell me how i can resolve this issue.
Thanks and regards
I didn't figure out the root of the problem, but for what its worth I skipped the tensorboard issue by installing an older version (1.2.0 worked for me)
pip install
pip install tensorflow
If that doesn't work:
sudo pip install --upgrade
More info here and Common problems here.
My issue was resolved by following steps.
I updated the pip using
Also exported proxy settings.
e.g export https_proxy=...
This was able to resolve my issue.
I also tried installing other .whl file for tensorflow and yes tensorflow can be installed using the downloaded .whl file also.
Thank you

Unable to Install Tensorflow (MemoryError)

I tried to install Tensorflow on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 from source and using pip and I keep getting the following error return base64.b64encode(b).decode("ascii")
MemoryError. I tried to google this problem but only found a website written in Chinese (probably) that doesn't really help.
Try installing without caching: pip install --no-cache-dir tensorflow.

Shapely is no Win32 Application

I'm trying to install shapely via pip on Windows. I'm using python 2.7.13 32-bit on 64-bit System. It's because I'm running Mapnik too.
Mapproxy needs Shapely for reading Shapefiles for Seeding Coverages.
Trying to run pip install shapely turns into
WindowsError: [Error 193] %1 is no valid Win32-Application
pip is trying to install Shapely Version 1.5.17.
When installing version 1.6b4 from tar.gz manually downloaded the installation is working. But mapproxy-seed with shape coverage is not working.
Has anyone a solution?
Thanks for your Help.
Try to install from the wheel you can find here, with the command pip install <path-to-downloaded-file>.whl