Shapely is no Win32 Application - python-2.7

I'm trying to install shapely via pip on Windows. I'm using python 2.7.13 32-bit on 64-bit System. It's because I'm running Mapnik too.
Mapproxy needs Shapely for reading Shapefiles for Seeding Coverages.
Trying to run pip install shapely turns into
WindowsError: [Error 193] %1 is no valid Win32-Application
pip is trying to install Shapely Version 1.5.17.
When installing version 1.6b4 from tar.gz manually downloaded the installation is working. But mapproxy-seed with shape coverage is not working.
Has anyone a solution?
Thanks for your Help.

Try to install from the wheel you can find here, with the command pip install <path-to-downloaded-file>.whl


installing seaborn without sudo

I am trying to install seaborn without using sudo. I have already installed on my python 2.7 and windows 7 setting with the following cmd commands :
pip install pandas
pip install xlrd
pip install matplotlib
and they all were installed like charm.
`pip install seaborn` did not work
i have attached the error message.[last lines of emssage][1]
You may be interested in installing precompiled python wheel binaries for Windows.
That, or use something like Anaconda python.

Not able to download Scipy package for Python

I initially downloaded Python, later I installed pip and when I started downloading numpy, pandas all where installed correctly but I have problem in downloading the scipy, below I have attached my screenshot of the error appeared on my cmd.
I had the same problem, solved it by installing it from the binaries that you can find here just download the .whl file and execute pip install file.whl
Install numpy+mkl before installing scipy.

trouble installing biopython

I'm following the directions from the Biopython website ( but I keep getting an error during installation. I have python 2.7 installed on my laptop.
python2.7 -m pip install biopython
I just get the error:
No module named pip
I looked up this error and tried something stack overflow suggested:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
But I just got another error:
sudo: apt-get: command not found
As long as you have Python 2.7.9 onwards this should automatically install pip for you:
python -m ensurepip
It would be useful to know what Operating System you have to help improve the instructions here.
Many dependency issues are solved here at Annaconda where you fetch python, lots of nice libs, etc.. Install it accordingly to your platform.. windows, Linux or Mac OS.
Biopython is installed by Annaconda by default (including matplotlib and other dependencies)... if I recall correctly. Otherwise its from commandline conda search biopython and or conda install pip. And then commandline pip install biopython.

installing pygame over anaconda

I am trying to install pygame over anaconda. My OS is windows 7 64 bit and I downloaded the following files:
I get this error after "pip install pygame":
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pygame (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external
What am I missing?
This worked for me when installing pygame with anaconda. I believe that if you go into the terminal on anaconda and type
Pip install pygame
It installs the latest version of pygame into your environment

How to reinstall PIL on mac OS X Snow Leopard

I have been for hours on this. I needed to get jpeglib and PIL reinstalled.
I installed jpeg lib from, please tell me if that's right.
I still have to reinstall PIL. I installed Fink, for apt-get, but still am not clear how to uninstall completely PIL before installing it.
And then installation, do i do apt-get install py-pil only? I see different instructions here and here. Which way should I go? I also can't figure out, does sudo python install reinstall python 2.6, or it just installs whichever thing i am in the directory of? However:
[petarpetrov#/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/PIL]$ sudo python install
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
thanks in advance
Don't muck about with fink. That uses a completely separate install of Python and all its dependencies. It really won't help with your actual problem.
Secondly, you're trying to run things from inside site-packages - this is wrong. Go back to the directory where you downloaded PIL (or download it again, if you don't still have it) and run sudo python install.
And no, it won't reinstall Python - it uses python to run the setup of the directory you're in.